Disclaimer: I do not own CCS, CLAMP owns it.

(Speaking " ")

(Thoughts ' ')

All the members of the Cherry Blossoms have gang tattoo's of a Sakura flower at the bottom of their back.

Sakura's flower is pink with the letter L inside of it.

Tomoyo's flower is violet and Toya and Yukitos is silver.

Tattoos of the wolf's...

All of them have a wolf head on their upper right arm.

Significant colours

Syaoran's wolf has green eyes, meaning leader

Eriol's had blue eyes, and Mailing's has red ones


Sakura and Tomoyo and Mailing 18

Syaoran and Eriol 19

Chapter One: beginning

Normal. P.O.V (normal profile) prologue...

In Tokyo Japan there lived a girl called Sakura Kinomoto she had beautiful long auburn hair with a perfectly curved body, which helped her hide the fact that she was incredibly strong.

Her mum decided to go travelling a year ago, for information on her husband's death so she left Sakura in charge of her gang.

Unlike normal members of the cherry blossoms she was trained from birth to take over leadership since she was born. She got taught how to kill or save a life instantly and even deal with a loved one's passing quickly, so that it did not affect her emotionally.

living in this kind of environment Sakura new that anything could happen in a split second, so she always had to deal with the unexpected. This training made her highly dangerous to anyone who was considered an enemy, immediately she could turn off any kind of emotion including remorse.

Present ...Mall ...Normal P.O.V.

"Goodness Tomoyo, how much more are you going to buy?" Sakura asked her best friend, as she walked beside her across the mall, carrying at least two bags of clothes.

The two of them had already visited all different kinds of shops today to get things like clothes, jewellery and make up for Tomoyo as she loved to shop for things she did not need.

The long black haired girl with violet eyes stops and sighs at Sakura's question "Look Sakura haven't I already made you look super Kawaii today?" Tomoyo asks her before continuing "just two more hours ok." she finishes smiling up at her with sparkling eyes as she walked a little bit ahead of Sakura swinging her three bags of shopping joyfully with a skip.

They had been there for four hours and Sakura knew that Tomoyo was no were near finished shopping, she was just so hungry and nonstop shopping was not helping her problem.

"Fine, Moyo you win, but don't make me try on any more outfits" Sakura sighed out to herself scanning her own outfit which was a pair of blue three quarter lengths and a matching blue spaghetti top. 'but I do have to hand it to you Moyo you do have style, but I could not where a dress like that as I would probably fall over straight away ' Sakura thought to herself laughing a little looking at Tomoyo's outfit now which was a blue maxi dress with matching sandals.

Tomoyo heard her chuckle and asked her puzzled. "what's got you so tickled Sakura?"

"Oh nothing Moyo, come on lets go eat, I am starving." Sakura shouts out excitedly, before she grabs two of the bags from Tomoyo's hand so she could pull her along to their favourite place to eat.

They reached the small corner café and went in to get comfy, they sat down at their normal window table.

After about five minutes of talking and waiting for the waiter to come Sakura stops their conversation in mid-sentence with a hand as she notices a small girl who looked no more than six at a guess, running past the café window screaming for help.

At this Sakura and Tomoyo wasted no time shooting out their seats to chase the little girl in distress.

Moments later when they caught up to the little girl, Sakura touched her shoulder in order to slow her down. The girl turned at her touch to face Sakura scared until realisation hit her causing her to automatically jump towards Sakura.

This action nearly knocked Sakura's legs from under her, as she could see the little girl grabbing on to her for dear life.

The little girl was trembling and her grip did not loosen on Sakura even after she started to talk. "princess princess please help my big brother, a bigger boy is hurting him." The girl stutters out starting to cry hopelessly.

Sakura and Tomoyo looked at each other with shock, until anger filled Sakura's eyes and her blood boiled with rage.

Shock, fear, pain even death, Sakura could deal with all of them in a second but anger was one emotion that wasn't easily dismissed with her. It was her fuel to fight, the thing that made her untouchable.

Sakura then looked at the little girl with worried eyes, who was pleading for her help.

She took a glance at Tomoyo's direction, taking a note of her still shocked face and knowing what she was thinking.

'Someone has entered Tokyo illegally. Causing harm to children in this city is punishable by death'

"yurusemasen."(unforgivable) Sakura bites out tightening her hold on the girl protectively.

Calming down, Sakura then grabs the girl by her shoulders gently peeling her away from her to look at her with a smile.

"don't worry, little one we will sort this situation out." Sakura tells the girl calmly, being careful not to startle her anymore.

