Whoa! I'm still getting reviews and faves from the first Kaibaman fic; it's amazing, thank you guys so much! I hope everyone had a nice x-mas and new year :D

I wasn't going to do a sequel, I thought the first one was fine the way it was and wrapped up in a nice little bow - then I saw an episode of GX and was inspired! I hope this will be as good as Kaibaman 1.

Ally of Justice Kaibaman 2: Red-Eyes vs Ra

Chapter One

Egypt: the year 2000.

The walls of the old tomb collapsed in a cloud of dust, causing the four men in loose robes to take a step back and cover their faces with their sleeves. The heat from the desert, and the hard work they had done, had caused them to sweat; however, the unnaturally cold tomb chilled them to the core. They each looked to the other before one bravely stepped inside with caution. The tombs were known to be filled with traps, and although this particular one didn't contain mountains of jewels or treasure, one would still tread lightly on the stone floor.

On the far wall, set within stone, sat a gold sceptre; upon it was a small sculpture of the Sun Dragon Ra with its wings extending outwards in a powerful stance. Slowly, the man extended his arm to grab the sceptre, retreating slightly when it glowed for a brief moment, and snatched it from its seat; he waited, expecting the tomb to tremble with anger.

Nothing. He made his way out of the tomb with the same cautiousness until he passed through the entrance where he held his prize to the sun with triumph.

Domino City: the present.

The sleek, black bike raced around the oval shaped track with ease; the rider, dressed in full, black leather with a Red-Eyes Black Dragon on his back, leaned smoothly into the turn and righted himself again. Ahead of him, a computer whizzed along a rail; he pulled along side it and pressed the screen in front of him.

"Duel mode activated. Please stand by." The holographic technology activated around the bike. "Auto Pilot activated."

A duel disk unfolded from the computer and it drew the first card. "Setting one card face down and one monster in defence mode. Turn terminated."

The rider grinned and drew; his cards sat in a special slot in front of him to keep at least one hand free. "I summon Baby Dragon in attack mode! Now, go, attack the face down!"

The face down revealed to be White Stone of Legend. "Card effect activated. Controller of card is allowed one Blue-Eyes White Dragon from deck," the computer recited.

"That ends my turn."

"Summoning Kaibaman; activating effect: Tribute to summon one Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Activating face down, Ancient Rules; summoning a second Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Attacking Baby Dragon."

The biker swerved slightly, but managed to keep his balance.

"Direct attack with second Blue-Eyes White Dragon."

The White Lightning attack engulfed the rider, the console flickered and the bike veered off to the left, the front wheel hit the banking and the rider was thrown from his seat; he rolled across the grass and settled on his back. The bike skidded across the grass to a stop with the back wheel spinning uselessly to a stop.

A golf cart raced across the grass and the young CEO, Mokuba Kaiba, leapt out to run the rest of the way. "JOEY!" He skidded across the grass on his knees and gently removed the helmet from the rider. "Joey?"

The blonde opened one honey eye and grinned lazily. "Hey Mokuba."

"Don't 'hey' me! That was crazy, are you hurt?" He looked the older boy over; nothing seemed to bending the way it shouldn't.

Joey chuckled and slowly sat up, ignoring Mokuba's orders to lie still. "I'm fine, kid, the suit took the brunt of it." He very slowly looked over his shoulder to look at the bike and then his gaze shifted to the computer. "But the strength of the more powerful monsters needs reducing by at least half; fifty-five percent at the most."

"Um..." Mokuba stared at him for a moment. "Ok Joey..."

The blonde rose to his feet as the medical team approached but he kept his eyes fixed to the computer. It was all a test, he'd stacked the computer's deck in order to test the D-Wheeler's programme against the strength of Blue-Eyes; he hadn't expected to be thrown from the bike, but that's what testing was all about.

"Are you sure that didn't hurt?"

Joey grinned. "I'm a little shaken and I'll be bruised later, but I'm fine. Honest."

The young CEO grinned. "Good. Seto's meeting will be over in fifteen, by then we'll be back at Kaiba Corp."

"Great, I'll take the bike and drop it off with the techs." He lightly shooed the medical team away and made his way to the bike; he didn't need them fussing over him, he was made of tougher stuff. He righted the bike and started it up; giving it an experimental rev to make sure it was ok. The bikes were tough, the paintwork wasn't even scratched.

"Joey!" He turned his head and caught his helmet. Mokuba grinned at him and the blonde flashed him a thumbs up; before he knew it, he was speeding down the freeway towards the centre of the city. He'd quickly grown to love the adrenaline of racing past cars and weaving through the traffic, and in the short six months since they started the project he'd grown to love the bike he was currently riding; it felt like he was flying, just like when he was Lord of Red.

"Red..." A part of him still felt empty after he'd...disappeared? When they had taken on Bakura, the being hinted that he would cease to exist and that was a hard thing for Joey to take; sure, he still had Mokuba and Seto – things were going great with them – and his friends...but...that hole...Red was a part of him and that part of him was missing.

He eased the bike to a stop at the lights and stared at Kaiba Corp. in the distance. Seto had done his best to try to ease the blonde's pain, but it seemed this would be something that could never be healed.

-Spinning Mokuba Head Scene Change!-

Seto jabbed the button for the technician's floor with a growl; the Board were nothing more than a group of old men who couldn't spot a great idea when it hit them in the face, they constantly fought him about the D-Wheelers, insisting they were a waste of money and time. Seto had to bite his tongue and simply state that it would all be worth it in the end, and, in the meantime, profit from smaller projects would fund the constant testing.

The doors opened just as the bike pulled into the room with a roar and the small group of eight circled it immediately. The blonde removed his helmet to speak with them clearly, handing it to one of the technicians, and Seto watched him swing his long leg over the bike to get off; his eyes roamed over the leather suit and admired the way Red-Eyes' wings seemed to extend outward dangerously as the blonde stretched.

"About fifty-five, ok?" The blonde's voice snapped him from his thoughts, and as his lover approached, he noticed the leather was stained.

"What happened to you?"

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"Why are you covered in grass stains?" He tried not to sound alarmed, Joey looked fine, but...something had happened to him.

Joey grinned. "A little hiccup during testing, I ended up in the grass but I'm ok Seto."

The brunette nodded and stepped back into the elevator, the blonde followed and pressed the button for their office. Their office. It still sounded weird to Joey, and even though he was in charge of the team overlooking the D-Wheeler project he was still Seto's assistant; he liked to be near the CEO and he'd be close by in case of a Super Hero emergency.

"So, how was the mee-" the blonde was cut off when the CEO pulled him into a tight embrace. Ever since Odin had almost turned him into Joey Chunks, Seto worried more when it came to his safety; however, he'd never show it in front of his employees, he still had a reputation to keep.

"Are you sure you're not hurt?"

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean I'm not a little sore." Seto eased his grip and Joey stepped back. "I'm ok, honest; I just said that because I didn't wanna dirty your suit." He smiled, but the brunette noticed the sparkle was still missing from his eyes. He cupped the blonde's cheek gently and pressed their lips together; it wouldn't make everything better, it wouldn't make Red come back, but it was the best he could do.

The doors opened again and the pair entered their office. Sat at the desk, waiting for them, was Mokuba with a grin. He pointed to the Blue-Eyes statue. "It's show time!"