This chapter is all Sonic's POV. Knuckles is a little OC, but still holds his toughness. Don't worry.

Also, I do not hate Amy at all. But making her bitchy was fun.

The Yearning

"Quit tugging on my hair hedgehog."

"Eh? But you didn't mind yesterday when I was doing it. Why today?" I whined. The redhead I was talking to sighed and sent me an annoyed glare from the corner of his eye. He didn't say anything but I could tell he was loosing his patience. I probably shouldn't had been bothering him as much as I was, but then I wouldn't be Sonic now would I?

The kid I was pestering was one of the new students that had transferred into my school a couple months ago; to the surprise of well... pretty much everyone, because our school rarely accepts any transfers in the middle of the school year. A lot of people said he must of had connections with the principal in order to get in so late. The principal was an okay guy, but everyone knew to be weary of him whenever he would step into class rooms unannounced. He was a strict man, cold to the bone, probably ex-military if anything. So for the new kid to just get a free pass into the school without any reason whatsoever was suspicious.

Though that wasn't the only sketchy thing about him. Besides being a hotheaded loner with good connections, this guy was also an echidna. Echidna's were rare, really rare. There weren't that many echidna's left on Mobius and the little that were tended to isolate themselves from the rest of society. They lived in their own little groups and didn't stray far away from their villages. Meaning that having a nearly extinct species attending the school would attracted a lot of attention. Why he was here, nobody knew; but there were a handful of rumors that were being spread around. Lots of them bad.

Though in complete honesty, no one knows the actual story. The kid mostly keeps to himself and really doesn't talk to anyone, at all. Well except me of course. Everyone who's tried to talk to him says he has a really boring personality and that he acts like as if people aren't worth his time. I kinda get that vibe to, but I think mostly it's because he doesn't want to be bothered; plus he has really tasty lunches and lets me eat some of his food from time to time, when he's in a good mood at least. Or when he gets tired of hearing me whine in his ear.

I liked to bother him. He's the type of guy who seems pretty guarded more than anything. He also had one of these 'do not touch me' motto, that everyone seemed to get. Everyone but me that is; me being the rebel I am, I like to break his motto.

A wicked grin places itself over my face as I sneakily slid my hand through his long dreadlocks and ghostly ran my fingers over his neck.

"You have dust on your neck." That seemed to spark a reaction in him.

"Sonic! I thought I told you to stop touching me!" He spun his body around in his seat, sending me an angry glare.

"It seems to be bothering you much more today."

"It bothers me everyday!"

"Could had fooled me."

"Ugh..." He seemed to not notice the dozen pairs of eyes glancing at us from around the classroom as he turned back around in his seat. That or he's just really good at ignoring people. Luckily for us, our teacher was absent today so we got stuck with Mr. Big as a substitute. He was a giant purple cat, with a lil frog friend that always sat on his shoulder. Big was a nice guy, but he was a lazy teacher. So he was at the front desk fast asleep at the moment. I heard cats don't do mornings that well. Everyone kinda wondered how was it he managed to keep his job.

Anywho, back to Knuckles.

Fixing the red shades over my ears, I stood up from my seat to walk in front of Knuckles desk; catching the eye of a few nosy classmates. He seemed to be ignoring me and decided that whatever was outside of the window was much more worthy of his attention; but I knew he saw me move. I'm kinda hard to miss, with my blue fur and all. Though when he continued to not pay me any mind I grabbed a spare chair that was lying around the room and dragged it next to the side of his desk. That seemed to get his attention.

"Why are you sitting next to my desk Sonic?"

"Makes it harder for you to ignore me." I said as I sat down in it.

"Tch, if that's what you think." I flashed him, one of my most charming smiles and watched as his head turned back away from me. That hair of his was ridiculously long; for a guy none the less. It was so long that his dreadlocks nearly touched the bottom of his seat. Usually, I'd find it kind of stupid for a guy to have such long dramatic hair. But for him, I think it suits him. I couldn't imagine him any other way. Though I had to say, the school uniform did not go well with him at all. It made him look like such a goody two shoes, which he wasn't. Or at least... I think he isn't. He doesn't look like the good boy type.

"What're you thinking about?" The words leave my mouth before I could think twice about it and he turned to me with a slight bewildered look on his face.

"What's it to you?" I shrugged my shoulders and scooted closer to him, leaning my arm against the table.

"Just curious. You seem to be day-dreaming a lot lately." He raised a brow and I leaned closer. "Not that I mind. You're cute when you daydream." His face grew redder and I could already hear a few people whispering things behind me.

"Am I supposed to be flattered?"

"You could choose to be." I slipped a hand under one of his dreads. "I meant it after all."

That caused him to roll his eyes. "Whatever." He looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to let go of his hair. Though I of course, did no such thing; instead I tugged the loc closer to me, grinning when a near panicked look spread across his face. "What are you- release me hedgehog!" He said angrily, pulling my hand away from his face. Even though his tone sounded nothing but threatening that blush on his face gave away his tough guy act.

"Aww, I was just going to give you a kiss."

"Get away from me." He turned his attention back to the window.

"Oh come on, I swear I'm a great kisser. I can prove it to you."

"Not a chance."

"Not even a little one?"

"I swear if you don't get away from me right now, I'm going to strangle you so hard you'll never be able to talk again."

"Yikes!" I smiled. "I knew I was bad, but I can't be that bad." I leaned my arms on his desk and plopped my head on them.

"Spend a day talking with yourself and you'll see how bad you are."

"Ouch, that hurt."


I couldn't help but snicker. Outside parties would probably think Knuckles didn't like me whatsoever. Though between us, I could tell he did appreciate my company, despite the way he acted. Probably because I was the only one in the school who wasn't hounding him down with nosy questions and suspicious looks. I didn't pry into his life like everyone else did, even though I severely wanted too. The only thing that stopped me was that Knuckles really seemed to appreciate that I minded my business, so I was gonna keep doing just that.

We were both quiet after that, him staring outside the window and me, staring at him. I didn't wanna irk him even more, after all today was a pretty good day. No work to do, most people absent cause of the snow storm, I had all the time I wanted to spend class with him in this period; my group of usual friends in the back of the class room totally forgotten.

This gave me the chance to stare at him without anyone distracting me or him snapping at me. I watched as his amethyst eyes skimmed over the falling snowflakes outside, his cheek resting on the palm of his hand. Now brought to my attention, I noticed that Knuckles had... some pretty looking eyes. I frowned to myself... something must had been wrong with me. Using Knuckles and the word pretty in one sentence didn't seem right.

Hot maybe, yeah. But pretty? No way.

I found my eyes trailing over his body, taking my time to visually sculpt out the little details I hadn't notice before. After all I was pretty close, closer than usual. To my bewilderment, while I was staring at his lips, an almost barely noticeable small smile placed itself across his face as he stared outside the the few weeks I've known him, this was the first real expression of happiness I've ever seen in him. It wasn't much but still, it was something. 'Cute.' My face scrunched up. 'Did I just call him cute, again?' He was rather cute though, if I had to be honest. I'm not gay or anything, or at least I think I'm not. I've always known myself to be the typical straight guy, who's messed around with more girls I could count on one hand. Though when it came down to him I couldn't help myself from occasionally flirting with him, shamelessly.

Since my curiosity loves to get the better of me, I choose my next words carefully and asked him in the calmest tone I could muster.

"You like the snow?" To my utter happiness his smile didn't falter, and he nodded at my question. I decided to push my luck a bit further. "How come?" I waited for my answer.

