Silver Moon

Chapter One: Small Boy

' Is he breathing?'

' Where did you find him?'

' Oh God, is he dead?'

' Shut up Scott, he's not dead…!'

' All that blood…'

Kurt whimpered at the loud voices around him, pounding against his ears, and they instantly fell silent. Only then could he feel the hands lifting him and the intense pain that was wracking through his body, rising more whimpers from his lips as the hands gently lowered him, more spikes of pain rushing through him as his body pressed down against the surface. He writhed uncontrollably, hands grasping at the air for something to hold onto as the pressure of the pain smothered him, crushing his lungs and tearing through his head. He felt like he was being ripped apart. Like he was being torn to pieces from the inside. The pieces searing hot.

He let out a small whine when his hand caught something, another hand, a soft, gentle but larger hand that grasped his tenderly. He opened his eyes and saw hazel. Only hazel. The brightest hazel he'd ever seen.

' It's going to be okay' a liquid voice told him but he was already slipping back into the darkness, the pressure too much, pushing him down into nothing but pain, pain he feared would consume him forever. He clutched at the hand tightly until suddenly he couldn't feel anything gentle anymore.

White. Shocking, blinding white. That was the first thing Kurt saw when he opened his eyes again. White that made his retinas sting, his eyes closing and his head turning instinctively away from the brightness of it. Only then did he feel the softness surrounding him and the dull ache in his whole body. He groaned, trying to move but his limbs felt like jelly.

He froze when he heard a gasp nearby, followed by hurried footsteps and a door opening. He frowned, still keeping his eyes closed against the whiteness of the room still glaring through his eyelids if he didn't squeeze them shut tight enough.

Where was he?

What had happened?

Why couldn't he remember anything but his own name?

The fear from the lack of memories forced his eyes open, cringing against the light but pushing past, blinking to adjust his pupils. The blurs of wherever he was became clearer, but before he was able to appreciate them, the sound of footsteps, clearer than they should have been despite the silence around him, met his ears and he stiffened.

' Ah, Ella was right, you are awake' came a deep but soothing voice and Kurt looked round, blinking several more times to be able to make out the tall figure standing in the doorway. As the figure came closer as his eyes adjusted, he saw it was a man, a handsome man with jet-black hair and golden eyes, clad in a dark suit. He smiled as he approached Kurt where, he realised now; he lay upon a bed, the soft mattress and sheets surrounding him pleasantly, despite his impending worry. Who was this man? Had they met before? Had he forgotten him too? ' How are you feeling?'

' I…' Kurt cut off, his voice rasping and rough. He cringed but the man simply smiled again, pressing a button on the bed, which starting moving so Kurt could sit up against the pillows. He handed Kurt a glass of water, helping him to drink it before setting it back on the side table.

' Try again' the man told him gently.

' I…' Kurt was relieved to hear his voice back to normal, wait was this normal? ' I can't remember anything' he whispered and the man's smile flickered. He moved slowly to sit on the edge of the bed.

' Nothing at all?'

Kurt shook his head. ' I remember my name, but nothing else…it's not even a blur, it's just gone' he whimpered softly, looking up at the man fearfully. ' Do I know? Am I supposed to know you?' his voice trembled.

The man shook his head, smiling brightly again. ' No, we have never met, I am Nathaniel, Nathaniel Anderson, who might you be little one?'

Kurt shivered at his soothing voice, wanting nothing more than to hear more of it. It was like satin brushing over him so gently; it brought goose bumps to his skin. Then he realised the man, Nathaniel, had asked him a question and he hurried to answer, if only to hear that voice again.

' Kurt' he said, frowning, trying to force a surname or anything else from his brain, sighing when he found nothing. ' Just Kurt, I can't remember anything else…'

' That's okay' Nathaniel reassured him, reaching out to touch his hand. ' We can go from there. You really don't remember anything that happened to you?'

' No. What did happen?'

Nathaniel looked down for a long moment before looking up at him with his golden eyes, which were familiar but not familiar at the same time. ' We found you a few miles from here…well my son did…he brought you here and we helped you to heal. You'd been attacked'

Kurt gulped, looking down at himself, eyes widening at the sight of the bandages covering his left side, shoulder and wrist, what had happened to him? He whimpered, the sound cutting off quickly when Nathaniel squeezed his hand. He looked up and fell into the older man's smile.

' Kurt, you have to listen very closely to what I have to say, it is very important' he told him and Kurt nodded wordlessly, happy to listen to anything he had to say. ' We are certain that you were attacked by a werewolf' Kurt's eyes widened again but he kept silent, Nathaniel had told him to listen. ' That's why my son decided to bring you here instead of a hospital. It's safer for you here'

' Why?' Kurt asked before he could catch himself, muttering a quick apology and hanging his head. Nathaniel squeezed his hand again.

