Time for Hideyoshi~ I apologize if he comes out OOC, as I'm not very confident in my ability to fake his personality.

….And you may see random surges of anger in some of the personalities as I write. I'm a little hotheaded when it comes to certain things, and some of the anime happenings don't go over very well with me, so I apologize if some of the characters show a bit of the author's tendencies of reacting with hostility toward some events.


Hideyoshi never saw himself as a jealous individual, nor was he ever really prone to violence. But if Manami pulled another stunt like this, he was going to be having some hostile words with her on getting angry with what was her own fault.

"But she put my hands on her chest How is that my fault? Why is she so mean to me, Hideyoshi?" Akihisa moaned as he limped beside his best friend. "I don't get her. Why does she like beating me up?"

Could it be because she likes you, maybe? Really, Akihisa, you really are an idiot. He wanted to flat out tell Akihisa, he really did. If he wanted to, he was sure he could explain a LOT of what Akihisa didn't seem to catch, but he couldn't. Couldn't, or don't want to? Came that annoying little voice in the back of his mind. It brought up a good question, as it usually did.

"I'm sure she doesn't mean to come off as mean as she does. She probably just doesn't know how to express herself very well." Hideyoshi tested the waters, waiting to see how Akihisa reacted. As usual, he took it entirely wrong.

"So she hates me? How hard is it to say 'I hate you'? I mean, does she enjoy trying to break my spine every time I open my mouth?" Hideyoshi sighed mentally.

"I'm sure she doesn't hate you, Akihisa. She's just…not very good at communicating what she wants." Why am I even trying to explain to him? She's a tsundere little bitch that's prone to violence against those she likes. I don't think that continued contact with her will help your health, Akihisa. I don't need an "A" in health class to tell you that her repeated assaults on your body could cause some serious problems in the future.

"How hard is it to say 'Die' then? Or 'I want you to die because I hate you'? It seems like it'd be simple to say. She just wants herself a punching bag, and I guess I fit." Akihisa sighed in a moment of depression. "Lately, Himeji is getting to be kinda scary too. She doesn't hit me, but I get some of the same feelings from her when other girls are mentioned. Why does everyone wanna kill me, Hideyoshi? Why?" Hideyoshi blinked in surprise as Akihisa burst into tears. Real of fake, seeing someone cry was something he never enjoyed.

"H-hey, Akihisa…stop. Not everyone wants to kill you!" Stupid Akihisa…that's not it at all…Hideyoshi refrained from biting his lip as he awkwardly put his hand on his best friend's should in an attempt to calm him.

"Name one person, Hideyoshi…name one person that doesn't hate me." Akihisa challenged, his tears suddenly vanishing.

"U-Um…" He was on the spot, he realized. Manami was jealous, and judging by how that jealousy seemed like hatred to Akihisa, it seems like that would put Himeji and his sister in the "hate" category. Most of the school had beat on him as well because of Yuuji, so that made them out to hate him. Yuuji caused Akihisa a large amount of pain as well, and even though Akihisa tended to pay him back when he could, Yuuji always struck first, and Akihisa reacted. "Mutsulini doesn't hate you."

"No, but he takes pictures of Minami's underwear while she beats me up. He never tries to help me with anything without me asking." Akihisa refuted.

"….Kubo?" Hideyoshi was grasping at straws now.

"Kubo is weird. He's pants'd himself one time when we had a summon battle." Akihisa groaned.

The way Hideyoshi saw it, he had very few choices now. One was that he explained what was going on with Himeji, Manami, and Akihisa's sister (as odd as it was). But that would likely cause more harm than good, so..

"…I don't hate you, or want you to die, Akihisa." …Okay, why am I blushing? That wasn't supposed to happen! Hideyoshi found himself looking away, embarrassed. No! Nononono! Stop acting like this, Hideyoshi!

Unnoticed by Hideyoshi, Akihisa had stopped, frozen in place by that simple statement. It took Hideyoshi a few seconds to realize that only his footsteps were echoing in the empty hall. "…Akihisa?" He stole a quick glance over to where Akihisa had been walking beside him and; seeing nothing, willed his blush away, before looking behind him. Akihisa had a rather strange look on his face, which suddenly turned to a happy smile, before he launched himself at Hideyoshi.

