Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and a few characters. if i did own glee Naya Rivera would be half naked all the time ;)

A/N: Okay so this is just an idea i had and i dont know if i'll continue it so you guys should let me know. and its G!P rachel and Santana and this firt chap does contain Smut.

Summary: Rachel, Quinn, Santana, ANd Brittany are all living in New York. Quinn and Rachel have been together for 6 years but have been having problems. Quinn starts cheating on Rachel and gets pregnant by Santana.

"Uh…Oh fuck!" I moan. Oh my god she feels so good.

"Oh, go faster…Faster!" I scream out and she speeds up her pace

"Mmm…God! Quinn you're so fucking tight!" she moans. She keeps pumping and I feel myself getting closer to orgasm. She slides her hand down my back and into my head. She grips my hair and pulls while the pumps into me harder.

"Fuck! Baby. You love it when I fuck you like this don't you?" She says. I moan as she slaps my ass.

"I asked you a question!" she screams. And then grips my hips and pulls me back into her going even deeper than before.

"Yes! Yes! I love it when you fuck me like this."

"Yeah I know you do. Cuz you're such a fucking slut. Aren't you?" she says and slaps my ass again

"Yes I'm a slut!"

"Whose slut are you?" she says as she reaches around to pinch my clit and I scream out

"Fuck! Yes Santana! I'm yours Oh God only yours!" I scream and she pulls my hair again

"You love my cock don't you?"

"Yes God! I love it! You fill me up so good baby!"

"Fuck!" she screams out as she orgasms. I bite my lip trying to hold in my scream as I orgasm as well. She slumps over on to my back and kisses my neck. Then she pulls out and lies on her back next to me on the bed. I stretch my legs out and lie on my stomach next to her. We lay there for a while trying to catch our breath

"That…was…wow." She says and I laugh and move closer to her. I throw my arm over her stomach and lay my lead on her shoulder.

"Yeah." I say and she kisses my forehead

"Is it cool if I go take a shower?" she asks and I nod.

"Cool. As soon as I can feel my legs again, I'll go do that." She says chuckling and I laugh too. We laid there for a while and I traced lazy patterns over her stomach and she stroked my hair until she actually did get up to take a shower. And I stared at her perfect ass the as she walked out of the room.

I looked at the clock and I see it's almost time for me to go back to work. Santana and I started these lunch time sex meetings a few months ago. We always would have lunch together because we don't work far from each other and take our breaks at the same time. Then one day she said she'd cooked a lasagna and I wanted some so we went back to her place and…it just kinda happen and its been happening ever since.

I roll over on my stomach and put my arms under the pillow. I sigh contentedly and lie there until I hear my phone go off. I groan and move so I can grab it off of the nightstand by my bed.

"Hello" I say

"Hey baby."

"Hey Rach. What's up?" I say getting up and throwing on some sweats

"Oh nothing. I just called because I was thinking about you." She says and I walk into my kitchen to make some coffee for Santana and I.

"Oh babe, that's so sweet. So what are you doing?"

"I'm just on break. The director needed to talk to some of the actors. What are you doing? I hear the shower. Are you at home?" She asks and I felt my heart stop for a second before I said

"Oh yeah I came home to grab some papers for the boss. S is here and that's why you hear the shower. She…uh had the day off and she wanted to meet for lunch like always but I told her I had to go home and she tagged along. And you know when she comes here it's like her house so she does whatever." I say laughing slightly and I hear her laugh as well.

"Yes Santana sure does know how to make herself at home. Well don't be late getting back to work." She says and I feel Santana come behind me and snake her hands around my waist and she kisses my shoulder

"Hey Rach." She says into the phone

"Tell Santana I said hello. But I have to go okay. I'll be home later, love you" She says and hangs up before I can even respond. I sigh and Santana puts her chin on my shoulder.

"You don't know when she's coming home do you?" she asks and I shake my head. She turns me around and pushes my back against the counter and pecks my lips.

"It'll get better, as soon as she finishes her play, it'll go back to normal and then you two can be that disgustingly happy couple again." She says rolling her eyes and smirking and I nod my head.

This situation is so fucked up. I mean I'm cheating on my girlfriend and Santana is acting like it doesn't even matter. But I feel like I'm dying inside from the guilt. Rachel and I have been together for 6 years. And yes we've had our problems like any other couple but we kept trying. But lately she's just been so distant and I barley get to see her because of this fucking play she's working on. It's an off Broadway show but she's always gone and when she's here she's too tired to do anything but sleep. I don't know, I guess I just felt neglected and lonely and Santana was there…and…Ugh I can't justify this. I'm just a horrible person for doing this to Rachel. As soon as I feel a little lonely I go and cheat. But not only do I just go and cheat, no I go and cheat with Santana.

The girl incapable of settling down. After she and Britt broke up our freshman year in college she hasn't had a steady relationship. And she's fine with that. She just has her random hook ups, her booty calls, and me. She just isn't the relationship type, but sometimes I wish she was. I mean I love Rachel, I do but our relationship seems like more of a friendship and she cheated on me.

