Ok because im a super nerd and totally miss this show, i decided to mix my favorite current show with my favorite childhood show, TEEN TITANS! Kyle is Starfire, Kenny is Raven, Cartman is Cyborg, and after much contemplation, I decided Stan is a combination of Beast Boy and Robin. I do not own South Park or Teen Titans. Enjoy and please review and make HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS.

It all started when Cartman got into that car accident. He had just gotten his license and had wanted to take his new car out for a spin. He had gotten really interested in cars, buying any book in any bookstore, having overdue books from the school library, he even hung out at the gas station so he could learn more about them. Knowing that much, you'd have thought he'd have been careful but no. He didn't listen to his mother's warnings and he took it out in the pouring rain. Just last week it had snowed relentlessly and now it almost seemed like you could walk outside and take a shower. Even experienced drivers had stayed home but Eric Cartman was a stubborn man, and he hit an icy patch and slid off a cliff. How he even lived is beyond anyone's knowledge. But because of the extensive damage done to him, he had to have many surgeries. Everyone in town and the Cartman family pitched in, even if they didn't want to, and soon Cartman was up and healthy, besides the fact that nearly half his body was now electronic. He had parts fitted just to his shape, which had slimmed down a lot since Elementary school but he still wasn't as skinny as his friends. Cartman managed to talk his family into splurging even more for his new artificial limbs and soon, he had weapons and attachments to fasten to his mechanically enhanced body.

The accident hadn't made him any less obnoxious. In fact, he seemed to have grown in arrogance; mocking his friends for not having such a "Killer body" so he put it.

About a month later was when Kyle had found out about his own incredible gift. The four boys were over Cartman's and he was demonstrating his artificial arm.

"And look you gahs! All I have to do is push nyah and it'll activate the volumes or channels whichever I want! MMMM Kahl are you jealous? A Jew could never be this cool and you know it!" He snickered at his red haired 'friend'.

No one was really sure if the two were friends. They inexplicably and utterly despised each other with a passion, yet they still hung out and they had helped each other on multiple occasions, even risking their lives for each other. And yet they showed their disgust with each other in every word uttered to each other.

Like right then for instance. Kyle had begun to get cross. His pale, cinnamon speckled face began to inflame in annoyance, turning a shade much lighter than his auburn curls that cascaded down his high forehead and twirl around the edges of his jaw and high cheekbones and rest on his slim shoulders. His eyes, a lively green color that could only be compared to the cleanest and purest of emerald, began to enlighten from within and somehow began to . . . glow?

Not quite but the irises began to illuminate and his pupils were no longer black, they were fading into a forest green. They paled and shimmered until they were the same exact color as the shining irises. Even the whites turned into the same jade color until his entire eye was one magnificent glowing emerald. Kyle's other friends, Stan and Kenny, took a step back, however Cartman, being the bigot he was, snorted and continued to taunt him.

"If this is one of your hypnotic Jew tricks I'm not falling for it," he retorted, trying to hide the fact that he was freaking out inside.

Kyle's fury reached its peak and he started to scream at the cyborg in front of him "SHUT THE FUCK UP CARTMAN THERES NO JEW HYPNOSIS AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!" during his crazed display of anger, he was flinging his hands all over the place. Not one of the boys looked the Jew in the eyes; they were staring at his hands. Green began to glow in his palms and they turned spherical and grew until he flung his arms backward and out shot the laser, shattering the brunettes Xbox and the pieces flew everywhere in the small living room. The four boys were speechless, but they were all thinking the same thing.

'Dude, Kyle just flung a green laser out of his hands and broke Cartman, the cyborgs, Xbox'

Suddenly Cartman glowered at the red haired boy and said "You're buying me a new Xbox"

Kyle just nodded and left, too astonished to speak.

"Kyle!" the voice made the small boy turn and smile, even in the situation he was in. His super best friend Stanley Marsh was running toward him. His onyx hair jumped and danced as the sunlight toyed with it, sending brilliant white flecks to ricochet off of it. His cobalt eyes connected with his friends green ones. To his relief, they were back to normal. They were still round and a vibrant green but they weren't glowing and they had their pupils and whites back.

Kyle waited for Stan to catch up to him, when he did they walked slowly. Stan shoved his hands in his pocket and looked at his dirty converses for a few moments before turning back to his friend. "Dude, what the FUCK was that?"

The green eyed boy looked up sharply and his eyes began to sparkle as they had previously. Kyle had a very strong temper and it flashed and ebbed as quickly as you could snap. He looked ready to summon the energy he had earlier and fling a green baseball-like bolt at his friend but then the sparkle was gone and his hands stopped tingling. He felt bad for getting mad at his friend. Stan had been his best friend since preschool; he was just concerned "I honestly don't know. Did something happen with my eyes, they felt like they were getting . . . warm"

Stan looked uncomfortable to bring back up the unusual scene but he needed to tell his friend what had happened "Yeah, you're whole eye turned green and they started to glow."

Kyle jerked to a halt in shock "GLOW? My eyes GLOWED?"

Stan nodded and put an arm around his friend's shoulders. If they were anyone else they would be declared gay for each other but not them. Considering them brothers would be an understatement. It almost seemed as though they shared a soul. Without one half, the other was broken.

