Zero no Jutsu

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Zero no tsukaima (a.k.a. Zero's familiar).

A/N: I'm so very, very sorry that it took this long to get this out. I have no clue how this much time has went by. I'd like to give a quick thanks to 1v2, Mecaldar, and ForeverYoung97. The first two for giving me some ideas to mull over, and the third for helping me fix up a section. Thanks guys! Also, some people are prudes about this but if I don't specifically say it, assume that the mage did some sort of incantation for what ever spell they did.



"Nine-tail's cloak/Kyuubi speech"

Chapter 5

It had been three days since Naruto's disappearance and Jiraiya was stressed. He was currently on top of the Hokage monument. 'Naruto where are you? What are you doing? I need to find you soon or Tsunade's going to kill me.'


Jiraiya had just finished his report to Tsunade about his and Naruto's training trip. They were now waiting for Naruto to come and give his report and to finish the paperwork. "So, Jiraiya. Where is Naruto?" Tsunade asked her irritation clearly visible on her face.

Jiraiya started to sweat. Truth be told, he had no idea where his student was. Naruto was supposed to already be there. Jiraiya needed to answer her smoothly, because he did not feel like getting punch again. The first time being when he had 'stealthy' made a grab for Tsunade's large breasts. Which lead to him getting punched and Tsunade's office having a large dent in the shape of a man. "Well… I don't know. He said he would be here in an hour."

"You don't know?" She said, with her anger starting to replace her irritation.

Seeing her anger, Jiraiya shrank back into his chair. In a weak voice he replied, "Yes, but I'm sure he will come eventually. He probably just found one of his friends in the village and lost track of time."

Tsunade held onto her anger for a little bit longer, but then she let go of it and sighed. She then took a gulp from one of her secret stashes of sake, one that Shizune hadn't found yet. "I suppose your right."

An awkward silence grew between the two as they couldn't think of anything else to say. This continued to grow until Tsunade offered some of her precious sake to Jiraiya. He took it and took a long gulp, much to Tsunade's displeasure. The two spent the rest of the day in this manner, talking about something or other. Naruto never showed up.

The next day Jiraiya went back to Tsunade's office and it passed by more or less the same as the other day. By the end of the second day, they had gone through most of Tsunade's secret stashes. And at this time Tsunade was worried, drunk, annoyed, angry and drunk. In this angry drunken state Tsunade went to the nearest punching bag, to relieve her anger. This just so happened to be Jiraiya.

Jiraiya, who was much less drunk than Tsunade, lazily dodged the sloppy punches, but still dodged them because any one of them would send him flying into the wall creating another dent. Even angrier that she couldn't hit him, Tsunade yelled, "Jiraiya! If you don't find Naruto, I'm going to ban your books throughout Konoha and I'm going to heighten the security around the hot springs! You will never be able to use them for your 'research' again!"

This got Jiraiya into motion. He quickly bid Tsunade adieu, and left he spent the rest of the night searching for Naruto at all his favorite spots.

End Flashback

Today Jiraiya was going to take a smarter approach to finding Naruto. Atop the monument Jiraiya cut his hand and let the blood pool a little. He then slammed his hand down and pumped chakra into it, completing the Kuchiyose no Jutsu. A large puff of smoke covered the area surrounding Jiraiya. When the smoke was blown away, several toads, including Gamatatsu and Gamakichi, were revealed.

"Ok everyone. I've got a mission for you." Jiraiya said, addressing the toads in front of him. "Naruto's gone missing and we need to search everywhere for him. For search areas Gamatatsu, you can have the northern most part of Konoha. Gama…"

Before he could get any farther, Gamakichi interrupted him. "Hey Jiraiya. I have a message for you from Naruto." Gamakichi held up the scroll to prove his statement.

"Really?" Jiraiya said, thinking that if Naruto sent him a message that it must be some sort of prank. He took the scroll and opened it. What he found was quite the opposite from what he expected. The first thing the scroll said was that Naruto wasn't there anymore. "Is this true?" He asked Gamakichi.

"Is what true?"

"This message. It says that Naruto is in a different world. This can't possible be true." Jiraiya responded.

"I don't know about a different world, but I didn't recognize where ever Naruto was. And he said himself, when he summoned me that we were in a different world. Tricein or something." Gamakichi said.

After hearing this, Jiraiya quickly skimmed the rest of the scroll and then released the toads. He quickly climbed down the monument and jumped from roof to roof to Tsunade's office. He landed next to one of the windows of her office and knocked on it. After waiting a few seconds, Jiraiya opened the window and hopped in.

"Can't you ever use the door?" Tsunade asked. "But why are you back already? Did you find Naruto?"

Jiraiya, now standing in front of Tsunade's desk, answered, "Well… I didn't find him per se, but I know where he is."

"Really? Where is he?" Tsunade asked, relieve filling her face.

Jiraiya decide to stop beating around the bush. "Naruto… He's… (sigh) He's gone Tsunade."

The room was filled with silence. The first thing to break the silence was the sound of papers hitting the ground. Jiraiya looked behind himself and saw Sakura standing above some papers in the doorway.

She stood in the door way with a bewildered look on her face, as she tried to comprehend what she had just heard. Once she did, the bewilderment on her face slowly was replaced with fear. "What do you mean? How can Naruto be gone?" She asked, the fear reaching her voice.

"Yes Jiraiya, what do you mean? And if your answer is not satisfactory, there will be one less pervert in the world." Tsunade said, with a mix of worry and anger in her voice.

Instead of replying Jiraiya placed the scroll he had received from Gamakichi on her desk. She opened the scroll and read through it. When she finished, she snapped her fingers. Instantly an ANBU appeared before her. "Yes Lady Hokage?"

"I need you to find Kakashi and telling him to come here immediately." With a nod, the ANBU disappeared just as fast as he came.

Sakura, who had remained silent until now, asked, "What did that scroll say, Lady Hokage? Does it say where Naruto is?"

Ignoring Sakura, Tsunade addressed Jiraiya, "Do you know if this is true?"

"I got the scroll from Gamakichi, one of my summons, and he said he got it straight from Naruto." Jiraiya replied.

"Summon him." Tsunade ordered.

The room was filled with a puff of smoke as Jiraiya finished the summon and Gamakichi said, "Hey Jiraiya. What do you need?"

"I need you to tell me exactly where you got this scroll." Tsunade answered.

Gamakichi looked to Jiraiya, who gave him a nod, before he answered. "Well, like I already told Jiraiya, I got the scroll from Naruto in a place I didn't recognize. He called it Tricein or something."

