AN: okay I was planning to update a bunch of chapters at once but my backup usb fucked up and my laptop died so yeah literally starting from scratch with the latest chapters but I thought hey why don't I rewrite it a little since I started this almost four years ago and I'm not a great fan of it so yeah if it looks a little different that's why.

Chapter 1: A purpose is gained

"I swear I didne see er,-I-I- swear the road was slipray."

Mr Robertson, muttered to himself, as he stared into the eyes of his victim. A twenty two year old woman, by the name of Rosemary Green.

It had been a swift death for Miss Green, with little blood, or gore surrounding the affair. Mr Robertson's shiny red car, had flung her across the road upon impact, where she landed several feet away with a sickening crunch.

Her neck had twisted right round, and now supported her head at an unusual angle. Her bright green eyes became glassy, and stared unblinkingly back at Mr Robertson, who shivered uncontrollably at the sight of the terrible accident.

He fumbled for his phone, to call an ambulance, unable to move his eyes away.

The streets were quiet in the days after christmas, but the few shoppers wandering on December 28th, began to migrate towards the scene. They all bore expressions, of horror, and surprise, that such a thing could happen, so near the holidays.

As they waited for the ambulance, people murmured to each other loudly, some blaming, and others sympathising with the still shell shocked man who was mumbling to himself by his car.

Miss Green meanwhile was turning ashen, as the faintest hint of blood trickled out the right hand side of her mouth, and pooled beneath her face.

A torn paper bag of groceries was melting on the frosty road; the tins of beans bent, and the cereal scattered.

It was an accident, no harm meant. The roads were icy, and dangerous this time of year, she just hadn't looked where she was going. But regardless she was now dead, and Mr Robertson would have to live with that.

The ambulance arrived quickly, but it was clear that nothing could be done for Miss Green now. She was already gone by the time they'd been called.

Dead upon sight.

However that was when, she met 'it'.

You see, there are many theories, as to what happens in the afterlife, but no one can really be sure. We're all fallible humans, and until we are well, and truly dead, we can never know what if anything is on the other side. Or we wouldn't really be 'human' at all would we?

But Rosemary met what could be called the "light", a mysterious force of great presence, indeed.

And it was the "light" that helped to guide her.

She came to, shortly after her demise, panting for breath, and frantically trying to make sense of her surroundings.

She saw nothing but black, and felt nothing beneath her. This place had no corners, or chairs, and gave no indication that it was a room at all, but rather something more.

Her limbs felt heavy and restrained, and she found herself lacking the energy to move, as she lay down. Rosemary felt panicked by her lack of freedom. Her chest felt weighted, and her heart felt like it would burst. Were she still alive she may have given herself a panic attack, but her fears were soon halted.

Far off in the distance, about the size of pea, she saw a vivid blue light move towards her.

As it moved towards her it shifted from blue, to pink, to green, and purple, before stopping once it shone a pale, heavenly gold.

Rosemary stayed still as the ball grew in size, not panicked, but uncertain, and cautious to say the least. Once it was less than a metre away, it seemed to pause, and hover, before Rosemary suddenly felt her limbs fall free, no longer weighed, and heavy.

The pea sized ball of light, was now roughly the size of a torso, with no sign of getting bigger, now that it had stopped.

As she began to feel less wary, and calmed down, she heard a voice.

Light and like a bell. It was the voice of an old man, of a young woman, and a child. It spoke with one voice, it spoke with all voices, it was hard, and soft, and echoed in a room that was never there.

"Rosemary Green." began the Voice, she dubbed "it".

"You have yet to fulfil your purpose in life. However, you have also failed to find a purpose to fulfil; there are few options for those like you".

There was silence for a moment, as Rosemary began to find her voice.

"And they are?" she asked cautiously.

"You may return to the land of the living, but you will have no physical form to fulfil your purpose." The Voice warned.

"Or you may forget this former life, and be reborn, for another chance to be fulfilled."

Rosemary was stunned, she was shell-shocked at her options. She either became a ghost, or got reincarnated; neither option appealed to her greatly. Either way she'd lose something important.

"But you-, those can't be the only options for me!" she argued, desperately.

"Can't you…" Rosemary thought quickly.

"Give me a purpose somewhere else? restart my heart, or something!?" she pleaded.

The Voice giggled, both soothing, and haunting in it's young, old voice, that echoed around Rosemary.

"You are dead". It said firmly.

"There is nothing I can do about that. I can only offer you the means to leave this platform, and find your way somewhere new".

Rosemary felt her eyes well up with tears. Was this how she went? Alone in the dark, with no hope for escape?

"Please" begged Rosemary.

"There has to be something more. Anything else, any heaven, any hell, any world. This can't be how I leave!"

