A/N: Thank you to everyone who has reviewed, followed, and continued reading this story.

Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS or Supernatural, nor any of the characters within.

It seemed team Gibbs was in for a long night. They'd gone in chasing what they supposed would be a dead end, but ended up with a suspect and possible hostage/victim. All in all, a satisfying lead. Except for the kid of course.

"Hey how's the kid doing?"

Ziva tilted her head at Tony's question. "He's alright, merely sleeping for the moment."

"Poor kid, he was so exhausted he conked out the minute he got in the car." McGee stared at the sleeping form of little Dean. "I hope he gets some rest now." All three turned to stare at the boy who was currently sleeping at Tony's desk.

"Well it was way past the little kid's bed time." Tony gave the kid a quick glance. "He's probably slightly traumatized."

"Ya think DiNozzo" Gibbs walked by, fresh cup of coffee in hand.

Tony stood up. "Well boss-"

"Any information on our guy yet?" Gibbs interrupted as he went back to his desk. He gave the boy sleeping in Tony's desk a worry filled glance, before turning on his computer and looking at the team expectantly. "Well?"

"I'm running a search as we speak." McGee answered cautiously. Gibbs seemed to accept the answer as he nodded. Grabbing some files he gave the small sleeping form a soft look before turning away.

"Uhh boss?" McGee gave Gibbs a questioning look.

"What McGee" Gibbs growled out angrily at the interruption.

"Where are you going?"

"Where do you think I'm going? We have a kid without parents and a guy who is his supposed brother was doing who knows what in the park in the dead of night!"

"Boss is everything okay?" Tony asked cautiously. Gibbs was mad. Of course, the team leader always took it hard when a kid was involved. This however, seemed a bit more personal for Gibbs.

Gibbs slammed his coffee down. "No Dinozzo it's not." Gibbs gave his team a glare. "I saw them yesterday, the kid and the guy down in interrogation. The guy seems familiar actually, like I've seen him before."



"Uh boss" McGee started. "I got a hit on our suspect." His eyes seemed to grow wide as he took in the information on the screen. "I think I know why he seems familiar. You won't believe who is sitting in interrogation right now."

"Who is it McGee?" Gibbs gave the junior agent a look to hurry him up.

"Well boss" McGee clicked and an image popped onto the plasma. "Meet Sam Winchester, one of the infamous Winchester brothers. He and his older brother Dean were some of the most brutal serial killers. Their crimes ranged from credit card fraud to grave desecration, to murder."

"Were McGee?" Gibbs stared pointedly at the younger agent.

"They were said to be dead boss, rumor is that they died in custody. FBI had them, says they were apprehended by a Special Agent Victor Henriksen, he was in charge of hunting down the Winchesters." McGee clicked some more and a few arrest records showed up on the screen. "They were arrested a few times, but they always seemed to manage to escape."

"How did they die?"

"There was a big gas blow up and everyone died. Sam and Dean were rumored to also have died there." Tony turned to Gibbs. "These guys are like the masters of escape boss, they even escaped death. I mean at least we know Sam isn't dead. No word of Dean though. It is said that if one is in town the other can't be far behind."

"Have you gotten ahold of this Henriksen guy?" Gibbs barked out. "He might be able to provide us with some clues as to what the Winchesters are doing around these areas."

"That will be hard to do Gibbs" Ziva interjected. "Henriksen died in the gas explosion. The explosion killed everyone in the police station."

"Great the one man who knew them is dead." Gibbs glared at his team. "We've got a serial killer in interrogation and a little kid sleeping on Tony's desk. Ziva figure out the connection, McGee the FBI is going to try and get custody of Sam Winchester. Try to stall them as much as you can, Tony with me."

With that Gibbs turned and made way to the interrogation room. He had one lying son of a bitch to see. With a wave of his hand Tony turned and followed Gibbs.

Inside the room, the young man sat with his hands clasped as he slouched against the table. His eyes searched frantically as he saw the two federal agents enter. Tony stood by the door as Gibbs closed the door and took a seat. Silently, he stared the younger man down. Neither of them said a word and neither wanted to be the first to back down from their stare down. Eventually, Sam looked down.

"How is he?" Sam coughed to clear his throat; his voice was raspy from not talking for a few hours.

"Who the kid?" Gibbs asked. "Oh he's fine. He's sleeping right now." Sam nodded. Gibbs stared at the young Winchester for a few minutes before leaning close. "What I want to know is what you're doing here Winchester."

