Gaius had sometimes wondered how Arthur and Merlin would get on. They had little in common, one a crown prince, the other a villager albeit a powerful sorcerer but a villager nonetheless.

They seemed to pick up as if the intervening years were nothing more than ten seconds.

"I tried to follow you but your mother and you disappeared so quickly into the crowd. I came back and told Gaius but he was hopeless, telling me he didn't know who you were and all I got for the name of your village was EA."

Gaius laughed, "...and he bugged everyone who would listen, about a village called that and drew a blank wherever he went, until one day by accident last year after visiting you and Hunith, I let it slip that I'd be to Ealdor. I thought he was going to jump down my throat so I tried to play it down."

"And, I always had the distinct feeling that you knew a lot more than you were letting on. Shame on you you did!"

Arthur turned and suddenly became shy, which for him was a new emotion. "Welcome to Camelot, Merlin, I hope you will like it here and that Gaius will be the kindest master around and that I will be able to see sometimes when you are not busy."

His heart was doing strange things again. He looked down afraid that Merlin and Gaius would be able to see his confusion.

Gaius said, "I promise to give him enough time off so you can show him around if that is what he wants."

Merlin grinned, "Well, if the Crown Prince would lower himself to give me a guided tour of his castle, I would be silly to refuse, wouldn't I?"

Gaius burst out laughing and said, "Don't talk to Arthur about guided tours as they've caused him grief in the past. Anyway, Arthur, shouldn't you be somewhere right now?"

Arthur suddenly became princely again, "Getting reading for supper with the king." He turned to Merlin and said, "Finally, you came back... Good Night Gaius and I'm glad you have someone to help you." ...and with that, he was gone.

One day in early December, during lunch, there was a tap on Arthur's chamber doors, Daniel answered it and Arthur called, "Who is it Daniel?"

"Sire, it's Sir Gielbert."

Arthur who was alone, said, "Come in, Gielbert, Daniel will get a goblet for you." Sir Gielbert walked in with a missive in his hand. His face was serious and Arthur said, "Anything, wrong?"

"Not really, I was asked to deliver this." His downcast eyes warned Arthur that it might not be to his liking.

Arthur stood up and took the missive, opened it and read words which made him want to yell from the turrets.

I accept the honour of being your Knight Mentor.
Sir Leon of Berwick.'

Arthur spun on Gielbert who was grinning ear to ear, "You knew! That was a mean trick."

"He only told me just now, when he gave me the note. He asked me to give it to you in private. The other squires will not be told until they are assembled this afternoon."

"When will I see him to thank him?"

"He should be at the assembly with the other knight mentors." Gielbert lifted his goblet, "Congratulations, Arthur, you deserve to have a mentor of such high calibre."

"Thank you for helping me with the letter and the alternates. I'm off to see Gaius. If anyone needs me, Daniel, you can send a squire!"

"Yes, Sire."

Gaius was suitably impressed as was Merlin who knew whom Sir Leon was. Gaius smiled to himself as Leon had shown him Arthur's letter, requesting him and then repeating his name as both of his alternates. He was glad, Leon had accepted as he was brave, trustworthy and level headed, qualities which Arthur could well emulate. It was a request which any knight would have been thrilled to receive, the honour of being the Knight Mentor to a Crown Prince, something which had not yet occurred in Camelot.

Arthur said, "Now that I have a mentor, I hope it means that the age discrepancy is immaterial."

Winter once again reared its cruel head and the castle was battered with freezing rain and high winds with everyone waiting for a break in the weather. It finally came and the younger squires were released from the castle to frolic in the snow and get rid of all their pent up energy. Merlin had enjoyed the luxury of Gaius's warm room. With his extra clothing supplied by Gaius, had quite happily braved the worse of the weather to deliver medications to the sick in the lower town. He hoped that his mother in Ealdor was faring as well.

Arthur had seen him one day crossing the courtyard, head down into the wind and wanted to open the window and yell to him to join him in his chambers when he was finished but all of a sudden he had felt unsure of making such a request. Gaius was busy and he couldn't really allow Merlin time off to socialize even with the prince.

Once the snow had gone and the training fields were passable. Training resumed in earnest. Time was allocated for training with mentors as well as private time for discussions and even criticism of the squire's attitude or whatever was needed to ensure that the candidate who would present himself to make the vigil realised the importance and responsibility of being a knight of Camelot.

Leon adjusted his discussions to suit a knight whose greater role was of a future king. He did not tiptoe around facts. It was possible that one day, Arthur as king would demote one of the squires with whom he had spent seven years, should said knight disgrace the name of Camelot or fail to uphold the code of chivalry. He must be impartial to all. He could be cordial and friendly to all but not have any favourites.

"What about Gielbert and Romney?"

"They are two exceptions but should either of them disgrace their vows, you would be expected to deal with them harshly, maybe in the circumstances even more harshly than with the others. Growing up so closely with you and having so much contact with a prince, they should have an even greater understanding of the requirements of knights and the responsibilities of nobility."

