Valentine's Day 2.0.

"And now?"

"And now what?"

Quizzical Wes looked at David who cowered smilingly on his bed. Now the younger one shook his head over his friend's ignorance and explained more exact:

"What happens with you and Rachel?"

"What should happen?"

"Heaven, Wes, sometimes I'm asking myself how you managed to lose your virginity."

Wes who sat on his desk and tried to do his homework, turned around to David with a shocked expression on his face.

"What has that to do with this?"

"Well, so naïve as you approach the things."

Now it dawned on Wes. "David, Raye and I are just friends. Nothing more."

"Friends who had sex. So friends with benefits."

"We are no friends with benefits!" growled the young Asian and turned back to his work.

"You love her."

"I don't."

"She loves you."

"She doesn't."

"You're a couple."

"I will be throwing something at you with form and texture of a desk lamp."

"Well, I'm happy for you. It's nice to see you in love again."

"I'm not in love."

"Wes and Rachel are sitting on a tree…"

David was so busy singing that he didn't see the book which was thrown in his direction. It hit him damageable on his forehead and he yelped.

"Brute pig!"

"Be glad it wasn't the Gavel."

"I'm writing this Rachel. Her friend is a brutal pig."

"If you can live with hanging on the flagpole just in your underwear."

"Therefore that between you is nothing; you protect your secret very much. Why is nobody allowed to know it by the way?"

"She has her reasons."

Blaine tore open the door. "Ah, there are my best of all best friends in the whole world."

Wes sighed. When something started like that, he could forget to do his homework. He turned around in his desk chair. "What should we do, Blaine?"

Hurt the lead singer grabbed on his heart. "Why are you expecting that I want something?"

"For three reasons. First: You only start like this if you want something. Second: Nick and Jeff behind you are smiling as silly as you and third: You're without Kurt, which means, it has something to do with Kurt."

"Wes, you should become a private eye."

Blaine, Jeff and Nick came into the room and closed the door. All three had a strange smile on their face. Wevid exchanged a glare. That couldn't mean something good.

"What's up, Blaine?" David asked. Blaine's smile increased.

"We're celebrating Valentine's Day!" He blared out. His best friends had their problems with the content of his sentence.

"Yeah, of course we're celebrating Valentine's Day. Since many years."

"No, Dave, you get it wrong. We're celebrating Valentine's Day! Now! Well, not now but in the next two weeks."

Wes raised an eyebrow. "I know I'm gonna regret this but why should we do that?"

"Well, I want to surprise Kurt."

Now Jeff intertwined. "It's a super-romantically idea."

Even David had to agree about this, wherefore he nodded. Wes was the only one in whose logical thinking brain the idea wouldn't fit in.

"Valentine's day was a few months ago."

"But Kurt and I weren't together around this time."

"Then wait for next year."

"I can't wait this long."

"Well then celebrate with Kurt. Why do we need to interfere?"

"You're my background artist. And that's why we have to go."


"Just come with us."

Blaine and Nick pulled Wes out of his chair and together the group walked to Blaine's car.

When they arrived at the Lima Bean, Blaine made his way straight to a table in one corner. There sat the whole female from the New Directions, except Mercedes. She was shopping with Kurt and playing distraction.

"Hey, girls, thanks for coming." Blaine greeted them.

"What, you take part in this?" Wes was surprised.

"Why not? It's a cute idea." Rachel said and pulled him next to her on the bench. The other boys took place and Blaine started to explain.

"I want to surprise Kurt. Doing something he would never expect. And he would never in his life expect that we repeat Valentine's Day."

"Trust me, nobody would expect that." Wes muttered. Rachel poked him into the side. Chiding she clicked her tongue. David grinned.

"I need you for deco and all that."

"Deco? What are you planning? Covering Dalton with white crepe tape, balloon hearts and small fat angels?" Nick asked, voice filled with horror. He stood behind the idea to surprise Kurt but that was too much for his own liking.

Blaine didn't see it that way. "Why not?"

"Blaine, okay, I help you with your idea to surprise Kurt. I for my part act like its Valentine's Day, but I don't decorate the school. Our principal would never say okay to this. So whatever you want to do, it had to be without decoration." Wes didn't feel like plastic heart either. Blaine sighed, but nodded.