"My favorite kind of weather I suppose. It's peaceful." I stared up at him, as he explained to me in a gentle voice I didn't know he was capable of using. "I like rain, but it's sad and aggressive. Hail is painful and too noisy. Snow however, it's peaceful. You can barely hear it even though there's so much of it." 'I wasn't expecting that type of answer.' It seemed that just for that moment he let his mask drop, allowing his feelings to pour through his lips. I didn't know he trusted me enough to show such naked emotion. If this is who he was when he didn't have up such thick barriers around him, I hope it never stops snowing. Even if I do hate the stuff.

"Rain isn't so bad, y'know." His eyes flicked over to me.

"Oh? You have an opinion?"

"More like a couple facts. Rain helps things grow doesn't it? Like plants, fruit and you like those two things right?" His smile widened a bit though his eyes were looking back outside and not at me anymore.

"Someone's been paying too much attention to me it seems."

I grinned. "My favorite pass time." My ears didn't miss his quiet chuckle, and I found myself smiling at the sound of it. Much as I enjoyed our back and forth banter, just to have him talk to me instead of spitting out insults felt nice. I liked these moments between us more than anything. Taking advantage of his relaxed state I sneakily slid my hand over his. "I like it when you're like this." His face turned to me, no longer smiling but just confused. The spell hadn't completely broken yet.

"What do you mean?" His voice still held that softness.

"When you talk to me, instead of shooing me away like usual." A slight blush came across his features. 'Damn, he really is cute.'

"You act like we don't talk all the time." He turned his attention back to the desk.

"Not as often as I'd like." I slid a hand to his cheek to turn his face face towards me. "I like getting to know more about you." My hand caressed his cheek and cupped it when those lids closed, letting him lean into my palm. I don't know what got into me but I felt a strong urge to get closer to his face.

"Is that a fact."


His eyes opened slowly to look directly into my own; my heart started pounding even harder. "Yea?" I already knew my cheeks were probably red. Can you believe it? Sonic the hedgehog, blushing, due to a guy none the less. I had the strong urge to kiss him right in this class room. Sexuality be damned, if this meant I was gay then I'd have no problem admitting it; cause I wanted nothing more than to press my lips against his. It was the perfect moment too, he was relaxed, calm and just utterly kissable. When would I ever even get another chance like this.

"I want to kiss you." It was said so silently, even I had trouble hearing it, and I was the one who said it! But Knuckles sure enough heard ever word. His eyes had widened and the blush on his face returned three times as red. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. For a second there he looked as if he was... excited? No way, Knuckles wouldn't be excited to kiss me... would he? I smiled at him, my stomach fluttering when he nervously looked at my lips and back towards me. I had already started leaning towards him the second our eyes locked again, and he didn't bother trying to move away.

Though just when I was about to tug his face closer, someone yelled my name.

"Sonic!" 'Oh no.' My whole body froze into place. I knew that voice. 'Fuck no, please, anything but the cheerleaders.' Oh but it was, a trio of white and pink frilly skirts heading straight towards us. I felt a pang in my chest when Knuckles returned to his usual masked expression and frowned distastefully; glancing at the girls walking our way from over my shoulder. He immediately pulled away from me. Just like that, our mood was ruined. 'I don't care how short or cute their skirts are. I absolutely fucking hate cheerleaders. Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate-'

I turned my head around and gave them a charming smile. "That's me. How can I be of service ladies?" The girls who had approached me were the leaders of the schools cheer leading squad. Their new comer, who got popular fairly quickly, was a very pretty pink hedgehog who had developed some type of obsession with me. At first it was flattering... when she was a freshman. But then she started taking pictures of me in the locker room and using it as her phones wallpaper; and that was just plain old creepy.

If my memory is as good as I think it is, the pink ones name was Amy; and Amy happened to be the one who rudely walked in front of Knuckles desk and nudged his books off and onto the floor, just so she could sit on top of it. I gaped at her. "Sonic-"

"Amy. That was rude." She shrugged as if she didn't care. I gave an apologetic smile to Knuckles when I heard him sigh and pick up his books from the floor.

"You were suppose to take me out last night Sonic. Where were you?"

Whoa whoa, what? "Take you out? Me?" I pointed to myself. "You sure about that?"

"Yes I'm sure! Don't you remember!" She frowned. "Ugh, you've been promising to take me on a date for weeks now! What's the deal?" This was bad. A girl who I apparently made plans to take out was yelling at me in front of my... friend? Love interest? Considering that I was about to kiss him, yes, definitely love interest.

"Sorry cutie. I guess I forgot."

"Forgot? You forgot? About me!? Oh, well that's just priceless. You didn't 'forget' about me when we fucked at my party last month." 'Uh oh.' That was something I didn't want Knuckles to hear. I could see his face twitch in annoyance from the corner of my eye.

"Oh, that was you? It was so long ago I couldn't really remember. You know I was drunk as hell." I heard her two friends giggle behind her as Amy's face turned red with anger.

"You are such an asshole!"

"Language! And I'm actually rather nice, thank you very much."

"I don't even know why I like you. You still owe me a date, and still haven't explained where you were last night."

"Don't think that's any of your business Ames." I smirked, crossing my arms over my chest. "But if you must know, I was home." She looked at me suspiciously before glancing over at Knuckles who seemed to be getting more and more annoyed the longer she sat on his desk.

"Were you with him?" I froze as she pointed her gloved thumb at my red-headed friend. "Is he your lil fuck buddy now? Are you turning queer on me?" Knuckles eye twitched at that.

"Watch it girl. We're nothing to each other. Not even friends."

"What?! Not even friends? But we were getting along so well." I whined looking back at him.

"Why don't you go handle your business somewhere else hedgehog. Avoid dragging me into a dramatic episode of your life."

"Don't be so mean. You act like this happens all the time."

"I wouldn't be surprised."

"Ouch, you're really wounding me today." He grinned at me like the cheeky bastard he was, and I of course couldn't help but grin back. However during our banter, I almost forgot that Amy was there still sitting on his desk, and that was a bad move. She looked like she was about to explode.

"You two are sleeping with each other aren't you?"

'I wish.' Was what I had almost said, but I didn't. "You're jumpin to conclusions Ames. We're just messin around."

"Messin around huh? Well that's just adorable. Tell me echidna, is it normal to spread your legs for another guy where you come from or are you just a freak who likes getting it in the ass."

Holy shit. She was going to die. She was going to die. If there was anything I knew about my friend for sure, it was that he had an awful temper. Knuckles looked like he was a second away from breaking her in half.

"Amy, I know you're upset, but you should really stop talking. Not only because you're completely in the wrong, but you're about to get snapped in half if you don't quit it." Seemed me being protective fueled her fire; obviously she thought I meant I was going to snap her in half. Personally, I couldn't even if I wanted too. I wouldn't put my hands on a girl. But I knew Knuckles had no problem with hitting a girl if he needed too.

He literally gave no fucks.

"Awww, look at you defending your boyfriend. He must be pretty good in bed it's enough to make you possessive. Though he must of had lots of practice, I'm sure."

"Amy!" I stood up, ready to drag her out the room if I had too.

"You know I did find it weird that Sonic had suddenly taken a quick liking to you when you came. But now I guess the reason is obvious; anyone would want to become friends with a quick lay."

"Shut the fuck up Amy." I growled. "I'm not going to tell you again."