' Kurt, please do not be alarmed by what I tell you okay? It is normal to panic but just try to relax; I do not wish for you to hurt yourself any more…my son brought you here because we are also werewolves…' Nathaniel paused, as if waiting for Kurt to react to the news, but he didn't, he simply nodding. ' Um…okay, well I am sorry to tell you this Kurt, I really am, but…you have been infected by a werewolf'

Kurt nodded again. He knew he should be panicking right now. Reacting in some way other than nodding. But he could bring himself to. It was like it was a normal thing to hear. He knew what werewolves were. He could still remember things as trivial as that, just nothing personal, no memories that bound him anywhere. Just nothing in his body told him to react badly to the news.

He was a werewolf?

What did that mean exactly though?

Would he turn into a wolf?

Would he be able to turn back?

Was he forever confined to this room?

Why had somebody been watching him sleep?

Where was he?

If Nathaniel was a werewolf too, then what did he want with him?

Was he in trouble?

Were they going to hurt him more?

Did one of them turn him?

Was Nathaniel lying to him?

He didn't know, and suddenly his mind and body seized with panic and fear, automatically ripping his hand away from Nathaniel's, his eyes darting around the room for any form of escape. The door. The door was still left open. Did they expect his utmost cooperation? Did they not expect him to fight? Is that why they sent Nathaniel in? With his liquid voice, to hypnotise him.

' Kurt…'

Kurt shook his head, covering his ears with his hands and swinging his legs out of the bed, flinching away when the man reached out to him. He stumbled out of the bed, the dull ache in his body barely noticeable as he fell against the side table, the glass and jug of water toppling off and smashing on the floor. He didn't notice that either, suddenly making a dash for the door, shaking his head when Nathaniel called after him.

Why couldn't he remember anything?

Had they done something to him?

What had they done to him?

Where had his memories gone?

He didn't pay any attention to his surroundings, running where his bare feet took him, stumbling over the much too long hems of the sweat pants he had been dressed in. he could hear Nathaniel still calling him but his feet wouldn't stop, even as he threw himself down a flight of stairs and through a door.

He faltered. The light was bright out here and had a heat with it. He blinked. Was he outside? He ran down the steps, not flinching at the gravel beneath his feet, it was only there for a moment before being replaced with soft green grass. He stopped again, looking down at the grass against his feet, then around him. There were eyes watching him. He could feel them on him. Was that normal? Should he be able to feel eyes watching him? He couldn't see anyone. Where were these eyes? He trembled, his feet taking off again, before he even looked where he was going.

Whatever he hit held its ground, the force of hitting him sending him sprawling backwards onto the ground and a pain to shoot up his side, making him hiss and clutch at it. He gasped when he felt a hand cover his and looked up.


The boy with hazel eyes and curly, slightly gelled, black hair smiled, his soft, gentle hand prying Kurt's hand away from the bandages, holding his hand carefully in his. It was larger than his, and familiar.

He remembered this person. If not from before, but from a moment where all other memories surrounding it were engulfed in pain, searing hot pain. This boy took the pain away, if only for a short moment.

' Hey, it's okay' the boy told him. ' Take some deep breaths okay?'

Kurt nodded, doing as he was told, trying to climb back to his feet. The boy grabbed his hands, helping him to his feet, keeping a hand on one of them, still smiling so handsomely.

' What's got you so freaked out huh?' he asked gently, at the same moment they both heard a cry from behind Kurt.

' Kurt!'

The small, bare chested boy jumped, clinging tighter to the boy's hand as he looked round, cringing away when he saw Nathaniel, another large and muscular Asian man and a petite golden haired woman following at his heels, all looking panicked. He whimpered, subconsciously moving past and behind the boy. He could trust this boy? This boy held his hand when he was in pain. He was the only memory he had.

Nathaniel and the other two adults faltered at the sight of Kurt moving behind the other boy, staring perplexed at the behaviour. Nathaniel was the first to recover.

' Kurt, I'm sorry for scaring you, I should have waited until you were ready, you have my deepest apologies' he hurried to say, eyes darting back and forth between the scared boy and the confused boy in front of him. ' We are not going to hurt you here. This is a safe place'

Kurt frowned, jumping away and released the hand in his when the boy with the hazel eyes turned to face him too, smiling dazzlingly, brighter than the white walls of the room.

' Kurt, right? I'm Blaine' he said, holding out his hand again, not to shake Kurt realised as he reached out, his digits held comfortably within Blaine's grasp. ' How are you feeling?'

' I…um…'

' You're confused, shall we go inside? We can talk inside' he suggested, stepping closer. Kurt glanced behind him at the adults and bit his bottom lip.