"Is there anything else that you noticed there? Other people, landscape, anything?" Tsunade asked.

Gamakichi started talking and thinking at the same time. "Umm… There wasn't anything that out of the ordinary. We were in a field surrounded by some walls and a few towers. I didn't see any other people but there were some animals off to the side of the field. I think that's it… Oh wait. Naruto when I first got there was out of breath. He said that it was that he used a lot of chakra summoning me there."

"Yeah Naruto said in the end of the scroll that it took a lot more chakra than normal to summon Gamakichi." Jiraiya added.

"Indeed." Tsunade said. She then took out a map of the elemental countries. "But where could he be. Naruto said he was in Tristain in the scroll and that the people there had no idea about the elemental countries, but they could just be in some isolated place, where they haven't had any contact with the rest of the countries. So maybe some isolated island far off the coast or…"

"Tsunade!" Sakura interrupted. "What happened to Naruto? What does that scroll say?"

"Oh right. Sorry Sakura." Tsunade said, having forgotten that her apprentice was there. "Here read this." She then handed Naruto's scroll over to Sakura.

Sakura took the scroll and started reading, as the other continued to see if they could figure out where Naruto was.

The scroll read, "Hey Jiraiya and Granny and anyone else who reads this. So hopefully you already realized that I'm not there anymore, and you're probably wondering where I am. Well I can explain that, kind of.

'It all started after Jiraiya left to give his report to you, granny. I was atop a pole on the outskirts of Konoha. I was about to jump into the village to try and find my friends when I spotted an oval of spiraling colors. I jumped down next to it and started to inspect it. While inspecting it, I accidently fell inside of it. I came out where I am right now, in a place called Tristain.

'Somehow, after I came out, I became the familiar of this girl named Louise. A familiar is supposed to be the helper of the people here; they are bound to their master by some type of contract. It might be like a summoning contract with the animals, but I'm not sure yet. Anyways, the people here are mages; they're able to perform magic with a wand. This magic, it's different from anything I've ever seen. They don't use any hand signs, they just chant some words while holding their wand and stuff happens. Some are able to create statues out of nothing or move earth or even create a small explosion.

'I'm currently staying with Louise, my so called master. She told me all about her world. It's pretty confusing, there are kings and queens and nobles. Only the nobles have magic, the commoners don't. Something about four types of magic and a lost fifth one. Her explanation was really confusing, and I don't remember most of it.

'So far I've only told Louise my story, and that's only because she saw me use a jutsu. I'm safe for now, and I have food, so there's no reason to worry. I was able to force the old fur ball to try and find a way back, be he hasn't found anything yet. I'm not giving up though; I will find a way back! Believe it!

'Old fur ball? What's he talking about.' Sakura thought as she read this part.

"I will continue to summon Gamakichi everyday, if I can. And hopefully you will get this message soon. Also could you give this message to Sakura.

'Hey Sakura. I know it probably looks bleak. Me in another world, without any clear way back, but don't worry. I will come back to you, and we will save Sasuke together. I promise you."

"Also, to Jiraiya, for some reason when summoning Gamakichi, it took a lot more chakra than usually to summon him. I don't know if it because where I am, or some other reason. But I thought I should add this."

The message ended here and Sakura started to pay attention to Jiraiya, Gamakichi and Tsunade again. Jiraiya was saying, "Could you use a reverse summoning to bring him back?"

"I don't think so." Answered Gamakichi, "If Naruto had barely enough chakra to summon me, I surely wouldn't have enough to summon him."

The three fell back into silence, trying to think of ways to bring Naruto back. "Umm, Lady Hokage? In Naruto's message, Naruto said something about a fur ball. What did he mean?" Sakura asked.

Tsunade started to think quickly of some plausible reason why Naruto would say that. But luckily Kakashi showed up right then. "You called for me Lady Hokage?"

"Good. You're here Kakashi. First read this." Tsunade said holding out the scroll.

Kakashi took the scroll and quickly read its contents. His shock was clearly visible on his right eye. "Is this true?" He asked.

"It seems so, sadly." Tsunade answered. "The reason I called you here wasn't just to tell you what happened to your student. I also want your input on ways to get him back and since he doesn't seem to be in any immediate danger, you will continued his training, but at a reduced rate. So after we're done here you will write a message with what you were going to teach him next."

After Tsunade said this, Sakura realized that she could also send a message to Naruto. She turned to leave and walked towards the door. Before Sakura left the room Tsunade guessed what she was going to do and stopped her. "Sakura. Remember this is an S-rank secret, no one can know." Sakura nodded and left.

"He's done it again!" Colbert exclaimed as he burst into Osmond's office.

"Hm?" Osmond asked as he put down his pipe.

"Naruto. He's defeated another mage. Fouquet the Crumbling Dirt. No one's even seen her up close before, and yet he's defeated her without getting a scratch! He's different from any commoner I've ever met."

"Heh heh I knew Naruto would make things more interesting." Osmond laughed, he then took a long puff of his pipe. Letting the smoke flow from his mouth, he continued. "You know this Naruto kid, he reminds me of something. Something from a long… long… time… ago…zzzzzzzz." Osmond fell asleep before he could finish his thought.

It took Colbert a few seconds before he noticed that Osmond had fallen asleep. When he did, he decided to leave the old man in his sleep and come back later.

Naruto was standing in the remains of Tabitha's room. A few seconds ago he had woken up outside her door, where before he had fallen asleep, Louise was yelling at Kirche for pushing herself on him. Now the room was in disarray. Tabitha's books were all over the place, her pillow was broken with feathers everywhere, a lamp was broken and the window was blown open, showing the setting sun. Louise, Tabitha, Kirche and Siesta were nowhere to be seen.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Naruto asked the empty room. Obviously he didn't receive an answer. 'Louise wouldn't have left me, would she?' Naruto thought, 'No, she hasn't left me behind before, why would she now. But then where is she?'

Naruto started looking around the room for a sign of her or the others. Under the books, nothing. Under the bed, nothing. In the bed sheets, nothing. On the walls, nothing. Everywhere he looked, he couldn't find any clues to where they went.

At a loss, Naruto walked to the window. 'Maybe this is a clue. The windows open, so they might have gone outside. But that doesn't make any sense. Why would they go out at this time, and through the window?' He placed his hand down on the windowsill while he continued to think.

But when he felt something under his hand his mind stopped. Looking down, he saw little crumbs of dirt on his hand. The entire windowsill was covered in the stuff. 'Dirt? What's that doing way up here?' Naruto brushed the dirt out the window without giving it a second thought.