"Hey guys!" She yelled out in class, bringing everyone's attention to where we were standing. "How many of you has Knuckles givin head too?"

"Amy!" I snarled gripping her wrist. I took a glance towards Knuckles and immediately flinched. I couldn't see his eyes but I could tell by his shaking fist that he was angry; his other hand was literally denting the edge of his desk! 'Seriously, how strong is this guy?'

"What? I'm just asking a question. If he sucks dick so well that it has you all up and being possessive then he must have had a lot of practice. Ain't that right fellas!" Unfortunately for us there was a good portion of the football squad in the room. They of course, was no help at all. Foot ball jockies always seemed to back up their cheer leaders.

"Amy, I'm warning you."

"You?" Her finger jabbed me in the chest. "Are warning me? Hah, that's rich. How about you sit down and let your bitch speak for himself. He has a mouth of his own you know. Though of course you would know that better than anyone el-" What she said must had made him snap out of whatever self control he had been holding onto. Next thing I knew, Amy screamed loudly as she was jerked backwards along with the desk. Knuckles had hit the desk with his foot; his ridiculous strength making it fly backwards along with the pissy cheerleader and into the wall in front of the classroom.

Luckily his seat was at the front of the class so it didn't hit anyone that could had been in front of us. I looked down at Amy who was yelling in pain as she tried to lift the desk off her with her thin arms. The way that desk collided with her stomach was going to leave a serious bruise later, though I thought it was much nicer than taking a full fist to the face from Knuckles.

"I am so very close to throwing your scrawny ass right out of this window." Knuckles voice was calm, but his face was anything but. "Let me here you say another fucking word about me being anyone's slut, watch how fast I'll break both of your legs with that desk."

"Fuck you! You wouldn't dare put your hands on me! You fuckin savage! Just wait till I get my hands on you!"

"I find it hard to take threats seriously from a whiny bitch who can't even lift a table." I heard snickering coming from other students in the class, but couldn't help but grinning in amusement myself. Knuckles however, did not looked amused. He kept a stern glare at the girl on the floor, with his arms folded against his chest, one of his legs crossed over the other. Oh he was mad, and he had every right to be.

"Knuckles?" I asked, trying to get his attention but he deliberately ignored me. "Knuckles don't worry about her. She's just another girl with a temper problem. Teenagers, amIright?" I said grinning and placing a hand on his shoulder. His glare slowly drifted away from Amy and back towards me. 'Uh oh.'


"Yeah buddy?"

"Get your hand off me before I rip it off." 'Double uh oh.' I did what he asked and held my hands up.

"Yes sir." He rolled his eyes and picked up his book bag from the floor; standing up from his seat, he wasted no time in swinging the backpack onto his shoulder. I frowned. "Hey, where you goin?"

"None of your business. Go take care of your girlfriend." He was out the door before I could even reply. Frowning, I sat back in my chair and sighed exasperatedly, turning out the sound of Amy shrieking at her friends to help her up, and the whispers going on behind me. We were having the perfect bonding time before the girls came and ruined everything.

"You're going to do what Sonic?"

I shrugged and took another bite into my burger. "You heard me. I'm gonna ask Knuckles to go out with me." Tails bit into his doughnut and raised one of his brows.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? That guy has a pretty bad temper. Not to mention he's a guy." I grinned and smugly put my arms over my chest.

"Yes I know full and well he's a dude. But hey, I don't mind trying something new. The attraction is already there, and letme tell you, it is strong." He rolled his eyes at my grin before taking another bite into his treat.

"I never took you as the type to be attracted to guys, Sonic. Thought that was always my department."

"Hah, you and me both. Iono, maybe it's just him that I'm attracted too. You had no idea how close I was to kissing him yesterday. Though I'm kind of glad I didn't." The fox tilted his head in confusion. "I probably would had ended up ripping his clothes off in front of everybody. I bet he's got a big di-"

"SONIC! Too much information!" I laughed as a blush took up most of Tails face.

"Sorry buddy."

"It's fine. Just shut up about kissing and genitalia." He continued eating his chocolate doughnut and looked down at his plate of food. I took the moment to look around the lunchroom. Seems that Knuckles decided not to come to lunch today... again. During the past couple months I have yet to see him even step foot into the lunch room. I caught him eating in one of the classrooms multiple times before, but often wasn't there. He wasn't down here either. I wonder where he goes at lunch time. Probably somewhere away from the other students, the library perhaps.

'That's so like him.' A small gasp from my little buddy next to me brought me out of my thoughts.

"What is it Tails?"

"N-Nothing." I raised my brow.

"Don't lie. What's up bud?"

"It's nothing really. It's just..." My yellow friend nervously bit at his lip. "He's here."

"Eh? Who's here?" I turned my head to see whoever it was he was talking about... only to smirk when my eyes locked onto two people walking into the lunchroom, one of them black and the other white. "Oh, those two." Shadow was a black hedgehog, with red stripes and had the notorious name for being a delinquent. He never went to any of his classes and just lurked around the campus all day though. Though somehow he managed to pass all his classes. If he had failed any along with not showing up to class he would had been kicked out ages ago.

Even though he was smart he was still a pretty dangerous guy to most of the school, though I wasn't scared of him. We went to the same junior high school together when he transferred in during his final year. He was older than me no doubt, so when he was a senior on middle school I was a freshman; though that didn't stop us from butting heads every now and again. He's pretty secretive, always alone and by himself, never bothering to make friends even though there were plenty of people who wanted to befriend him. He wasn't the type to hang out either cause every time school ended he rushed himself straight home as if he had a curfew or something. If that was the case it was no wonder he turned into a delinquent.

Walking next to him was a white hedgehog with yellow eyes who I think is called Silver. He was a pretty okay guy, the complete opposite of Shadow to be honest. Main reason why I don't understand the reason he hangs out with him. Though he does have quite a bitchy side to him if you get on his nerves, he's very friendly and almost sweet if you get on his good side. I didn't know much about him, but I knew that Tails sure did."What you mean gloomy ol' red eyes and the crazy albino over there? Bud, I hate to tell you this but you gotta get over your obsession with those two." That seemed to break him out of his gaze.

"W-What? I'm not obsessed!"

"You so are."

"Am not Sonic!" According to Tails experience, Shadow and Silver were the coolest guys he's ever met. (Other than me of course.) On his first week here when I was sick, these kids from the football team were picking on him and had thrown him along with his bag in the pool. However when those two showed up, Silver had jumped into the water to help him and Shadow had sent the bullies running home to their mommies with a handful of bruises and bloody noses. They bandaged his leg and even escorted him home.

Typical Robin Hood type of school story. I probably wouldn't had believed him if he didn't have the bruised leg to show for it. But ever since then Tails had adopted a sort of 'admiration' for them annnd grew to have a slight crush on Silver. He didn't tell me head on, but I somehow figured it out.

"Then why is your face red?" I teased, poking his red cheek.

"B-Because you keep spurting out silly things."

"Hey, don't look now but your albino hero over there is checking you out."

"H-Huh?" I grinned when he looked back over to the other two. Silvers attention was now directed at our table. He smiled widely and waved a 'hello' to Tails. My little fox friend smiled shyly and waved back. I saw Shadow look over to us and rolled his eyes when he caught sight of me. Though when Silver reached up to whisper something to him, that annoyed scowl of his changed. Now I couldn't help but be curious.

Were the two of them dating?

Now that I think about it, those two are always together. It would be a shame if they were, Tails seemed to really like Silver; and Shadow did not seem like good boyfriend material at all.