Gibbs watched with satisfaction as Sam stiffened. "You see rumor had it that you and your psycho brother were dead, killed in that explosion a few months back."

"I don't-"

Gibbs reached out and placed a file on the table. "I knew there was something familiar about you when I saw you yesterday." Gibbs took out a picture and placed it on the table. "Recognize it?"

Sam stared down at his own face. It was the mug shot of him that had been taken when he and Dean were arrested. He gulped quietly. He looked back up at Gibbs, but said nothing else.

Gibbs studied the reaction on Sam's face as he saw the picture. "Where's your brother Sam?" Sam raised his head as the corners of his face twitched upwards. "Do you think this is funny?" Gibbs questioned voice low and dangerous.

Sam shook his head no. It was not funny, except it kind of was. NCIS had both the Winchesters in custody, and they didn't even know it. He knew that there was no way they'd find Dean, because he already was here. "No sir"

"We found you at a crime scene yesterday. Seems to fit your MO, maybe you decided you were bored with laying low and wanted to continue killing. Small rural areas not enough for you; wanted to get into the big cities. Either way, if you're here then Dean is not far away is he?" Gibbs questioned. He like the rest of the government agencies knew about the Winchesters. Whenever a criminal made the top 10, it was mandatory that everyone know. Gibbs was still kicking himself for not recognizing him earlier.

"Dean isn't here." Sam answered. "I'm here alone, and I swear I did not kill those people." He protested. He knew that at this point proclaiming his innocence was hopeless, but the Winchesters were known as being stubborn for a reason.

Gibbs nodded. "Okay, who's the kid?" He saw the way that Sam's eyes widened at the question. "I assume he's not your brother, like you said he was." Gibbs questioned. "Was murder not enough for you Sam, did you start kidnapping too?"

Sam felt indignation at what Agent Gibbs was insinuating. Dean and he would never kidnap anyone, let alone a kid. They killed monsters, they protected innocents. Not the other way around.

"So who is the kid?"

"He's my-" Sam blanked out. He couldn't say that Dean was some random kid he'd found, because then he'd get sent to CPS, but he couldn't say he was his brother because no one would believe him. Magical deaging Unless…

"Let me guess he's your brother." Gibbs stated deadpan. "That's what you said yesterday." Leaning closer to Sam Gibbs spoke. "Last I heard, you didn't have any younger brothers Sam." Sam nodded before shaking his head. "Who's the boy Sam? Where did you get him?" Gibbs questioned.

"He's my son!"

Gibbs and Tony stared at the man in shock. The kid sleeping peacefully at Tony's desk was Sam Winchester's son? He was the next generation of crazy that the Winchesters were. This couldn't be. Gibbs shook his head. "He didn't call you dad. You said it twice that the little boy was your brother."

Sam shook his head. "I…he-"

Gibbs suddenly pulled another picture out of the file. "No, it doesn't fit. You didn't have any children, and John Winchester didn't have any more children after you." He suddenly got a gleam in his eyes as he remembered something. "You called him Dean."

"Huh?" Sam was confused by the statement. Were they connecting the dots already?

"You called the kid Dean." Gibbs slammed a fist onto the table. "He's not your son or your brother. Who is he? Did you kidnap a child to replace your brother?" Gibbs' mind was working in overdrive as he started connecting the dots. "Dean really did die in the accident and you decided you couldn't cope without him and grabbed the first unfortunate child that you could find." Gibbs face twisted in disgust. "You make me sick."

"No, he, I didn't." Sam interjected. "I would never." The agent's insinuation on his brother's death made him swallow hard. If only they knew how close to being true that was. He had a hard time suppressing the shudder that arose with the memory of Dean's near death experience a while back. Even so, he would never have kidnapped some random child.

Twenty minutes later and Gibbs felt that they would get nothing out of the younger Winchester. He refused to say a word about who the kid was. He just sat there arms crossed staring at Gibbs. The questioning as to Dean Winchester's whereabouts had also been unsuccessful, but now Gibbs had a feeling he knew why.

"We'll find out who the kid is and I promise you that you will go to jail for a very very long time." With that Gibbs gave him one last glare before walking out of the interrogation room.

Inside the bullpen the rest of the team was awaiting their return. Abby had come up from her lab when she had heard the news of their successful arrest. When Gibbs returned with DiNozzo in tow, they could tell that things had gotten worse.