'Maybe I should search outside for them. They might just be somewhere else.' Naruto thought, after which he climbed out the window and walked down to the ground below. He landed in an empty courtyard. Not wasting any time he moved onto the next courtyard.

When Naruto reached the next courtyard all he found was two people walking towards. One of them was walking ahead of the other at a brisk pace, while the other was trying to catch up. The one trying to catch up said, "Come on Montmorency! Please forgive me! You're the only one for me!"

The other replied, "Oh really. You seemed pretty attached to the Sarah girl and let's not forget Katie."

'Hey it's Guiche and Montmorency; maybe they've seen Louise and the others.' Naruto thought.

"They're nothing to me. You are far more important to me than them. Please stop being angry." Guiche pleaded.

"You also lied about your fight with the commoner in class. I know you lost that fight." Montmorency said coldly.

Guiche was shocked, "How do you know that?"

"Who do you think carried you back to your room and healed your wounds?"

"You did that for me?" Guiche asked.

"Wh-what? N-no I di-didn't do it for y-you." Montmorency stammered. "It's just…"

But before she could finish Naruto interrupted, "Have either of you seen Louise around?"

'Whew, that was close, good thing Naruto interrupted me.' Montmorency thought. "No I haven't. Why? Did she abandon you?"

"Well sort of." Naruto said sheepishly while scratching the back of his neck, "I was outside of the room she was in, and I kind of fell asleep. When I woke up she was gone. I started searching and I haven't found her so far."

"Well I haven't seen her. It's late though, so maybe she went back to her room." Montmorency said.

"Yeah, maybe," Naruto stated, "But I'm going to keep looking just in case. Thanks anyways!" He started to walk past the two when he thought of something. He turned around and addressed Guiche, who had been cowering behind Montmorency, "Hey Guiche, we should fight again sometime, it was a lot of fun! As long as you don't go crazy again."

Guiche had started to tremble when Naruto had first started talking to him, thinking that Naruto would attack him or something. But that fear quickly turned into surprise. "Ah… Sure…" He answered.

"Good." Naruto said, while smiling. "Well see you guys later!" He then continued on his way, leaving the two behind. Like the first, the next courtyard was empty too. The fourth courtyard was next, but since this courtyard was filled with the debris from the hole in the tower and the dirt from Fouquet's golem, it was closed off. Naruto gave the courtyard a quick scan before moving on.

In the fifth courtyard, there was nothing out of the ordinary and no one around. 'I guess they're not outside at all. Montmorency was probably right, they all probably went back to their rooms. Since I'm here I might as well check the dinning hall and kitchen, maybe Siesta went back there.' Naruto thought, while walking to the dinning hall.

The dinning hall, like everywhere else so far, was empty but there was light coming out from the kitchen. Peeking in, Naruto found a table set up inside with Marteau sitting at it, drinking wine straight from the bottle. "Hey! Our Fist! Come join me in a drink!" He said, obviously drunk, while holding out the wine bottle.

Naruto walked in, grabbed the bottle of wine and took a whiff. "Eugh, no thanks." Naruto said handing back the bottle. "I had some of this before with Jiraiya, it didn't end well."

"Jiraiya?" Marteau asked.

Naruto sighed before replying, "Just a friend of mine."

"Well come on! I'm celebrating! You must have a drink with me!"

"What are you celebrating?" Naruto asked

"Why, I have absolutely no idea!" Marteau replied joyfully. He then began to list off completely random reason as to why he was celebrating.

Before Marteau became too drunk to sensibly think, Naruto asked, "Hey have you seen Siesta around?"

"Huh, Siesta? No I haven't seen her since she left several hours ago." Marteau replied and took another gulp of his wine before continuing, "But what do you think of Siesta?"

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked

"Well, Siesta is a pretty attractive girl and she can cook and clean …" Marteau hinted.

Naruto was slowly beginning to understand what Marteau was getting at. "So…?"

"So," Marteau continued, "Naruto, you're a hero to us commoners. You defeated a noble with nothing but your fists! Any one of our female staff would love to be with you. And Siesta is one of our best and I'm pretty sure she likes you already." Marteau gave a wink after saying that last part.

"What, no! We're just friends." Naruto said and then continued quietly, "Besides… there's already a girl I like."

"Really now, who is she?" Marteau asked.

"She's a girl from my home." Naruto explained and after Marteau gave a go-on hand motion he continued with a small blush on his face, "Her name is Sakura Haruno. She is beautiful, she has shoulder length pink hair and green eyes and she is strong and smart."

"She sounds nice." Marteau and then hiccupped before drinking more of his wine.

'So they're not outside and they're not in here, so they must have gone back to their rooms. But then why was Tabitha's room all messed up? I'll just have to ask Louise when I get to her room.' Naruto thought. "Marteau I'm going to have to go. Louise is probably waiting for me in her room."

"Aww but the celebration just began." The large chef whined, "Be sure to come back later. And bring Louise with you, the more the merrier."

"Ok!" Naruto replied with a smile as he turned to leave. Once out of the kitchen Naruto started to run to Louise's room, he was ready to end this search. Reaching her room, Naruto burst smiling through the door and yelled, "Louise!"

But he was greeted by another empty room. Naruto's smile turned into a frown as he realized that Louise wasn't in the room. "Damn it!" He swore loudly. 'Where the heck are they? I've searched everywhere, and they're nowhere to be found. Maybe I should use some shadow clones to find them, but Louise told me not use Jutsus. I guess I can just wait here till she comes back. Louise is bound to come back soon.' Naruto thought.

He walked into the room and settled down on the stack of hay that was his bed. Naruto's worry for his friends kept him up for the first hour, but after that sleep began to set in. His eyelids began to get heavy and in no time Naruto fell asleep.

When Naruto woke up in the morning the first thing he did was check the bed next to him to see if Louise had come back in the night. But the bed was just as empty as when he fell asleep. 'Something must be wrong.' Naruto thought jumping to a conclusion, 'For Louise to not come back to her room, something must have happened to her and the others. But what happened?'

'Umm… I fell asleep outside Tabitha's room, while Louise was yelling at Kirche. When I woke up they were gone and Tabitha's room was messed up. I searched outside and in the dinning hall and couldn't find them. Also no one seems to have seen them either.' Naruto summed up. 'The only thing out of place was the dirt on Tabitha's windowsill. Wait… Wasn't there a pile of dirt in the fourth courtyard?'

