A/N: This is a special story for ro0's challenge, in which I wanted to participate for a while now but never found the time to post or make. Challenge accepted love XD. This little story is... a little story. I don't even know what to tell you guys about it. It seems good to me though. Oh, and forgive me for my mistakes. I have yet to scout a beta-reader. No one wants this unpaid job it seems *sigh*. Well, I hope you guys enjoy this!



Chapter 1 – Fateful Love



The silent swing and clink of the centuries old clock in his room was the only sound that echoed through the quite empty house. It wasn't the fact that he was a loner and that he preferred solitude more than the hustle and bustle of a family life, but that he had enough of that same agitation and social contact to last two hundred years in just one day. Sure, he had become what his instincts had told him he could do without too much work, knowing that he was capable of anything but still, his usual cold demeanor wasn't compatible at all with his job. If you were to ask any and all of his close relatives plus the few friends he had selected over the years, all could have told him that this was definitely NOT something a cold hearted prince like him would normally do.

Rubbing his temples as he sat in his kind sized bed, his golden eyes closed, his strained muscles finally relaxing, the tai youkai known as Sesshomaru, played the last few hectic days back one by one, the faces and names running in his mind with incredible precision. Yes, his character was not normally suited for such a close and kind hearted job and yet he had wanted to do this. Not even now, after being in the business for about fourteen years since he had started going to college, could he figure out his initial desire to do this. Who on earth with a sadistic personality like his, with that cynical act and superior complexion like his would become a doctor out of all the things he could have chosen to do? Still, he had trusted his gut, seeing that the usual loner act didn't bring him much of a satisfactory feeling, and had gone to a medical school, his grades being the top of the top. Every hospital had fought to get him, offering him deals after deals. That is, until his quite sarcastic mother had made fun of him and, being a prideful dog and all that, he had chosen to go and learn at his father's hospital, which, as a matter of fact, he was now in charge of. At only thirty two, he had the biggest and most effective hospital in the world in the palm of his hand and was the best doctor that the world could produce.

Growling softly as he stretched, his muscles aching and protesting before finally giving in, Sesshomaru covered his eyes with his hands, his mind going around in circles. Diseases and treatments flooded his mind as he tried to stray away from the hospital life, his first day off in weeks time in which he had barely slept, making him feel more tired than relived that he was finally in his own bed and not on some chair in the office, his powerful nose assaulted by way too spicy or irritating smells. He pushed away all thoughts about how strange it was for him to be there, how quite inappropriate that a demon like him meant mainly for destruction in the old day was now saving lives. He needed to sleep and being kept awake by stupid question and amateurish insecurities was definitely something that the great Western Lord didn't do. His half-brother could have this luxury but he didn't . He was too buried under what he had to do to care for anything else. He was the great inu taiyoukai Sesshomaru Tashio, head-hunted for his unique abilities and genius mind, the main doctor and diagnostician of the Tashio hospital. He barely had time to breath, so feelings were out of the question.

Just as sleep claimed his exhausted form, his heartbeat finally decreasing as he let the poisonous tiredness out of his system, the door of his penthouse shook violently. Loud banging echoed through the rooms, making their way towards his room, disrupting the peace and tranquility that had once been the lullaby that had made Sesshomaru fall asleep. Even powerful demons had to sleep and this was definitely one of those times. He could function without said state for about a week without anyone realizing that he was sleep deprived and was functioning only on internal batteries, but after that time expired, he was increasingly difficult to work with. No one wanted to get on his nerves, be it a patient, a nurse or even a fellow doctor. A dog like him was respected and feared and he ruled with an iron fist. And if what was behind his door was not a life-threatening emergency he was going to shove his iron fist straight through the idiot's gut, not carrying if the bastard was going to live or die. His smell had already told him who was behind the door, or at least, part of what was awaiting him. The loud crashes continued as the stench of his half-brother permitted the air, reaching his sensitive nose in mere seconds. Laced with fear and nausea, the hanyo was calling for him in a weird fashion, like there was something definitely wrong that needed Sesshomaru's immediate assistance.

