She was gone. Just like that she was gone. I loved her. My question was never asked and would never be answered. I loved her more than anything.

I had watched her take her last breath. Clara had had finally found the strengthening solution just as she took her last breath.

"She's- go-gone." Clara sobbed.

Fred knelt next to me, crying silently. "We'll all miss her George. She was one of the greatest pranksters I knew. She was so brave. I wouldn't be here without her." I smiled slightly. That's why I loved her. She was so brave. So funny.

I put her back done onto the cot. I saw my family around me; watching me. Leaning over her I let the tears silently fall.

"Hayley why did you have to leave me?" I asked in her ear.

Fred tried to get me to leave her but I wouldn't. "George you have to let her go."

"I-I- cant. I love her."

"We know that. But I'm sure she wouldn't want you to cry over her like this. I'm sure she would want you to move on."

Madame Pomphrey and McGonagall walked up over to where we all sat. McGonagall saw Hayley lying unmoving, not breathing and let a sob escape her.

Madame Pomphrey handed a white sheet to her sister.

"I'm sure she's happy Clara." Clara let out a sob and covered her sister's bottom half. She then turned away from the body and let her tears flow.

"I can't cover her completely. I can't believe she's gone!" She sobbed. She looked across the cot at me as if telling me to cover her.

I shook my head violently. "I can't either." The tears were still flowing freely as I looked down at Hayley.


I didn't feel any pain anymore. It was all gone. I suddenly found myself looking at the Great Hall. What was going on?

I saw my body in a cot, half-covered in a sheet and George leaning over me. He was crying. I couldn't hear anything the sobs that most likely rang out through the hall. I went near him and put my hand on his shoulder. I didn't feel his warmth. It was gone. Most likely since the dead can't feel anything.

I looked down at my body. My left sleeve was torn and my arm looked useless. My pants had holes in the knees when I skidded earlier. I was covered in dust, dirt and blood. My eyes were closed as I slept. I pushed up on my leg to get up but felt a different sensation.

I could feel air filling my lungs. The pain in my body especially my arm came back suddenly. I could feel hot tears falling onto my face and neck. My head was rested on something soft. George's arm rested below my head. I was alive.

I felt no stronger than I did before I "died". My eyes fluttered open. George didn't see as his eyes were obscured by tears. Everyone else around me seemed to notice though. I heard some of the sobs subside as they stared at my half opened eyes.

I slowly brought my hand to George's cheek. "I hate it when you cry." His tears stopped abruptly and his sobs subsided.

"Hayley? How- you were-" I grabbed the front of his jacket and cut him off with a kiss. When we pulled apart he hugged me tightly; afraid of letting go. I grimaced from the pain in my arm and he let go.

"What's wrong?" I pointed to my arm.

"I forgot about her arm. She was knocked out of a tree earlier." Harry said.

"I saved you Hayley!" Clara said shocked. "I found it just in time." Madam Pomfrey came over, McGonagall at her heels.

"Ms. Capello!" McGonagall said. "We thought you were dead! How is this possible?" Clara then explained a strengthening solution.

"What's wrong with her?" Madam Pomphrey asked. Clara pointed out my arm and the weakness and fatigue caused by being tortured.

"Well we'll need to remove her jacket." George sat me up and carefully took my arm out of the sleeve. Madam Pomfrey rolled up my ripped shirt and started treating my arm. She stopped the cut from bleeding and fixed the bone. My arm didn't hurt any more. It wasn't broken either. She gave me another potion and went to help other people.

Harry, Ron and Hermione went outside and talked. I lay down on the cot. George was holding my right hand and talking to me. Saying how he loved me and was glad I was alright.

I was alive. The world was normal again.


A/N: I'm sure most of you must hate me for this. On the other site I wrote this story on there is a sequel. I plan on bringing it here. :D