After thinking this, Naruto ran out of the room and headed towards the courtyard. 'Yeah, that's right!' He thought as he ran. 'That courtyard has that large pile of dirt in it, and I didn't search it that much. So maybe they left some clue in there or something.' Naruto reached the courtyard and began searching it for any type of clue he could use to find his friends. He started searching around the dirt and rubble first before moving on to the rest of the courtyard.

"Augh! I'm no good at tracking!" Naruto shouted after not finding anything, "I don't know what to look for. I wish Kakashi was here, he's great at this kind of stuff and he could summon one of his dogs to track them by scent. Maybe if I look from above I can find something." Naruto looked around for something to get on top of to look around and decided to climb the center tower. He walked up to the tower and began to climb it.

While walking up the tower, Naruto passed the hole Fouquet made in the tower. 'I wonder what Fouquet was even going for inside the tower?' He wondered 'I never got a chance to find out.' Going back to the hole, Naruto climbed into it, ready for what ever was in it.

What he found was a dimly-lit room filled with dust and junk. "Wow! What is all this stuff?" Naruto shouted in surprise. Walking through the room, Naruto found scrolls, books, long fancily decorated pieces of wood, some clothes, several swords in a large wooden bucket, and a lot of other stuff. While walking around looking at all the junk, Naruto found some writing in red written on the wall. But it wasn't written in Japanese, so he didn't understand it. "I wonder what this says." Naruto said as loud as ever.

"Will you shut up already!" A voice yelled in the room.

"Who's there?" Naruto asked while pulling out a kunai.

"Me. Who else, there's no one else in here." The voice said. Naruto followed the voice but he couldn't find anyone.

"Then where are you?" Naruto asked.

"I'm right here in front of you, idiot." The voice insulting Naruto was coming from one of the buckets full of swords. More specifically, a large rusted broadsword.

"A talking sword?"

"Yeessss. And next we'll work on colors." The sword said, continuing to insult Naruto.

Naruto was starting to get mad from the constant insulting. "Hey! Stop insulting me, I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I'm going to be the next hokage!"

"What's a hokage?" The sword asked.

Naruto sighed, once again reminded that he wasn't in his world. "The hokage is the strongest shinobi in my village." Naruto explained.

The sword started to laugh hysterically. When he calmed down a little he said, "You, a shinobi! Stop it, you're killing me!"

"I am too a shinobi, why else am I wearing this headband!" Naruto yelled at the sword while picking it up.

As soon as Naruto picked up the sword, he went completely silent. After a while he said, in a much quieter voice, "So, you're a user too."

"What? A user?" Naruto asked

"And you don't even know your true powers." He said to himself, and then to Naruto. "Never mind, but I don't think we've been formal introduced. I'm Derflinger."

"Naruto. But what are you doing in here?" Naruto asked.

"The mages just shove all their magic relics and such in here. And since I'm a powerful magic sword, I got shoved in here too." Derf replied.

"Yeah, that's why." Naruto said, thinking that it was probably his mouth that got him stuck with all the junk. "Well if you're an all powerful magic sword, then you should know what this means." He said while showing Derf the writing on the wall.

"Of course I can, but shouldn't you be able to too?" Derf asked.

"Well, to be perfectly honest, I'm not actually from this world." Naruto said, "I'll explain it later, but what does it say?"

"Ok then." Derf said, before he relayed the message. "'I got the Staff of Destruction, finally – Fouquet the Crumbling Dirt… PS: I also acquired a few extra… trophies.' The person that came in here and grabbed something must have written this."

"How'd she escape? I thought for sure that we wouldn't see her again. And what does she mean by 'trophies'." Naruto said.

"I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine." Derf stated.

"Hmm." 'Something doesn't seem right.' Naruto thought. 'Fouquet used a giant dirt golem to break into here and steal the staff. But before she could come in here I stopped her. Some teachers took her away, but she must have escaped. And what's this about... trophies.' Naruto realized what happen right then. "Fouquet used a golem made from dirt to break in here. And there was a bunch of dirt all over Tabitha's windowsill and her room was all torn apart. That's it! Fouquet must have kidnapped Louise and the rest of them!" Naruto said rapidly.

"Hey Naruto. What are you saying?" Derf asked.

"Never mind that Derf!" Naruto replied. "Do you remember what way Fouquet left?"

"I believe she left straight into that forest out there." Derf said.

Naruto walked over to the hole and pointed towards the forest and asked, "That one, over there?"

"Yeah I think so."

Naruto was about to jump out through the hole to the outside world when his left eye started acting weird. "Augh!" He grunted as he covered his eye.

"Naruto what's wrong?" Derf wondered.

"I don't know. The vision in my left eye is getting hazy." Naruto replied.

"By any chance, are you a familiar?"

"Supposedly." Naruto responded.

"Do you see anything?" Derf asked trying to understand what was happening.

"Umm… Yeah. I see some moving trees and now there's a rundown wooden cabin." Naruto said, relaying what he was seeing. "Augh." Naruto covered his eye again. After he uncovered his eye, his vision was back to normal. "What happened?"

Derf was silent for a moment before answering. "Well if I had to guess, I'd say you just saw what your master was seeing. I know that mages are able to see through their familiar's eyes, so I don't see why it couldn't work the other way around."

"If that's what Louise saw then if I can find that cabin I can find her!" Naruto shouted, happy that he can finally find his friends. "Let's go!" He shouted as he jumped from the hole.

Naruto ran through the courtyard, scaled the wall and continued on into the forest. "Now to find Louise. Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Naruto created 10 clones, which quickly dispersed into the forest.

"Wow! It's been awhile since I've seen something like that." Derf said in surprise. "You really weren't kidding when you said you were a shinobi."

"Of course I wasn't." Naruto said as he ran into the forest himself. Jumping from tree to tree, making quick progress through the forest.

Meanwhile, one of Naruto's clones started to slow down in the forest. He felt like he had seen this part of the forest before and something inside of him told him he was going in the right direction. 'I must be getting close to Louise.' The clone thought. He continued through the forest at his reduced rate. And sure enough after going through the forest for a little while longer he found the clearing with the cabin.

"I found it. Louise, where are you!" The Naruto clone shouted as he entered the clearing.

Naruto and Derf had traveled in silence for awhile, when suddenly Naruto changed directions. "Hey Naruto, why'd you just change directions?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Naruto wondered while moving in the new direction.

Derf was shocked at his new partner's ignorance. "What do I mean? You just turned right for no apparent reason!"

"I did?" Naruto said, never realizing that he had turned. "I don't know, something is just telling me that the cabin is this way." Before long Naruto crossed paths with one of his clones. "You too?" The real Naruto asked, while jumping along side his clone.

