So, like I know I have to update my other stories, but literally I came up with this tonight as I was driving back from seeing Mission Impossible 4. Yeah, it had NOTHING to do with the movie, but hey, it's an idea right? Gotta go with it as much as I can, lol.

So yeah, this is the first chapter to what I hope is an epic story. It's going to be Cat/Beck & Jade/Beck like my other one, but hopefully you'll like this as much as the other one, if not more. Same thing though as the last one, with Cat's name being Courtney, and her and Beck having a past in Canada.

Jade's the new girl, and Beck's very into her even though he's not over his last girlfriend yet, and… well, you'll just have to wait and see, won't you! Lol.

I don't own anything. Not now, not ever.

He knew something was wrong.

He went to sleep that fateful night, knowing very well that something seriously bad was going to happen.

Though he tried his hardest to not think about it, it was pretty much near impossible. First he woke up to the sound of crying and opened his eyes to see his clock was glowing; 3:46 am blinked back at him as he tried to focus his eyes and turned to lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling.

There was something ironic though about it.

Two nights ago, just two nights ago, it was his girlfriend who was upset and crying, not a toddler.

He got up and walked into the other room, turning to light on just a little to give the room some sort of light, he walked to the crib, and picked up the little girl from the crib. Her big violet eyes blinked back at him and he smiled softly, kissing the top of her head gently, and then he looked at her familiar face.

"What's the matter, Ari? What's got you so upset?"

She didn't say anything, just continued to cry.

He began to rock her and sat down on the rocking chair. Though still very drowsy, he managed to find her favorite book and opened it, beginning to read it to her.

He was near the end, when his sister came running into the room, her eyes wide. He looked at her, and she bit her lip, tears in her eyes. Shakily she handed him her phone, and he took it from her silently, looking up at her for a quick moment before focusing his eyes on the text.

Hey, Taylor I know this might seem strange, me texting you when I normally just text your brother, but uhm… I need you to tell him something. Tell him I love him and that no matter what to never, ever forget me. But make sure you know that he moves on and stuff because I wouldn't want him to be alone for the rest of his life, that would suck. And please, please… let Ariana know that I love her as well, with all my heart… everything. But uhm, it's time… and I can't just wait anymore. I have to do what I have to do, and I'm going to do it. And just so you know, Tay, I always, always thought of you as a friend. Thank you, and… uhm, take care. – Courtney

"Something's happened." She whispered, he didn't stop staring at the phone, reading it over and over until he memorized it, vaguely aware of the phone ringing.

Too much was going on at only three in the morning, but the good thing was, Ariana was fast asleep, so he put her in her crib and clutched the phone tightly, nearly breaking it.

"What happened?" He finally said, his eyes downcast as the phone finally stopped ringing. "Don't tell me—" He was interrupted when his mother came in to the room, a sort of… apologetic look on her face. She looked in between her daughter and son, before tears came into her eyes.

"Beck, that was Stella…" He literally felt his body freeze at that statement. "It was about—it was about Courtney…" She walked over to him, handing the phone quickly to Taylor, who took it in her hand. She then sobbed, holding him close, he didn't respond back, dropping his sister's phone.

He knew the moment he was going to sleep that night, that something bad was going to happen.

And it did.

"She's dead, Beck… she's dead! I'm so, so sorry." His mother looked at him, tears streaming down her face, and he shook his head.

"No, no she's—she's not dead. She can't be." He rushed out of the room and into his own, quickly taking his phone in his hand, he saw that he head many missed calls and texts.

All from her.

He numbly sat down on his bed, reading them, the words permanently embedding in his brain. He felt tears come to his eyes, but ignored them as the phone started to ring and he picked it up.


"Beck…" The voice on the other end was broken and he could hear it. "I'm—I'm so sorry."

"It's okay Tori, it wasn't your fault." He said.

"I tried to—I tried to talk to her."

"I know, and that's all that matters. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay." She said and they hung up.

He opened the last message, rereading it over and over, until he finally, he blacked out.

You know, I've wanted to do this for a long time, but I might not have to wait any longer, because… I don't have to do it myself. I don't have to feel lost anymore, which is what you wanted, right? It's what I wanted to, if you didn't know. And I'm finally going to feel that way. I love you, Beck Oliver, always and forever, never forget it.

A year later…

"Hey, hey!" Tori Vega was rushing after he older sister, her arms full of books as she struggled to hold them, as her sister just laughed and walked into their school. "Trina! I'm going to kill you!"