"Okay, we do it without deco. You are hopelessly unromantically."

"It has nothing to do with unromantically. It's just a huge effort and somebody will put a spoke in it." Quinn said. Santana rolled her eyes.

"How did you plan that, Hobbit?"

"We pretend like it is Valentine's Day. With sending roses, love letters and romance. At the evening I take Kurt out romantically."

"Oh, that's sweet." Brittany squealed. Santana looked at her friend. Well, so-so."

"You don't need to take part in it, Satan." Quinn yelled.

"Of course, of course, you have to take part in one stupid action in High School."

Since their first meeting the preparations for the "repeated Valentine's Day" ran at full speed. The rest of the Warblers had chimed in and now in some rooms in Dalton it looked like in a stuffed animals shop. Many used the opportunity to give their mothers, sisters or girlfriends little presents. Even at the New Directions the Valentine's fever got around. The girls were able to convince the boys and somehow everybody was making plans for that special day.

Three day before it should happen, Rachel had a great idea which caused Mercedes to drag her into her car and order Blaine as fast as possible in the Lima Bean. So the young lead singer waited patiently for the two girls who busted like a tornado into the shop.

"Blaine, oh my god, Rachel had the best idea of her life. Absolutely grandiose! Come on, tell him!"

Mercedes was very jittery. Rachel next to her beamed.

"I thought about a Valentine's Dance!" she dashed at Blaine. "The New Directions and the Warblers. And you take Kurt after your dinner to the dance." Blaine looked at her and searched for the right words.

"That's an absolutely amazing idea, but where should we make it?"

Mercedes stopped him with a wave of her hand. "Don't worry about it. My parents are at my aunt's over the weekend and we have a lot of these small round tables in the basement. We build them up in the garden, hung up lampions and garlands, build up music. Kurt will love it."

"Oh, you are the best. I love, love, love you!" Blaine jumped on his feet and hugged the girls. Both got a kiss on their cheeks.

"I have to tell that the guys."

And then finally it was there. The long-desired Friday was there and it started with Blaine who awoke Kurt tenderly. Fondly the two love birds came into the dining room and sat with their friends.

"Happy repeated Valentine's Day!" sounded it cheerfully towards them.

Kurt laughed. "You are crazy. But thank you, guys."

Thad nodded. "The idea is so crazy; we had to take part in it."

Klaine didn't listen to him anymore; they were too busy bill and coo. David poked Wes in the rips.

"You could have this too. With Rachel." He hissed. Wes rolled his eyes.

"Could you please stop it? We. Are. Friends. Just. Friends. Should I write it down for you?"

"I don't believe you. Something is between you."

"Did it ever come to your mind that she became my best friend? The female equivalent to you?"


"Well, well. And now drop the topic."

David stayed silent for a moment. "Did you at least send her a rose?" he added stubborn. Wes grinned. "That stays my secret."

The New Directions girl gathered in the choir room. Mercedes gave last instructions:

"Kurt has no idea what we're building up at my place. After school the guys coming and helping with the table and the music. Tina and Lauren take care about the deco; Santana and Rachel get something to eat and Quinn and Brittany mix alcohol free punch. I threatened Puckerman with the worst when he pours something into it."

"So everything is organized. Everybody knows what he has to do. A last question: Stays the Dresscode?" Tina asked. The girls considered to wear either white or red according to the theme. Now they all nodded.

"Okay, Ladies, let's go, let's make this day unforgettable."

When they left the choir room, Rachel didn't miss Quinn's sad smile. She hurried to keep up with the blonde.

"I know how it is to be alone on Valentine's day." She said quietly.

"That's not Valentine's Day. It's Valentine's day 2.0." Quinn answered. "And besides, Rachel, don't act like we're in the same boat. You have your little Warbler on the hand that sure sends you a rose."

"We are friends, Quinn! Nothing more."

"And that changes something? It doesn't matter if friends or relationship. You have somebody. I'm solo."

And with that she let Rachel standing there and walked into the classroom. For a moment the Jewish girl look after her. She felt a sting in the heart by Quinn's words. The whole day she didn't heard anything from Wes and when Quinn confronted her with that, she recognized how much it disturbed her. She sighed and went into the classroom as well.