Looking back at them I didn't notice that Silver was walking to our table while Shadow on the other hand, had already left.

"Heya, Silvs." I grinned. He hated that name, which is why I used it. "What brings you over here?" He grinned and took a seat close to Tails, before leaning back against his chair.

"Just came over to say hello." He replied before looking at the fox. "I haven't been able to talk to you in quite awhile. Our schedules must be completely different if I only get to see you at lunch.." Tails blush increased ten-fold when the hedgehog smiled.

"S-Sorry. I- I would had texted you but my phone is broken."

"Right right. You haven't been able to replace it yet." He said pulling out his lunch. "Least we have now right?"


"Where did red eyes go?" Silver looked over at me, before glancing around to see if Shadow was still in the lunch area.

"Dunno actually. He didn't say, but if anything he's probably up in the music room with that echidna boy." My eyes widened in shock.

"Knuckles?" I asked. "You mean Knuckles?" Silver nodded.

"Yeah, that's his name. You know him?" I frowned. Shadow and Knuckles knew each other? I haven't ever even seen them talk to one another. Granted Shadow doesn't come to classes and Knuckles doesn't usually come to lunch, but I would had never imagined those two being able to get along. Shadows an asshole and Knuckles gotta bad bad temper. They'd likely kill each other before even thinking about becoming friends.

Just what the hell did Shadow want with Knuckles anyway? That guy likes to be left alone.

"Yeah... I guess. I didn't know they knew each other. Why are they in the music room?"

"Knuckles always stays there during lunch time. Shadow sometimes joins him when he's not down here with me. I dunno what the both of em do, I usually stay here when he goes to hang out with him. You know how they are. Both like their privacy." I smirked.

"Uh huh." Within seconds the rest of my burger was eaten and I stood up with my backpack already on one shoulder. "I think I'll go pay them a visit. Probably be more interesting than sitting down here in this noisy crowd."

"Sonic." Tails was looking at me in that scolding way that said 'Don't cause trouble!' "I don't think that's a good idea. Maybe you should stay here and-"

"Nah let him go." I raised my brow at Silver who was now grinning at me. "If he gets his lights punched out it's all on him. Knuckles is in a bad mood and Shadow is probably dying to watch you get your ass kicked. Besides.." He gave Tails one of his sweets from his lunch bag. " We've got some catchin up to do Miles."

The foxed blushes. "M-Miles?!"

"Later little, buddy!" I sprinted my way back into the school. Hilariously so, Tails didn't like to be called by his name, but maybe with that little crush Silver will be able to avoid some loud complaining. 'Now to see what Shadow, and Knuckles are up too.'

The music room was on the very top floor of the school building. Why did this school find a need to have seven floors, I have no idea.

Most kids don't even bother coming all the way up there since it took so many flights of stairs to get here. All their practices were held in the auditorium after a bunch of complaining tuba players finally fell and broke their legs.

However to me, the small journey barely even broke a sweat. I found myself pacing down the halls wondering about the possible things the two of them could be doing in there. Especially in the music room of all places.

'They certainly don't look like the type of people to have any musical talent. I doubt either of them can even sing.' I chuckled at the thought of Knuckles trying to sing a high pitch pop song with Shadow as the fainting fan girl.

"Pfft hahaha! As if."

Maybe they knew the music teacher? I never asked Knuckles about any of his other classes or his major before. Was his major band? Chorus? Orchestra? Did he even have a music major or where they just in there to mess around. I was in the middle of my thoughts when my ears suddenly perked up, the sound of soft rhythmic notes were faintly echoing down the hall from a slightly open door.

"Huh, well that must be the music room." I muttered to myself. Walking over quietly to the door, I couldn't help but notice the room was literally pitch black. The ceiling lights were off and since the room was in one of the middle hallways it wasn't near any windows. Though there was definitely a faint light coming from somewhere inside, how the hell could they even see what they were listening to or playing with it so dark.

Bending down, I placed my ear near the door to be able to hear better, and to my surprise... it didn't sound like a record player. It didn't sound like a recorded song at all, because when the song got louder I could start to hear little ping sounds at the end of certain notes. A piano? It was pretty... and that's a pretty big compliment coming from me because I do not like classical music at all.

'So they do have some type of musical talent.'

I smiled and sat down near the door continuing to listen to whoever was playing. It was soothing if anything, I wouldn't mind listening to it more than once, again another big compliment from me. Though call me sentimental but the song sounded a bit sad. I wondered who was the one playing it, Shadow or Knuckles. I bet my luck on Shadow. Knuckles really rough and gruff all over, I can't imagine him delicately playing on the piano without breaking a few keys here and there. What can I say, that guy's a brute.

I sat there for a few more minutes before my eyes began to close, not cause I was tired but out of relaxation. Though I was eavesdropping and would probably confuse someone if anyone was roaming the halls up here, to why I was just sitting outside on the floor instead of inside on a chair. Not before long another instrument joined in on the song. That sparked my interest even more.

The second instrument was different than the piano. It sounded like almost like a string instrument, the way the deep sound rumbled and vibrated off the walls. I could hear the shifting of the strings, and the moving of fingers that pressed against it. Whatever instrument it was, it added pressure onto the sad melody of the pianos playing. I almost felt jealous that the thought about how much they must had practiced together to perfect their playing. If Shadow was playing the piano like I thought he was that meant Knuckles was playing whatever instrument that was. Still something I cannot imagine him doing.

After awhile, I had enough of just sitting outside on the floor listening. I decided to push my luck and squeeze my head into the narrow opening of the door. When I got my head in I curiously looked around the room to find where the two were stationed at. At first all I saw was a bunch of instruments cases everywhere; literally everywhere. They were just scattered around the room. Though eventually pass all the cases I found the two of them in a far corner of the room. My jaw almost hit the floor.

There was literally no form of light but the small lamp that was on top of the piano, but I could still see enough to know that it was them. I found out much to my surprise that it was Knuckles who was seated behind the piano and not Shadow. His eyes were closed in a relaxed manner as his fingers glided over the piano keys; those dreadlocks tied behind him so they wouldn't get in his way.

He had taken his school jacket off and rolled the sleeves to his white dress shirt up. His gloves were off too now that I pay more attention to it. Shadow had left his school jacket on and open, though as usual he wasn't wearing any dress shirt. He didn't go to classes so it's not like it mattered much to anyone anyway. He was sitting on a chair not to far from Knuckles playing his own instrument, think it was a 'cello' or something like that. It was a string instrument at least, so I was right about something.

Luckily for me, he had his eyes closed too.

I sneakily slid the rest of my body into the room and slowly crawled over to a dark corner where I most likely would not be spotted, since the light of the lamp didn't reach but so far. Other than that, the spot I was now standing in was completely pitch black. I decided I would surprise them at the end of the period. Where I would have the opportunity to run for my life, to my next class.

A few more minutes passed before the song had made any sign of coming to an end. However it seemed that Knuckles fingers must had run over the wrong note, because in the middle of his solo he pressed a rather low note in his high pitched solo. His eyes immediately flew open and he glared at the piano keys beneath his fingers. Shadow himself had also stopped playing and the room fell to an uncomfortable moment of silence.

"Damnit! Why is it when I get to the end I always fuck that part up."

"This run-through we did was a rather good one too. I was eager to finish it." I glanced over at Shadow who calmly rested his instrument against his frame. Knuckles groaned in annoyance before standing up angrily and walked away from the piano.

