I totally should focus on one story, so I've decided to put 'Fairytale of New York' to a complete stop. (Sorry?) And my Sequel to a hold for now, I want to focus on
a story with more than one couple. And I've been dying to publish something along the lines of this. Anyways, this is a Cargan and Kames slash. Because I despise
Jarlos (brotherly love), Kogan (again, more like brotherly love), Kenlos and Jagan. Everything else is stupid. :D I'm a Cargan/Kames bigot. Anyways, first chapter
is a little short so I apologize in advance.

Disclaimer: I do not own Big Time Rush

Chapter One: A simple 'Hello' says a thousand words.

"James, for the last time I'm not coming with you to a stupid after party." Carlos whined, sitting himself down on the couch of his 'suite' apartment. James sat down beside him with a scowl on his face and a mirror in one hand.

"C'mon Carlos, you need to get out more."

"I go out with you all the time! I'm tried of seeing all these chicks trying to get into my pants, go on your own."

"Dude, chicks want in on your pants. People just make out with me and that's it! You should consider yourself lucky." James replied, fixing his already perfect hair.

"No, I'm going out on my own." Carlos said, getting up from the couch and slipping on a simple black hoodie over his grey shirt.

"Where are you going?"

"I dunno, buy some food I guess. Later." Carlos waved goodbye and closed the door before James could protest.

He had been going to parties with the pretty boy nonstop since they got back from their tour, and he was getting tired of throwing his life away. Sure it was fun at first, and he enjoyed the attention all the women gave him. But he just wanted to find someone who wasn't famous. Or didn't like him because of his money, someone real. Someone who actually cared for him. Like in a storybook, girl meets boy. Boy falls in love, they go through a lot together. And they live happily ever after.

He was walking peacefully down the street, trying to think of something to do in the cold LA night. The Latino glanced up and noticed that a shop called 'Bits and Books' was still open, and the name of the place itself made him naturally curious. He slipped off the hood, groaning as he stepped into the boring bookstore. He was never a reading kind of guy, more of a guy that likes movies or TV.

"Can I help you with something?" a voice asked, tapping his shoulder from behind as he uselessly shuffled through the billions of books before him.

"No thanks, I can find it on my own." Carlos replied, trying to get the annoying staff away from him. Because he knew that as soon as they recognized him, they'd go crazy and start asking for pictures.

"O-okay, let me know if you need any help." the voice replied. Carlos turned around to see the brunet walking away, with his hands busily shuffling through the cart of books he was hauling around.

"Actually, I'm kind of looking for something."

"What's the title?" the boy asked, looking him straight in the eye once and looking back at the shelf before him. Carlos was frozen for a second, his eyes and mind busy staring and gawking at the pale boy before him. Before he got carried away, Logan turned to him once causing the teen to look away.

"Um..I don't really want a specific book, got any suggestions?" Carlos asked, trying to make conversation. Sure, he had his fair share of boyfriends and girlfriends before.
So it didn't bother him that he was basically in love with a guy he just met. And he wouldn't blame himself for falling already, the guy was cute.

"What type of book do you like to read?" the man asked again, bending down a little and opening a press and putting some books under it.

"I guess Mystery? I dunno..I just read what I like."

"Oh, so you're opinion is flexible. I like that." the brunet replied, smiling as he finally found what he was looking for.

"So..what do you have for me to read?"

"Ever read Sherlock Holmes? It's really good."

"I can give it a sho-" before Carlos could finish his sentence, a familiar girlish scream was heard from afar. He sighed as a woman, probably in her early 20's ran up to him
and immediately asked for his autograph. He looked at the man he was having a conversation with, who was smiling and just shaking his head as he signed a piece of

"I-I can't believe it! I just met the Carlos Garcia! I am so going to tweet this right away!" after she finished her little shout, she turned to the boy he was talk to before. "Logan! Hold the fort, I need to run home and post this."

"Why don't you just use the computers here?" this 'Logan' asked, crossing his arms in disappointment.

"Just hold the fort nerd, I need to get back. I'll give you a raise if you do!" Logan immediately agreed and shook her hand, causing Carlos to smile at the simplicity Logan's
life was at. He had to worry about bills and money, while Carlos lived a life without a care in the world for any of those things.

"Sorry..uh Carlos is it? I need to get to the desk before my boss freaks out. You can go pay for that over there," Logan replied, getting next to him and pointing at the direction which the cashier was at. He swore the Latino's face suddenly became warmer, but he just shook it off and walked back to the desk.

Carlos went ahead and paid for the book he was nicely recommended, taking out $50 and letting the cashier keep the change. He glanced back at Logan as he sat down
on the library chair, pretending to read his book while checking him out. He was knocked out of his trance by his phone ringing, causing everyone. Including Logan to look at him weirdly.

"S-Sorry.." he unlocked his iPhone, reading the text that his friend James had left for him.

Be back after midnight! Have fun 'eating' Carlitos. -James

James smiled as he stuffed his phone into his pocket, ready to begin another night of dancing and grinding on the dance floor. He never quite understood why Carlos didn't want to go with him to this club, it had free liquor, dozens of hot chicks and a killer sound his body became a little numb from all the fists accidentally
hitting him, he decided to get a drink.

"Hey, get me a-" before he could finish ordering his drink, a blonde man immediately set down a drink before him. He gasped as the drink that was given to him, was exactly what he wanted to order. His naturally curious, although probably empty brain sparked a curiosity somewhere. "How did you do that?"

"Do what?" the man asked, taking a towel and rubbing off the excess liquid from the counter.

"Y-You knew what I was going to order, how?"

"Ever been to the Rising Phoenix in Tokyo? (made it up)"

"Oh yeah, what does this have to do wi-"

"They said you ordered about five dozens of these, so my friend Logan told me to get you this if you ever stopped by."

"Logan? Sounds like a hot guy.."

"No thanks, he doesn't do celebrities." the blonde replied, using his breath to wave away a stray strand of hair.

"Why not?"

"I dunno, I tried to get him out here once. But he stayed at home, told me he wanted to go to work the next day. I tend not to push him, he looks thin but he's strong
as fuck." the blonde replied, laughing at the time when Logan gave him a sore jaw when he lost his temper. He turned back to the pretty boy, who was just nodding his
head in amusement.

"So, what's your..." James let out a sigh as the music just had to interrupt his sentence.


"What is your ..."


"NAME! WHAT IS YOUR NAME!" As if just to annoy James, the music stopped playing and everyone basically stared at him as he yelled. He looked back at the crowd, who
was either laughing or just not giving a care in the world and apologized. Causing the blonde to chuckle. "What's so funny?"

"You. And it's Kendall, Kendall Knight."

"Nice to meet you Kendall Knight."

"Why it's a pleasure to meet you as well my good sir." Kendall replied, putting on his best British accent to mimic James.

"You single?"

"Yep, just like Logan."

"Sounds like someone's got a crush.."

"Hell no, that would be awkward. More like brotherly love, than love love."


"Whatever." Kendall replied, blushing as James just smiled at him.

"So, wanna go out with me sometime?"

And done! I dunno if it was too short, because spaces make everything longer. X_X I hope you like, and I love writing this. I can picture Carlos and Kendall staring
at their crushes, and drooling. Reviews are appreciated, and loved. Especially if everyone gives me a review.