Summary: Tom's being targeted by terrorist organisations, so he's being temporarily looked after by someone who can protect him until the threats are eradicated. After Snakehead.
Hello, Syd here. I've noticed that there are a lot of fics on K-unit taking care of Alex, but not many on Tom, so enjoy the first chapter! This idea has been floating around my head for a couple of weeks now. If you want a specific K-unit member to take care of Tom, please review and tell me, or PM me! Thanks!
Disclaimer: I don't own the series. I'm just a crazy fan.
Chapter One
Tom groaned inwardly. Of all days, he had to be kidnapped on the day of his football match! It was an important match- the semi-finals. Kenneth Pullman would replace him, and honestly, he's not a very good midfielder. They'd definitely lose this season! Even if they did win –it would have to be some sort of miracle or some god that really liked them- he would miss out on the party that they would have. The coach promised them pizza and candy. Pizza and candy! He was going to stuff his face after the match, and then this idiotic moron had to ruin his grand plans by breaking into his house and holding his hostage. The phone had been ringing for an hour, but he refused to pick it up. Tom shook his head at his kidnapper's stupidity. The only way they could know that he was being held hostage and not sick, in a shower or in a jam was to pick up the damn phone and tell them!
"Hey!" Tom shouted to him, smirking inwardly. The guy didn't even gag him! He was definitely an amateur, and looked really anxious. He probably was confused at why the police haven't shown up yet. Tom was at advantage. He still could talk- and probably manipulate the guy so he could get help.
"What?" Mr Idiotic Kidnapper snapped.
"Who are you?"
"And why should I tell you?" Mr Idiotic Kidnapper sneered.
"Well, you wouldn't want me to call you 'Mr Idiotic Kidnapper' in my head forever, do you?" Tom asked innocently. Mr Idiotic Kidnapper glared at him, and in his rage, he wasn't thinking straight, and fell into his trap.
"My name is Gerald Sampson, which is a very nice name, not 'Mr Idiotic Kidnapper'!" he yelled, brandishing his gun in Tom's face.
"You think Gerald Sampson is a very nice name? Give me a break!"
Gerald narrowed his eyes as Tom, and laughed out loud. "You've got some nerve, kid. You think that you can distract me so you can escape somehow and overpower me? I'm not stupid, boy, that's what happened to my partner with your best friend Mr Rider. When Mr Rider gets his butt here with the money I wanted to set you free, I'm going to kill you both and get away!"
Tom raised an eyebrow. "And did you even tell Mr Rider to get his butt here with the money?"
Gerald's eyes widened in surprise, and swore loudly before muttering about teenage boys with big mouths. "So, if you think you're so smart, tell me how to contact Rider."
Victory! Tom rolled his eyes and looked at the phone. "Pick the damn phone up and tell them, dimwit."
Gerald glared at Tom again. "Don't call me that."
"Dimwit," Tom said at once.
Gerald ignored him and picked up the phone.
"TOM HARRIS, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW! WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU FOR AGES, AND THE GAME STARTED FIVE MINUTES AGO! KENNETH IS REPLACING YOU NOW, AND IT'S NOT LOOKING GOOD! WHY THE HELL HAVE YOU NOT TURNED UP?" Someone yelled, and Tom guessed it was the coach. Gerald winced and ripped it out of his ear, glaring at the phone as the coach swore, yelled and ranted. When the coach was out of breath, Gerald spoke.
"I have no idea who you are, but let me tell you this. Mr Harris is now my hostage, and I want you to tell Mr Alex Rider that if he does not turn up at Harris's house with a million dollars in half an hour, I will kill the boy," Gerald spoke icily, and Tom imagined the coach paling. Tom heard shouting but Gerald cut the call. He smirked evilly at Tom. "They will come for you," he said proudly. Tom shuddered. Was this how Alex felt when he was captured? Tom looked around the house. Nope, nothing he could use to escape. Gerald had shoved him into a chair in the kitchen and tied him up. The fridge was right in front of him, and he felt extremely hungry. He stared at the fridge longingly, imagining all the sodas and leftover pizza in the fridge. Oh, he was so hungry!
"I'm hungry," Tom proudly announced. Gerald whirled to stare at Tom. "What the hell? Shut up boy!"
Tom's stomach rumbled.
Gerald's face went red with anger, and chose not to say anything. Tom guessed that if he said anymore, Gerald might just kill him and pretend that Tom was alive to get the money anyway. Tom was laughing inside; if this wasn't a hostage situation he might have laughed out loud, but his life was at stake. Tom wanted very much to be alive.
Suddenly, Tom heard the faint crunching of tires and looked out of the kitchen window. He saw several police cars, three black cars (which obviously belonged to MI6) and even an SAS jeep. Tom's mouth fell open as four burly men clambered out of the jeep and together with the police and MI6 agents, they surrounded the house. Alex must have called back-up-but there was no sign of Alex himself.
Gerald swore loudly and held his gun ready. The phone rang and Gerald scowled. He turned his back on Tom, and seizing the opportunity, Tom started to wiggle around the ropes. Alex had taught Tom a thing or two about escaping from ropes, but he refused to take any chances and waited only until Gerald was not looking at him. Tom squirmed and turned, but the ropes were still tight.
Gerald was screaming into the phone, but Tom did not bother to eavesdrop. He had a mission- to escape from his chair and get the hell out of the house. Once he got out of the chair, he could crash through the kitchen window. Tom smiled. He could feel the ropes loosen. It was not much, but he was confident that he could break out anytime soon. If only he could just loosen it a bit more…
And that was when he heard the gunshot.
And there you have it, the first chapter. It isn't much, because I'm trying to test out the idea. Once again, please R&R so I can decide if I want to continue it. Thanks!