"Hideyoshi, I love you!" He declared as he always did, glomping his friend, making him lose his balance and fall backwards.

"He-hey stop that! I'm a boy!" Hideyoshi protested weakly. For some reason, it never bothered him when Akihisa said those sort of things. He always protested, of course, but it was more out of habit than anything else. When others said it to him, he always felt a sense of revulsion, or annoyance. He was a boy, so why did boys always hit on him? But when Akihisa said those sort of things, he didn't…he didn't really hate it…Hideyoshi mentally shook his head. There was no point in pondering those things.

"You're always so nice, Hideyoshi, so it's no wonder everyone loves you!" Akihisa gushed. Hideyoshi felt his face heating up again. "You're everything a girl should be!"

Hideyoshi felt the heat in his face disappear. He wasn't sure why that always made him upset. He wasn't sure if it was because he WASN'T a girl, or if it was because he would have make a good girl. "…I'm a boy, Akihisa." He deadpanned, his acting skills hiding the sudden depression and annoyance.

"Hideyoshi isn't a girl, but you're too nice and cute to be a boy." Akihisa said, without seeming to break stride.

.Oh crap. The blush was back. Damn you, Akihisa! Hideyoshi mentally slapped himself, willing it away. You are not feeling warm and fuzzy. You are a boy. Boys do not feel warm and fuzzy. Ever. Especially because of another guy! "A-Akihisa…what are you saying to another boy? People will get…ideas about us…more to the point, shouldn't you be getting off me now..?" After the not so surprised tackle, Hideyoshi had ended up trapped underneath Akihisa, with both of Akihisa's hands trapping him.

"But I like this position, Hideyoshi. You look so cute like this." The idiot's simple response shocked him.

WHAT? His mind was screaming at him, and his face was on fire. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears, and he was sure Akihisa could hear it too. "P-please get off me, Akihisa..." CRAP! Was that a stammer? I can't believe this! What is wrong with me? "This position is weird for two boys to be in…"

Hideyoshi didn't consider himself easily rattled, nor did he ever startle easily. However, what happened next sent shivers down his spine, and he wasn't sure as to the cause.

Akihisa smiled, leaning down and whispering into his ear, the warm air caressing it in what could only be described as a loving manner. "What if I didn't care? To get caught with someone as beautiful as you wouldn't be a bad thing, would it?"

Hideyoshi froze. "Wh-what are you saying..? G-get off me..." He wanted to push Akihisa off, he knew he did, but it was as if something was sapping his strength. He couldn't do it. What was worse…something strange was happing to him. His body was…warm. A pleasant tingle was rushing though his body, and it wasn't going away.

"Hideyoshi…I love you." Three words he'd heard many times, and several by the very boy keeping him from getting up…but this time, something was different. It was…deeper. Almost sexual in nature. No, not almost. It WAS. The seductive, almost lustful tone in his voice was unmistakable. Oh…shit. Akihisa was SERIOUS this time…and not the cute, mislead and stupid serious…this was a "embrace you and kiss you" serious. Unbidden, a shudder ran though his body. As if he were…anticipating something.

"A-Akihisa…you idiot…even if you say that…I-I…But I'm a boy! What about H-Himeji, or Manami..?" Hideyoshi was panicking inside, and more than a little confused. Why? Why is Akihisa saying such things? This…this isn't normal! Wait….WHAT IS HE DOING?

Akihisa had begun to lower himself slowly, and Hideyoshi found his body oddly unwilling to move. MOVE! MOVE, DAMMIT! His body was refusing to obey! He felt himself licking his lips nervously as Akihisa's face came closer. "A-Akihisa...S-someone might see us…" THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT TO SAY! Lips….they were so close…Hideyoshi found himself leaning up ever so slightly….then they were gone. Akihisa had chosen this moment to get off and scramble back away from him.