"You cant! It's illegal!" Her sister called after her and Tori found herself rolling her eyes.

She somehow—with a lot of difficulty—managed to get to her locker, throwing it open with a lot of force, she was started to hear someone say ow, and immediately dropped everything she was holding, ignoring as it all spread out on the floor. She pulled the locker door off the person and her eyes widened as she saw the unfamiliar girl rub her cheek.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I was just… annoyed by my sister. Are—are you okay?"

"Yeah! I'm fine!" The girl snapped at her, "No thanks to you."

"Again, I am so, so sorry." She said, then without really thinking it through she grabbed the girl's wrist and then began to pull her with her in the direction of the nurse's office.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?" The girl yelled at her, and she stopped, turning to her, she let go of her wrist.

"Taking you to the nurses office, I'm pretty sure I gave you a concussion or something."

"I'm fine." The girl said, grabbing her wrist and rubbing it. "Don't worry about that. It wasn't that serious of an injury."

Tori studied her for a moment before shaking her head, "No, come on. Please… just come with me to the nurse, okay?"

The girl sighed—annoyed. "If I agree to go will you stop bugging me about it?" Tori nodded, and she threw her hands in the air exasperated. "Fine, just take me there."

Tori did as she said, throwing open the door—and being careful not to hit the girl—they walked in together, the girl rubbing her wrist again, which reminded her of—no. No. She refused to think about her. She couldn't.

But it was kind of hard, since she was literally staring at a carbon copy of the girl that she and everyone else in the school found very difficult to forget.

Her eyes traveled upwards, and she came face to face with well, the person who was taking it even harder than everyone else was, even though it had been just a little over a year since it happened.

"Beck…" She whispered, and hugged him. He hugged her back, and looked over her shoulder at the new girl who was standing there looking a bit out of place, rubbing her wrist. He blinked and shook his head, pulling away from Tori, he looked at her.

"How's life?" He asked, and she gave him a small smile.

"It's alright, and yours?" He shrugged, so she bent down to the little girl in front of her's level. "Hey there, Ari, how are you?"

"Hungry." She said, rubbing her stomach. "Daddy forgot to feed me."

He rolled his eyes, "I didn't forget, we were just running out of time."

"Right…" Tori said, standing up again, "Well, I just injured someone with my locker of death, so if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take her to the nurse. You be good, you got that, Ariana?" The little girl nodded, and Tori smiled. "Good." And with that she turned back to the new girl. "Come with me."

"Oh god, just what I've always wanted to do," The girl rolled her eyes, "Follow a stranger."

"Just do it!" Tori snapped, and the girl looked at Beck. They said nothing, just held the eye contact for a few minutes, before she finally disappeared after Tori.

After the nurse had checked her and made sure she was okay—where Tori learned the new girl's name was Jade—they both went to their first two classes of the day which happened to be together.

They were sitting at the lunch table, talking about her first day, when Tori's other friends, Robbie and Andre came over to them, each taking a seat on either side of Tori and looked at Jade.

"Hey, you're the girl in my English class right?" Robbie asked, and Tori rolled her eyes.

"We're in the same class broccoli head!"

"You uh, you need to work on your insults a little bit," Jade commented, "Because uh, that was just… depressing."

"Yeah, tell me about it." Andre laughed, "She's not the best with those, anyway."

Jade nodded, "I can tell." She said and Tori just sighed, annoyed.

"Okay! Let's not pick on Tori today, deal?" They just stared at her, and she continued, "So, uh, Jade! You just moved here! What's uhm, where you from?"

"New Jersey." She said, shrugging. "My dad just decided it'd be fan—freaking—tastic to move me across the country because he got a better job here. He's a pretty selfish guy, all about himself so he really didn't think about how it'd affect me."

"I'm sorry." Andre said.

"Yeah," Robbie agreed, "That must suck."

Jade nodded, looking down for a moment, before looking up again and seeing the boy Tori was talking to when she took her to the nurses office. He was talking to another person, but looked back at her, maintaining the eye contact again for the second time that day. She looked away quickly, and looked down again.

Tori seemed to notice this, "That's Beck." She said, "He's a good friend."

Jade nodded again, "Is he okay?" She asked her, "I mean, he seems… sad."

At that, the three friends shifted uncomfortably, just as Beck said goodbye to the person he was speaking to and walked towards them.

"Hey, guys." He said, as they looked at each other, Jade however, looked away.