The clone nodded before disappearing in a puff of smoke. A few minutes later Naruto and Derf landed right before the clearing where Louise supposedly was. "We found it." Naruto said before stepping into the clearing.

The second his foot touch the ground, Naruto immediately felt that he should jump away. Following the impulse he jumped away and where he was standing the earth began to swirl around and turned into a dirt whirlpool. "Well at least we know that we're on the right track." Derf said, "If someone's leaving traps for us, then they must be trying to protect something."

"Yeah." Was all Naruto could say, because he was still weirded out from the feelings he had had recently. The clearing was large and mostly empty, aside from the cabin and several large rocks of to the left, there was nothing in it.

"We should probably check out the cabin first." Derf suggested, "But you should make some clones first and send them head of us to make sure the way is clear."

Naruto nodded before making four clones, sending them in single file to activate any traps in their way. By the time they reach the wooden cabin Naruto only had one clone left. Opening the door Naruto walked in first with his clone right behind him.

The inside of the cabin was as shabby as the outside. There was a pile of broken wood, a few furnishes that were covered with white clothes and everything was covered in dust. "Some one really let their place go." Derf stated.

"Yeah." Naruto agreed, "Reminds me of my apartment when I first got back from Wave." Before anyone could say anything else an earth golem came out from behind the door and smashed Naruto's clone. Instinctively Naruto reached to grab the closest weapon to him, which happened to be Derf. As he gripped Derf's handle, the runes on the back of his left hand began to glow and Naruto felt a rush of power and energy flow through him. With Derf in hand, Naruto slashed down at the golem cutting it in two.

"What was that?" Naruto asked.

"You used your powers as a user, as Gandálfr." Derf explained.


"Yeah, you have the power to know everything about anything type of weapon just by touching it." Derf continued.

"Really? Cool!" Naruto shouted.

"Hey! Quiet down!" Derf commanded. "We're in unknown territory, with an enemy close by. Now is not the time to be shouting like an idiot."

"It doesn't matter. Who ever it is I'll beat them." Naruto said as confident as ever.

"Well, with confidence like that, how could you lose?" Derf sarcastically said, "But aren't we looking for Louise and she's obviously not here."

Naruto looked around the cabin and there weren't any doors or ladders that led to any other rooms or floors. "Yeah. Hopefully they're behind those rocks on the other side of the field; otherwise we've lost the trail again."

Naruto slung Derf onto his back and opened the door to leave. Outside, Naruto created two more clones to act as decoys to get across the clearing to the large rocks. But before they got that far from the cabin, a women's voice stopped them in their tracks. "Ahh, leaving so soon? And I thought you wanted to find your friends."

Naruto turned around it the blink of an eye and found the women clad in a green dress and black hood on top of the cabin. "Fouquet!" Naruto growled, "Where are my friends!"

"Where are they indeed? I suppose the only way you'll be able to find out is if you defeat me in battle and this time I won't get distracted by your illusions." Fouquet held her wand out ready to fight.

Another growl from Naruto was all the answer she received before one of Naruto's clones moved into action. It ran towards the cabin pulling out several shurikens and jumped at Fouquet throwing them. Fouquet said a short spell and a dirt shield rose up in front of her. "You're going to have to do better than that to hit me!" She taunted and with another short spell a small ball of dirt shot at the clone, popping it.

But through the smoke came Naruto holding a swirling ball of chakra. "Rasengan!" He shouted as he thrust the ball through Fouquet's thin layer of dirt and into the space that Fouquet had occupied until moments ago.

"Trying to end it already, we can't have that." Fouquet said levitating high above Naruto. "I want to enjoy making you suffer." She began chanting at an inhuman speed and in several seconds was already pointing her wand at some dirt raising it up into a giant dirt golem.

Naruto created a clone and had it begin to create a Rasengan in his hand. The chakra was just starting to be visibly spinning, when Fouquet said, "I don't think so." And shot a ball of dirt at the immobilized clone, taking it out of existence.

The gathered chakra dissipated, as Naruto thought 'I really need to learn to do that by myself.' Stalling for time, Naruto asked, "How'd you even escape, Fouquet?"

"Did you really expect those fool guards to be able to keep me confined?" Fouquet laughed atop her golem, "All it took was a few provocative words and they were putty in my hands."

Stealthily reaching down Naruto grabbed a kunai and an explosive tag. Tying the tag to the knife, Naruto threw the kunai at the golem, hoping the explosion would be enough to unravel the delicate magic holding it together. The kunai lodged into the middle of the golem. "Well I guess we're done with questions for now." Fouquet said, seeing Naruto on the offensive again. Naruto just smirked as he sent a chakra signal into the tag causing it to explode. A large hole was created in the middle of the dirt golem.

Fouquet, too, was smirking when the rest of the golem failed to collapse. "It's going to be a lot harder to defeat me this time." Dirt began to rise off the ground and flow into the golem replacing all the dirt that was destroyed. Once the hole was completely filled in, the golem swiftly rushed forward. Forcing Naruto to jump to the side, luckily no trap went off when he landed.

Naruto created twenty clones and immediately had them spread out. Sadly several of them were crushed or caught in one of Fouquet's traps. "You're really a one trick pony, aren't you?" Fouquet said. She raised her wand into the air and a ball of dirt began to form above it, while Naruto and his clones each took out kunai with explosive tags. They threw the weapons into the golem and set them off. A series of explosions went off covering the golem in dust, blocking it from Naruto's view.

The Narutos didn't relax until they were sure the problem had been dealt with. As the dust cleared the giant dirt golem was nowhere to be seen, and neither was Fouquet. All that remained was the floating ball of dirt that Fouquet had created moments ago. Naruto stood ready for action, taught to never let your guard down until you're absolutely sure the enemy is gone.

Suddenly the ball condensed to half its size before exploding sending showers of fast moving clods of dirt all around the area. All of Naruto's clones were dispersed and several clods hit Naruto cutting him a little and one that hit him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Immediately afterwards several small mounds of dirt rose up from the ground and created human-sized golems, each with a dirt long sword. Naruto counted 10 in all.

"Hey Naruto! Draw me!" Derf said popping out of his sheath a little.

As soon as Naruto closed his hand around Derf's handle, Naruto's runes light up and a rush of energy filled him again. He charged forward and slashed through the first two golems with little resistance but met the third one head on, their swords clashing together. Naruto pushed away from the golem and jumped backwards a little. "What? How can their swords stop you? Aren't they just made from dirt?"

