AN: This story is the result of me watching way to many horror movies.

Yesterday was the last day of high school for most of the kids in glee. Graduation was incredible and liberating. They screamed, cheered, and cried. They did it. They graduated. Artie, Tina, Blaine, and Sugar had been in the audience cheering for their fellow glee members. When the ceremony was over and after taking pictures with their families and themselves, they all met up in the choir room for a final goodbye to where their friendships and relationships began. When the graduates walked into the choir room, they were met with applause and cheering from Artie, Tina, Blaine, and Sugar. They shared a group hug and then sat down just to hang out and reminisce on all their years in glee. They were sitting in a comfortable silence just staring around the room almost as if to say with they're eyes what no one seemed to be able to say out loud. It was over. They were now going their separate ways at the end of the summer.

"I say we celebrate," Puck began as he got up from his seat. "Party at my place tomorrow! Glee members only." Everyone agreed to be there.

So, here Santana was now picking up Rachel to go to Puck's house. She pulled into the Berry's driveway and then made her way to the front door. Leroy answered the door when she knocked.

"Hey, Leroy," she greeted him.

"Hi, Santana, come on in. Rachel's in her room," he told her while moving aside to let her walk into the house.

"Thanks," she said and made her way upstairs.

As she walked down the hallway and got closer to Rachel's bedroom, she could hear that Rachel was softly signing. She opened the door and stood in the doorway watching Rachel sing into her hairbrush. Her back was to Santana so she didn't see when Santana walked toward her. She wrapped her arms around Rachel from behind and kissed her neck. Rachel immediately stopped signing and fell into Santana's embrace.

"Hey, beautiful ready to go?" Santana asked her while nuzzling her neck.

"Mmmmhh..yes," was all Rachel could get out. She turned around in Santana's arms and gave her girlfriend a quick peck on the lips and then got out of Santana's embrace.

"Let's go," she said making her way to the door. Santana quickly followed behind. They said goodbye to Leroy and Hiram, who were in the living room eating takeout and watching television, and made their way out of the house. They got into Santana's car and drove to Puck's house.

"Can I ask you to do something for me?" Rachel asked Santana on the drive to Puck's.

"Anything," was Santana's answer as she turned to look at Rachel, who had a smile on her face.

"Can you maybe not drink so much to the point where you're drunk. The last party Noah had wasn't so fun, seeing as I spent the night making sure you wouldn't do anything foolish in your drunken state. And after you get past the weepy hysterics you aren't exactly the easiest person to control," she said with caution thinking that Santana would probably be apposed to it.

"I wasn't planning on drinking tonight actually." Rachel turned to look at her with a surprised face, "really?" Santana let out a chuckle, "yes, really, I'm driving and I just really want to enjoy being there with you," she said as she turned and smirked at Rachel. Santana pulled up to the curb in front of Puck's house and parked. As they got out they could see that Quinn's car was there and so were Mike's and Finn's.

"Lopez, you made it, and you brought my hot jewish princess!" Puck greeted them as they entered the house. "Come on everyone else is already down in the basement," he said motioning for them to follow him.

When they got downstairs they saw that in fact everyone else was there. They must have gotten a ride from Mike, Quinn, and Finn. Everyone was sitting (either on the couches or the floor) in a circle just talking, there were several shot glasses and liquor bottles set on the coffee table in the middle.

"Hey San, Rach," Quinn greeted.

"San! Sit right here," Brittany screamed as she patted the seat next to her on the couch.

"Sure, B." Santana grabbed Rachel's hand and walked over to sit next to Brittany, there was only enough room for one person so when Rachel went to find another seat, Santana pulled her down to sit on her lap.

"So, what's going on?" she asked while wrapping her arms around Rachel.

"We were just about to begin a game of 'never have i ever'," Tina, who was sitting across the floor from her said.

"Im not drinking tonight, so i'm out," Santana quickly said.

"What? Santana Lopez not drinking? I must be dreaming," Kurt asked surprised.

"I'm driving home I can't get drunk," was her response.

"Why can't Rachel drive you home then, come on you have to play," Quinn added.

"Yea, weepy historical Santana is the best!" agreed Mike.

"Lopez, quit being a pussy and play," Puck said annoyed "I even bought you're favorite bottle" he said pointing to one of the liquor bottles on the table. Santana didn't want to have to say this out loud for fear of sounding soft in front of her friends but it was the only way that they would stop nagging.

"I just want to enjoy being here with Rachel, okay, so stop fucking asking, I'm not drinking."

Sam made a whipping noise and received a glare from Santana. "Fine, it won't be as fun without drunk Santana though," Puck finally gave in. "Am I really that interesting when I'm drunk?" Santana whispered to Rachel. Rachel only let out a short laugh, "baby, interesting doesn't even begin to cover it."