' They took my memories' he whispered. It seemed the adults heard him though because both men let out a soft chuckle, the small woman frowning at them both before giving him a small smile when she caught him staring. Blaine looked confused for a moment, shaking his head.

' No, they didn't Kurt. But we're going to find who did okay?' he told him. ' Now, shall we go inside?' he asked again and this time, after a short pause, Kurt nodded.

' Blaine found you seven miles from here, on his way home from school, with serious injuries, which I'm sure you can see from your extensive bandaging' Nathaniel said cautiously, eyeing Kurt were he sat on the couch, in a way too big t-shirt now, close to his son, who still held his hand comfortingly. Kurt nodded and he continued. ' That was five days ago, and your injuries have almost healed so you have no need to worry. I am however worried about your lack of memories of your past life, you really have no idea? No flashes of anything?'

' No, there's just…nothing' Kurt sighed. ' That's not normal is it?'

' Correct I'm afraid, it is very strange for a turned werewolf to not remember anything, some repress the memories of their attack and perhaps that is what your mind has done, it has simply blocked out everything else as well' the man sighed. ' It is complicated, and we won't know any more until my scouts find who attack you. It was probably a rogue but we'll still hunt him down'

' Your scouts?'

' Yes, I was unable to explain before. I am Nathaniel Anderson, the alpha of the Ohio-based werewolf pack. This is my home, hence why Blaine brought you here'

Kurt looked at Blaine, who gave him a small smile, squeezing his hand. ' Blaine is your son?' he asked without looking back at Nathaniel.

' Yes, my third oldest son and child' Nathaniel said, reaching behind him for the woman's hand and holding it gently. ' This is my wife Arcadia, and my Beta, Joseph Montgomery' he introduced, also gesturing to the muscular man stood against the wall, who nodded in a greeting gesture, though Kurt barely glanced at him. ' Joseph lives here to with his son, Wesley, it's safer that way'

Kurt tore his eyes from Blaine's smile to stare at Nathaniel. ' Safer?'

' Yes, it's just a precaution of course Kurt'

Kurt nodded, looking down at his hand still clasped in Blaine's larger one. ' What is going to happen to me now?' he asked quietly, feeling Blaine stiffen beside him, squeezing his hand tighter.

' If you wish it Kurt, you may stay here and join our pack, we are very happy to have you here, and Blaine seems very taken with you already, so you already have a friend here' Nathaniel told him, and Kurt glanced at Blaine again, quirking an eyebrow when he saw the pink tint to the other boy's cheeks. ' However you are allowed to leave, you are not a prisoner here Kurt, you can leave anytime you please…'

The alpha trailed off and the four other werewolves watched Kurt closely, as if waiting to see if he would move to leave, and it was only after a minute of silence that Kurt realised that that was exactly what they were waiting for. He didn't know how to ask to stay. He didn't want to let go of Blaine's hand, he felt safe like this, so all he did was squeeze the hand gently, glancing up at Blaine again. He was very handsome, and Kurt could barely keep his eyes away from those hazel eyes.

' Excellent' Arcadia exclaimed, clapping her hands and making Kurt jump. ' I shall prepare one of the guest rooms for you Kurt; you look like you could use a good sleep. Nathaniel, don't you have to inform the rest of the pack of these new developments, and our new pack member?'

' Yes, indeed' Nathaniel agreed, standing up. ' Kurt, I'll leave you with Blaine for now, look after him son. And don't worry Kurt, you're obviously feeling fragile and scared right now, but have a good night's sleep then you can come down to breakfast tomorrow morning, feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and yourself again. I'd bet money on it' he told him, clapping the young boy on his good shoulder as he passed. Kurt nodded, reassured, letting Blaine pull him to his feet, watching as the alpha left the room, followed by his beta, who simply nodded his farewell.

' Come on Kurt, let's get you something to eat' Blaine grinned.

' I'm worried Nathaniel' Joseph said as soon as the door to the sitting room was closed. His alpha didn't say anything for a few minutes, striding down the corridor with his beta at his heels. He didn't want his son, nor his wife, and definitely not their new arrival to overhear such a conversation.

' I am too Joseph, but we cannot simply turn the boy away' he sighed as they entered his office, Joseph closing the door behind him as Nathaniel sat down in his chair behind his heavy oak desk.

' No, of course not, but this attack happened so close to here, and in the dead centre of our territory, in the middle of a woods! What was he even doing there? And why did we not detect the presence of a rogue before he was able to attack?' the beta asked, sitting down heavily in a chair opposite his friend and leader, waiting for an answer.