"Hi-Hideyoshi! I-I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me, I really-"

"Shut up, idiot!" It came out harsher than he wanted it to, and for the first time, Hideyoshi felt the urge to smack him. Akihisa fell silent, but Hideyoshi wasn't paying him much attention at the moment. He was too focused on himself. His heart was slowing down from its rabbit-like rate, but his heart of emotions…

Crushing depression. So close…so…damn…close..! He was shocked. The tingles, the shivers, the blush, and the….oh god, he had WANTED to kiss the idiot! And then…He'd chickened out. Damn him…making him all flustered and then chickening out!

"…You idiot…That…that wasn't funny…" He said as he sat up. Why? Why was he so upset? This was AKIHISA! The idiot boy that always treated him like a girl! ...the same Akihisa that he apparently harbored some sort of beyond-friends emotion for. He'd wanted to kiss the stupid fool! And now he was drawing back, saying sorry? It…hurt. Why did it hurt…

He wasn't aware that tears were welling up in his eyes until arms wrapped around him. "I'm sorry, Hideyoshi…I didn't mean to upset you. I don't know what happened, but for a moment, I really wanted to kiss you. Guess it's a good thing I didn't, right?" Akihisa was laughing awkwardly, clearly uncomfortable.

Hideyoshi wiped his eyes, realizing the true problem. The lust and desire in Akihisa's voice had been real; there was no possible way Akihisa could fake that kind of passion. He had made his move, even if he hadn't known it. The ball was in Hideyoshi's court, and he knew it. The question was….what to do now? He was calming down, but the one thought plaguing his mind wasn't going away.

He had WANTED Akihisa to kiss him.

Even worse was the fact that he STILL wanted that kiss.

Hideyoshi decided, though he was fairly certain it'd have to be something they never spoke about ever again. "Akihisa…"

"Y-yes?" Hideyoshi could hear the apprehension and a hint of guilt in his voice. "L-listen, I'm sorry about that, I swear I won't do it again, okay?" Fear had begun to slip into Akihisa's voice, and Hideyoshi winced.

He's…afraid. I scared him. "Listen, Akihisa, I didn't mean to sound so harsh. I just…you don't understand at all, do you?" Hideyoshi knew he didn't understand, but he needed to stall. He had no idea how he was going to word his request.

"I don't know what you mean. What don't I understand?" Akihisa rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

He's hiding behind his stupidity… Hideyoshi realized, before mentally slapping himself for calling him stupid. What do I do..? How do I…Then it struck him. He breathed deeply, preparing himself. "It doesn't matter, Akihisa…more to the point…" Hideyoshi smirked, crawling on all fours toward his target. "You just confessed to another boy and tried to kiss him. I hope you're ready for the consequences." He made sure to push a little bit of a mischievous tone into his voice as Akihisa's eyes widened. Hideyoshi stopped, his hands on either side of Akihisa. In the back of his mind, he knew no one would catch them. Everyone had already left school. In fact, he wondered if perhaps they had been locked in.

"H-Hideyoshi?" The desire in Akihisa's voice had returned. Hideyoshi felt his smirk grow, without even meaning to.

"Yes, Aki?" He replied, drawing out the 'yes' and emphasizing Akihisa's pet name to test how it tasted on his lips. Akihisa didn't say anything more as brown eyes fixed themselves on green. He was trembling, Hideyoshi discovered. However, he very much doubted that the trembling was caused by fear. Hideyoshi began to move forward, watching Akihisa's eyes for any sign of rejection. Closer….closer….alllmost….there..!

"Hi-Hideyoshi!" Hideyoshi let out a soft sound of shock when once more, he found himself underneath Akihisa. Lips roughly collided with his, and at that moment, Hideyoshi knew heaven was Akihisa's lips caressing his. His lips where tingling, his body was warm, and…and…was that Akihisa's TONGUE?

A fire seemed to have awoken in Hideyoshi, and he wasn't going to let this moment escape him. Akihisa soon found a hand on the back of his head, pulling him closer as a dark blush stained Hideyoshi's cheeks. I…never knew that this kind of kiss would feel so nice…

Hideyoshi felt Akihisa behin to pull back before the sight registered in his mind. "Hideyoshi…They're going to kill me when they find out…But…I still want to spend my last moments reliving this moment. Is that okay..?" Akihisa looked genuinely afraid that they would kill him, Hideyoshi realized. Then the last bit registered, and he was sure that if it were possible, he'd be blushing more. A smile tugged at his lips.