After finishing the game, Puck turned up the music. Mostly everyone was buzzed, but no one was really drunk. They were all dancing and signing together, just enjoying themselves and having a great time.

"Who knows when we'll get to party together again," Artie said as he was being spun around in his chair by Mercedes.

"I say we make the best of this summer together," Mercedes added as she stopped spinning Artie.

"We should take a road trip!" Brittany screamed as she sat down on one of the couches.

"That's a great idea!" "Where would we go?" "We should!" "That would be incredible" where all said at the same time as they all sat down in their previous positions to talk again.

"My father owns a beach house in Malibu, California," Sugar said proudly. Everyone turned to look at each other; asking with their eyes if they would be willing to go. Mike spoke up first.

"Spending the summer on the beach would be amazing, I'm in." Immediately everyone started shooting out ideas and plans. No one was paying attention to what the others were saying. They seemed excited and anxious to start planning.

"Guys! Calm down. I think if we really are planning on doing this, we must be organized about it. Shouting out ideas isn't going to make this easy. So let's plan it out," Rachel said after she got tired of everyone screaming and not paying attention.

"Alright, so we have the place settled? Sugar's dad's beach house?" Quinn asked everyone while looking around. Everyone nodded.

"Would you're dad mind a bunch of teenagers being there?" Blaine asked Sugar.

"No, he said I was able to invite anyone"

"Okay, so, when would we leave?" Finn asked from his seat on the floor next to Mike.

"How does in three days sound? That's plenty of time to get ready isn't?" Quinn suggested.

"Sure is. So we leave in three days. I'm down to drive but we'll need at least 2 more cars in order to fit everyone else." Santana spoke up.

"I can drive" Mike raised his hand volunteering. "Me too" Puck said.

"How long does it take to get to California?" Brittany asked Sugar. "Well if we stop to rest, it'll take about 2 days at least maybe 2 and a half," Sugar answered.

"And how long we'll we be there? Lord Tubbington doesn't like to be alone for too long." Brittany said with a sad look on her face.

"He'll be fine, B." Santana tried to cheer her up. "I say we stay there at least a month," she continued to say to the group.

"Yea, definitely. I think it would be great opportunity to get accustomed to not being home seeing as most of us will be leaving for college," Rachel agreed with her girlfriend.

"So we're leaving in 3 days, it takes 2 days to get there, and we'll be there for a month, sounds great. We just need to get directions and see how'll we going in who's car," Blaine summed everything up while asking with his eyes if that was correct. Everyone nodded again.

"We'll obviously I will be in Santana's car," Rachel began while looking lovingly at her girlfriend.

"Can I go in your car too, San?" Brittany asked with a smile on her face. She looked excited.

"Of course, Britt."

"I'll be ridding shotgun in Puck's car!" Sam called out quickly. "I'll go with Puck, too, then" Finn added.

"I'm assuming Artie and Mercedes will be with Tina in Mike's car and I don't want to be with the boys, so i'll go in San's car too" Quinn explained.

"I guess the only way Blaine and I will be in the same car is if we go with Puck" Kurt said.

"I'll go in Santana's car," Sugar said cautiously, worried that maybe Santana would object. Sure, Santana had been rude to her before, but over the past couple months they had had their fair share of civilized conversations. Brittany really liked Sugar and so did Quinn and Rachel.

"Sure, cool," was all Santana said.

"Okay, so it's settled. Now all we need are directions; which I will gladly look up," Rachel began to explain with a determined look on her face. "I'll print out a copy for all the drivers and have it ready for when we leave."

"So we're really doing this?" Tina asked with an excited smile on her face.

"Yeah, we're going on a road-trip!" Puck cheered loudly. Everyone else joined in on the cheering while throwing fist pumps.

Their parents thought it was a good idea to get out of state and see what it would be like away from home, so they didn't have any trouble convincing them. The next 2 days were spent packing and getting everything settled. Everyone seemed to be going crazy worrying about what to pack, but lucky for them, Rachel researched the weather and saw it would be warm. She also made lists of essential things that shouldn't be forgotten. With Rachel's help everything seemed to run smoother and easier. They were leaving tomorrow morning and everything seemed to be ready. They were going to meet at the Park's parking lot and leave from there.

Quinn had been knocking on Rachel's house door, but no one was answering and she tried Rachel's cellphone, but again no answer so she decided to just walk in since it was unlocked.

"Berry! Are you ready?" Quinn screamed as she entered Rachel's house There was no answer.

"Berry!" she tried again.

She made her way upstairs as soon as she got to the top step she heard Rachel say "In here."

Quinn walked down the hallway toward where the sound came from. Rachel popped her head out of her bedroom door. As Quinn walked closer she could see that Rachel was still in pajamas and had messy hair.