Nathaniel let out a long breath. ' Honestly Joseph? I am just as stumped as you, but hopefully the scouts will find some sort of clue that might help us to answer your questions, or even a link as to who this boy really is, then we can go about the process of informing his family…'

' Are you trying to ignore the fact that he has blue eyes then Nathaniel? Are we not to speak of it?' Joseph asked, visibly shivering when Nathaniel gave him a hard look.

' I am not ignoring it, I recognise that his eyes shouldn't be blue, but what am I to do about it? Scare the boy more? When I have no leads on who he is or where he comes from' he told him sternly, running a hand through his curly hair. ' He could be a new wolf on our evolutionary scale for all we know, so for now we will monitor him. He is already acting as he should, by attaching himself emotionally to Blaine…'

' Is that wise Nathaniel? Blaine is still young after all'

' Blaine found him, and Kurt seems the least scared of him, it is the perfect learning opportunity, especially after such a difficult year' Nathaniel sighed, wincing at the memory of his son's bad year. It was only starting to get better for him.

Joseph slouched in his chair, nodding in agreement. ' How do you think the pack will take to this boy?'

' No idea, no theories even, but I think we introduce him to some of Blaine's closer friends first, Wes and the other boys should be able to look after him should he need it. We'll let him sleep for now'

' How old are you?'

Blaine looked up at Kurt's question, quirking an eyebrow at the slender boy stood in the doorway to the guest room that he supposed would belong to Kurt now. He looked adorable in the over sized t-shirt and sweatpants, his small hands playing with the hem of the shirt subconsciously, the small cut on his forehead, just over his right eyebrow standing out against his pale skin, his bright blue eyes wide and full of emotion.

Werewolves weren't supposed to have blue eyes, or any other colour for that matter, only brown, or hazel, a colour close to that to allow them to look like a normal wolf once transformed. It was strange, though Blaine didn't see it that way. He found them enchanting, as if they were pulling him in, but no, he couldn't act like that. It was just scare the poor boy even more.

' Seventeen, you?' he finally replied. Kurt shrugged, not moving from where he stood against the doorframe. ' No clue?'

He shook his head, his brown hair falling across his forehead until he pushed them back again. ' I'm pretty sure I'm seventeen, when I think about it, it just feels right, you know?'

Blaine chuckled. ' I'm going to have to take your word on that Kurt, I'm afraid, but I must say you do look around my age' he shrugged, going back to smoothing down the sides of the fresh duvet Arcadia had put on the double bed against the right hand wall. The guest room was nicely decorated for one that was barely ever used, and Kurt smiled at the powder blue walls and white furniture.

' Your mother certainly has wonderful taste'

Blaine looked up again.

' I guess so yeah, you can change it if you want'

' Oh I couldn't' Kurt gasped, shaking his head profusely.

' Hey it's your bedroom now, you can do whatever you want with it' Blaine told him, straightening up and slipping his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants that he'd changed into while Kurt was eating the soup Arcadia had made for him. It had gotten dark since Kurt had bumped into him on the front lawn, and though it was early, Arcadia had insisted that Kurt try to sleep. ' However the blue is nice' he added, smiling. ' Matches your eyes'

Kurt bushed pink, looking away. Blaine chuckled again, patting the bed.

' Come on, I made it nice and neat for you, so climb on in, don't let it get cold'

Still blushing, Kurt crossed to the bed, smiling slightly when Blaine pulled back the duvet for him, climbing in, looking back finally at Blaine when he moved away from the bed. The room was silent for a long moment, both boys thinking of what to say. Kurt jumped when Blaine suddenly clapped his hands.

' Right! Well you've had a hard day so I'll leave you to it! I'm literally right next down on the left if you need me…for anything I guess' the hazel eyed boy told him cheerfully, his cheeks pinking slightly as he turned and headed for the door.

' Blaine?'

Blaine faltered; looking back at Kurt sat on his bed, the small boy offering him a small smile.

' Kurt?'

' What's it like being a werewolf?'

He shrugged, hand still on the door handle. ' You'll see. Just stay as brave as you seem to be right now and you'll do great' Kurt nodded, smiling again. Blaine returned it, reaching for the light switch. ' Goodnight Kurt'

' Goodnight Blaine' Kurt sighed as the light shut off and he closed the door behind him. The blue-eyed boy slowly laid down, wincing at the dull ache of his side and rolling onto his good side. He knew he should be scared, terrified by the thought of being a werewolf all of a sudden, terrified of a new life and society he would have to live in, but he wasn't.

He couldn't recall any other life.

A/N I read this awesome fan fiction series called Surrender Self Control by Musical Memory Maker, and just had to write a Klaine/Werewolf fic! I just couldn't get the idea of it out of my head!

Hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think!

Love to all!