This caused the girl to smile up at her and nod, before Sakura could be seen kneeling down in front of her grabbing the girl's hands in hers for reassurance before continuing to talk to her calmly Take us to your brother, no more harm will come to him when we get there. I promise you sweetie. "

"Ok this way." the little girl shouts out to Sakura hurriedly, letting go of one of Sakura's hands to grab one of Tomoyo's as stared in the direction she come from earlier but this time, blazing with determination as she leads the two women hurriedly toward her brother.

'Man, she is fast for a child.' Sakura and Tomoyo thought out together, as they racing down the malls halls with an unexpectedly fast girl guiding them.

..Sakura's P.O.V.

As me and Tomoyo felt the girl stop, a large man with mussels gaping out of his T shirt come in to our view holding something by his hands to the ground. Then seconds later I noticed I noticed that the man was holding the boy by his shirt scruff, while pinning him to the mall floor so he could not escape.

`KILL HIM! KILL THE FUCKER, how dare he do this and right under our noses to an innocent child. Is he even human attacking a kid like that' my thoughts rage out, as me and Tomoyo started to approach the man and the scene quicker now because I am far more angered.

Tomoyo's P.O.V…

`OMG I have never seen Sakura look like that. What is she going to do? for fuck sake just remember to stay calm Sakura please!' I thought to myself watching Sakura intensely, she was facing the man in front of us with pure hatred and a hunger to kill in her eyes like a lion look's at its pray before it kills it.

Normal P.O.V….

However, Tomoyo also didn't fail to notice that there was no one else in that part of the mall, after surveying the area that they were in carefully. This made her feel more on edge about what Sakura might do. So, she looked back at her and tried to think of a way to calm her down because when Sakura temper was like this no one could stop her. Her training made her invincible she was the perfect killing machine.

When Tomoyo felt Sakura move forward she quickly puts out her arm in order to stop her "Sakura if you go over their like that your temper will get the better of you, calm the fuck down and let's do this sensibly. Ok. You have a reputation to uphold here don't forget the children are watching. Don't lower yourself down to that asshole's level of thinking and just rush in."

Tomoyo's speech made Sakura take a few deep breaths to calm herself, sighing out the last one slowly she was calm enough to handle the situation. "Thanks for that Tomoyo, now let's get this ass hole before my anger flairs up again".

With that said, there shopping bags were dropped and Sakura and Tomoyo speeded towards the boy's attacker.

They came up behind him with such speed and grabbed one of the man's arm's each with ease so they could pull him off of the boy without causing him any more discomfort. They brought him into a standing position, so they could bend his arms back behind him.

This gave Tomoyo the chance to take out her dress waist cord and tie his hands up tightly to restrict his movements from them.

After seeing this, the little girl then uses this opportunity to run to her brother and pull him away from the fight scene before she hugs him tightly. "nii chan, nii chan I'm so glad you are ok." She tells him tightening the hug.

Then seconds later the man could be seen going wild and back pushes Tomoyo sending her hurling through the air, luckily for Sakura she already knew what he was going to do seconds before so without thinking she runs over to the direction of a now mid-air Tomoyo and catches her before she has a chance of crash into one of the malls pillars she was heading to.

"Thanks Sakura i owe you" Tomoyo speaks out breathlessly, as Sakura sets her down near the children for safety.

"Not a problem Moyo now let me deal with him." Sakura jesters to the man with her figure before she continues to speak. "stay here with the kids and keep them out of the way." Sakura asks her earning a nod from Tomoyo.

Sakura then faces the guy again with furious eyes, anger now more present on her face again 'How dare he ... and then to Tomoyo too. You are going down.'

After thinking this and leaving no time to realise what she was doing, Sakura just reacted by speeding towards her target with a deadly smirk.

This stunned the man she was coming towards quickly, and made him almost paralysed and look at her warily.

Watching him display this fearful look at her, she automatically knew she had the advantage over him.

Sakura then jumps at him, using his shoulders for a frame to put her hands on as her body goes in to a handstand above him. Then moments later she catches his neck pressure point sending him hurling to the floor unconscious.

After seeing that he was no longer a fret to them, Sakura then walks back over to Tomoyo who was still with the children and smiled.

"How you guys now? No one is that hurt, are they?" Sakura asks the three who shook their heads happily.

So, before anything else could go wrong, like the man regaining consciousness, Sakura brought out her mobile and decided to call the police.

"Thank you very much for helping us" the boy and his sister said in unison as they bowed at Tomoyo and Sakura for their help, before they started to walk towards the exit happily chatting about the day's events.

A/n tell me if this chapter is better. xx My beta helped me do it, so it should be a lot better now.