"He didn't send me a rose." She told Quinn when she sat next to the former Queen Bee. Why she made this clear, she didn't know. Maybe because Quinn hadn't a reason more to hate her. That didn't seem to calm Quinn down because he scrunched her nose and huffed scornful. Rachel bit down on her lips and was glad that the class started.

Class was over and the students left the room. Rachel grabbed her things too and walked outside the room.

"Should I give you an advice?"

Confused she looked at Quinn who walked next to her and looked open at her.

"Uhm, yes, gladly." Rachel stuttered.

"Don't hide the friendship like this. Because when the others find out that there is something, they are gonna they eat you alive with their comments and ratings. They won't be interested in you just being friends. They will accuse you of hiding something from them willingly. And you don't have to put yourself or him through it. As it look you two like each other and mean a lot to each other. Don't ruin it with unnecessarily secretiveness. Act normal around each other. Greet you when you meet at the Lima Bean, talk to each other, sit down on one table and act like you act when nobody is around you. I mean, we are no friends and I only can give you an advice, you don't have to take it, but I would think about it, if I were you."

With big eyes Rachel looked at her former antagonist. "Wow, thank you, Quinn, that's very nice." But one question needed to be asked: "Why are you giving me such an advice?"

Quinn sighed. "You changed. And that since Santana's party. The best example was how you stood up to her. The other didn't seem to notice but when somebody watches you, it's striking. You're behavior is different and just because you're friends with the Upper Warbler. We're still no friends but you're not the annoying selfish egoist anymore. I can live with that." She cleared her throat. "If you ever tell somebody that, I will deny that I said it and kill you afterwards."

"Okay, sure, Quinn."

The girls nodded at each other once last time, and then went to their lockers. Rachel opened hers and put some book into it. Suddenly she hesitated. On her Spanish book was a white envelope. She didn't put it into her locker. Curious she grabbed it and opened it. Inside was a card on which in beautiful handwriting was written: Your voice is my favorite sound and your name is my favorite noun.

Rachel smiled. She was pretty sure who sent the card. With a smile she closed her locker and flit into the girls rest room. She checked if nobody was in one of the cabins. Satisfied that she was alone, she pulled her cell phone outside her pocket and activated the camera.

Wes sat with David in the classroom and waited for the French lesson to begin. He laughed and joked with the other boys who sat around him. Trent told a very funny story about his last trip to the Zoo and everybody laughed very much. Suddenly Wes' cell phone announced a new message. David patted him on the shoulder.

"Something's peeping, Wes."

Irritated because he didn't hear that, Wes first looked at his best friend, and then he put his hand in the pocket of his uniform jacket and pulled his cell phone. He opened the arrived message and a smile appeared on his face. At that moment their teacher came in and all students went quiet and took their seats. David, just the curious boy he was, leant forward. "Did your Sweetheart write you?"

"It's not your business but yeah. She sent me a picture."

David giggled. "Now you don't say anything about me calling her your Sweetheart. It makes me think."

"Oh, shut up!"

Wes still looked at the picture. It showed Rachel how she blew the camera a kiss. So she did find his card. Sometimes it paid out to corrupt the janitor of McKinley High to play mailman.

"If I should stop to impute you something with Rachel, then stop looking so tenderly at her picture." David hissed.

"I'm not watching anything tenderly." Wes hissed back and put his cell phone back in his pocket.

"Guys, that looks absolutely fantastic." Mercedes looked highly delighted around in her garden which was decorated with garlands, lampions and light chains. Small bistro tables stood there and a small buffet with snacks and drinks was built up. Just like a small Valentine's Day Ball. And bit by bit the guests arrived. The Warblers were already gathered in the garden.

"Did anybody see Rachel?" Wes couldn't see his best friend anywhere.

"She helped with building up and is home to change. She sure will arrive soon." Tina explained him before Mike pulled her on his lap and kissed her.

And just in that moment Rachel stepped into the garden. The ones who caught sight of her and weren't busy with something different, looked at her stunned.

"Wow, Berry, you're having normal clothes in your wardrobe?" Lauren asked, because of the white one-shoulder lace dress that flattered Rachel's petite figure.

