Author's note only guys. I know that those of you who have clicked the favorite, follow, and review buttons are going to see this first. It was one year ago yesterday that I began to write It Takes One Moment, so one year later I am coming to you who have stuck with me for it all with a question. I know you have all loved this story and I have gotten almost one hundred reviews for a story that I expected to only see a maximum of thirty. I have looked through the old reviews and they have inspired my inner muse once again. I do not think I can come up with a plot line to come after It Takes One Moment, but I have been thinking long and hard and I believe I have a prequel that may stand up to your liking. It would be all about how Jasper and Scarlet met. The Cullens would come in toward the end of the story to bring it all to a close. I am thinking MAYBE ten chapters depending on your liking and time. At the end of the month I will be going back to college again so time will be short, but I will write when I have time and publish when I think it is good enough for you guys to read it. So the question is: Would you guys want to see a prequel to this story, or should I let the story stay where it is and not risk you guys being disappointed? Please leave a review or a personal message to me and let me know what you guys think.