Arthur knew that knight mentor, was one position which he would never be asked to consider. He felt that being a knight would be serious and fun, being a king, not so much. Hopefully, his father would reign for many more years, allowing him to enjoy being a knight of Camelot.

Time seemed to pass so fast. Meetings and training occupied ever hour of his day. He sometimes saw Gaius in the Council Chamber when the king wanted to speak to him. He always managed to tell Gaius to say hello to Merlin. He also talked to him if he met him when they were alone or he was with Spenser. Funnily, Spenser really liked Merlin and the two of them chattered quite happily. Arthur used to envy Spenser's ease in talking to him as the same situation seemed to make Arthur tongue-tied especially if Merlin looked at him.

Interesting things were happening. One day, all the squires were escorted by a squire master to the housekeeper's quarters. There were met by the castle tailor, his assistants and some seamstresses with tapes and measures. Suddenly, they realised that were to be measured for their knight's uniforms and their red cloaks. The excitement was palpable. The squire master asked Arthur to stand to one side explaining that he would be measured in the privacy of his own chambers.

He didn't mind, for he was able to see the faces of his fellow squires as they were measured for their full length white tunic worn for the vigil. They were then again poked and prodded as they were measured for their red over tunic which they would wear for the investiture ceremony and then finally the much desired red cloak, a symbol of knighthood. There were also extra measurements taken for their brown hose and black boots.

It was a day, which few of them would forget. The Chamberlain also permitted each one including Arthur to put a red cloak around their shoulders before they were sent back to their quarters. The babble of noise as they went through the corridors was unbelievable but for once the squire master ignored it, probably remembering fondly the day he had been measured.

As the weather cleared, training had resumed in earnest. But always, predominating all thoughts was the realization that this was going to be their final months as squires.

Arthur still dined regularly with the king and Uther one day said out of the blue, "Knights are invested at twenty-one." There was a pause before he continued, "I realise that you will be three months shy of that age. It would be more suitable that you be invested with next year's seniors..."

His son's face fell, he felt really sick. As he had not heard anything, he had assumed that his late birth date did not matter. After all, the court tailor had arrived at his chambers with his assistants and he had been measured. His clothes must have already been made.

"...however," continued the king, "Sir Leon, your Squire Mentor had requested that you be invested this June with the rest of your class. By the way, Arthur, I never suggested to you any particular knight as a mentor but I want to compliment you on your choice. Leon is worthy of the position."

Arthur took a deep breath, the king had made a decision; he would be invested this June. He smiled at the king, but as his father smiled back, Arthur's smile became a grin and with a sigh of relief, he said, "Thank you, Father!"

"You may go now, because you have a few people to tell and one special knight to thank. Goodnight, Arthur!"

"Good night, Sire!"

Arthur's first visit of course was to Gaius's. He knew that he would still be up. He barreled into the room practically wiping out Merlin. Funny, as he hadn't even thought that anyone would be with Gaius at this course, Merlin would be there as he lived in Arthur's old room up the little flight of stairs.

Gaius was sitting at his table mixing ingredients that gave off the most obnoxious odours. "How can you stand that, Merlin?"

"Guess, I'm used to it but it does pong, doesn't it."

"Arthur, when you have finished criticising my medications, you can tell me why you are here?"

"It's great news, Sir Leon convinced the king that I should be invested as a knight in June. That means that I will be with my fellow squires. He also complimented me on my choice of mentor. Gaius, there was no difficulty in that as Leon was the only one as far as I was concerned."

"Congratulations, your choice was a good one and an honour for Leon as well."

"He's been a good friend on so many different occasions especially with the Edmund incident." Arthur still found it hard to use the word murder as it was beyond his understanding how a seventeen year old could consciously plan and kill someone. "Over the years, I don't think that I was probably the easiest person to get along with."

Merlin said as an aside, "That's what I've been hearing."

Gaius frowned at him, he had been slowly bringing Merlin up to date on all the little happenings in Arthur's world which he felt would make it easier for the two of them to get along. Merlin's sense of humour was quite dry but Arthur sometimes could not see anything which concerned him in the negative sense as being funny.

When he turned and gave Merlin a grin, Gaius was shocked. If anyone else had said that they would have received a stare which would have practically flattened them.

Arthur replied, "Well, that's because it often takes one to know one. You must have been a real handful growing up as you still are. What did I hear about your trying to dissuade one of the kitchen staff from collected eggs as chicks are so cute and fluffy? Merlin people eat eggs surely your mother must have had hens."

Merlin shrugged and said, "Yes, but we always allowed some eggs to hatch.

"Dunderhead, you'd have to, if you wanted to eat chicken as well as eggs. Gaius, wherever did you find this man?"

Gaius wondered if it was going too far but Merlin just looked at Arthur and smiled. That smile was, Arthur's clue to leave, "Have to find Romney..."

He went into the corridor and stood against the wall. It was happening again. He would have given anything to just have pulled up a chair and sat beside Merlin all evening. He knew that Merlin had his own life and was quite busy with Gaius and he would probably have preferred relaxing and not having to entertain a prince.

