This is what happens when I'm bored. This is a parody so hopefully no one is insulted by it. It's not meant to be serious. It's lame, it's stupid. So just don't take offence to any of the chapters I might end up doing.
It really depends on the feedback I get for the chapter though to know if I should continue or not.

Thanks to Taylorpaige24 for encouraging me to write this. :D


It was a glorious day at the Curtis household, where the middle Curtis sat making out with the love of his life, McKayla, his girlfriend of three whole days. They were really going at it when the youngest Curtis walked in.

"Uh guys?" Ponyboy asked timidly.

"What?" Mckayla asked angrily, upset that he would dare interrupt this special moment between her and Sodapop, who she has been dating for three whole days.

"It's just I haven't had a decent storyline in awhile so I was just wondering if I could maybe be apart of yours?"

Mckayla stood from the couch, fuming. "Listen here Pon-ie Boy, if anyone is going to hog all of Soda's time, and destroy any character development he has it's going to be me! I know you think you're oh so important because you're Sodapop's brother, but I still have more of a right to crush his character and obsess over him then you do." McKayla sat back down smugly, knowing she had won over the youngest Curtis brother.

Ponyboy gaped at her little outburst. "I-I was just asking to be included in your guys drama."

"I know but the storyline calls for me to be a major bitch to you, causing you to lash out and realize you actually want to be with Sodapop in the not brotherly way, and kiss him, making preteens swoon in their computer chairs."

Sodapop flinched looking pretty disturbed. "For God's sake, Kayla."

"What? It's not my fault if he wants a story line that he has to act out of character and irrational and do something crazy like jumping your bones."

Ponyboy was shaking his head. "That sounds pretty messed up. I mean seriously who wants to see me and Sodapop kiss?"

"About one third of The Outsiders fandom?" McKayla suggested.

"Really?" Soda asked curiously.

"Yep. It's actually changed a lot of peoples views on incest."

The youngest and middle Curtis brothers exchanged a lingering glance and if by a daze Sodapop stood up from the couch and stared down at his little brother.

"NO," Mckayla screamed. "Soda you're not suppose to like him back! You have a story line with me, remember?"

Sodapop quickly looked away. "Sorry."

"What is wrong with you? You're my boyfriend so be a good one."

"I"m a great one!" Soda defended himself heatedly. "Don't you notice how I call you Kayla instead of McKayla, and how I stopped making out with my best friend when we started seeing each other. What else can a guy do?"

"Uh, not have sex with your younger brother?"

"We weren't going to have sex, just kiss." Sodapop dropped back down on the couch.

"I still don't have a story line," Ponyboy spoke up after a moment of silence.

"Come on, Pone. You had that story line where you dated that girl who brought out your rebellious side? Or the one where the girl made you realize you were a badass at heart. Or that one time you dated the girl who turned you on to crime-"

"That's all the same story line!" Ponyboy exploded.

Sodapop was thoughtful. "Oh yeah I guess it kind of was, huh?"

Ponyboy looked dejected. "How do I get a good storyline?"

"Don't look at me Ponyboy because I'm not going to have a triangle with you just so you'll get a storyline," McKayla said. "All because I'm basically a self insert and the author of this fic has a totally inappropriate crush on you does not mean anything will happen between us."

"You tell him, Kayla!" Sodapop cheered from the couch. Then Sodapop and McKayla proceeded to make out for ten minutes to a really bad love song.

"You two are gross," Ponyboy proclaimed and walked out of the house.

"You wouldn't of actually made out with him right?" Mikki asked. Who is actually McKayla who's nickname is apparently Mikki, even though their was no introduction to that nickname.


"Sodapop," Mikki whined not happy that he was hesitating. "I'm your soul mate!"

"I thought Sandy was my soul mate?"

"That was post pregnancy keep up Sodie."

"You're right. Thanks for loving me even though I'm super dumb."

"You're not dumb just because you don't know about anything they teach in text books, and regular books, and all because you can't actually read a book."

"You're right. I'm smart."

"I wouldn't go that far." Then they started to make out yet again.