So this is really late and I apologize. I really hope this is up to par, I liked how it ended. There's a really sweet Billy and that's how I picture him :)

Billy's Point of View:

I'd been trying all week to try and make Jane realize that I was in love with her. She was the most oblivious person I had ever met in my life; it just made me fall even more in love with her. It wasn't fair how beautiful she was.

Take right now for example; we were sitting in her living room floor trying to work our way through our history homework but I couldn't concentrate. She had her hair up in a bun with some of her curls falling out and she was chewing on the tip of her pen. I just wanted to take her face in my hands and kiss her until I couldn't see straight.

"Did you even hear me, Billy?" she asked snapping her fingers in my face.

Before I thought about I took her hand in mine. I pulled her to me and lay my forehead against hers. Her cheeks turned a cherry red color as I slid a hand up her neck.

"B-b-Billy, what are you doing?" She asked staring up at me with wide eyes. "I don't think the girl you're into would like it too much if she saw you and I like this."

"Maybe you're the girl that I'm into; did you ever think about that?" I asked, crashing my lips down onto hers.

She became stone underneath me and I pulled away in embarrassment. I had just kissed the girl of my dreams and she didn't feel the same way. Oh shit, I had just ruined our friendship over some stupid kiss.

I let her go and grabbed my jacket before leaving her house in a rush. I didn't want to stay in that situation anymore; it could only get more awkward and worse from there. I had made it half a block from her house when I heard feet pounding against the sidewalk behind me.

I stopped in my tracks when I felt a timid hand between my shoulder blades. "Billy, I didn't mean to make things weird between us. I wanted to kiss you back but I was too scared to, I mean for all I knew you were using me."

I turned quickly on my heels when I heard her say that. She was looking up at me with those big doe eyes that I fell in love with and her bottom lip was sticking out. She was practically begging me to kiss her and who was I to deny my Janie?

I took her face in my hands and slowly leaned into her, making sure I gave her enough time to pull away if she wanted to. She must have gotten annoyed because she took my collar in her hands and pulled my mouth down to hers.

I groaned and instantly flicked my tongue out to touch her lips. She parted them on instinct and the dominance battle began. She was way too stubborn to let me win so I just let her take control and do her thing. I just put my hands under her thighs and lifted her up so I didn't have to stoop over to kiss her. She just sighed and wrapped her legs around my waist.

When we broke off I lay my forehead against hers and tried to calm my frantic breathing. "I can't believe I waited so long to tell you that I loved you. We could've been doing this way before but I was a dumbass."

"You've had feelings for me for that long of a time?" she asked, lacing her fingers together behind my head. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"You're my best friend, I didn't want to ruin that over something that might not even last," I said. "Then you said that you wanted to kiss me back and I figured that I had nothing to lose."

She just giggled and shook her head, curls flying. "You've always been the more reckless of us. Always had the nerve to do anything once, I guess that's never going to change."

"I don't know about that, you were the one that chased after me when I stormed off. I think that was pretty nervy," I said, grinning at her smile.

"Maybe, but all that matters is that we did eventually find out about our feelings. I love you, by the way," she said, kissing the tip of my nose. "Just in case you haven't caught on yet, I mean you were never the wisest fortune cookie in the restaurant."

"I'm going to ignore that and say that I've loved you since the very first day. Seeing your curls and smile the first year of middle school just drove me insane," I smiled.

She blushed at my words and bit her lip. I couldn't help but smile and tug that lip into my mouth because I could now. She let out a quiet groan and I couldn't fight the grin that hit my lips.

I could definitely get used to this.

I hope this was a good ending for you guys.