~~This chapter is told in Sonic's point of view~~

I stood at the end of the driveway, staring into the abyss, lost in my own thoughts. Everything that has been happening in the last few days, everything that will happen from now until forever, kept running through my head. Above all, there was something wrong with me, something that was preventing me from running away. I tried to figure out what it was, but I couldn't really put my finger on it.

On the top of my list of things on my mind was Amy. She was my girlfriend now, and a part of me hasn't really gotten used to the idea. I was always one to avoid these things, to run away from words like these.







These words kept running through my mind faster than I could run, even on my best day. A part of me wanted to pretend like these things didn't apply to me, that I wasn't, in any way, shape or form, associated with these words. However, I knew that I was connected to these words, more than I was connected to anything else.

However, above all, I knew there was going to be risks involved in this relationship, and his name was Shadow. He was the thorns on the rose stem, the cloud on a sunny day. He was the only thing that could possibly come between me and my girlfriend.

Girlfriend. Was I ever going to get used to these words?

Shadow was willing to do anything to see us apart. By what he did at the diner a few days ago, what he did on the shores of Emerald Coast, even what he did earlier this evening, it just goes to show what he was willing to do. He was going to stop at nothing to tear us apart. I wasn't going to let him, though.

I swore that I would protect Amy from anything, from any harm that came our way. She meant more to me than ever before now. I made her a promise, and I was willing to keep my end of it. However, there was another thing that was bothering me, but not enough to freeze me in my tracks right now.

My dreams that I had had were still floating in the back of my subconscious. The dream of Amy dying on the roof of Station Tower haunted from days on end. The sight of Shadow, holding his Desert Eagle behind Amy's head and killing her, was a clear indication of what was dangerous about our relationship. Even the dream where he had killed me wasn't a good sign either.

I put these thoughts aside for now. I know he'd never kill her, if he loves her as much as he claims he does. However, I knew he wouldn't hesitate to strike me down with zero warning. That didn't matter to me now. All that mattered was that Amy was safe. I'd fight for her, I'd protect her, I'd die for her.

What's wrong, hedgehog? I thought. I thought you wanted to leave and be alone? What's keeping you?

"I don't know," I said to myself, low enough that only I could hear, "I don't know why I can't leave."

When a couple gets married, they often hold a bachelor and bachelorette party for them, meant to celebrate the last days of singlehood. That's what I wanted when I told Amy I wanted to be alone for tonight. I wanted to celebrate this night, as my last day single, before I commit the rest of it by Amy's side.

However, I couldn't bring myself to leave. As much as I wanted to go, my legs couldn't. As much as I wanted to run, as fast as my legs could carry me, it felt as if they were dipped in concrete, frozen and stiff.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked aloud, "Why can't I leave? Why can't I move?"

Isn't it obvious? I thought. You won't leave because you can't leave. You've made a commitment to Amy and you're heart isn't allowing you to break it. It happens to those who are truly in love, but not to everyone!

"So, what are you saying?" I asked, "That true love is keeping me here?"

Sort of, I thought. It's not just 'true love' keeping you, but your promise, your commitment, your devotion to Amy. All that you've sworn to uphold and protect is preventing you from the one thing you promised. Do you remember what that was?

"Of course I do," I snapped, "I promised I'd never hurt her."

Exactly! my thoughts said. You promised you wouldn't hurt her. Leaving into the night right now is hurting her. She wants to be with you. She wants you to be with her. All in all, she wants you to stay with her tonight, like couples do!

I smiled and looked up at the moon. I felt what my thoughts were telling me at that moment. I knew I wasn't leaving her because of the promise I made. I didn't want to hurt her and my body knew it, so I wasn't leaving so I wouldn't hurt her.

There's only one thing you can do, hedgehog, I thought. Go to her, stay with her, and be happy with her. You know you want to, just like you know she wants to.

I smiled and began crying tears of joy. I slowly turned around and began walking up the driveway again. This was where I belonged now. This was where I needed to be. It felt as if her heart had a lasso on it and it was pulling me in, nice and slow. The only difference was that I was willing to go to her; I was willing to be with her.

As I continued to walk up the driveway, I noticed Amy was standing there, watching me. Her face had lightened up the moment she saw me beginning to walk. I smiled at her and began to notice the beauty of her. She looked like an angel, standing there with the light on her. It looked like she was glowing, just by the way the moon was lighting her and by where she was standing.

I watched as she began walking down the steps of her porch to meet me halfway. Since I had started before her, she only got to the last step of the porch by the time I got up to her. She gazed into my eyes, as I did to hers. She was so beautiful. I was so lucky to be in love with such a beautiful girl as her.

"Hi, Sonic," she said, her voice soft and calm.

"Hi, Ames," I said, rubbing my hand on her cheek, "I decided I wanted to stay with you, Amy, if you don't mind."

"Of course not," she said, tears of joy streaming down her face, "I'd love for you to stay."

Before she could say anything else, I brushed my lips against hers, in what was another magical kiss we shared.

It was as if everything in the world didn't matter to me when I was with her now, a first that I'd never experienced before. As we kissed, I felt a rush of love overcome me. At that moment, I was grateful, grateful that Cream had made that stupid bet with Shadow. If she hadn't made that bet, I wouldn't be here with Amy right now. I didn't know what I would have been doing, but I was relieved that I was here.

"Come on in, Sonic," she said, after we released our embrace. She turned and began making her way up the porch. When she got to the front door, she turned, smiled at me and went inside.

I stood there, the tears of joy still streaming down my cheeks. I knew that this was where I belonged, where I needed to be.

Go on, Sonic, I thought. She's waiting for you.

I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. I knew that this was only the beginning. This was the beginning of our relationship, the beginning of the rest of our lives together. I was happy we were together, happy that we were in love with each other.

I walked up the steps of the porch and entered the house, where my destiny awaited me.

The End