But Kyle couldn't help but wish Stan WAS gay. He wished his lean friend would wrap both his arms around him and say he would be alright and he was there for him. He wished he would say he loved him and then put his hands on his cheeks and guide his lips to himself, sharing a deep and passionate kiss. But Kyle knew he wouldn't. Stan wasn't gay. Just because two years ago he had officially broken up with Wendy doesn't mean he was gay, and especially not for his super best friend.

"It'll be alright Kyle, something's going on but it's happening for a reason and we'll get to the bottom of it," Stan smiled a pearly grin and squeezed his small framed friend tighter. Stan couldn't help but wish his Jewish companion knew the real meanings behind his touches, his words, his feelings. All he'd ever wanted and ever would want was him and only him, curled up into his chest, murmuring gushy words into his shirt. But Stan couldn't risk such a precious friendship for a crush, no matter how powerful.

"No dude, it's not just me, I have a feeling something's not right, and soon it'll come back for us. I mean who just had random weapons to mechanical arms and legs. And how do they suddenly become deemed near worthless and sold to someone who just HAPPENED to get into an accident. Something's up," Kyle reasoned. Stan couldn't agree more.

"Well until we figure what it is well have to just lay low and keep this whole situation a secret." Stan decided. This time Kyle agreed.

He nodded then looked around as though only just noticing someone missing "Hey, where's Kenny?"

"Probably helping Cartman," Stan shrugged. Little did he know more was about to happen in the already excitement filled afternoon.

"No Kinny you gotta make sure all the pieces are up" The half human said.

Kenny felt like flinging all the pieces of the destroyed Xbox he had collected and tossing them at the much larger boy. Out of all the friends, Kenny was the skinniest because his family didn't make enough income to eat every day and he tried to give as much as he could to his baby sister Karen. Karen was the main reason he didn't just up and leave South Park. He loved his friends and he did pretty well in school but without Kenny there, Karen would probably be unable to help herself. Kenny was her shield, her protection. Karen was a young, beautiful, yet innocent girl who had the misfortune of being raised in such a poor and awful neighborhood but Kenny was the person she relied on and Kenny knew if he left, it would break her.

So he gritted his teeth and picked the pieces of plastic off the floor as Cartman rambled "Who knew Kahl was such a freak. Seriously dude, what the fuck was that? His eyes got all weird and his hands fucking shot out lasers! He broke my damn Xbox! He better pay for that! He better not use his sneaky Jew ways to try and get out of this. I think he was trying to hypnotize us but I'm not falling for it! I don't care how much Jew magic he had he's not fooling me! And-"

Kenny nearly screamed at him to shut up when suddenly, a black sheet crept up to Cartman and wrapped itself around his wide mouth, seemingly gluing it shut. Cartman looked down in surprise and kept trying to talk but the black sheet muted him. Kenny was grateful of the strange substance cutting off the fat boy. He grinned and finished cleaning the floor. When he stopped really paying attention to Cartman's struggles to rip the thing off, it faded and the large boy stared at Kenny as though waiting for an answer.

"What?" Kenny asked his blue eyes brilliant. Kenny had eyes the flawless color of the sea in a Caribbean paradise, the hue of a perfect cloudless sky. His eyes seemed to read into your soul and pick out everything about you. Even though few knew this, Kenny had a powerful mind and he was very brilliant. That's how he knew Stan liked Kyle, and that's how he knew Kyle liked Stan as well.

"Kenny did you do that?" He asked, disbelievingly.

Kenny chuckled "Who me?" He asked as he walked over to the door that led him into the kitchen "Nah I couldn't-" He opened his hand to the door when a black film outlined the door and it opened BY ITSELF.

Kenny stood there, mesmerized by the black film. Focusing, he closed his palm and brought it back to himself and the door followed, slamming against the doorframe. He turned to Cartman, who started at him like he just transformed into Jesus.

"You're a freak! Like Kahl!" He gasped. Kenny rolled his eyes.

"Coming from the boy who isn't even fully human," he responded.

Cartman narrowed his eyes "Well neither are you and neither is Kahl!"

Kenny was close to arguing again when he realized something. The loud mouthed, egotistical, arrogant, obnoxious fatass was completely right. This made him more than human. Super human.

Telekinesis he thought with a smile. It was a very great ability. He already had one power, to be incapable of dying. But he felt he could do so much more. He focused his energy and suddenly he found himself listening to unspoken words from Cartman.

'Dude, what the fuck! Does this mean Stan's a freak too? And what about Wendy? Craig? Is anyone else like them? Am I like them?'

Kenny decided to keep this ability a secret. That could be useful "Let's go to Stan's house, that's where he and Kyle are."

Stan and Kyle were on stand couch. Kyle held one hand, palm up, watching the pulsing of a green sphere float just above his palm. He concentrated as it grew in size then relaxed his mind and it dimmed. Stan didn't say a word as his friend gaped at the pulsating bolt he was in control of. He just watched and offered silent support, a smile of the eyes, a hand on the back, a nod in his direction. The friends needed no words to speak; they knew each other better than they knew themselves.