Shuffling off the bed, his eyes glowing red, the short haired, silver head demon stomped his feet towards the door, so tired that he could barely see. Flexing his hands, his claws growing longer and deadlier as his tall, muscular form approached the door and the source of the noise, the moon kissed lord grabbed the doorknob and all but threw it to the side, startling an agitated hanyo. Golden eyes met crimson ones as a staring contest started between the half-blooded siblings, neither backing down. And it would have continued if a pained grown, so subtle that it almost went unheard even by the two canine family members, hadn't reached their ears in time. Frowning, his nose kicking back into gear, the tai sniffed the air, his eyes widening minutely as he focused his attention on the shaking form of the last human girl he had wanted to see that day. Black hair met his eyes, as the woman in question quivered at the hanyo's legs, another head, just as black moving from side to side in attempt to make the sicken one stand up straight.

"Look here, bastard!" the annoying voice of the puppy eared male made the stoic tai glance in his direction as he tried to figure out why the three of them had appeared at his door in the middle of the night. "If I didn't know you were the top at this freakin' shit, I wouldn't have brought Kikyo here... But she seems to...keh! I don't know what's wrong with her!" the boisterous younger Tashio all but screamed at his detached brother.

Another moan rose from the quivering body that gurgled at their feet, the sniffles and worry of the other miko rising together. Given the situation, Sesshomaru had three options: either let the one, that needed his help, right there at his door, or phone the hospital and declare that it's an emergency and then go back to bed or try to see what's wrong with her and then send her to a hospital so that he could finally go to sleep. Frowning, his eyes going back to their usual color, his gaze fixed on the older woman from the bunch, her pale face and sickening noises making his own stomach jump, not to mention the particular awful odor that rose from that spot, Sesshomaru shuck his head and reentered his home, motioning to his half-brother to come in. Because they were already here, he could at least look at her before anything bad could happen.

"I'm going to call an ambulance... You need your rest, Sesshomaru. Please forgive us!" the almost soundless plea for forgiveness entered the room with the two mated beings, the other black haired female rushing towards his kitchen phone.

"Hn" was his only response, his lethargic state rising, knowing that this was indeed something that these two were worrying over.

As time ticked on, his mind was only fixed on the trouble at hand, his big hands moving on the curvaceous body of Inuyasha's mate, her state going from bad to worse by the minute. If he had thought that the smell was a bad thing then what came afterwards, with her puking on his cashmere rug, was definitely worse. Scrunching up his nose as he tried to calm himself, the tai worked on her symptoms, finally figuring out what was indeed wrong with her just as his keen hearing picked up the loud wail of the ambulance.

'And not a minute too late... This one has to thank them later for arriving here in only fifteen minutes.' His mind relaxed as he stepped away from the still quivering girl.

"Well? What's wrong with her?" Inuyasha yelled, making the tai youkai wish that he could end the pathetic thing's existence right then and there.

"She is pregnant with your child." Was the only response he got, just as the paramedics rushed through the opened door, bowing in front of the tired dai and then plucking the girl from the sofa and running with her out the door and towards the car, the confused hanyo hot on their tails.

Huffing, as he closed the door, resting his forehead on the cool surface, Sesshomaru thought that this had been the worst night of his entire life. He couldn't go to sleep, was disturbed by a half-breed that he could barely stand and his house smelled like that pathetic excuse for a priestess. And above all, he couldn't remember clearly what he had done in the past fifteen minutes with them in his living room. Inhaling sharply as his nose was invaded by a subtle smell of orchids and sun, the usually deadly demon spun around only to be met with the sight of the other, not so remarkable female that had graced his home. He stared at her as she stared at him, a cloth and what seemed like a small bowl filled with water and detergent in her small hands.

"I-I'm sorry... I thought that the least I could do is to clean up the mess my cousin and her mate have done here." She stuttered, looking straight at him, a blush creeping over her features when he didn't respond.

Frozen in his place by the simple sight of her, Sesshomaru was reduced at the simple role of a watcher as she smiled faintly and knelled down to rub the expensive rug, the smell of her clean flavor permitting the air and calming him. As she worked on his belongings, seeing this as the only way to repay the troubles that she had caused him, the black haired priestess thought about the two that had so boldly requested her to drive them to his home rather than to a hospital that wasn't so far away. Why they had wanted to be here than there, was beyond her, but right now Kagome Higurashi had a dept to pay to this holy apparition of a demon.

