I do not own Ghost Hunt.
Mai stretched, before slapping her hands back onto the desk again. She was, to say the least, bored. Her homework was done, the filing was done, the cleaning was done and she had just done a round of tea. Naru and his stupid tea. It's one of the only things that he likes. Mai had a sudden brainwave. Grabbing a pen and a piece of paper, she proceeded to write the following words at the top of the page:
The Likes and Dislikes of Kazuya Shibuya, aka Naru.
Chewing on her pen, she smiled before writing her list.
Naru likes tea
He likes books. Especially long, boring ones in English about the paranormal, and any other science.
He likes his black notebook. In fact, he is very protective over it.
He does not like people coming into the office unnecessarily, and treating like a 'café'.
He likes dark corners where he can hide.
He does not like being told what to do. Even if it's for his own good.
He does not like being wrong. Not that he ever is… much…
He likes the colour black.
Mai had just finished the last point when the door opened, and the usual flustered client came in. Mai sprang up and sat her down, knocking on Lin and Naru's doors before going off to make some tea.
Mai ushered the tearful client out of the door, before shaking her head and making her way back to her desk. She scooped up the completed files that she had finished earlier and knocked on Naru's door. Entering, she waited a few moments for her eyesight to adjust, before depositing the files on his desk. She left quickly, and fell asleep with her head on her desk. She was just drifting off into a confusing yet amusing dream where she was the ghost and could chase Naru around the office waving his black notebook when she was awakened by the sound of a door closing. She groggily lifted her head, and saw the list on her desk. She read it, and then shook her head.
He does not like his time being wasted by useless, stupid clients who think that a broken boiler is a ghost.
He does not like coffee.
He does not like it when the internet is down or is being slow.
He does not like aeroplanes or airports.
He does not like it when it takes ages for a book that he has ordered to come.
He does not like it when cases are uninteresting.
He does not like his assistant sleeping on the job.
He does not like it when his mother or Madoka or both either visit or call.
He does not like it when his assistant wastes her time instead of asking for more work by making stupid lists. Mai, there is more filing to be done.
A few minutes later, Mai walked out of Naru's office, her arms laden with more filing. She piled it all on her desk, her head completely obscured by the papers. After a long period of time (or long to her, anyway,) she finished. Once again, she made her way to Naru's office. She entered the room, and Naru ignored her. As usual. She dumped the work on his desk, and turned to leave.
"Mai?" she paused, her hand resting on the door knob.
"You forgot something that I like. On your list." Mai turned, and found that they were standing close together.
"Well, you annotated it anyway."
"Aren't you going to ask me what it is?"
"Fine. What is it?"
"You." Naru closed the remaining steps, and planted a kiss on Mai's surprised lips. He drew back, and Mai smiled. They kissed again, and neither teenager noticed when Lin entered the office, surveyed the scene for a millisecond, and quietly left.
Well, my first ever one shot. I'm pretty proud of myself, to be honest. They may be ooc (I'm not entirely sure) but I like it. Anyway, please review!