
Hello all,

I know it's been, like, over a year since updates? (Which, yikes.) So, I wanted to let you know where I'm at.


First of all, I'm clearly not dead.

Second, I AM planning on finishing this story. At some point. Maybe even some point soon.


The past year has been weird for a number of reasons, good and not-so-good. Mostly, I was:

1. Trying to find work

2. Doing said work once I got it, and

3. Spending most of my nonworking hours either involved in a close friend's wedding (which took up WAY more time and energy than I expected) or trying to plan other future things.


Not to say I completely left the story on the back burner, but every time I tried to come back and write the next chapter I was just... not feeling it. It's very much a transition chapter, not a lot going on, but important to set up what's next.

Still not quite there, to be honest, but since current events keep me at home for the time being, I want to take another crack at it. But if things take a turn health-wise, with me or my family, that will obviously change, so I make no guarantees.

So, this is to say I'm thinking of you. And that I'm doing okay. And that the story isn't finished.

Not for Dave, Miles, Merlin and the gang.

And not for us either.

Thank you to everyone still following, commenting, and sharing in this story. Eat some chocolate, ward off the dementors, and don't let the muggles get you down.

~ Astraea