In her years of knowing the younger sibling of the Tashio family not once had she really met the older brother, the only things that had guided her over the years were the stories Inuyasha had told her about him. And, if she were to listen to them completely and not ask their father about the lonesome tai, she wouldn't have driven here and, above all, she wouldn't still be here in all fours trying to fix her cousin's mistakes. Yes, he seemed cold and was probably a prick when it came to his personal space and time, but she could easily figure out why. Not that she really cared about what other people thought about the ones she really wanted to know things about, but something told her that there was something more to this male youkai than met the eyes.

"When you are finished, find your way out of this one's home, miko." His rich baritone made her shiver as a new blush adorned her cheeks, his obviously tired body disappearing into his bedroom, the loud bang of his closed door announcing her that he didn't want to be disturbed.

"My name is Kagome...not miko..." she whispered, her hands stopping a minute or two before resuming their action, her mind blank and her gaze fixed on her objective.

Gulping down a breath as he leaned on the door, Sesshomaru inhaled and exhaled sharply a couple of times to calm himself. If this hadn't been the same small girl that he had seen lurking around his bastard of a brother a few years back when he had had the misfortune of going to his parents house in the holidays, then he could have swore that this was an entirely different woman but with the same smell as the past one. He couldn't believe his eyes or his nose when he saw her after such a long time. And to think that he had thought only minutes ago that she was invisible. No. She could make an immediate impression and on him non-the-less in mere seconds. She had the most stunning blue eyes he had ever seen, plus that creamy peach-colored skin that made her glow in the dim light that came from the full moon outside his balcony and not to forget that raven black hair that seemed almost midnight blue as the rays fell on her petite form. She was a beauty, though hidden in large clothes that made her look fat, her velvety locks clasped in the back of her head in the oldest fashion he had ever seen and her face covered up almost entirely by a pair of round, granny-fashioned glasses. Still, she was beautiful beyond compare.

'Don't tell me that you have already fallen for her with only a glance!' his more primal side snickered, though he could tell that even that side of him had accepted her, somehow.

'This one does not feel such trivial emotions for a human girl.' He replied, finally snapping back to his usual self as he took off his blood-red shirt and his black trousers, his almost naked form crawling back onto his velvet sheets, his eyes closing with difficulty.

'Sooth yourself... I know what we saw and that was definitely better than anything we have seen so far. You could at least try to drop the act when you're talking to me, you know.' The exasperated beast huffed, closing his eyes too, as he tried to make his more civilized side aware of the fact that the alluring smell of the young miko had finally invaded their room.

Growling more at the creature that continued to pester him, his needs resurfacing, uninvited, Sesshomaru didn't hear the soft yelp that came from right outside his door, the girl that had struck him out of the blue taking a few steps back. Blinking fast, thinking that she had stepped over some unknown boundaries when she had approached his door, Kagome's mind popped up the best solution to her problem: she will visit him again at the hospital and thank him one more time, this time more formally. Smiling and bowing at the door, she grabbed her monstrous large yellow bag and rushed out his front door, closing it behind her and waiting until she could hear the definite click when it locked. Nodding to herself, trying to figure out if she had missed something, if she had forgotten something, Kagome shrugged it off and stepped in the expensive looking elevator that united the last floor that belonged solely to Sesshomaru and the rest of the building.

As she reached the last floor, her mind blank of anything but the thoughts regarding the new male that had graced her sight, Kagome all but ran out of the celebrity filled building to get to her puny car and then head home. But she couldn't focus on her driving nor on anything else but his image, his tall, well defined structure, with ripped muscles that were barely hinted under his shirt, golden eyes that were rimmed by magenta stripes and not to forget the other markings that graced his gorgeous face. Yes, Kagome Higurashi, still a virgin at her twenty six years of age, had finally laid eyes on the most exquisite being that one could see. And she knew what a gorgeous male looked like, knowing that she worked as a magazine photographer.

'In all my years of practice and of taking pictures of models... this is the first time I feel like I can't take my eyes off of someone... There isn't a single model or actor that I have seen so far that can compete with him...' her mind spiraled away as she miraculously reached the family shrine, her mouth watering as she imagined him naked.