Rachel changed since we lived in Lima. Britt, San and I moved out here together. San went to Columbia. I went to NYU and Britt went to Julliard. And that's how we saw Rachel again but we didn't see her until our sophomore year. Britt ran into her around campus and invited her to hang out with us. When I saw her I was stunned because that little argyle, school girl skirt wearing girl I knew was gone. She was a sexy sophisticated, well dressed woman. She didn't speak in paragraphs…often anymore. She was always confident and that never changed, but there was something that just attracted me to her.

I asked her out and that's how it's started. But while we were together in our first year she cheated on me three times. We worked through it but its been hard for me to trust her after that.

Sometimes I tell myself I'm doing this because she cheated on me but… I know that's not true. I know it's not true because I would cheat with anyone but Santana. I'm in love with her and I have been for a while. I just never had a chance because she was so in love with Britt so I tried to move on and as soon as I got with Rachel she and Britt broke up. And I was so in love with Rachel I hadn't thought about Santana so it was ok. But when I found out Rachel cheated on me the first time I never looked at her the same and I found myself wanting Santana again, but I couldn't leave Rachel. It's like my heart was torn in two.

I was finally pulled out of my thoughts by a vibrating on my leg. What the hell? I look at Santana and she takes her hand and puts it in her pocket and pulls out her cell phone.

"Santana Lopez." She answers. I don't know why she does that when she answers her cell phone. Santana runs her own business selling her own make up and she does incredibly well for a twenty-five year old. But she has a business cell phone and her normal one but she always sounds professional when she answers them both.

"Oh hey Britt…yeah it's me Santana…oh nothing I'm just at Quinn's…okay, yeah I'll meet you there in 20 minutes…ok bye" then she hangs up.

She and Britt are still friends. Britt has a boyfriend name Michael, they've been together for 3 years. He's a nice guy and he treats her right so I like him. She and Santana broke up when they realized they were just better as friends

"That was Britt, she wants me to come down to her studio to help her figure out the how she wants to the construction workers to expand it so I gotta go." She says and gives me another kiss.

"Call me later ok?" she says leaving and I nod

I go take a quick shower and go back to work. I work for the owner of a huge fashion magazine. I know it sounds crazy but the owner is none other than Kurt Hummel. Yes I said Kurt Hummel. It's crazy. He came to New York, went to school for design and he was designing clothes that women were wearing on runways in Paris. Now he has nationwide boutiques and he runs his own magazine.

He's an awesome boss and it isn't like The Devil Wears Prada kinda thing. Everyone is doing well for themselves. I'm only working for Kurt part time and I work at a law firm part time. They have me doing paper work and I never get any real cases so I want to start my own firm.

When I get back to the building I go to his office.

"Hey Quinn, I just got off of the phone with Rachel. So how was your 'lunch break' with Santana?" he asked and he actually did use air quotes. He knows about Santana and I because one time I accidentally called him and he…well he heard us having sex. Even though he is still good friends with Rachel he knows about how Rachel cheated on me and he just decided to stay out of it.

"It was fine." I say and I can't help but blush because ever since that day he likes to have fun teasing me about it.

He was about to speak when the door opened

"Hey Honey- Oh hi Quinn" Blaine says as he comes into the office. He goes to kiss Kurt and whispers something in his ear that makes Kurt blush.

"Umm Quinn would you excuse us…we umm… I have some important things to tend to with Blaine." He says and I smirk and shake my head but leave to go to my desk and laugh to myself when I look back to see Blaine rush to close the door and blinds.

The day went pretty fast and then it was time for me too leave. I was in the middle of hailing a cab when I felt someone grab my hips and kiss my neck. I was about to turn around and punch whoever this perv is in the face when I heard that familiar voice.

"Where you headed?" she says. I turn around and punch her in the shoulder

"What the hell Santana! I thought you were some crazy perv! I was about to kick your ass." She laughs and slings her arm over my shoulder

"Sorry I was just coming to see if you wanted to get some food, come back to my house and maybe watch a movie."

"Yeah that sounds good." I say and we got in a cab, picked up some Chinese food and went back to her apartment. I put my purse on the island in her kitchen and went to her room. I looked in her drawer and pulled out some sweats and changed out of my work clothes into them. When I went into the living room she was sitting on the couch in her boxers and a white wife beater. I grab my food from the kitchen and sit on the other end of the couch and throw my legs on her lap. She looks at me while chewing and rolls her eyes. I smirk and grab her DVD remote and play the movie. We sat and ate and when we finished Santana started to rub my feet.

After we got halfway through the movie I got up to use the bathroom and when I came back she was lying on the down completely taking up the whole couch. I just walked over to the couch and lied in the gap between her legs and rest my head on her stomach as we watched the rest of the movie.

A/N: So let me know if you guys want me to continue this.