I don't own Gundam Seed (although I wish it was).

It's just that I was bored and wrote this story in my mind and decided to put it online. This is an AsuCaga fanfic and for the first time I'm using Lacus as an antagonist.

I'm not really a good writer so thank you for motivating me with the review and all


I've been suffering from a writer's block and I've been very busy with my exams and all so I'm very sorry I couldn't update that fast and it even took me a year and all. For now, this would only be just a preview. I'm planning to finish the chapter this august, and hopefully post it before the end of the month.

"Do you love me, Lacus?" his touch could have made her melt in his arms, it usually brought her comfort and his gesture would have made her feel loved.

"Of course, you do! You wouldn't defile yourself for me if you didn't" he looked at her with victor in his eyes, as if he realized something new and just voiced it out.

"You were the one who defiled me, you enjoyed every moment of it because you love me" With such anger, she spoke back.

"This is why you are here with me. You are my bride and trust me, when I say that you would be the happiest one that ever existed in this floating piece of Idola. Everyone would envy you because I love you but do not try my patience, my love becauseā€¦"

"None of us would like to see what I could to you, once that so-called love is no longer there"

Tentative date: August 26, 2013

Again, Thank you for the continuous reviews and support.