Santana scrunched her nose. "Instead little girl we're playing adult today?" she teased.

Rachel threw her long wavy hair over her shoulder. "Keep your mouth shut, Satan." She answered. Puck laughed and the others grinned. Just the reaction Rachel hoped for.

Bur more than anything else she was interested in Wes' reaction on her outfit. Sure she put the dress on because she liked it but at the same time she asked herself if that would find his agreement. When she saw Wes' smile (and recognized how much she loved seeing Wes smile), she started to beam. Smilingly she walked to him.


"Hi. You look awesome."Gallantly he handed her a rose, he had snitched from the table decoration. David, a few steps next to him, rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Dear me."

Amused Rachel looked at him. Wes felt the need to explain the situation. "I told David the story. So he knows we're friends."

The word friends he pronounced explicit and glared at David. The answer was an outstretched tongue. The opportunity to discuss that further didn't come because Blaine and Kurt stepped into the garden and everyone started clapping. Both beamed, held hands and Kurt wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes.

"You are the best friends, a boy could have. I would love to cuddle you all."

"Do that with Blaine. Representative for us all." Trent yelled and raised a laugh.

The evening advanced and the mood was hilarious. Little groups built who sat together, ate and talked; or couples who danced on the improvised dance floor. Everybody enjoyed the repeated Valentine's Day as much as possible.

Rachel sat on a table with Brittany and Mercedes and chatted. The rose Wes gave her twirling in her hands. She was happy what you could see in her steady smile.

"Rachel, I like your dress. And your smile." Brittany was so much nicer than her best friend Santana.

"Thank you, Brittany. I like your dress too. The green is very beautiful."

"Your idea with the party was brilliant." Mercedes praised too. "Kurt is absolutely happy and the others are too."

"That's the goal of Valentine's Day 2.0. Romance and love."

Rachel searched Wes' who stood on the other side of the garden talking with Sam and Thad. It seemed as if he had the same idea and their eyes met. Like two magnets they cohered and weren't solved from each other.

First when Finn stood between them, the contact broke.

"Hey, girls, how are you?"

"Everything is alright, Finn."

In the background the music changed to When I think about Angels. Almost immediately the official coupled stormed on the meadow to dance. Was that a cuddling and snuggling. Rachel had to shake her head.

"You wanna dance?"

She looked up to Wes who stood next to her chair and held expectant his hand out to her.

"I would love to." Smilingly she took his hand.

Why does the color of my coffee match your eyes?
Why do I see you when I stranger passes by?
I swear I hear you in the whisper of the wind.
I feel you when the sun is dancin' on my skin.
And when it's raining
You won't find me complainin' cause

Wes only saw his best friend's mile when he led her on the dance floor. But that was displaced by Rachel who put her arms around his neck, and his hand on her waist.

"The evening is beautiful."

"Just like you."

The sixteen-year-old blushed, even if she was smiling. "Don't say that too often, I might get used to it, Ley."

"It doesn't matter, then I tell you every day."

When I think about rain
I think about singing.
When I think about singing
it's a heavenly tune.
When I think about Heaven then
I think about Angels.
When I think about Angels
I think about you.

Without noticing they approached and danced closer than before. Lovingly Wes stroke over her cheek.

"Do you really like my outfit?"

"Yeah, why should I lie?"

"To make me happy? Do you think I should wear this more often? Such fashionable clothes."

"You don't need to change. Not to please me. I like you, the way you are. But if you want so wear new clothes for you, I will support you of course."

Rachel sighed. "I hit it lucky with you."

"Same here. You are my BFFFL."

"What does that mean?"

"Best Female Friend For Life."

The Diva laughed. "That's so cute." She thought for a moment. "Then you are my BMFFL. Best Male Friend For Life."

Now Wes had to laugh too. "Sounds good. I can live with that."

The taste of sugar sure reminds me of your kiss
I like the way that they
both linger on my lips
Kisses remind me of a field of butterflies
Must be the way my heart is fluttering inside
Beautiful distraction
You make every thought a chain reaction

They looked each other in the eyes. Both were glad that they found each other.

"Even at the risk of sounding corny, the song is right for you." Wes murmured, total captured in his best friend's soul windows.


"Because every time I think about you too, when I think about Angels."