The Voice giggled again.

"Most don't go through this you know. Stories are written as soon as the light, of life has blessed a soul. They live, they love, they die, and then they go where they need to go." It commented almost wistfully.

"But you, were unexpected."

Rosemary wiped her eyes, on her sleeve.

"Why was I unexpected?" Rosemary asked, curiously.

"you died too soon." It stated simply.

"you went against your destiny, you rewrote the stars themselves. Not many people can do that. It takes an extraordinary amount of will, and strength."

But this was of little comfort to Rosemary.

"Wait so I killed myself?!" she asked in disbelief.

"In a way." confirmed the Voice.

"So if I hadn't gone shopping, I wouldn't have died?" asked Rosemary, as she panicked.

How much of her life had she lost, with one stupid mistake?

"Perhaps." replied the Voice, who remained calm, in the face of her fear.

"But the multiverse is never so simple. There are a million possibilities in every story, and light is not like stone, or metal, it can move, and breath and change. Just because we didn't know I was supposed to see you, doesn't mean you aren't meant to be here".

Rosemary was quiet.

For what purpose could she have possibly needed to die for?

"Which path will you choose?" asked the Voice.

"I'm sorry?" she asked, as she snapped out of her silence.

"Will you choose, the remains of your old life?" The Voice paused.

"Or will you start a new one?"

Rosemary paused again. She was strong enough to rewrite destiny, but her death was carved in stone. Did she haunt her family? Never able to touch, or talk again? But always watching, and lingering, as they grieved.

She couldn't do that. She couldn't bare to see them suffer, to see them live without her. She loved them too much to do it.

But could she leave everything, she was behind? Every friend she'd ever made, her skill with art, her love of anime, and loose leaf tea. All gone, without a trace. No connection by blood, or mind to who she was before.

Rosemary didn't think she could do that either.

She was scared, and alone but she wasn't ready to die.

She just wanted to go home.

She wanted to see her dad, and her mum, and hug them. She wanted to run up, and tell them that she'd never forget them, and that she loved them with everything she had to give.

She wanted to sit in front of the Christmas tree, she wanted to taste, and touch, and feel. She wanted to watch cartoons, and not worry about the fate of her existence.

Rosemary just wanted to feel safe again, like she did that morning.

She'd had a cup of instant coffee. She'd gotten dressed with her brand new gloves. She'd read an old volume of Death Note.

Everything had been wonderful.

But maybe that was why, she didn't have a life purpose.

She'd wasted her time with stupid cartoons, and comics instead of doing anything. She was twenty two years old, and she had nothing to show for it. Look where that got her! Alone, miserable, and worthless.

She'd done nothing important!

"But" though Rosemary, with a slight smile.

She did enjoy it.

She'd read Death Note a hundred times, and it was always a delight to watch.

If nothing else she'd had fun, and she wouldn't regret that.

But now she had to focus.

"You never said I couldn't fulfill a purpose if I went back." noticed Rosemary.

"No." said It. "I did not. There are no rules against it, but without a body it would be difficult."

Rosemary nodded.

She now knew she could still find a purpose, it wasn't too late.

But her opinions on seeing her family again still stood; she couldn't see them again.

She needed to go somewhere else.

'A million possibilities in every story' the Voice had told her.

There was a 'multiverse' too; a billion realities to her own.

Laws would change, and bend between them surely.

But where would she go? Could she go anywhere?

Rosemary had nothing to lose in trying.

She confidently turned to It, and asked "You said there's a multiverse. Can I go to another reality instead?"

The Voice spoke smoothly, as though it were grinning through its words somehow.

"Where would you like to go?"

That was a good question.

She wanted to go somewhere where she had more control. She couldn't do anything in her own world now. But she didn't know anything about other dimensions.

Or did she?

How identical were these worlds?

If they were just variants, of her own that was one thing. But if they were different, that was something else entirely.

She'd read fanfics about young girls travelling between worlds to meet their favorite characters, and helping with their knowledge of the future, and their magic rainbow hair. They were stupid of course, but perhaps there was something to consider here.

An author breathes life into a work, physically puts their soul, and heart into the project. But when something is so beloved, so real and tangible, who's to say it can't gain solid form?

It was impossible, and ridiculous. But if there was even a chance, that the stories of fate, and the stories in books, were entwined, then Rosemary could use this to her advantage.

She was a nerd, a geek, a dork. She knew plots, and references, like the best of them. Things only useful in life for online quizzes, and reviews. But if she could physically have access to such a world, her value would be immeasurable.

Rosemary would be able to help without a doubt.

But where to pick? It would have to be a world where information was key, where knowing just one little scrap of knowledge, could change the tide for everyone.