'Oh come on, Knux. It was only a little mistake.'

"Knuckles, come back here. It's fine. We can just try to run-through it again." He said in a surprisingly calm voice. My fiery red friend huffed and leaned against the wall; actually now that I looked at it he wasn't too far away from me. Being so hidden from them even though we were in the same room made me feel sneaky.

"I don't know about you but my fingers are tired and numb. That song is nearly thirteen minutes long. I don't feel like playing it anymore." Silence overtook the room for a few moments. To me it seemed like almost forever, since I had to force myself to breathe more quietly. I did not want to be discovered just yet. The sound of Shadow getting up was relieving. He lowered his cello to the floor before walking over to Knuckles with a blank look.

"Is that so?" I raised my brow out of curiosity when Knuckles seemed to momentarily shrink at his approach but continued to glare right at him.

"Yeah, that is so."

I almost lost my breathe when I saw him place a hand on the wall near Knuckles face. "You have disrupted our practice with your little mishap and now you refuse to correct your mistake." I flinched at the tone in his voice. " I find that irritating."

"Yeah? Well deal with i-"

"I am very disappointed in you, Knuckles." Both me and Knuckles must of caught the suggestive tone in Shadows voice. Knuckles looked up at the hedgehog with panicked eyes as a grin grew on Shadow's face. His hand slid underneath Knuckles chin and pulled his face forwards toward his. "And I think... you need to be punished."

"W-Whoa whoa, Shadow- Mffft!" I couldn't believe what my own eyes were seeing. My arch rival since junior high was passionately kissing my crush... and I was watching!

He dug his hand into that mass of red hair and pulled his head towards him, adding pressure into their kiss. I got a pained feeling within my chest; as if someone closed their fingers around my heart and started squeezing. But still, I continued to watch on. Knuckles seemed like he wanted to fight back and for a moment I thought he would; but instead of punching the guys lights out like I thought he would, his hand went up to Shadow's chest and pulled at his white patch of fur- oh my god he's kissing him back.

I already knew my face must had been bright red when Shadow decided to add tongue into their lip lock. Even though I had the terrible feeling in my chest, I couldn't help but notice that my pants were getting tighter and tighter by the second. I can't believe I was getting turned on by watching Shadow and Knuckles make out with each other. I should be angry; not because they're guys but because Shadow was taking away the guy I was planning on going after. 'This is so not fair.'

When the two of them broke apart it left both of them panting. Knuckles face was stained with a slight blush, his bruised lips parted slightly as a trail of saliva slipped down his chin. That made the tent inside my pants grow."You seem a little too pleased with your punishment." He blushed and looked away from Shadow. I'd never seen him act so shy before... it was bitterly adorable. "Maybe I need to be a bit harsher with you." Next thing I saw was the popping open of Knuckles shirt and the surprised yelp he gave when he found himself pinned. Shadow had popped opened his shirt and started sucking and biting all over his neck and shoulders.

"S-Shadow! Cut this out! Someone is going to c-come in here.."He smiled and took hold of Knuckles wrist and held them above his head. I had to place a hand over my mouth to quiet down my quickened breath when I saw Shadow place his hand over Knuckles clothed erection and begin squeezing and rubbing it. He shut his eyes and bit his lip to prevent himself from making any more noises.

"They wouldn't hear a thing if you weren't so loud." I blushed embarrassingly and bit the inside of my cheek. I hated the guy, I really did, but even I had to admit he was pretty attractive when he wanted to be. "Besides... I'm sure whoever would have the nerve come in here during our activities wouldn't protest to watching us put on one hell of a show."Just as he said that those red eyes locked directly on me; my breath hitched.

'Oh shit..'

"Isn't that right?"

'Double shit!'

The room suddenly got extremely small and I felt like shrinking under Shadow's cold gaze. He was staring right into my corner as if he could see me perfectly, even though it was pitch black and I'm pretty sure there was no way he could see me at all. There was no doubt in my mind that he knew I was leaning there. 'How the hell did he spot me?' I was about to bolt the hell out of there, hopefully in the process keeping my life, but then something completely unexpected happened. Shadow's scowl suddenly turned into an amused smirk and he... winked at me?

My jaw dropped.

"They wouldn't hear me at all if you'd learn some self restraint." My eyes were brought back to Knuckles as I saw him now glaring at Shadow, who had turned his attention from me to smile at the angry echidna. "Can't this wait till later?"

"Later you say?" He squeezed his bulge harder making him bite his lip to hold back a moan. "You want me to stop touching you?" Knuckles locked his eyes with him and hissed when Shadow shoved his hand down his pants. "Hmmm..?"

"A-Ahh.. S-Stop teasing me. You know I hate it when you do that." 'Oh god.. his voice.' My own hand had found it's way over my own pants. This was the craziest thing I ever done... and it was so hot. I rubbed my crotch harder, imagining that it was me assaulting Knuckles with my kisses; that it was his hand currently pressed against my hard on, not mine. I was brought out of my vivid imagination when Shadow chuckled darkly.

"You want me to stop this?"

"Ahhn." I bit my lip when Knuckles threw his head back for just a moment just to bring it back, to look down at the intruder inside his pants. His hips began to immediately buck into Shadows hand.

"I don't see what there is to be ashamed of." He bit down on Knuckle's ear hidden by his hair which made him gasp. "You're painfully sexy."

"S-Shadow.. " He looked up at him, staring into those darkened amethyst eyes.

"And the sounds you make are just as delicious as the rest of you." I kept wondering why hasn't he told Knuckles of my presence yet. Surely, he didn't WANT me to watch him fuck Knuckles into the wall... did he?!

Shadow had removed his hand from Knuckles pants and began unbuckling his belt around his waist snatching it from the holdings of his pants. He brought down Knuckles wrist to tie his belt quickly around them, so tight that I was certain they would begin to bruise. He then backed up against a random desk and pulled Knuckles in front of him by his bindings. At first I thought he was going to push him to the floor, but instead he spun the red head around so that his back was placed against Shadow's chest and so that the front of his body was facing... me?

"Reach backwards and wrap your arms around my neck." He whispered in his ear, at least that's what I think he said. I watched as he did what he was told, a blush immediately placing itself on my face as I saw the muscles in his chest stretch to adapt to the new position. Now I noticed why he was maneuvering their positions. He was going to give me a show. "Sexy isn't it?" He whispered it in Knuckles ear, but when his eyes met mine I knew it was a question meant for me. I swallowed the lump that was in my throat and nodded.

"Shut up." The dark hedgehog smiled.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you love but I'm afraid I wasn't talking to you." Knuckles entire body tensed as did mine. Oh god he was going to spill the beans. 'I don't want Knuckles to know I was watching him get his freak on with Shadow. If there were a list of ways to make Knuckles hate me, I'm sure that this, WOULD BE ON THE TOP OF THE LIST!'

"W-What..?" Shadow chuckled darkly and I quickly pulled my hand away from my pants.

"You heard me. You've been giving our guest quite an erotic show." Knuckles eyes widened in horror, his amethyst gems quickly darting around the room to find me. His eyes flicked past me twice before coming towards a stop at my direction. He seemed to be adjusting his eyesight so that he could see me, those orbs flickering as they did. After a few seconds he seemed to had made out my figure and realize that there indeed was someone there. His eyes widened in fear and he backed up against Shadow's chest as an attempt to get away from me. The guilt that pulled at my insides was massive. That wasn't the reaction I was expecting. I was expecting him to be angry and pissed off; hell, even homicidal but not terrified. I flinched when he started to speak in a panicked voice.