When I think about rain
I think about singing.
When I think about singing
its a heavenly tune.
When I think about Heaven then
I think about Angels.
When I think about Angels
I think about you.

"You're a charmer, Wes. But it's right for you too. Your eyes have the color of my coffee. Makes the breakfast and the certainty to go back to school more bearable."

"So I beautify your start in the day?"

"Ley, since I know you every day is nicer than my whole life. Where have you been all these sixteen years?"

"With you my life is nicer too."

Anywhere I go
Anything I do
Everything around me baby
Makes me think of you

Slowly the song came to an end and still they stood close. Still without averting their gazes. Finally Rachel stretched herself a little bit, put her right hand in his neck, ruffled softly through his hair, pulled him to herself and let her lips touch his.

Just before they were kissing, Wes closed his eyes and Rachel didn't have her eye opens anymore too. Both enjoyed these loving, soft kiss utterly relaxed. It didn't need a firework, because this kiss was so pure, he was just perfect.

When they separated after a perceived eternity, Rachel had the felling the tingling of her lips would spread in her whole body. Wes had the feeling as he was glowing, such a warmth shined inside him. Both smiled tenderly at each other when they opened their eyes again.

Interestingly nobody noticed anything. They were all too busy with their own things. The music changed to a fast song and Rachel was pulled into the polonaise by Tina which danced through the whole garden.

Wes withdrew to the edge and stood next to David at the side.

"Was that a kiss?" One had notice it. Wes smiled and crossed his arms.

"We are just friends. A simple kiss between friends."

David could only shake his head. "Dude, you're so in love, you don't realize it yourself."

"I'm not in love. Rachel is my best friend and I'm glad to have her. So I could kiss her sometimes."

"Well, as long as you don't get the idea to kiss me."

"Trust me, David, you're one hundred percent not my type."

Four days went by since that evening and everything was as it should be. Rachel and Quinn arranged themselves, so they could work on their project without being at each other throats and even Glee went normal.

Just right now Glee was over and everybody was about to leave the choir room when Rachel's cell phone ringed. She searched in her pocket for it, found it after a time and her stomach made a small jump when she saw Wes' number flashing on the display.

"What's up?" she greeted him nonchalant what made him laugh and the other looking strange.

"Everything's good, beautiful. What about you?"


"Hey, did you drive to school today with your car?"

Rachel walked out of the choir room and made her way to the exit.

"No, my Dad gave me a ride with his car. And back home I'm taking the bus. Why?"

She stepped outside the school and blinded by the sun. Protective she raised one hand.

"Yeah, the sun blinds a lot today."

"Wait, how do you know I'm blinded? Wes, where are you?"

Rachel looked around after she was able to see a little bit clearer. And a few meters away from the school she saw Wes' car. He had left down the window from the passenger seat and waved at her.

The petite Diva beamed and ran towards his car.

"You pick me up?" she screamed happily.

"That was my intention, yes."

She got into the car and hugged him fiercely.

"Wes, you are the best."

"So fiercely today? I didn't expect that."

"I'm just happy to see my best friend." Rachel yelled cheerfully while she sat on the passenger seat and buckled up. Wes grinned and drove.

"In Dalton everything good?"

"Sure, everything okay. But I think we will lose one person."

"What do you mean?"

Pensive Wes looked at the street.

"I think Kurt transfers back to you."

"Why should he do that? Then he would be separated from Blaine."

"He misses you, you can see that clearly. Whenever he sees you, a sad expression sneaks on his face. He likes being at Dalton, but he's more connected to you."

Rachel thought for a moment. "Poor Blaine." She murmured then.

"Excuse me? Why poor Blaine?"

"Because he had to miss Kurt terribly then."

"Tse, he shouldn't make such a fuss. I see the most important woman of my life every day too." Wes winked at Rachel and she laughed before she kissed him on the cheek.

Meanwhile they arrived at the Berrys and Wes parked.

"Are your Dads there?"

"No, you can come in without worrying."

"I'm not afraid off your fathers."

"Not yet." Giggled Rachel and opened the front door.

Oh come on, they raised you, they can't be that bad."

"Thanks for the compliment. You want something to drink?"

"Coke, if you have."

