Chapter 1 – Lin Chong: Hatred

A/N: I doubt anyone would actually read this story, but I just had to write it, and since I wrote it, might as well publish it. In case anyone does read this, this is canon to the newly filmed 2011 television series "All Men Are Brothers", or Shui Hu Zhuan, not the original book. Anyways, the last several episodes were so sad… they all just had to die… This is what I take to be his thoughts before he died. I hate to think that he died still thirsting for revenge... anyways, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own the original Shui Hu Zhuan, whose author died five hundred years or so ago. Neither do I own the television series.

Lu Zhishen. His friend. His brother. The closest thing he had to family. Dead. How could he just leave like that, of his own accord, so peacefully?

Lin Chong stood on front of the monk's grave, a jar of wine in one hand, a bowl in the other.

When they first met, they had both been starting their new lives, Lin Chong as a criminal, framed for something he did not do, and Lu Zhishen as a monk, to escape the penalties for his murder of the butcher.

With shaking hands, the former Instructor of the eight-hundred-thousand strong Imperial Army poured a bowl of wine. Memories of the tattooed monk flashed before his eyes.

Fighting, Lu Zhishen with his staff and Lin Chong with his shackled hands, each grinning with the delight of finding a competent match. Kneeling before the makeshift altar as they took the oaths that made them sworn brothers. Lu Zhishen, jumping out of the trees just in time to block the guard's blade. Lu Zhishen, his hand bound in ropes and a knife held in his mouth, asking Lin Chong to kill him for failing his duty and allowing the older man's wife to die. Lu Zhishen, rushing up to him when Lin Chong returned, a grin on his face.

Lifting the bowl with both hands, Lin Chong offered the wine to the grave before him. Slowly, he tipped the earthenware bowl. The clear liquid spilled out and soaked through the earth, leaving a dark, damp stain.

Lin Chong rarely laughed since he arrived at Mount Liang. Of the few times he did, most of them were with Lu Zhishen. Ever since he had received the news of his wife's death, his heart had been filled with anger and hatred, and the desire for revenge. It was what fueled him, what made him get up in the morning, what gave him the energy to talk, to walk, to fight. When he was in battle, he imagined every soldier he killed was Gao Qiu himself. But when his mortal enemy was finally captured, helpless and at the mercy of those on Mount Liang, Song Jiang had let him go with courteous words and respectful bows. And for a while, Lin Chong had hated Song Jiang too.

It was his turn to drink. Slowly, he poured another bowl of the alcohol.

But now, he had been through so much more. Seen so many of his brothers have died or become maimed. His hatred was gone now. All that was left, where the anger was before, was a hollow feeling. And overwhelming grief. He knew that, whatever his elder brother had promised, he wouldn't, couldn't kill Gao Qiu any more than he would kill the Emperor himself. But it no longer seemed to matter, when he had seen so many more die, and with their deaths, the bigger picture.

Tears slid silently down his cheeks as he brought the bowl up to his lips. His throat constricted. After a long moment of hesitation, he downed the wine in one gulp. His stomach protested, but he forced it down, and fought to keep it there.

On horseback, his spear in hand, he was invincible. He feared nothing and no one, and his prowess in battle matched that of the finest warriors, perhaps even of Lu Junyi himself. So many of Mount Liang's enemies have been captured or slain by him. Armies fell beneath his blade. But for all his might, he couldn't prevent his wife from dying, couldn't prevent his brothers from dying. All his skills were useless.

Lin Chong has been there on Mount Liang since the beginning, before even Chao Gai and the original seven arrived. He has watched the other stars arrive, one by one, as fate brought them together, and has watched so many of them die. Now, it was his turn.

That night, if one were to study the skies, the Majestic Star would be nowhere to be found. In its place, only empty darkness.

So, there you go. Please review and tell me what you think.