"They are," Derf explained, "But they are enhanced with magic. So they're made of dirt but area as strong as any steel."

"Well isn't that great." Naruto said sarcastically. He then created two clones, that each took out two kunais. His clones circled to the side of the golems, while Naruto charged head on. He swung sideways trying to cut one of the golems in half but was intercepted by two golems, their swords perpendicular to his own. Naruto's clones moved in fast from the sides, forgoing safety in preference of speed. One of the clones rushed to one of the golems and dodged, what seemed to him, a slow slash. He stabbed both kunais into the golem's chest and ripped them outward effectively tearing apart the golem.

The clone continued on to another golem. The golem came at him with a downward hack and the he had to cross the kunais and catch the sword in between them. This resulted in a stalemate though, the golem wouldn't stop trying to force his sword down and the clone couldn't get an attack in because if he moved either kunai the golem would be able to get to him. This stalemate ended quickly though as the other clone came behind the golem and cut its head off. The clones gave each other a nod before moving on to help Naruto with the four remaining golems.

While this was happening, Naruto was in his stand off with the two golems, neither side giving any ground. When another golem came from behind and tried to cut Naruto's head off. Naruto ducked and the golem's sword got caught in the first of the two golems' head. He then thrust his sword upward ending his stand off with the two golems and swung backwards taking down the golem behind him.

The two golems worked together to pull the sword out from the ones face, they succeeded and the space created by the sword slowly filled in with more dirt. Naruto and his clones took this opportunity to circle around the three golems and watch their face-less bodies. At the same exact instant, all three of the golems lunged towards the Naruto closest to them. Naruto and one of his clones both decided to block the golem, while the other clone dodged the attack and proceeded to dismember the golem.

This left one Naruto free to deal with the other two golems that were attacking the other Narutos. But before he could even move to help, he was impaled with several spikes that had formed from the earth below him, dispelling him instantly. And from behind the other clone came another golem, but this one was larger than the rest had been and cut right through the clone leaving Naruto alone.

Naruto still had his blade crossed with the golem and wasn't sure what to do. He was outnumbered, with several of the larger golems coming closer, and he was stuck blocking the golem in front of him. But the privilege of options was quickly taken from him, as the earth beneath him shot up and knocked Derf and the golem's sword into the sky.

"Derf!" Naruto shouted as his new friend went flying threw the air and Naruto lost the energy provided to him by having a weapon in hand and was left winded. With no other choices, Naruto jumped back to get some room between him and the golems. What he entirely forgot about though was that Fouquet had covered the field in traps, and as he landed, he activated one. This trap brought the earth on both sides of Naruto up, somewhat like a bear trap, and tried to crush him in between the slabs. Naruto stuck his arms and legs out to stop the earth from crushing him but left him completely trapped.

Strangely enough, as soon as Naruto was caught, the golems stopped moving forward, they just stood in place as if they were waiting for something. Naruto didn't have long to contemplate it though, as Fouquet came riding back into the field atop her signature giant dirt golem. "Is that the best you got?" She taunted, "I was getting worked up over nothing."

Naruto noticed that Fouquet did seem to be out of breath but he wasn't fairing much better. 'Might as well try and get some information out of her while I can' He thought. "Why did you even steal the staff in the first place, Fouquet?"

"Well I'm a thief, and the staff of destruction is extremely rare. What thief wouldn't steal it?" Fouquet explained, regaining her breath while talking.

"Then why did you kidnap Louise and the others?"

A scowl formed on her face as she said her reason, "Since a commoner thought it would be a good idea to humiliate me and stop my mission, I decided to get revenge against said commoner." A smirk then replaced her scowl as she continued, "And the best way to get back at some one is to take something of theirs."

"Well now that you have me can't you let the others go?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah, no." Fouquet replied almost instantly while shaking her head.

Naruto was beginning to get angry and yell, "Why not! They have nothing to do with this!"

"What do you expect me to do? Let them go? If I did that they would tell the headmaster of the school, and then the royal court would be involved. It wouldn't be very good for me if that happened so I can't let them go." Fouquet began twirling her wand against her finger, "Now what so I do with…"

As Fouquet was saying this, seven Narutos jumped high out of the woods shouting. Five of these clones were holding normal Rasengans, while the last two held a Rasengan twice the size of the others. Two of the Narutos holding normal Rasengans freed Naruto from the trap; the three others took out three of the golems leaving eight of the larger golems left. The two Narutos holing the giant Rasengan went after Fouquet's giant golem, the one she was standing on, they rammed it in the giant's chest and a small explosion ensued decimating the golem.

"What! No!" Fouquet screamed as her magic was undone and as she floated down behind her remaining golems. "How did you…" She began to say before she began chanting again.

"Hurry we can't let her finish!" One of the Narutos shouted. All of the Narutos ran forward to stop Fouquet, some of them pulled out kunais while the others didn't bother. They were stopped by the golems though. One of unarmed Narutos ducked under the sword if the golem, moved around behind it and pushed off its back, gaining a boost forward towards Fouquet. Right as the clone was about to reach Fouquet, she finished chanting and large spikes of dirt formed around her; spikes that the Naruto clone unfortunately ran into and popped.

Fouquet raised the large spikes from the ground and split them into many smaller cat sized spikes. She then shot them towards Naruto, taking out his clones and her golems alike. The real Naruto would have been hit too, if he hadn't done the Kawarimi in time. But when he landed on the other side of the field he fell down to a knee. Unknown to Naruto, he had just felt the backlash of all the chakra that the clones that just got dispelled had used in making all the Rasengans.

Panting heavily, Fouquet shot another clod of dirt at Naruto, hitting him and forcing him to roll across the field. "See… I told… You! You never… had a chance to beat me." Fouquet said regaining her breath. "Give up! You'll never be able to save your friends!"


On the other side of the field, grouped together, stood several large rocks, and behind these rocks Louise, Kirche, Tabitha and Siesta were all tied up and gagged. They could hear everything that was going on, on the other side of the field. 'Naruto where over here!' Louise screamed in her head.

When they heard the seven Narutos screaming, another thump alerted the girls to another presence in front of them. "Louise you're actually here!" Naruto said seeing the four girls huddled together. He ran forward taking a kunai out and untied them.

Once free Kirche was the first to react by going forward and hugging Naruto tightly. "Naruto! You came to save me! I was so scared!" She said over dramatically.

"HEY Kirche! Get off of him!" Louise shouted angrily, pulling Kirche from Naruto.

Tabitha moved her head to the side and had a quizzical look in her eyes. "How?" She asked.