Curious Wes leant forward and looked at a picture from Rachel, Hiram and Leroy which stood on the commode in the hallway. Rachel disappeared into the kitchen for a short time and came back with two filled glasses of Coke. One she handed Wes.

"Thank you, beautiful." Again Wes looked at the picture.

"You were pretty young at his, weren't you?"

"Eleven. There are a few where I am younger."

"Where?" Wes' eyed shined mischievous. Rachel pointed at the basement.

"In the Rachel-Museum. There hang all my successes, picture and so one. You want to visit?"


Both went into the basement and Wes' jaw dropped when he saw the many pictures and prices.

"Wow, your Dads did really everything so you become a star."

Rachel sat down on the stairs. "And I'm really thankful."

Ley sat down next to her. "You sound sad."

"Well, it's just. You see the pictures. On none of them I'm with my real friends. Upstairs in my room are a few from Glee but that are very few. And every time I see these pictures, I realize that my talent is everything what I have besides the love of my Dads. And you of course." She leant on her friend. Gently he kissed her on top of her hair.

"You could change that."

"And how?"

The young Asian pulled his phone out his uniform jacket, activated his camera and held it up.

"Say cheese."

The flash flared up and yet there was the first picture of Wes and Rachel.

The young Diva giggled. "Thank you, Ley." Says and kissed him tenderly on the cheek. Again the flash appeared.

"Now you're having fun, what?" she teased him. The council head man smiled. "You bet. Could you ever have enough picture of your best friend?"

"No. Come on, change of location!"

Rachel grabbed Wes' hand und pulled him upstairs to the first floor. Between that she glanced over her shoulder and posed for the camera. Once she poked her tongue out, than she made a peace sign or blew a kiss.

She was so playful that she didn't notice how she wiped a picture from the wall. Thanks god Wes grabbed it and saved it from damage. He grinned and looked at it.

"Were your dads and you camping when this was taking?"

"No, it was the search for Easter Eggs in the park. Camping, please."

"You were never camping."

"Wes, do I look like it?"

The seventeen-year-old raised one eyebrow and smiled mischievous. "Then we have to repeat it."

"I don't go camping. I don't like the wilderness."

"Who's talking about the wilderness? I don't want in the forest with you. Your garden is good too."

"Nice that you don't want in the forest with me." Rachel thought about it. "But the garden is a good choice. But then just you and me, nobody else."

"I promise you that. When?"

"Hm, next week my Dads are away for the weekend. We can do it from Friday to Saturday."

"Okay, then next Friday."

"Should I bring something special with me?"

"No, I do that. Just bring yourself."

"Ui, it's gonna be fun."

I like this chapter. They kissed. And now they plan a camping trip in Rachel's garden. What will happen? A suggestion, ideas, wishes? I'm open for anything.

Eraman: Thanks for your comments. Glad you like it.

Kkaty: I hope you're not mad at me for planning a Rachel/Quinn friendship. I promise it won't be the normal relationship. They will make crazy plans and cause a lot of havoc. I hope you liked the kiss.

BigTimeGleekBTR: I have something up for sleeve for Quinn and Rachel. And of course for Weschel.

BlondeBookworm421: Thanks for your comment. Rachel will develop a lot more strength when the things with Wes heat up ;-)

ashley1985: Get caught? Hm, interesting thought. I will think about it in later chapters.

shippper: Thank you for your comment, as always.

liz-04: I have the perfect song for Wes to sing to Rachel. And I promise that soon you and the others can read a scene where it takes place. Oh and was the kiss okay?

gleek599: I think so ^^

Elle Loves Glee: For me the ease between Wes and Rachel is one of the most important things in their relationship. Neither of them have to act, they can be completely themselves and I'm glad you like that too. And now that David knows too it will be very funny.

spygirl01: Good idea. I can imagine the faces from Santana and Co when he does that

Beautiful-Liar13: Was it fast enough?

Amy aka Luke: Who can't ship this? Honestly, they are perfect for each other. Oh and thanks for your comment.

Lady Elena Bella Petrova: Here's the new chapter. Thanks for reviewing.

vampirefairy09: Was is enough flirting? If not, in the next chapter they will be lying close to each other in a small tent, all alone. Just wait and see.