My first new fic of the year!

Here's hoping you like it. This'll have some nods to my last Spongebob fic, Home, so I recommend you read that first.

The Quest For Poseidon

By E350


The sounds of fighting echoed outside the King's throne room.

The squire and the guards were busy grabbing anything of value, chucking it into a bag in the back of the room. Mindy clenched her fists as the ominous sounds from outside grew louder and louder. She wondered how this had happened.

Then she remembered that her father had left the gates open to receive his hair tonic.

King Neptune was floating back and forth, clenching his head in his hands. He was muttering something to himself, stopping only to adjust his crown. If he was going to be splattered all over the wall by invaders, he'd at least have his bald spot covered.

"Sire!" the squire called, running over to him.

"WHAT?" thundered Neptune, his trident lighting up as he faced his long-suffering assistant.

The squire gulped.

"…we finished loading the bag."

Neptune calmed down.

"Did you pack the gold?" he asked.


"The diamonds?"


"The Royal Breath Mints?"


"Good," nodded Neptune, "Take Mindy and head for the carriage."

"Wait," said Mindy, turning to her father, "What about you?"

"I have to get something from the safe under my throne," replied Neptune, "I'll follow on when I have it…"

"Father!" snapped Mindy, "You can't let yourself get captured over some dumb…"

"Mindy!" interrupted Neptune, irritably, "It's the key to the kingdom!"

Mindy blinked, and her father sighed.

"Whoever has the key has the right to the crown and the trident," he explained, "I was going to tell you when you were older…"

"…older?" demanded Mindy, "Older? I'm my own person, father, I can handle…"

She was cut off by the embrace of her father. Surprised, she stood still for a few seconds, before hugging back.

"I will meet you at Poseidon," he said, "I promise."

He let go of Mindy.

"Whatever happens," he said, "You are my world, Mindy."

"I love you, daddy," whimpered Mindy, beginning to tear up.

Neptune looked away.

"Go," he ordered.

Neptune waited until he heard the door shut before pushing the throne aside. With a mighty crash, the giant chair fell to the floor, revealing a very civilian-looking safe underneath.

Neptune knelt over the safe and turned the code.

"1. 2. 1. 2…1," he said aloud, and the safe-door opened. A small, silver key sat inside, looking very lonely. Neptune scooped it up and prepared to go.

At this moment, the door was kicked open.

"Who dares invade the castle of…"

Neptune stopped.

A large, red merman with a goatee and long black hair stood before him. He wore black knight's armour, minus helmet, and carried a very large sword.

"…brother?" Neptune squeaked.

"Ah, Neptune!" grinned his brother, "Still have the bald spot, I see?"

"…thinning," Neptune squeaked.

"Yes, of course," nodded his brother, "How've you been? I was made Duke of the Pacific while you've been…oh, yes, King."

"Yes, well, that was what daddy decreed, wasn't it?" whimpered Neptune, "I'm sure we can sort this out…"

"The key," demanded the Duke, "Now."

"I-I can't give you that," gulped Neptune, "That's what gives me my authority over the sea, and, err…"

"Do it," snarled the Duke, "Or I will execute your daughter."

Neptune's trident turned red.

"You dare threaten my daughter?"

"Yes, actually," nodded the Duke, "I have men positioned on the route out of the castle. Unless I say otherwise, they will fill anything that leaves with arrows."

The water around Neptune was boiling.

"So, what's worth more?" asked the Duke, "Your kingdom for your child?"

Neptune snarled.

"How'd you know I needed tonic?" he snarled, "Who told about…"

"That'd be me, Neptune, oh buddy of mine."

Sheldon Plankton stepped out from behind the Duke, an expression of smug satisfaction on his face.


"Hello," nodded Plankton, waving.

"Mr. Plankton's involvement is irrelevant, right now," snapped the Duke, "Give me the key, and I will allow Mindy safe passage to Poseidon. Otherwise…"

Neptune's trident dimmed.

"You promise she'll be unharmed?"

"As long as she doesn't return, you have my word," nodded the Duke.

Neptune bowed his head, and tossed the Duke the key.

"Thank you for abdicating, Mr. Neptune," nodded the Duke.

There was a gust of wind. Neptune's crown and trident lifted off of his head and floated over to the Duke, who caught them on his head and hand respectively.

"Now that that's sorted," grinned the Duke, "I want Neptune and Mr. Plankton taken to the dungeons."

"Wait, what?" demanded Plankton, as the Duke's men entered the room, "We had a deal!"

"Honour among thieves, Mr. Plankton," shrugged the Duke, grinning, "But don't worry, I did remember the terms."

"I wanted Bikini Bottom!" shouted Plankton.

"No, you said you wanted Bikini Bottom to pay," reminded the Duke, "And I intend to make sure that it does. Now, take them away!"

As the men escorted Plankton and Neptune from the throne room, the Duke strode up to the throne and set it upright again. Grinning, he sat down and relaxed in the chair.

"Let the work of government begin," he grinned.

...and then the Master sued me.