Naruto wasn't sure what she was asking and just said, "Hmm?"

"She means to ask how are you here and also over there." Kirche explained.

"Oh," Naruto said, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck, "I can explain later. But we need to get you girls out of here. I'm still fighting Fouquet and we can't let her get you again." He led them out of the rocks and was going to take them to the forest when suddenly he fell to his knees and began moaning in pain.

"Naruto what's wrong?" Louise asked being the closest to him.

He didn't say anything though and after a few seconds he popped into a puff of smoke. "What just happened to Naruto?" Siesta asked worrying for the whiskered-marked boy.

Louise didn't answer her question either, but instead whispered, "Naruto" before standing up and running around the rocks.

"Wait didn't he say to run into the forest?" Kirche said.

"I don't care," Was Louise's response as she continued around the rocks.

They got around the rocks just as Fouquet sent Naruto rolling across the grass. "See… I told… You! You never… had a chance to beat me. Give up! You'll never be able to save your friends!"

"Naruto!" Kirche, Louise and Siesta shouted but he couldn't hear them.

Naruto was laying face down in the dirt, angry at himself for not being able to save his friends. Angry that he had come so far but couldn't finish it. Sad that he might lose his new friends. "No." He said quietly at first as he slowly got up to his hands and knees. "I will not stop." He got louder as he stood up on his feet. An orange haze began to form around him. "I will… never... give up on my friends!" The orange haze surrounded him completely.

Naruto let out a loud angry roar that blew dust away and sent ripples through the grass and the field was filled with an evil presence. He slowly walked forward toward Fouquet.

Fouquet was filled with terror. This boy shouldn't be standing. He should be on the ground, not standing up with this new energy covering him completely and this overwhelming presence. Fouquet began chanting as fast as she possibly could, in fear of what could be happening.

First she sent several large balls of dirt at the boy. All he had to do was roar at these balls and they fell apart and the dust flew backwards. She created several golems to bar his path. When he came to the first golem, all he did was throw one punch, and the golem fell apart right in front of him. The rest of the golems follow suit.

Fouquet slowly stumbled backwards away from the beast. This couldn't be happening. She was scared stiff, that is until she saw that it was about to walk right over one of her traps, the same one it got caught in before. She smirked evilly as she waited for the trap to activate.

When it did the two slabs of earth rose up and smashed against Naruto. But after the dust settled, Naruto was still continuing his slow walk, unfazed by the trap.

'Inhuman. There's no way he could have survived that.' Fouquet thought as she continued backwards but she tripped on a stick and fell onto her butt. She was now frozen in terror on the ground of the thing slowly advancing towards her. She pointed her wand at him, but she was trembling so bad that it couldn't stay in one place.

Naruto reached the fallen mage and stood over her, her wand trembling all over the place. He smacked it out of her hand and it broke in two. He raised his right fist again and was going to attack Fouquet, but a loud voice stopped him.

"Naruto!" Louise shouted walking over to Naruto. "That's enough." She then placed her hand on Naruto's left arm. The second she came in contact with the orange chakra cloak, it spiked up causing Louise to let go and the chakra to die down again. Naruto froze she had touched him and looked over at the pink-haired maiden. Confusion covering his face too.

While looking at each other, Naruto's eyes changed from their bright blue into a dark red with slits for pupils. Louise was surprised by this sudden change and Naruto doubled over as he began to change again. His whisker-marks thickened, his fingernails grew longer and wider looking much more like claws, his canine teeth grew larger, overall he looked much more feral. The chakra around formed a new shape too, it became smoother all around, and one tail grew out, while the chakra on top of his head formed into two long chakra ears.

"Naruto?" Louise asked, worried about what was happening to the blond boy. Naruto was still doubled over, when an even darker presence started coming out of him.

Tabitha, who had walked up with the rest behind Louise, sensed what was going to happen and grabbed Louise's arm and brought her backwards. As soon as she did, Naruto brought his clawed fist through the space Louise had just been in.

"Wha, Naruto? What are you doing?" Louise asked.

"Not him." Tabitha said calmly, she turned around and brought the other girls away with her trying to get away from what ever had replaced Naruto. She whistled loudly too, calling Sylphid to her.

Naruto dropped down to all fours and roared loudly again. "Naruto stop this! What's wrong?" Louise tried again to reach Naruto again.

Tabitha stopped her from moving forward again, "Stop."

Kirche was the next to try, "Tabitha, what's wrong?"

She was quiet for a moment before responding, "Evil presence. Dangerous, stay away."

"But why is he like that?" Kirche asked, and was treated to a blank stare from Tabitha. "Right, you don't know either."

"Hey girls." Derflinger, who had landed near the rocks where the girls currently were, yelled. "Are any of you his mage?"

"Yes." Louise said, walking over to the rusty sword.

"Well you better stop him before he destroys this area." Derf said.

"How are we suppose to do that? We don't have any wands and we don't even know what's wrong with him."

"Louise, we need to go!" Kirche yelled. Sylphid had landed and Naruto was running on all fours towards them.

Louise turned to leave, but Derf stopped her, "Wait don't leave me. I think I can help."

Louise looked in disgust at the sword, "What could an old rusty sword do?"

"Just trust me. What do you have to lose?"

"Fine" Louise said and she and Siesta picked up the heavy blade and carried it to Sylphid. Kirche and Tabitha were already on Sylphid's back and some how Tabitha had here staff again. "Where did you get your staff?" Louise asked.

"Backup." Tabitha answered and she cast levitate on the sword so they could take off. As soon as they did take off Naruto reached them and jumped after them, grabbing onto Sylphid's tail. Sylphid shook her tail in an attempt to get Naruto off as she continued to ascend. After a while she succeeded and Naruto fell down to the earth.

"So what can you do to help?" Louise asked the sword.

Derf thought for a bit before answering. "Well it's been awhile, but I think I should be able to absorb the energy surrounding him, and possibly return him to normal."

"How can you do that?" Louise skeptically said.

"Well I am a magic sword."

"An old rusty talking sword, magic?" Louise said still not believing him.

"Well if you don't want him back to normal and if you want this area heavily destroyed…"

Louise let out a sigh and said, "Tabitha cast levitate on me." And with out another word jumped of Sylphid. She fell down quickly at first before she started to slow down because of Tabitha's magic. Louise landed right next to Naruto, who was still on all fours and ready to strike. "So what exactly do I have to do?"

"Just get me touching him. His hands would be best but anywhere will do." Derf explained.

