I danced. I enjoyed the soft blades of grass against my feet, the Apollo's warm glow against my skin, and the feel of the wind blowing through my hair. There couldn't have been a more beautiful place in Greece, than this secluded spot. I played with the nymphs, I chased the butterflys, I bathed in the clear pool, and I always felt more alive, more natural in this spot than any other.

My mother, Demeter, kept Greece's ground beautiful and fertile. She spoiled me with flowers, she created a room on Olympus for me with nothing, but nature. The insects catered to her every whim, the animals loved her, and the people worshipped her. Zeus would laugh softly she was his diamond in the rough and praise her quick intelligence. Not many goddesses could organize and develop such beauty, let alone keep it maintained with such skillful ease. Thinking of mother, I laughed softly and threw myself into the moss padded earth by my swimming hole.

She was wonderful, I was her most beautiful flower, but unlike flowers she would not let me blossom. Others had came into their own by now, but she sheltered me from them. I did not play with them, did not attend the festivals or even go out as humans as they were allowed. If I were not here, I would be in my room. When I was allowed she would escort me around Olympus, sometimes 'her' Apollo would take me, like now it seemed he was my baby sitter.

Her Apollo, god of the sun. He was a nice guy, very athletic, very outspoken. Mother, like Zeus, would keep some in line and that happened to be one of hers. Most would have thought he outranked her, but even Zeus had to admit, mother was not one to stand down. She had hinted of the idea of a possible merger between him and I. I was not completly against it, but to go from mother to him. It was just a changing of the guards, I sighed.

I loved my life, I loved the beauty she gave me, I loved the small freedoms, but it just seemed others had so much more. Aphrodite, was quite the center of gossip, she had freedom to do anything. Zeus' wild child, she was called. She had men catering to her, she had women lavishing in her attention, and the other gods gave her plenty of respect. She was not drug down by the gossip mill, in fact she accepted each new tidbit with a relish some savored ambrosia. She was a regal piece of fluff, and I mean no disrespect, it's just she carried herself with a certain aloofness that men couldn't resist. She was Zeus' daughter, but I had glimpsed the attraction in his eyes. Men not only liked her, but the power she carried. The power of love, of beauty, of the whimsical. If only I'd been born like her, I would throw all to the wind and live as I would, not as they would have me.

Then there was the other side of the coin, Hekate. Mother's best friend, although I couldn't figure why. Where mother was big, Hekate was skin and bones. Mother was over so many things that lived and flourished, she was first string. Hekate was over ghosts, ghouls, demons, she thrived on fear, she was hardly even second string having to rely on to many others. Where mother had beautiful youthful cheery energy, Hekate always seemed to be devising her next scheme intent on some maliciousness against the humans. Mother loved everything, Hekate wouldn't know love if it slapped her against her wrinkled ass. She was much younger than mother, and people still looked down on her with a certain distaste.

I ran my finger idly through the small pool, watching the minnows scatter. How lovely it was, no wonder mother was always wore such a smile. She might work hard, but she reaped the benefits. I splashed the water in frustration, mother carried an air of importance I did not. I did not have the confidence she did, the respect, and being under someone's control I never would.

I stood to put my silken toga back into place, curling my damp brown hair with my fingers I decided to leave it down. It took some of the attention off my face, I had inherited some of her weight. I pocketed the silver flower adorned combs, and took a deep breath. Time to go back, mother would be ready for dinner soon, she enjoyed her meal of fruit and ambrosia every night. She didn't have to, but she said it reminded her what she worked for.

Emerged in my thoughts, it stunned me to see the ugly black mongrel growling two foot from me. I gasped and took a step back, it took three closer. Slowly I straightened, trying to relax. It was huge, half the size of a horse, but still big enough to tear a leg off. It's black fur was greasy and matted, it's teeth were sharp and bared at me. Drool and foam mixed running from its lips and it growled to let me know this was not a friend.

I whispered softly, "Nice puppy. You sure are a pretty puppy," I lied just trying to keep talking, just trying to calm it down. Looking at its misshapen body, it's ribs poking through the fur, I knew this dog had been thoroughly abused at some point. "You poor thing." I stammered, tearing up out of pity, not fear. No this was no animal to be feared any longer, this creature had been drug through the worst tortures imagined. Starved, beaten, left with nothing or no one. It was cruel to hurt such a beautiful animal. I slowly eased out a hand, the animal seemed to shift his weight, never stopping the incessant growl that bubbled from his chest.

"I'm sorry baby, who did this to you?" I murmered trying harder to calm the animal. We stared down each other, minutes passed, neither of us giving in, backing off. Then as suddenly as he had appeared, he relaxed and went to the pool. I was too curious to leave, he lapped the water for several minutes, enjoying the feel of cool water finally entering his body. Then he turned to me, I hadn't left the spot since it started and didn't flinch. He lumbered over teasing my hand with his cold snout, I ran my hand behind one ear, and I knew I wouldn't leave him in such unkempt condition.

After bathing, brushing, and pretty much giving the dog all the attention he could stand I had to leave. Announcing my intentions of returning tomorrow to see him, he bolted off into the woods. "Well, how do you like that? Not the least bit grateful," but I laughed. My large furry friend probably felt better now than he'd felt in years, and it had even taken my mind from the current delimmas. Now off to Olympus.

Big Thanks to Perselus for Hades cover. He's just so beautifully intimidating. You can find her at the deviant art website under Perselus or at this link: perselus. deviantart I'm aware sometimes it doesn't show as it should so pm me if you need it or check my page. Wonderful artist that everyone should check out and let Perselus know I sent you ;)