"Hi." She said, quietly and then stood up, feeling uncomfortable… and strange. "I uhm, I have to go." She said, attempting to walk past him, but he stopped her, handing her the orange he'd been throwing up and down in his hand.

"You look kind of pale." He shrugged, as she looked up at him. "Eat this." She took it from his hand, slowly and nodded her head.

"Thanks." She said, and then walked away from the group, going into the building, she walked towards her locker, taking out her phone, she quickly dialed a number. Holding the phone against her ear, she waited until the person on the other end picked up.


"Thanks for finally picking up, Justin." She said, and leaned against the locker, looking to her right, she noticed Beck coming towards her. "Uhm," She turned her body quickly and looked down, "What's up?"

"Nothing… aren't you in school?"

"Yeah, it's lunchtime though." She said, and he sighed.

"Did ya make any friends?"

"A few." She said, and took a deep breath as he walked past her again, and they locked eyes for a third time that day. What was up with that?

She then looked down, noticing she still held his orange in her hand. "Why don't you go hang out with them then?"

She stared at the orange, "Because I—" She stopped, "I don't know."

She watched as Beck disappeared behind a door marked, guidance counselor, he came out a few moments later, typing on his phone, and then walked back towards her, again.

And she actually stared to panic.

"J—Justin?" She stammered, "Can I—uh, call you back?"

"Yeah, sure that's fine." He said, "Stay cool though, okay?"

"I'll try." She said, nodding her head, and then hung up her phone, noticing Beck was staring at her. "What?" She snapped, going back to her calmer, more chilled out self.

"You're sort of standing in front of my locker." He said, pointing at it. "I sort of need to put my bag in there…"

"Oh, uhm…sorry." She said and moved to the side, standing there awkwardly as he did what he had to do. She closed her eyes, and stomped her foot. "I—uhm, okay." She took a deep breath. "I know I'm new here and all, but uhm, are you okay?" She asked him and he looked up at her. "I mean… you just seem so, sad."

He just looked at her, silently and she quickly backtracked. "Okay, look. You don't have to tell me, it's not of my business, but I just… I don't know… care about you?" She half asked, and then backtracked again. "Not that I usually do, because I'm totally not like that, I just don't like it when people are in pain… and I mean the good kind! Not that bad kind!"

He just laughed, shaking his head, he stood up and shut his locker. "You don't need to ramble, I get it." He said, and then looked at her seriously, "You should really eat that orange though, you look like you want to puke."

"I don't but," She threw it in the air, and then caught it. "Why do you want me to eat it so badly?"

"Because… maybe I sort of… care about you too?" He mocked her, and she just rolled her eyes, unable to keep the smile from her face. "Just eat it, I promise you, you'll love it."

"Oh, well that sounds like a challenge." She smirked, holding up the orange. "Hm, to eat this orange or to not eat this orange, that is the question."

"You asked a dumb question." Beck said, "Just eat it! I love oranges, and for me to give you one just like that… well that's pretty major."

"Why? Protective of it?"

"Well, of course." He shrugged, "It's my favorite fruit, you know."

And even though she promised herself she wouldn't get close to anyone at her new school, and open up so easily… she realized that doing that with Beck would be nearly impossible. She just smiled at him and nodded, "Fine," She finally said, "I'll eat the damn orange if it'll make you happy."

"No, no." He said, clasping his hands together. "Trust me, it'll make you happy."

"Oh really?"

He nodded, "Yep." He said as he began to walk away from her, "Oh! And just remember, I sort of care about you too!" And with that he was gone.

Jade leaned against the locker and looked up, she looked back down and stared at the orange for a moment, before turning around, and opening her locker. She opened it, and ever so gently put the orange down on top of the notebook that was there. And then closed the locker, and after making sure it was locked, she turned around and walked away from it, just as the bell rang.

She was sure to love oranges now, after all, it made her gain a new, mysterious friend… who she was starting to like, a lot.

Damn orange.

Aren't they just so cute? Yeah! More to come next chapter! Whoo! And Stay With Me will be updated soon… I just have to come up with a fantastic chapter for you guys! And trust me, I'm working hard on deciding what I want to happen in it. It has to be GOOD!

Oh yeah, and this story is going to have a sort of "theme". It's mentioned in the beginning, I'm not gonna say it, but its based around it… and if you can figure it out, then you're AWESOME! Kay? Kay, good. Haha.

Anyway, let me know if I should continue this, yeah?