Suddenly the normally light wood door quickly faded into black and the darkness vibrated and suddenly the two friends who hadn't been there before walked through the blackened door, leaving the two best friends staring in astonishment.

"Dude, you have an ability too?" Kyle asked, slightly afraid but mostly excited. He was relieved that he wasn't the only one, but then he worried. What about Stan?

Kenny smiled "Hell yeah I do! I have telekinesis and I can do a bunch of crazy shit with my mind. See Cartman I'm not stupid!" he exclaimed gleefully, obviously finding no disturbance with his disabilities. Unbeknownst to everyone but himself and his parents and Karen, he had another ability, He was unable to die permanently. He constantly would perish with the many bizarre occurrences in the small snowy town, but he would only die for a short while. He knew the rules of his unique power, he would die and he could choose where he went to, he had made close friends with both Satan and God. Usually he would go to hell, because the Mormons irritated him with their sickly sweet nature, besides, he liked to visit Damien, the antichrists son. Every time he died, he would return to his body in his bed at the following midnight. Id he died at 12:01 AM he would be gone all day, if he died at 11:59 PM he would only be gone a minute. He had never died on exactly midnight and he couldn't help but be curious- and afraid- of what would happen if he did.

So he was completely mild about his new ability, even though his red headed friend was reeling with the constant questions.

Cartman began to speak in the familiar imperious tone he so often used "Yeah you're both freaks, big fucking whoop!"

Stan glared at his friend, feeling protectiveness over his Kyle, or so he thought in his mind. To him, he would always be his Kyle. "Shut up Cartman, leave him- I mean them alone!"

Kenny grinned, knowing every word of what his friend was thinking, he knew he wasn't trying to defend him near as much as he was 'His Kyle'. Cartman heard his mistake and ate it up.

"Dude, you so only wanted to protect Kyle, what are you fags?" The large boy snickered.

Stan began to snarl, his lip curled and his throat was letting out . . . growls? "Shut you're fucking mouth Cartman! I swear ill fuck you're ass up." His voice was low and feral, seemingly foreshadowing a threat.

Of course, Cartman kept his snide comments going "I knew you two took it up the butt! Who's bottom and who's top hmm?"

That was too much for the angry teen. With a scream that turned into a roar the boy seemed to rip out of his own body, turning into a ferocious tiger, claws unsheathed, teeth bared, and ears flat against his head. The jet black stripes slid down his rippling orange coat and his deep blue eyes, the same as the human Stan. He took deathly steps toward his sort-of-friend, who backed away, chocolate eyes wide in amazement.

"DUDE WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE ALL FREAKS! WH- WOAH!" he jumped backward as Stan swiped at his large gut with a massive white paw, teeth snarled and eyes narrowed even more than before, a threatening rumbling coming from his chest "AY! DON'T SWIPE AT ME YOU BUTTLICKER!"

Stan crouched to strike when Kyle petted him along his spine. Stan froze and when his friend laid a hand on his head he pushed against it happily, looking more like a housecat than a fearsome feline. Kyle continued to stroke his ears while he reasoned with the emotional group. "Look! This isn't getting us anywhere! We need to stop fighting and figure out how this happened and what we're going to do about it. I say tonight we spend the night at that abandoned house in the woods and get used to our powers,"

Cartman snorted "yeah that's a good idea, spend a night in the woods alone in a town like South Park, I thought Jews were supposed to be smart, and also what's with-" once again, just like earlier, a black strip covered his mouth, muffling his negative words. Cartman, to no avail, attempted to pull it off. The rest of them ignored him.

Kenny and Tiger Stan both nodded, Stan a little slower because of his heavy skull. "We really should, No one should know about this for now, agreed?"

Everyone nodded and they all waited for Stan to morph back. He scooted back and began to change. This time, instead of the sudden burst out of his skin, he began to melt back into his form. His back arched and caved and he curled in on himself. Finally he was back to his normal human form, except for one thing.

Stan looked skeptical when they all turned away "What?" he asked.

Kyle, looking nearly as red as his hair, stuttered "Uh . . . Stan, y-you er, don't h-have any clothes,"

Immediately his hands flew to cover himself "God dammit!," He grabbed a blanket, wrapped it around himself, and flew up the stairs.

Kenny peered into Kyle's mind 'God damn! He's so . . . big. And beautiful,'

Kenny chuckled, which caused the two remaining boys to give him a skeptical glance. Kenny shook his head and looked away, trying to stifle his laughter Dude, Kyle is so gay! He laughed mentally. They waited for Stan to get back downstairs.

When he did, he had a loose red t-shirt and gray sweats on. When he came down, he became leader again "Okay, I think Kyle's idea is a really good one, we need to figure the extent of our powers,"

"Ugh don't say powers," Cartman demanded "that sounds like some cheap ass little kids cartoon that the only way normal people could watch it is if they get stoned,"

The three friends all stared at him, but deciding they really didn't want to know, they continued with the issue at hand "So are we agreed, tonight we stay at the house in the woods to test out our abilities," he suggested, giving Cartman a sidelong glance at the last word.

"Agreed," they all decided.