"W-Who is tha- Who are you- Shadow, what's going o- Mfft!" Shadow had turned his head so that he could gain access to his lips, quieting his questions. That probably was not the best thing to do. Next thing I knew Shadow had jerked his head away from him hissing in pain. Knuckles had bit his lip and from the way he was growling he was not happy. "Let go of me, Shadow!" I cringed as he chuckled and licked the blood off his lip before securing his arms around his waist.

"Now now, there's no need to be afraid. You know I'd never endanger you Knuckles. That and I'm sure you'll like this sudden surprise we have here." He said as Knuckles tried to pull his arms from his neck. "After all, you've both been at this back and forth hesitant flirting for quite some time now, which is not only irritating to hear about but also irritating to watch. So, I've taken matters into my own hands." Knuckles frowned and his face scrunched up in confusion.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, that you both might be very eager to have our guest join us." Knuckles looked even more scared at realizing his intentions. The look on his face almost completely killed my hard on. Surely, he knows I wouldn't do anything against his will. But then again, he did not know it was me. "Why don't you show yourself stranger. Then again, you are no stranger to the both of us." I gaped at him when he raised his hand to gesture his finger in a 'come here' motion. Knuckles looked at my direction nervously, his arousal almost completely gone.

I didn't want to reveal myself to him but at the same time I wanted Knuckles to know that I wasn't anyone dangerous. So I decided to just trust Shadow's twisted plan and take a step out from my dark corner, placing a gentle smile on my face instead of my usual smirk.

"I was planning on coming out anyway Shads." Knuckles tensed when he heard my voice, his mouth gaping open when I finally stepped into the little bit of light that was in this room.

He smirked at me. "Uh huh. Sure you were."

"S-Sonic..?" I looked at the clear disbelief that came across his face.

Walking towards him, I gave him an almost sheepish smile and stepped in the space between his legs."The one and only." His mouth remained open, as he looked up at me in complete shock. I was happy he wasn't terrified anymore. The last thing I wanted to do was to scare him. I brought my face closer to his and rested my forehead against his own. "I already know that you're most likely going to kill me when you stop gaping at me like a fish." Flashing him a cheeky grin seemed to break him out of his trance. His surprised gaze soon turned into an angry glare. 'Oh fuck..'


"YOW!" Next thing I knew my back hit the floor and I was holding my head for dear life. "GEEZ! What was that for?"

"You STUPID hedgehog! What the hell did you think you were doing eavesdropping! And while we're doing... t-this of all things!" I sat up and rubbed my head seating myself into a pretzel. Knuckles can lay a painful ass headbutt when given the chance too. I looked up at him to see his entire face covered in an angry scowl. "How perverted do you have to be to walk in on someone while they're having... r-relations!"

"For your information, I snuck in when you two had been caught up in playing your pretty lil duet." His face seemed to turn even redder when I said that. "I only came in here to listen to it. It sounded nice." Shadow grinned. "But then you two started to get all frisky with yourselves, what else was I suppose to do?"

"Well gee I don't know, how about fucking leaving?"

"Leave?" I pouted and stood up to dust myself off and walked back towards the both of them, a seemingly innocent smile on my face. "But I couldn't just leave. I was very much enjoying the show." His eyes widened at my words as he watched me walk closer. "I mean can't you tell?"

"T-Tell wha-" He gasped when I leaned against him, my arousal in my pants lightly pressing against his own. He looked down at our clashing hips and stuttered in his sentence.

"You made me all hot and bothered.." I don't think his face could turn any more red if it wanted to. " -moaning like that." I ran my hands over his chest and down his sides."With your adorable face..." placed my hands on his hips- "-and those kissable lips."

"Oh no you don't! Don't you even think abo- Mffft!" Before he could even finish his sentence my lips were already on his. It felt so nice to finally kiss him I couldn't help but squeeze our bodies closer together, hearing a small muffled complaint as I did so. My hips were grinding into his, trying to spark that erection he had back to how it was. It didn't take much to excite him, luckily for me.

When Shadow seem to had let go of his hips and sit back to watch progress be made, I looped my arms around his waist and pressed forward. He was well balanced against Shadow's chest so I didn't need to worry about him falling; with his arms restrained like that there was clearly nothing the other could really do to balance himself. Well, besides break out of the belt. It looked cheap and my friend was crazy strong, but it was kinda cute how he rather rely on us to make sure he didn't end up hitting the floor. The pressure of my kiss grew more and more, fitting our lips perfectly together. He hadn't bitten my lip off yet, so at least that was a good sign. I opened my eyes not realizing that I had closed them in the first place to look down at him. He was staring up at me with those glittery eyes of his, his blush decorating his muzzle. 'Cute...'

I took my hand from his hip and began to gently caress his face, running my tongue over his lip to ask him for entry. When he finally closed his eyes and parted his lips I wasted no time to slide my tongue into his mouth, clashing along with his own pink muscle. It was the most intoxicating kiss I had ever had. The friction between our bodies made me feel heated all over. It felt so hot when I felt his hard-on return and his tongue almost shyly caressing my own.

He's such a careful kisser, I wouldn't even imagine someone like him be so subtle. I would of thought he'd been all bites and nips, wildly thrashing our tongues together; but instead he was taking his time to lick at the inside of my mouth, giving me long sensual laps instead of fast hurried ones. Despite his sharp fangs his teeth didn't cut at me not once. He was such a slow and gentle kisser. A really good one at that. I pressed his body closer to mine, both of us finally hard enough to feel each other perfectly; it made him moan into our kiss.

After a few more moments I ripped my mouth from his realizing that we both needed to breathe at some point. Our mouths separated with as soft smack, both of our lips bruised from the lip lock. I was so turned on at the moment, I didn't even care if I looked needy and out of breath.

"Wow." It was only a whisper but it seems he heard it, and avoided direct eye contact with me. "That was unexpected."

"What was?" He frowned. "You're the one who kissed me."

"Yeah I know but... I didn't expect you kiss like that." His eyes widened. "You're not at all the kind of kisser I thought you were." He looked offended.

"Tch. Dissapointed?"

"No way. Far from it." I grinned and nipped at his lip. "You're perfect." His entire face turned just as red as the rest of him. He looked like he didn't really know how to handle that kind of compliment or what to say. "I know, my charming allure and handsome face leaves you speechless. I's common really, you're not the only one to fall for someone as charming as I am." That got me something. A scoff and overly dramatic eye roll.

"Shut up you brainless hog. I still hate you."

"Oh really?" I tilted his chin up so that he wouldn't jerk away and he gasped when my hand found his erection. "If you really hate me then what is this that I feel?"

"Nnng.. s-stop it." He shut his eyes as if trying to deny my touches even though his hips thrusted against my hand.

"You're not very honest with yourself are you?"

"Fuck you.."

"You really want me to?" When my cold hand slid into his pants and wrapped around his heated flesh, he finally let out a loud moan; it sent shivers dancing straight down my spine. Yep I was right, he was big. Him trying to buck his hips away from me made his rear grind onto Shadow's own stiff erection, who was lightly grinning at the display. I was surprised at how much self control he had over himself. Through the entire time he hadn't touched himself at all. He seemed pretty content with watch us go at it. I assume he must know Knuckles really well for the echidna to let himself be restrained like this by him. His face was torn between pleasure and embarrassment.