"Ok" Louise said, wondering how she would get Naruto to take the sword. She didn't get much of a chance to think though because Naruto raised his fist to strike and Louise raised Derf to stop it. Derf blocked most of the attack but a little bit of the orange chakra slipped past and made a small cut on Louise's cheek.

"Ok, here we go" Derf said as he began to shine. The light covered both Naruto and Louise and when it went away; Naruto was on the ground withering in pain still surrounded in the orange chakra. Slowly the chakra faded leaving Naruto unconscious and back to normal.

Louise blinked a few times before looking down at Derf who was lying on the ground next to Naruto; somehow all the rust and dirt on Derf had disappeared. "What just happened and why do you look brand new now?" Louise asked.

"Well in simplest terms I absorbed some of the energy surrounding him and stopped anymore from coming out. The energy I absorbed had to go somewhere, so I used it to make me look new again. There's nothing wrong with a sword caring how he looks." Derf explained. "Naruto should be fine in a little bit, but I'm sure he won't feel good when he does wake up."

Louise sat down next to Naruto and waited for him to wake up. Soon afterwards Sylphid landed next to them letting the other girls off. "Is he ok now?" Kirche asked. Louise nodded in response, he was ok, but he would have a lot of explaining to do after he woke up.

"Oh, Louise! You're bleeding!" Siesta said noticing the blood on Louise's cheek.

"Hm?" Louise said noticing the blood for the first time. She ran her finger along her cheek and looked at the scarlet blood now on her finger. "It's nothing." She wouldn't admit it, but she was more worried about Naruto than anything else.

Not long later, Naruto's eyes blinked open. "Augh, my head. What happened?" Naruto asked while sitting up.

"That's what we want to know." Louise said.

"Where'd you get that cut Louise?" Naruto asked wondering what had happened.

"That's not important." Louise said, "But what was that orange haze around you and why did you go all wild and crazy on us."

Naruto's mood dropped as soon as he heard orange haze. "Oh, so that's what happened."

"What is it?" Kirche asked, "And how were you in two places at once before you went crazy? If I didn't know better I'd say it was magic."

"I should probably start there, because the other half won't make sense without it." Naruto said. "I've already told Louise this, so she might be able to help me explain some of the things in a way that might make more sense." So Naruto began telling the three girls his story. From where he was from to a very basic idea of what he could do. It was much easier this time than when he explained it to Louise.

"That explains a lot." Kirche said after he was done, "But what about the orange thing?"

Naruto grew even more somber as he got to the worst part. "I was getting to that next. But first I'll have to ask you to keep this a secret no matter what. It isn't the happiest thing to hear so you can leave now if you don't want to hear." All four girls stayed, and Naruto let out a sigh before he began.

"Well the day I was born, a demon fox attacked my village, Konoha. The Hokage at the time decided, for the good of the village, to seal the fox away into someone to stop its attack. The only person that could have survived the sealing was a newborn baby, me." Naruto paused there to let his words sink in. Siesta was covering her mouth in horror, Tabitha looked as emotionless as ever, and Louise and Kirche both were staring at him wide eye.

"So you have this fox thing inside you right now?" Louise asked.

Naruto nodded and lifted up the front of his shirt to a little above his navel. He then channeled some chakra and the seal appeared on his stomach. "This is the seal holding him in me. But what you saw today and what's happened before shows that the seal isn't perfect. It allows some of the fox's chakra through, and sometimes when my life is in danger or when my negative emotions are at their extremes, I can take more out of the seal and sometimes he can take over my body a little. So that's what you saw today, him taking over a little."

"Does your body always change like that when you use that chakra?" Kirche asked. Naruto nodded.

"What was it like living with that?" Louise asked.

"Well I can say it certainly wasn't pleasant." Naruto said, "People saw me as the fox itself, instead of just its jailor. They despised me, hated me all for something that I couldn't control. If it hadn't been for the third Hokage and Iruka-sensei, I don't know where I'd be today. But this treatment is what led me to where I am today, so I can't really say anything. Do I wish it never happened, sometimes, but it's not all bad having him in me. For one, my body can heal at a crazily accelerated rate and I have a lot more chakra than any one else."

Naruto was quiet for bit, just thinking. Tabitha was still expressionless but there seemed to be something else in her eyes. "How did I get stopped though? Usually it takes a suppression seal or something." Naruto asked.

"That would be me, partner." Derf said on the ground.

"Oh really? What'd you do Derf?" Naruto asked. Blank looks came towards Naruto. "Oh right, this is Derflinger. A sword I found."

Derf began talking again after Naruto introduced him. "Well I absorbed the energy around you and blocked anymore from coming out."

"But how'd you get close enough to me to do that?" Naruto asked.

"Why don't you ask your mage there? She's the one that bravely brought me to you while you were in that state. Pretty sure that's how she got that cut too." Derf said, "You know she doesn't look like much at first, especially in the chest area, but she's not half bad."

"Hey!" Louise yelled loudly, angry at the sword for calling her flat. "Why did you have take this sword?"

"Well he did help me find you, and he's a talking sword, that's not something you see every day." Naruto said.

"It's too bad that you didn't get summoned by that other girl with the big chest." Derf continued, "That would have made you really lucky."

'Although, he might be more trouble than he's worth.' Naruto thought while Louise yelled at the sword and Kirche pushed herself on his back again. At least things were some what back to normal.

Rasengan = Spiraling sphere (happy this time)

Kawarimi no Jutsu = Substitution Jutsu

Kage Bunshin no Jutsu = Shadow clone Jutsu

Kuchiyose no Jutsu = Summoning Jutsu

A/N: So yeah, that's the chapter. Hope it was worth the wait, (I'm pretty sure it wasn't). I wasn't terribly happy with this chapter, too many coincidences, which is partly the reason I got stuck. Good news though, I have a clearer idea of where I'm taking this now, which is good. I also have about half of the next chapter already planed out so hopefully it won't take six months to come out again. Still not giving up though, I'll continue on until I can't go no more.

Any reviews you could drop by greatly appreciated, I try to get a response out to ever one. I stopped putting the Jutsus in bold; I didn't think it was really necessary. I can put it back though if you guys want. Also not trying to self-promote or anything but I do have another story out, not the one I had originally planned to put out but what ever works, and my time will probably be spent half and half between them, with chapter 6 of this coming out first hopefully.

So as we can see Naruto's still crushing on Sakura. Not like that could change overnight. But I'm pretty sure now who the pairing will be, which you may or may not figure out. But I still want to hear what you guys think. Not to say that it will change my choice but I like to know what other people think and their reasons for it. Until next time, bye!