"Is everything alright Gibbs"

Gibbs sighed. He could tell the team wanted information and he wanted some too. Unfortunately, Sam Winchester did not seem inclined to give any answers. He gave the sleeping boy on Tony's desk a significant look. The team seemed to understand.

"Gibbs? What's wrong?" This time Abby whispered.

"Not now Abbs." He replied. "Let's see if you can wake him up and take him to your lab. Try to find out who he is." Abby nodded although she gave the sleeping boy a sad look.

"Sure thing Gibbs." she softly walked over to the boy before gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "Sweetie" Dean woke up with a murmur.

"Sam s'that you?" He questioned, seemingly having forgotten where he was. At Abby's reply he tensed. Lifting his head up slowly he could see that he was at the same place as before. Silently cursing himself for his carelessness, Dean gave the team an innocent smile. "Hello?"

Abby melted at the sweet smile from the boy. "Hey sweetie, what's your name?" At Dean's reply she smiled. "Dean huh, want to come with me to my lab for a minute?" At the conflicted look she continued. "It's fun I promise. I've got lots of cool machines you can see. I've even got Bart. He's my farting hippo." She explained at his confused expression.

Dean reviewed his choices before nodding. He might as well go with this woman. He knew that the feds wouldn't do anything to him, not when they thought he was a poor confused child. He also knew that they were trying to be sneaky and send him off while they talked about him, probably about Sam too. He was anxious to know is Sam was alright. He didn't know how much they knew, which is why he gave his first name only. He sure hoped Sam had not given some other name, then they would really be screwed.


The team smiled as Abby led the little boy by the hand to the elevator. They watched until they got in and the doors closed behind them. Once the two left they turned to Tony and Gibbs.

"What is it Gibbs?" Ziva asked.

"McGee I want you to run a search on missing children fitting his description. Start with any date after the explosion. It might take a while since we don't know how long he's been gone or where he even came from." McGee nodded and Gibbs turned to Tony. "DiNozzo look for any other crimes that seem to fit Winchester. Who knows how long he's been here, see if you can find out where they were currently hiding out. Ziva, see if we find Dean, though I don't think we'll get anywhere with that investigation."

"Why not Gibbs? Everyone says that where one is the other is not far behind." Ziva asked puzzled. "I'm sure it is a matter of time before we find Dean."

"Don't think so." Gibbs replied. "I think Sam took the boy as a replacement for his brother, gave him the same name and everything." Gibbs grimaced as he remembered how the boy had told Abby his 'name' earlier. "It seems to me that one of the Winchesters really did die in the explosion." He could see the realization dawn on his team's faces.

"That's just wrong." Gibbs nodded. He agreed.

"I'm going down to see Ducky."


"Jethro, what a surprise. I heard that you had apprehended our suspect." Ducky said. He'd been putting the finishing touches on one of his reports when Gibbs walked in. "I suppose the case will soon be wrapped up."

"I wish Duck." Gibbs sighed. The Medical Examiner frowned before joining Gibbs. "What seems to be the matter?"

Gibbs relayed the information of the mystery boy to Ducky, told him his theory of why the kid was taken watching as his face grew more and more concerned. Then he told him about his confrontation the other day with Sam.

"I should have known something was up the other day. The kid was practically trying to get away from him Duck." Gibbs ran a hand over his face. "I felt like something wasn't right and yet I let the boy go back to that monster. He was practically crying out against him."

Ducky sighed. "We have him now Jethro." He reassured him. "I believe that you couldn't have done more. You had no way of knowing that the boy was not truly his brother. We are just lucky that we apprehended the younger Winchester now instead of later. You might have very well have saved the young boy's life."

"What do you mean Duck?" Gibbs asked.

Ducky gave him a sad expression. "If what you're saying is true Jethro, about the boy being a replacement for his older brother, then he would have been in danger. Oftentimes people who abduct someone as a replacement tend to begin to notice the differences between the replacement and original person. Once they notice this they become violent and often kill the replacement in their anger that it is not the same person."

Gibbs shuddered at the thought. Cases with kids always got to him. The fact that a young boy was in the hands of a clearly delusional killer was perturbing. Who knows how long the boy, because he refused to call him Dean, had been in Sam's hold. Sam had obviously brainwashed the kid into believing he was Dean Winchester, yet the kid still fought back. Gibbs smiled as he remembered the scene that had first brought his attention to Sam and the boy, the kid was sure a survivor. Thankful that they got the boy out of a horrible situation, Gibbs walked out of Autopsy and made his way to Abby's lab.

He needed answers, and hopefully Abby would have some.