He was so tense... but I was determined to change that. When I began pumping him in my hand, he let his head fall back against Shadow's shoulder making Shadow wrap his arms around the echidna's stomach; placing kisses all over the sides of his face. It was a bitterly sweet and intimate gesture, which seemed almost unnatural for Shadow to be doing.

"Does it feel good Knuckles?" I shivered at the seductive tone in his voice. I may not had liked him but I had to admit he had a sexy voice. The crimson echidna bit his lip and shook his head, refusing to answer him. "Be honest with yourself. You know how much I hate dishonesty."

"Ahh!" Shadow had slid his hand down into Knuckles pants along with mine to cup his balls and play with them between his fingers. "S-Shit.." I grinned at him, feeling his cock pulse in my hand. Using my other hand I tugged the rest of his pants down, watching as they fell to the floor. His thighs twitched as he grew closer and closer to cumming all over our hands.

"Do you want to cum?" I whispered against his parted lips, pecking his lips gently. "Tell the truth."

"Sonic.." I almost came. The sound of him moaning my name is something I'm sure I'll never get bored of. Such a sexy voice the echidna had.

"Say it. Say you want me to make you cum." I squeezed his rod in my hand and stroked him faster. It was already wet from the amount of pre-cum that was oozing from his tip.

"Nnng.." He bit his lip and looked away from me. "I'm going to f-fucking kill you- ahn!" My cock throbbed at the desperate cry in his voice.

"Say it."

When my thumb pressed at the tip of his member was when he almost went slack in our grip. "For fucks sake, stop teasing me." His voice was airy and breathless and he tried to prolong this torture as long as he could; but with an encouraging squeeze from Shadow and some biting it finally seemed like he couldn't take anymore. "Please... ah make me cum. S-Stop teasing.." I grinned stepped away from him, watching as his eyes looked up at me pleadingly. His cock was standing up proudly, begging for more attention. I watched as Shadow placed kisses all over his neck and cheek, still massaging his balls. He whispered quiet but sweet things in his ear as he helped Knuckles slide his arms from around his neck and back in front of him. Shadow looked up at me before removing his hands from Knuckles body and leaning back against the desk.

"Pleasure yourself." Knuckles looks scandalized. "You must do it. It is your punishment." He said while running a hand sensual down the others crooked tail. I didn't expect him to actually listen to him; but then of course today was a day full of surprises. My breath caught in my throat as I saw Knuckles binded red hands wrap around his erection, moving up and down the pulsing flesh. The sight of Knuckles masturbating to put on a show for me was something I'd burn into my memory forever. His moans began to increase in volume and turn into needy whines when he felt himself coming closer to climaxing. He leaned his body back against Shadow's chest and suddenly looked directly at me.

"Sonic.." That did it for me. Next thing I knew my mouth was on his, completely devouring and inhaling his moans as I kissed him fiercely; my hand finding its way to my own hard on. He kissed me back whimpering against my lips. I figured he was almost there. I don't know how or when I ended up kneeling in front of him after our kiss, all I know was that the way he was looking at me right now was irresistible. I ended up doing the unthinkable and ran my tongue over the head of his erection.

"Ahhn! Oh god, S-Sonic." The way he moaned my name made a cocky grin find itself on my face. I licked all around his leaking tip, grinding my tongue on it as hard as I could. It was hard to keep steady with his hands moving back and forth across his flesh. Shadow must had seen my struggling because the next time it happened he yanked Knuckles hands away from his length. 'Keep your hands to your chest and enjoy the show' is what I heard him whisper.

My hand gripped his pulsing flesh while my tongue occupied itself by running across it, all the way from his balls to his tip. I found it slightly weird to be sucking a guy off since I'm so use to just screwing around with girls. But one look at that heated blush on his face while he looked down at me was enough to decide, that this was even better than messing around with any chicks I'd previously fucked with. His glittery eyes held a slight tinge of frustrated tears that glassed over his orbs, threatening to spill over. He kept his arms and hands glued to his chest as he was told while he waited for me to finish him off.

I decided that we had teased him enough and took him into my mouth. He let out the loudest moan I'd heard from him yet and threw his head back in delight. Shadow had to keep a firm grip on his hips in order to keep them from thrusting into my mouth. I gave him a thankful look for that. 'No wonder girls hated it when I did that.' "S-Sonic, I'm going to cum." He moaned and locked eyes with me. Both of his hands came down and started pushing at my head, trying to get me to take my mouth off him but I swatted them away. "S-Sonic.. ahh!" Shadow had decided to join back in the fun and squeeze his balls to add onto the pressure.

"Don't you see what he wants you do you?" He whispered darkly in his ear. "Release in his mouth, Knuckles." The thought of Knuckles cumming inside my mouth made me moan a low hum, sending delicious vibrations down his thick length. That was all it took... with a loud cry of my name he arched his hips off of Shadows body and emptied his seed into my mouth. It was a bit too much of a load since half of his cum ended up running down my chin, but still it was all the worth while. I didn't swallow it. Instead I did something else that was part of the list of 'unthinkable' things I would do. I let his member pop out of my mouth before standing up and forcing my lips onto Shadow's pulling his head towards me.

He seemed surprised when is eyes widened at my sudden approach and quickly decided to prolong the kiss. I shoved my tongue in his mouth almost forcefully, sharing the essence of Knuckles with him as we kissed. That seemed to had heightened his state of arousal as he moaned lustfully in my mouth. The first real moan I'd heard from him since the beginning. I felt his hand dig into my quills and he yanked my head back, pulling my lips off of his. 'Figured he'd be the rough sadistic type of lover.' His grin widened, almost making it seem like he read my thoughts. "That wasn't half bad." I rolled my eyes and smirked right back at him.

"Yeah right, you know it took your breath away." I looked down at Knuckles who was currently in a daze, leaning against Shadows chest as he panted to get his breath back. "I'm sure Knuckles sure did enjoy my mouth. Didn't you, Knuckles?" He blushed and looked away from me, tearing his gaze to the floor.

"Shut up, you." He froze when he felt Shadow's chest rumbling as he chuckled.

"Now now, don't be like that Knuckles." I watched as he kissed his neck. "After all, he did do a very good job relieving you." I grinned triumphantly.'Haha, that's right.' His smirk turned even more sadistic as I saw his hands gliding up to the top of Knuckles shoulders. "Now I think it's time you returned the favor."

"Gah!" Shadow had push Knuckles roughly to the ground making him land on his knees. His face right in front of my...oh.

"That really isn't necessary." I said, getting ready to help Knuckles off the floor. I wasn't going to make him do something he didn't want to do. "He doesn't have to that."

"I know. He knows too." He slapped my hands away from Knuckles shoulders and gripped my face in his hand. "But he wants to. Trust me, I know." I looked down and watched as his face turned red and he turned away from my hard-on. I yelped when I felt a gloved hand unzip my pants and pull my hardness the rest of the way out. I couldn't believe Shadow was actually encouraging this. I looked down at Knuckles to see that he was staring at my hard arousal timidly, his face almost as red as his fur.

"K-Knuckles." He looked up at me, his eyes giving away his nervousness. "You don't have to do anything like this if you're uncomfortable with it. So.. it's alright." I don't know why he seemed a little surprised to hear me say that, but still none the less something in his eyes softened. He tore his eyes from me and looked back at my erection which was standing stiffly in front of his face. I gasped when I suddenly felt his hands slide around my member to grip it firmly. Just the fact that they were his hands made me want to cum right then and there. 'Since when did I have the hots for him so badly...'