"Rachel, we're leaving and you're not even ready yet, seriously?" Quinn asked the short brunette in annoyance.

"My alarm didn't go off." Rachel said turning to walk back to her bed and pick up her phone. She saw that it was on silence and had 3 missed calls. 2 from Santana and 1 from Quinn.

"Well hurry up and get dres-" Quinn was cut off by Santana's voice "what's taking so long?" She said as she entered Rachel's room.

"Berry here just woke up." Quinn told Santana as she gestured at Rachel.

"Baby, you were suppose to be ready by the time I stopped by." Santana said softly to her girlfriend.

"My phone was on sil-" Rachel was interrupt by Quinn "I'll wait in the car with Britt and Sugar," she said as she turned around and walked out of the room. Santana turned around after Quinn was going and moved closer to Rachel, putting her hands on Rachel's hips.

"Morning," she whispered brushing her lips against Rachel before kissing her.

"I could help you out of these pajamas if you want" she told Rachel with a smirk while wiggling her eyebrows.

Rachel put her arms around Santana's neck and kissed her. Santana's hands traveled up taking Rachel's shirt with her. They broke the kiss to take Rachel's shirt off. Santana began to step forward causing Rachel to move backward until the back of her knees hit the mattress. She gently pushed Rachel so that she was on her back and settled on top of her all while not breaking the kiss. Santana ran her hand down to pull off Rachel's pants. She moved her lips lower to Rachel's neck causing Rachel to moan. The moan only made Santana move her lips lower, but before she could reach Rachel's breast Quinn walked in on them.

"Oh god!" Rachel quickly pushed Santana off of her and ran into her en suite bathroom.

"This is why we decided that I'd get Rachel while you waited in the car. You two are just delaying our time even further, we're already half an hour late." Quinn said annoyed as Rachel ran out of the restroom and into her closet to change. This caused both Quinn and Santana to chuckle.

"Thanks for ruining the moment, Q!" Santana snapped playfully at Quinn.

"Whatever, Lopez, if i wouldn't have came in here we'd probably never leave. Now, hurry up Berry so we can leave." Quinn turned to look at the closet door as Rachel walked out already dressed. "I'm ready," she said. Santana helped carry Rachel's duffel out of the house and into the trunk of her car. Rachel left a note to her dads, who were at work, and locked her house. She got into the passenger seat and buckled up. They were now on there way to the park.

"What took you so long?" Puck asked them as Santana pulled into the parking spot next to Mike's car. The boys seemed to be moving duffel bags from Mike's car onto Puck's truck.

"Rach was still sleeping," Brittany said as she got out of the car.

"What are you doing?" Rachel asked trying to change the subject away from her as she stepped out of the car and walked to see what was happening.

"Artie's wheelchair takes up most of the space in my trunk so we're moving our duffels into Puck's trunk," Mike told her as he carried another bag and through it in the truck.

"What's with the tents?" Santana asked as she put her arms around Rachel from behind.

"Well, I figured we might want to stop on the way there and hotels can get pricey, so i loaded 4 tents, just in case. We can maybe pull over somewhere." Puck explained as he closed the trunk door.

"Oh, good idea," Rachel said. "Everything's set, I just have to stop at the gas station and fill up my tank," Mike said.

"Alright we'll follow you there, I already filled mine up last night," Puck said as he got into the driver's seat.

"So did I," Santana said as she removed her arms from around Rachel and walked to her car.

Once everyone else got into the cars, Mike drove off with Santana behind him, followed by Puck.

They pulled into the gas station. Puck and Santana parked while Mike pulled up next to one of the pumps and got out of the car to pay.

"I'm getting a coffee and some snacks, do you guys want anything?" Santana asked as she unbuckled her seatbelt and opened her door.

"I want one, too." "So do I," Quinn said after Rachel. "I want some gummy bears," Brittany quickly said. "I want a bag of Doritos," Sugar said.

"Alright, I'll be right back." Santana walked into the shop and picked up 3 coffees, a couple bags of chips, some candy, and water bottles. She paid the clerk and walked back to her car; holding the 3 coffees in a cup holder with one hand while balancing everything else with the other.

"Here, baby, take these," she told Rachel handing her the coffees.

She threw everything else into the back seat making it land on Quinn's lap who was sitting in the middle. Brittany and Sugar quickly took everything off Quinn's lap and began to open every bag of chips and candy.

Santana got settled into the driver's seat and buckled up after handing Quinn her coffee.

"Thanks." That's when they heard a honk. It was Mike.

"All set!" he screamed to Puck and Santana while saluting them.

They pulled out of the gas station and headed for the road. Santana leading the way with Mike behind her, followed by Puck.