That narrowed it down some. It ruled out something like Tokyo Mew Mew for instance, and there weren't too many series she was obsessively informed about anyway.

Wait! How could she be so blind? There was only one option she could choose, one story she knew front to back, and sideways. She'd read the comic, seen the show, the movie, and the spin-offs.

It was Death Note!

It was perfect. The entire story depended on information. Think what L could have done if he'd known about the Death Note right away? If he had, had someone there, who knew light's moves, before he even knew what they were.

She could change everything.

But could she really go to a fictional world? She hadn't checked. If her theory was wrong, then she could be just as lost in another world, as she would be in her own.

"Well have you decided?" Boomed the Voice.

"I-" began Rosemary, now realising how silly this was.

"I- Could I go to a fictional world?" she asked quietly.

"Like Death Note?" It asked.

Rosemary was shocked.

"How did you know I?"

The Voice chuckled loudly, sounding more jovial than before.

"I'll leave that a mystery. But there is nothing stopping you, from fulfilling your purpose there."

It was serious for a moment.

"But are you sure, you wouldn't rather live out your life back home?"

Rosemary gulped. "If I can't touch or talk to my family and friends again, will there really be any point to me being around?"

The Voice was silent for a moment, as she cried. Rosemary couldn't go back.

"I understand. But you must realise that once you leave, you can never return there."

"I'm sure." she said with certainty.

"That's where I want to go. I want to go somewhere I can fulfil my purpose, I can't do that there ".

"And what is your purpose?" asked the Voice.

Rosemary paused for a moment, as she thought about her wording.

"I want to help bring justice to the Death Note world." she decided.

"Interesting." It remarked.

"I wonder who you'll help. With wording so vague, you're free to shift, should your morals change." It mused.

Rosemary nodded. She was certain, one hundred percent she never would. But on the off chance she did, she didn't want to leave her purpose unfulfilled.

"Before you leave. I shall tell you the rules of this world." said the Voice.

Rosemary listened.

"Spirits in that world can only be seen, if they believe it will benefit their purpose. If the dead do not wish to be seen, they are invisible."

"Okay, so no one will see me unless I want them to?" asked Rosemary.

"Correct." confirmed the Voice.

"Of course other supernatural beings are the exception, since you exist on the same plane."

"Like Shinigami?" asked Rosemary.

"Yes" said the Voice.

That wasn't good. If Ryuk saw her, he might tell Light. She'd have to be careful.

"Spirits can move, and interact with the world, much like the living." It continued.

"However, you will not be able to talk with anything that isn't from your plane. To all Humans you will appear mute." warned the Voice.

"Wait! Why won't I be able to talk to them?" asked Rosemary confused.

"You're already dead." explained the voice.

"You have no reason to talk to them. Your life has ended. It is only because of the Shinigami's strong presence that Spirits are able to have so much presence in that world at all."

"So I can't talk? how will I communicate?" asked Rosemary.

"You are clever." It said, simply.

"You will find a way, I am certain. But are you ready to go?" It asked her.

Rosemary paused, before nodding her head.

She was as ready, as she'd ever be.

"Then I wish you well!" the Voice exclaimed, cheerfully.

Suddenly, whatever floor had been beneath her, shattered, and Rosemary began to plummet.

She started screaming, as "It" faded from her view. She fell fast, through a tunnel of black before she hit a tar like substance, that stuck to her like glue, as it pulled her in.

Rosemary struggled as she started to sink. The black gunk invaded her lungs, and her ears, but didn't stop her breathing. As the gunge was all around her, she felt her feet drop through the bottom, and she was suddenly yanked, into a rainbow tunnel, with walls of light, and sound.

She began to rapidly slide down, once again screaming, as images flung passed her on all sides of the tunnel, in stunning shades of Red, green, magenta, and blue.

Most images were those of Shinigami gambling, and their realm, but they quickly faded to images, of a miscoloured sky, as Rosemary rapidly approached the end of the tunnel.

Bringing up her hands to shield her face, she fell through the clouds, and descended rapidly through the air ,before she landed harshly on the ground with a resounding smack.

She began panting, and stayed still for a moment. Her heart beat like a drum, as she listened to the pouring rain, and the sound of people running for shelter.

No one had noticed the girl falling out of the sky.

She started to breath heavily as the realisation of her death hit her in full.

Rosemary then began to laugh hysterically ,in disbelief as she slowly rolled onto her side. None of this could be real, and yet here she was.

As she calmed down she slowly tried to move her fingers before she gradually stood up and looked around at the animated Japanese town, with an uncertain smile on her face.

She had made it to the world of Death Note, dear Readers. She had found her new home.