Author's Note: Hello all! Here I am again with another Klaroline fanfic. I guess I just can't get enough of this pairing!

I've had a couple of these posted over on Tumblr for a while and decided I might as well move them over here.

Let me know what you think! Reviews are always appreciated.

Diclaimer: I do not own nor am I in any way affiliated with The Vampire Diaries.

There was something surreal about her capture.

In the beginning she had put up a fight, of course she had. She had kicked, screamed, bit and clawed at those who held her. There was some satisfaction, after all, in seeing the skin peel back to reveal that bit of scarlet underneath. But she was left with her displeasure and fear as the wounds healed before her very eyes. The flesh knitted itself together, a pink hue lingering for only a second before vanishing entirely. No matter what she did nothing kept them back. Had she only been left to take on one she might have been able to slip away. Hybrids were stronger, but she was still older even as a young vampire, and that would have proved to be of some worth had she been matched up one on one.

Unfortunately she had not been offered that luxury.

And she was clever enough to stop struggling the moment he stepped into view. There was something about him that always caught her off guard. His appearance at first glance hardly suggested the homicidal, hybrid siring, boyfriend loyalty stealing type. His blue eyes and sandy hair could reek of innocence if he tried, she realized dimly before that arrogant smirk of his settled in to place. She hated that damn smirk. And it was then that she caught the small glimmers that easily gave way to his true intentions. There was a hardness in his jaw, a threatening way he carried himself, and a cold glint in his eyes.

"Caroline, love, how nice to see you again."

"Go to hell," she spat before she could think better of it. His smirk slipped only momentarily but that brief change was enough to raise the hair on her arms. She quickly dropped his gaze, even though she was furious with him and what he did to Tyler, there was something that was warning her not to press further. An instinct that kept her from lashing out.

"So impolite," he sighed, temporarily moving out of view and she was reminded of a predator circling its prey. He was toying with her. "Disobedience is not something I value, sweetheart."

"Why am I even here?" she asked instead, her voice dropping at the end of her question as she realized she didn't even know where here was.

"Such curiosity," he chuckled before nodding his head toward the hybrids that still gripped her arms. Within seconds she was released and she raised a hand to rub at her arms. "Have you heard from Stefan?"

"I—no, no I haven't," she replied immediately, eyes growing wide and shoulders slumping with defeat

"A pity," he stated with a slight curve of his lips, and she recognized the once over he gave her. It made her skin crawl. "And here I thought that you might be of some use."

"In finding Stefan?" she laughed, half wondering why she hadn't tried to run. "I haven't spoken to him in weeks."

"I'm aware of that," he said before taking a step closer to her and she stopped herself from taking one backward, even though that instinct was flaring again. She could hear the warning bells. "A shame really, he thought of you a great deal. You were something spectacular in his eyes. I cannot imagine why."

She felt a little gasp drift past her lips and she broke the eyes contact he had been insistent on maintaining. How terrible it was that a comment like that, from him of all people, could still manage to wound her.

"He was my best friend," she whispered in reply.

"He was mine at one point as well," he stated and she allowed the surprise to settle on her face, noticing the amusement that lit up his own. "Is that really so surprising?"

"Stefan would never associate with someone as," she paused, grasping for an adjective, any adjective, "Psychotic as you."

"You never really knew Stefan, love," he was closer now, she finally realized just as he raised a hand to gently pull at a blonde curl. "Not entirely."

"Neither did you," she hissed in reply, pushing his hand away from her face just as he moved to stroke her cheek. It was a mistake, of course, because she soon found herself against a wall and his hand was wrapped around her throat.

"He has something of mine," he said calmly and her eyes narrowed at his tone. There was something completely unsettling about his seemingly serine state when he could snap her neck at any moment. "Something very important and you, my dear, are going to help me find him."

"Why me?" she managed to croak and he flexed his hand once and her airflow was temporarily stilled entirely. But then he smiled and released his grip, his hand falling to just above her collar bone and she could feel his fingers lightly trace the skin there.

"I take care of those who are loyal to me, Caroline," he deflected and his hand moved up to cup her cheek instead. "Every vampire should be given the opportunity to reach their full potential. I look forward to seeing you grow without the restraints you have been subjected to in the past."

"I don't want to hurt anyone," she whimpered and he smiled again.

"Would you like to see Stefan again?" he asked just as his finger brushed against the corner of her lip.

"Yes," she admitted and she felt a weight settle over her shoulders. Stefan had taken his family and she could assume the punishment for such a task would be fatal.

"Do you think you could influence him to correct his moment of insanity?"

"No," she replied regretfully and his hand fell away from her cheek.

"I didn't think so."

And there was that familiar sting again, the eternal burn of never being good enough.

"If you have such little faith in me," she paused, her voice catching in her throat. "Why would you ask for my help?"

"Oh I'm not asking, love," he chuckled, and she shied away from the sound. "You will help me with this."

She released a shaky breath before nodding. He would use compulsion if necessary, she was sure of it, and if she wanted to retain one thing in this whole ordeal it would be her will. He smirked as he if he knew she would agree to it all along. A part of her, a hesitant and foolish part of her, believed that maybe, maybe she would be able to convince Stefan in some way. She hoped she could break through to him. Because even if she had treated him with cold indifference since his return, there was a part of her that still recognized him as a best friend. She was reminded of the promise he made all that time ago as he wiped the blood away from her face. What friend would she be if she didn't try to protect him in return?

And she felt the weight of her betrayal then. She felt it for ignoring Stefan, she felt it for deflecting from Elena, Bonnie, Damon, and all the rest of them. This is the price she has to pay to speak to him again. This is the price she must pay to keep her rock, her mentor, her best friend safe. If succumbing to Klaus was what it took, then so be it. She was determined to prove them all wrong and, in some strange way, she wished to prove the Original wrong most of all.

"What do you need me to do?" she asked and Klaus placed a hand on her back before leading her away from their current location. He led her to a new area, taking a couple of steps before she was distracted by the whimpers and cries of a girl she did not recognize. Her neck was already bleeding and she felt herself already begin to give in to the bloodlust.

"There she is," he grinned and she hated the way she brightened at the bit of praise in his tone. She clung to it, easily recognizing that needy part of herself she thought she had buried once she had completed her transition. That human part of her was not dead as she had previously believed.

And as she approached the girl, throwing a look toward Klaus over her shoulder, she held on to that praise. In some way, she hoped it would make things easier. But she could not drown out the girl's cries, not entirely.

It wasn't until her teeth settled in the artery that she realized what it would all mean.

This is for Stefan, she defended herself mentally, and it will bring him back to me.

Please review!