Disclaimer: Unfortunately, Ichigo nor Rukia are mine.. neither is Ginjou; they belong to Kubo Tite.. All that I own is this story ;] Enjoy!

Ichigo was asleep when Rukia returned from her hollow patrol. It had been a couple of weeks since Ginjou was defeated and the constant pounding Ichigo gave his body was catching up to him, so he was forced to sit out on the patrols.

Rukia changed into her pajama-clad gigai and had her closet door partially opened when she peered back at Ichigo. She noticed his blankets were kicked aside from tossing and turning, beads of sweat playing across his ever-furrowed brow. As she stepped closer, she could hear almost inaudible murmurs. He must be having a bad dream..

Concerned, she leaned over him, grasped his shoulders and gently shook.

"Wake up, Ichigo.. You're having a bad dream," she firmly whispered.

He awoke startled and slowly sat up. He still had a scowl, yet looked relieved as clarity set in. With his well-being confirmed, Rukia turned towards her bed chambers. Her action was stopped when she felt a clammy hand firmly holding her fingers. Puzzled, she looked over her shoulder to see what Ichigo needed.

Eyes averted, he softly said, "Thank you."

A small smile broke across her face; she knew it wasn't for what just transpired.

"Fool.." she replied. It is I who should be saying that to you.

Though he still avoided her gaze, she gave his hand a gentle squeeze before she stepped towards her closet and hopped in. She laid in her futon but kept the sliding door ajar, just enough to keep Ichigo within view. Once she was sure that Ichigo was sleeping soundly, evidenced by the slow rise and fall of his chest, she quietly shut her closet door the remaining distance.

A/N: Please R&R! I'd really appreciate it!