Three days later, Merlin tapped on Arthur's door and walked in. Arthur was as surprised as Daniel was, as he hadn't had time to say 'Entre.' He looked up and saw Merlin framed in the doorway, that look of half surprise on his face, a vial in his hand. He seemed unsure of himself, it was the first time he had come to Arthur's chambers.

"Gaius told me to drop this off for you and if no one was here to put in on the table. But now, you're here and I don't know what to do with it."

Merlin looked so lost, that Arthur wanted to laugh. "Bring it here and give it to me." Arthur didn't move. He looked at Daniel motioning him to stay where he was. He watched Merlin cross the floor and stand at the table and carefully start to place it in front of him.

He couldn't stop himself but said, "No, not there, take it to the mantelpiece." Just as Merlin's hand started to rise, he said, "No, better not, how about the top of the cupboard over there?"

Merlin stopped. He turned and said clearly, "You might think that you are being amusing but I am not amused!" He placed the vial on the nearest piece of furniture which happened to be the bed. He turned to Arthur and said, "I'll tell Gaius, he can bring your medicine to you himself the next time!" Then he stalked out of the room.

Arthur stood up and said, "Merlin, no, I was fooling..." but he was gone. 'Damn!' he said to himself. If he had only peeked outside his door into the corridor he would have seen a confused young man standing dazed at the top of the stairs. "Wonder what's up with him?" He continued to Daniel.

Daniel, gave him the knowing look which he recognized from seeing it on Tilly's face when he had been annoying and not particularly funny. Arthur shrugged and said to him, "I didn't mean to annoy him, I thought I was funny..."

"Yes, Sire, but he didn't see it that way." Daniel bowed and left the room.

Gaius looked up as Merlin walked into his chambers, "What's wrong with you? You look as if someone burst your birthday balloon."

"Gaius..." he said crossing the room, he turned just before climbing his stairs and said, "...I don't think Arthur likes me!"

"Come back here. What did he do this time?"

"He made me feel stupid and in front of his manservant too. I might only come from a village but where I was raised, people didn't make fun of you unless they felt you were different. Is it that obvious that I am so different?"

"No, Merlin, you are no different than anyone here. You just have a gift which they don't. Ignore Arthur, I think he's a little unsure of himself at the moment."


Gaius had a feeling that strange though it seemed, Arthur was maybe in awe of Merlin. He didn't intend to discuss it. He thought quickly, "Well, he's got a lot on his mind. His investiture is coming up and he has to attend regular meetings with the king. Maybe he was having a bad day. I'll speak to him about it."

"Please don't. I'm sure I will make other acquaintances in Camelot." He walked up the stairs, into his room and stood with his back against the door. He thought, 'I was stupid to think that an eleven year old boy would be the same as a twenty year old Crown Prince.' Feeling disappointed, he got onto his cot and tried to fall asleep but his mind wouldn't rest and in the end, he stood at his window watching the moon over the lower town.

Another soul was also unable to sleep. 'Why is he so sensitive? He's only a court physician's assistant how dare he criticize what a prince had done. Who does he think he is? Stupid me, I worried and tried hard to find him for ten years.' ...and then he remembered Merlin's grin and his heart seemed to fill his chest and he said aloud, "Damn him!"

The following day, Arthur was on the training grounds early and worked himself into a sweat with the stationary quintain. He took out all his anger and frustration on it until exhausted, he made his way back to his chambers to bathe and attend a meeting with Sir Leon.

Two people had watched his workout that morning one was the above mentioned knight and the other was Merlin.

Sir Leon mentioned his workout and asked if every thing was alright. Was he having problems with something? Arthur assured him with a grin that if he hadn't felt right this morning, he certainly did now. They got down to reviewing the all important code and the interpretation of said code from the point of view of royalty. Respect and fairness was demanded on the part of the monarch and in return he received allegiance from his people.

Arthur was beginning to feel guilty those were the two qualities which he had ignored in dealing with Merlin last evening. "Leon, would a king ever ask forgiveness of his subjects?"

"Yes, if he had treating them unjustly, making fun of them instead of giving them respect. Why?"

"Leon, I made fun of someone in front of another person and I know that I really hurt him but I have no idea of how as Crown Prince, I start to apologise."

Leon had noticed Gaius's assistant watching Arthur from the shadows with a look of sorrow on his face. "Does he live in the castle?"


"Will you see him today?"

"I could..."

"Seek him out in private and tell him what you have just told me. Tell him truthfully how you feel then leave him to give him time to think over what you have said. If he accepts your apology, he will let you know the next time you see him by nodding at you or maybe even smiling. Do it today Arthur, no one likes to be hurt especially by someone they look up to."

"But I don't think he looks up to me."

"Arthur, you are the Crown Prince, everyone but the king, looks up to you!"

"And do you?"

Leon smiled and said truthfully, "Not always but most of the time!"