"I won't tell them if you don't, Aki…and if they do find out…Well, let them try. We'll both be guilty anyway, so we'll likely die together." The sky outside was dark, making Hideyoshi realize that yes, they were likely stuck inside. May as well stay a little longer… He decided.

"Hideyoshi…I love you." Hideyoshi opened his mouth to reply, but Akihisa gave him no chance to respond by kissing him. He was slowly pulled into sitting position as Akihisa kissed him.

His mind was in a fog as he felt Akihisa's hand wandering down his shirt…then it slipped underneath it, tracing his skin. His eyes widened as fire seemed to erupt over his skin upon contact with Akihisa's fingers. "Ak-Akihisa…" His protest came out more like a moan than he expected…or wanted. Why..? Why does he affect me so much..?

"Say my name…Hideyoshi…" Akihisa was…teasing him? Two can play at that game!

"A….ki…hi…sa…" He moaned into the ear of the boy holding him, feeling said boy stiffen in more ways than one. He grinned, blowing on Akihisa's ear, feeling him shudder. For some reason, he could feel himself growing excited. His body was clearly expecting something, and Akihisa wasn't helping. He felt his shirt being raised as Akihisa's hand moved upward under his shirt. He felt a moment of panic.

"Akihisa….what are you doing..?" He whispered into the boy's ear, injecting a teasing tone into his voice.

"I…I want to see Hideyoshi's cute body." He mumbled, tugging Hideyoshi's shirt up. Hideyoshi was taken by surprise.

"Bu-but I'm a boy!" Akihisa's blunt admission shocked him. He didn't have breasts, so why would Akihisa be interested in seeing it?

"I know…but Hideyoshi is cute, no matter what he is."

He…acknowledged that I was a boy…So he's okay with doing this with a boy..? Hideyoshi wasn't sure what to think. As he was pondering this new information, Akihisa took the moment to undo Hideyoshi's tie and pull off his shirt. "I don't think I'll ever grow tired of seeing Hideyoshi like this."

THAT snapped Hideyoshi out of his thoughts. "Th-that's not fair, Akihisa. Saying such things to a boy…What will people think?" He was blushing, and he knew it. It was all he could do to keep the teasing voice and from giving in to his urges to attempt to suck the life out of Akihisa through his lips….as well as a few other desires he refused to name.

Fingers glided over silky smooth skin lovingly as Hideyoshi felt his temperature rising. Deciding he'd had enough waiting, he found his hands seizing Akihisa's head, pulling him close for an all-consuming kiss. Akihisa….Akihisa…Akihisa…Why…I can't think….He's all there is in my head….why…..A-Aki…

"Hideyoshi…You….need to wake up."

"…Eh?" The world seemed to blur as Akihisa smiled at him, giving him one more kiss before fading to black.

"OI! Hideyoshi! Get your butt up!"

"…Yuuko?" Hideyoshi opened his eyes with great effort and sat up to see his older sister standing over him.

"Who do you think would come all the way in here to wake you up? And cover yourself; I don't need to see that!" She yelled, turning away and closing the door behind her.

Hideyoshi's eyes moved down, realizing what "that" was. "Ack!" His face turned red as he covered himself up…then he remembered what he'd just been dreaming of. "Ah! What is wrong with me?" He groaned in alarm, recognizing the sinking feeling of disappointment, of all things.

Unknown to him, Yuuko was standing outside his door, listening intently. She had been unable to help it, having heard the way her brother was moaning her newest crush's name. "She almost giggled when she heard Hideyoshi make several exclamations of disbelief, before the telltale flop of him dropping back onto his back.

"…Stupid….stupid….STUPID….Akihisa…I can't believe this! Why him? Of all people, WHY HIM?"

Yuuko smirked, her inner yaoi fangirl overcoming her instant "evil bitch" reaction. This could work out to her advantage…and perhaps she could have her cake, and eat it too…

Look out, Hideyoshi and Akihisa…Yuuko Kinoshita is on the prowl.


Yeah…..so, I guess It's not a oneshot.