His hands moved up and down my length, squeezing and pulling against it. "Nnng Knuckles.." Shadow reached forward and popped my shirt open, starting to run his hands over my chest. I hadn't noticed until now that he had discarded his school jacket long time ago. He pulled me closer and crashed my lips with his, making my body jerk in response. The kiss was wild and fierce, with him literally forcing his tongue down my throat. It felt like I was drowning, but in such a good way. These two were making me feel things I didn't know I could feel before today.

When we broke apart I looked into his cloudy crimson eyes, frowning when he seemed utterly satisfied with my reaction due to the cocky smirk that was on his face. I was getting ready to tell him to wipe the smile off his face but a rough wet feeling on the tip of my cock stopped me. "Ahh.." I gasped and pulled back from Shadow, looking down at the true object of my affection. Knuckles pink tongue was darting out to lick the pre-cum that spilled through my slit. "Knuckles..." He looked up at me, his tongue still lapping around my flesh. "That feels... ahn- good." I slid a hand into his red hair as he closed his eyes and took the head of my hard on into his mouth. I nearly doubled over in pleasure. "Fuck, Knuckles.." His head began moving back and forth slowly, sucking as he pulled his head backwards. I wanted to be gentle with him, I really did, but that heat with the wetness of his mouth... it was all so much. My hands ended up grabbing the sides of his head and forcing his mouth to take it in deeper.

"Mffft!" His still tied hands flew up to my pelvic area, trying to push me away but I held on tighter and sunk myself in deeper. A strong wave of guilt hit me when Knuckles looked up at me. He looked a bit frightened and terribly confused.

"B-Bare with me here, Knux." I said in the softest voice I could, petting his head as I did so. He seemed to stop panicking but didn't take his eyes off me. Well, that was until I started moving my hips back and forth at a fair rhythm that I was sure wouldn't be too much of a strain on him. He had shut his eyes closed tightly as I thrusts into him, forcing his mouth to take me in deeper. It was such pleasurable experience that it took almost all my willpower not to violate his mouth further. I felt Shadow's gaze on us but he kept quiet, not commenting on the rough treatment I was giving the red echidna. I was curious what his reaction was but refused to look up.

"Nnnn, Knuckles. Suck harder..." I felt the pressure surrounding my cock increase tenfold as Knuckles did what I asked of him. My moans got louder and my thrust quicker. The lewd sounds of our activities echoed off the walls of the room. It surprised me that he hadn't began choking yet since I was pushing myself in as far as it could go. "S-Shit! Knuckles I'm going to cum.." Then I heard Shadow's deep voice.

"Let him breathe first, Sonic." My eyes widened. 'I almost forgot about that part.' I quickly pulled my length out of his mouth smiling an apology when he gasped for air as soon as he was free too. He looked up at me and gave me an angry glare. Though with his red face and glassed eyes, it wasn't as scary as I was sure he'd intended it to be.

"Sorry, Knux. I got a little carried away there." He was silent. I looked down at him worriedly and started to caress his face. 'I hope he isn't mad at me again..' Much to my relief, he let out a soft sigh and leaned into my hand. My smile grew as I caressed his cheek with my hand, bending my head down far enough to kiss him. This kiss was sweet and gentle, much like the other previous kisses we shared. As I was about to pull away I felt his strong hands wrap around my arousal tightly.

"Sonic.." The way he whispered my name against my face made me shiver in delight. I opened my eyes and looked down at him, giving out a loud cry when he began to roughly yank on my member. I felt a pool of heat building up in my stomach. When he ran his tongue over my head for the final time, that pushed me to my limits.

"Nnng..! Knuckles!" My hands forced his head down on my member as soon as I felt my orgasm begin to shoot out my shaft, only receiving a muffled complaint from the other. I pulled his head back and watched as my member popped out of his mouth, his face slightly scrunched up due to the bitter taste of it. After such an exhausting orgasm I fell to the floor on my knees, my legs shaking way to much to attempt standing; though lifted my head up to look at Knuckles who was sitting in front of me and blushing heatedly trying to avoid all eye contact with me.

Grinning I swiftly pulled a napkin out of the inside pocket of my jacket and leaned forward to wipe the mess I had left on his face. "Sorry, I was always known for being messy." He looked over at me and nodded, leaning into the hand I had placed on his cheek. I pulled his face towards me and gave him a sweet kiss. I wondered if it was strange to him to receive such gentle treatment. Hell, with someone like Shadow I'm sure they probably barely even snuggled together; but then again Shadow did seem to be careful with him despite being rough with me. 'Just what kind of relationship did he have with Shadow anyway?'

I slid my hand into his dreads to pull his head closer, almost squealing in joy when he slid his still bound hands around my neck. My other arm somehow managed to slip around his waist, making our bodies push against each other. If I could I wouldn't mind crawling on top of him right now to continue this... but then of course the elephant in the room had to talk.

"I hate to spoil your moment you two but the bell for school to end rung a long time ago." Knuckles jerked his head back from me and pulled his arms back up from around my neck. 'Dammit..' My hands moved down to his waist.

"Does it really look like we care, Shadz?" A pout found itself on my face as I looked up at him. He raised his eyebrow at me, before reaching down and pulling Knuckles up by his underarms.

"Maybe not to you, but Knuckles has after-school swimming classes and I have tutoring lessons to attend."

"Oh, so Shadow the Hedgehog needs extra help in class now eh?" I grinned standing up and pulling on my pants.

"No, I'm just so kind enough to teach people who aren't fortunate to be as smart as I am. Like you for instance." 'Bastard.' I noticed how Knuckles had gone silent once we started fixing ourselves. He stood quietly looking at the floor as Shadow unwrapped the belt around his wrist. I visibly flinched when I saw the purple bruises it left. I was about to bark at Shadow for it, but then I saw him do something completely out of character for him.

He took Knuckles wrist in his hands and lifted them up to his mouth to lay soft feathery kisses around the bruise marks occasionally running his tongue against it. It was... an unusual sweet sight to witness. "Does it hurt much?" He shook his head looking at the black hedgehog with a flushed face. Shadow sighed in relief and nuzzled his wrist with his cheek. "Good."

"What about you?" I heard him whisper. Shadow looked up at him questionably.

"What do you mean?" His hand lowered to run his hand over the rather large looking bulge in Shadows pants. I had almost forgotten... he hadn't got any relief for himself this whole time while we went at it like chicks in heat. Smirking he slid one of his arms around Knuckles waist and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. "Don't worry about it. I'll be fine."


"You can make it up to me later." 'Later?' Knuckles blushed and nodded. I took this time to notice that he had still had his pants down, so I bent down to grab the rim of his pants and pulled them back up to his waist, re-fastening them.

"Thought you might of forgotten."

"Oh, right. Thanks." I winked at him.

"No problem. Now, lets get this jacket on you." I wrapped my jacket around his shoulders. "And head towards swimming class."

"You don't have swimming class, Sonic." I glanced at Shadow who was glaring at me. I put on my trademark smirk and buttoned my shirt up half way.

"Well I guess I do now." Without a second glance I grabbed Knuckles hand and dashed out the door with him making him yell.

"Sonic! Don't just yank me into blasting speed out of nowhere!"

"See you after practice Shads!" I swear I could've heard Shadow face palm himself.



"You forgot to get our bags."

"Ahh Geez."

Revised 2015