Shaking her head, her hormones driving her nuts, the unnerved miko walked up to her home, entered it and then went straight to bed. She had a busy week ahead and staying awake right now was not an option. Plopping down on her bed as she kicked off her clothes, huffing when she was finally in only a T-shirt and a pair of boxers, Kagome turned on her stomach and closed her eyes only to open them the next seconds, her face red as a tomato. The first image that had popped in front of her eyes was a certain naked, short-haired taiyoukai that had made her body tingle with both a look and a flex of his powers. Biting her tongue as she closed her eyes again, Kagome's blush increased, the image of that sexy demon haunting her.

Figuring that this was one of those few times in which she couldn't do a thing but abide by the rules of her hormones, the brunette snaked her hand down her body, watching with pleasure as the newest apparition in her mind did the same. Oh, how she wished that his fingers were the ones that circled her throbbing clit or the ones that entered her unexploited pussy. She wanted him, for some strange reason, right then and there. It was like magic, like she had seen him before and the only thing that crossed her mind was that she needed him. She really needed him, only him.

Moaning as she increased her pace, the god in her dreams licking his lips as he watched her, Kagome didn't notice the moment her body began to glow pink, her sudden leap over the edge making her throw her head back in ecstasy. Yes, there was definitely something strange happening to her. Either she definitely needed to get laid, or a greater power was forcing her to admit that she needed someone that didn't even look at her. Fighting to catch her breath, her eyes still closed, the tired and overstrained girl drifted off to sleep before she could figure things out. The pace of her modestly quiet life had just increased ten fold and she had no idea why.


Growling as he was forced to do something about a certain part of him that didn't want to let him rest, the tai arched off the bed, his hand in his boxers, rubbing his weeping head. Why was his mind suddenly haunted by thoughts of her? For Kamis's sake, he had only seen the girl two or three times in his entire life and tonight had been the first time he had actually said something to her. So why was she dominating his thoughts making him painfully hard?

Pushing his boxers away from his heated flesh, his eyes scrunching shut, Sesshomaru saw the young miko purr, her legs opening for him, her nether regions exposed and dripping wet for him. Licking the leg that had so conveniently landed on his shoulder, the sexually frustrated lord slammed into her, his dream girl screaming his name, though no sound actually escaped her plump lips. Bending down as he began to thrust into her awaiting body, harder and harder by the second, the moon kissed lord seized her lips in a searing kiss, all but sucking out the life out of her. There was something wrong with him, to dream about a girl that he just barely saw and in such a fashion non the less. But he couldn't bring himself to care about that as his fist pumped his aching erection in time with his thrusts into her body. She was so warm, so good and for a second he realized that this warmth he felt was something strange. How could a dream persona be like that especially when he knew he was masturbating by himself? But just like it came, the thought went away while he reached his climax, biting his tongue in order to not moan out loud.

Huffing, his arched spine sliding back down on the bed, Sesshomaru fought with his breath, his strained muscles relaxing to such a degree that he could barely keep his eyes open. This had been something else. His body was covered in sweat and almost sparkled in the moonlight, his muscles still jerked under his skin as his cock softened. But the best part was the tired face of the woman that had fueled his momentary fantasy: blue eyes glazed with passion and want, black hair splayed all over his sheets, prone body arching for more, fingers laced with his, chocolate lips opened in the perfect form asking to be kissed over and over again, skin flushed, bearing his marks, licked by the moon's rays, glowing for him and him alone as she asked for the only one that made her feel whole. Yes, this was indeed a interesting fantasy. Falling in the open arms of sleep, the gorgeous tai found himself hugged close by his dream Kagome, her smaller form fitting perfectly in his much larger one.

Just as he lost all battles with reality, Sesshomaru could have sworn that his dream girl dressed herself in a white, plain T-shirt and a pair of red boxers or shorts, her face snuggling closer to his chest. Little did he know that on the other side of Tokyo, in her bed, the real Kagome dreamed of her demon male, all naked, that glued himself to her, her sleeping form molding perfectly on the bed opposite of his natural sleeping side, as if waiting for the real him to fill the space left by her. Yes, it was indeed like magic.



A/N: The first chapter! If you like this, please comment XD