Disclaimer: First off I own nothing but the ideas. The characters of course belong to Sara Shepard and the writers and producers of the show. Also the story is rated M for a reason so just a warning. Also might be a few spoilers from this week's episode so if you haven't watched it yet you have been warned. Other than that I hope you guys enjoy my story. I got the idea from when Spencer hoped in Ezra's car. From then on I always wondered what them two would be like as a couple. So even if you are a diehard Ezra/Aria fan I still encourage you to try it. Also any grammar and spelling errors you pick up on please let me know. I am a big fan of critical feedback when it is necessary.
Chapter 1- This is Why I Hate Parents
Spencer Hastings continued to roll her eyes at her sister, Melissa, as they both sat at the Hastings family table. Melissa was begging their parents to let her go to Paris for two weeks. Only problem was she wanted the whole family to go. Well everyone but Spencer.
Spencer stood up and grabbed her plate. "How is it fair that you three get to run off to Paris for a month yet I am stuck here? It is not my fault I have exams and club meetings and field hockey practice, oh and not to mention all the other things I have going on. Not my fault I actually have a life, unlike some." She said cutting her eyes at Melissa. Melissa returned the glare.
"Face it, Spencer. We are going without you. You will be fine here. If you need to you could always go to a friend's house." Melissa suggested as she shrugged her shoulders. She walked over to her mother and put her arm around her.
"Please mother. I mean with all that has been going on I need this. I need to get away. I mean with what happened to Ian, then Spencer getting arrested. I don't know how much more I can take." Melissa said putting on a fake pout for her parents. Mr. Hastings stood up from his chair and made his way to the kitchen.
"She has a point honey. Getting away for a few weeks might just be the perfect thing to kick start things back into normal. Spencer I know you can't come and I know you feel like we are leaving you out but I promise once we get back we will make it up to you." Mr. Hastings explained as he reentered the dining room. He moved over to Spencer and gave her a kiss on the head.
"Mom, what do you think?" Melissa said with excitement.
Mrs. Hastings stood up and looked at Spencer. "I am okay with going. I just hate leaving Spencer here but your school work is more important. However, I do not want you staying here by yourself. Surely out of Emily, Aria, and Hanna one of them can let you stay with them just till we get back."
Spencer reluctantly threw her dish into the sink and turned back to her family. She looked each of them over in disbelief. How could they just up and live her like she didn't even belong to the family?
"Fine, go. I'm sure I can find someone to let me stay with them. Some people's parents are actually considerate unlike a few people I know." She took one more look at them then headed up to her room.
Later, Spencer began to pack her bags. Her parents had informed her that they would be leaving first thing in the morning and they would be dropping her off at Aria' s house on their way to the airport. Spencer had called Aria after the family conversation and asked if she could stay at her house. She knew Emily was already staying at Hanna's and that one more would just be a crowd. Plus with all the tension that is going on at Aria's house, thanks to the announcement about her love interest, Spencer knew Aria could use a friend. Spencer lay back on the bed and closed her eyes. Her mind began to wonder onto a certain boy. Well more like man not boy. A smile began to form on her face as she pictured him standing behind his desk and fixing his tie like he did almost every day. Well until he moved. Spencer thought she would die when he moved. She had become so used to seeing him all the time. She could picture him in her mind right now. She tried not to let her mind wonder to sexual things but when it came to him she couldn't help herself. She tried to picture what he looked like without a shirt on. How it would feel to have his hands run down her body. She could feel the familiar tug began to develop in her lower body. She moved her hand down her body and slid it under her shorts. She began to rub herself over her panties. She could feel how wet she was. That's what he did to her. He made her feel like nothing else in the world mattered. She moved her panties and began to finger herself. She imagined him kissing her as he made his way down her body and in between her legs. She continued to move her fingers inside herself as her breathing got heavier. She had never been all the way with anyone but she knew that if he was here right now she would let him take her. A voice come into the back of her mind reminding her of how wrong it was to fantasize about her best friend's boyfriend but she quickly shock it away. She began to moan as she continued to pleasure herself. Suddenly her phone began to ring and her eyes opened. She let out a small groan as she removed her fingers and picked up her phone.
"Hello." She said nearly out of breath.
"Hey, Spencer Are you okay? You sound like you've been running a marathon or something." Aria answered back. Spencer grabbed her bag as she tried to maneuver her phone.
"Yeah, I'm good. I was just sleeping and woke up from a nightmare." She said smiling to herself.
"Oh okay. Well I hope I didn't wake you."
"Nope, I was already awake before you called."
"I am outside whenever you get ready to come." Aria exclaimed as she hung up the phone. Spencer grabbed the rest of her stuff as she made her way outside to Aria's car.
This should make for an interesting few weeks she thought to herself.
Spencer avoided talking to Aria for the first two hours she was at her house. She had suggested they watch a movie and half way through it Spencer rolled over and acted like she was asleep. It was awkward sitting next to the girl you were so secretly jealous of. It wasn't fair that she got to touch him and kiss him and make love to him. Spencer wanted so desperately to have her life. Not even her life. She just wanted Ezra Fitz. Aria moved her arm around Spencer until she was face to face with her. A smile came over her face.
"I have an idea." She said giggling.
"What?" That was all Spencer could come up with saying.
"Let's go out tonight. I, you, Ezra, and Toby should all go do something, like a double date." Aria said lying back in her bed and grinning at Spencer. All Spencer could get her mind to do was give a weak nod.
Ezra ran the razor over his face for the fifth time. He knew he had already cut all of the stubble off his face but for some reason he was too nervous to do much else. He had recently received a call from Aria asking him to come out with her, Spencer and Toby. He reluctantly accepted. It was not the fact that he had never been out with Aria and her friends before. It was more of the fact that he didn't want to see Toby putting his hands all over Spencer. He knew it was going to be hard to resist saying something much less punching the guy right then and there. He shook his head.
"What has gotten into me?" He asked as he stared at his reflection.
He had first developed feelings for Spencer one day in his classroom. He thought back to that day. Spencer was wearing this short black skirt and all he could think of was her long legs. How bad he wanted to touch them. How bad he wanted to run his hands up her legs and go to forbidden places. She had challenged him that day also. He remembered how he asked the class a question over one of the stories they had read. She quickly answered but he disagreed with her answer. She fought with him for almost fifteen minutes until the bell interrupted them. He had never had a student that was so outspoken, stubborn and opinionated. He found these things to be incredibly sexy. Not to mention the way she would stare at him. He knew it was only his imagination playing tricks on him but to him she always looked into his eyes with such passion. He knew thinking about his girlfriend's best friend was wrong but he couldn't stop the thoughts from coming.
He buttoned up his shirt and ran a brush through his hair. He had no idea how he was going to handle this night. He knew if he made the slightest notion that he had feelings for Spencer that Aria would pick up on it. She was good at spotting things out. He grabbed a jacket and made his way out the door.
How this night was going to end was anyone's guess.