Don't own Doctor Who. This is my first time writing Eleven so please be kind. But if he seems off, let me know.

River was sitting outside the small restaurant alone, waiting on the Doctor to show up. He was late, not that he was very good at time, and she was getting irritated. Not because he was late, but because she was certain that he was late because he had gotten distracted by some near death adventure. And he hadn't even invited her to join in the fun.

They hadn't been married long, or a long time, depending on which point in time you were when you considered it. But from where she was now, fingers tapping on the glass of the table, it hadn't been long. She hadn't been away from him very long, about an hour but she was already missing his silly self. What was life now without a bow-tie. He had sent her to the restaurant ahead of him, telling her that he had something he had to buy. She told him, in very certain terms, that if it was a fez things were going to happen.

And not good things. Decidedly bad things. She was thinking of a proper fez punishment, something he wouldn't secretly enjoy, when a man sat down in the chair opposite of her.

She looked up at him, and he was beaming back at her. He was handsome, cocky, that much she could tell even without him speaking. His eyes were blue, his hair brown and a little shorter than the Doctor's.

"Hello, Captain Jack Harkness, and you are?"

"Waiting on someone who isn't you," she told him, but she smiled.

"Oh, but I'm betting I'm better company. " He argued gently with a wink.

She couldn't help but laugh. Captain Jack, oh, the Doctor had told her stories. So she was at the advantage of knowing him, but he didn't know her. At least not yet.

"I'm Professor River Song," she stuck her hand over the top of the table.

A whole big Earth and he was right here, smiling at her, like he just won a prize. "Nice to meet you. I'll be you and I could make a song."

"Is that a real line?" She asked him, hoping the Doctor showed back up soon. Not because Jack was bothering her but she suspected the look on his face would be priceless.

Jack's smile never faltered, "Maybe not the best line. Let me make it up to you."

"Stop it Jack," a voice spoke from behind her. The best voice in the Universe. His.

Jack looked up at him, taking in the appearance and then looked back at River who gave him a wink.

"Doctor?" He asked him.

The Doctor moved around so that River could see him, and she was thankful when his head was void of an atrocities and she returned his smile. He adjusted his bow tie a little and looked back at Jack.

"Yes, that's me. I'm the Doctor."

Jack looked him up and down, appraising him slowly. "New fashion."

The Doctor looked down at his clothes as if this was this first time that someone suggested there was anything wrong with it. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing."

"Bow tie?"

River looked to Jack and told him before the Doctor could, "Bow ties are cool."

"Of course they are," Jack lied. "Anyway Doctor, I was just talking to..."

"My wife," the Doctor told him.

"Wife? When did you get a wife?"

River leaned back, not bothering to hide her amusement. The Doctor looked to her, but she just smiled and said nothing.

"Time is relative," he finally told him. "Can't you go flirt with someone else?"

"I wasn't flirting," Jack told him, and rose to move out of his seat.

"At least not well," River told the Doctor as he sat.

"I can do better," Jack told her, with a hungry stare.

"Jack! Wife!"

Jack frowned. "Right sorry. I suppose that makes her off limits."


"Does that make you off limits then, Doctor? I like the new you."

"Jack!" The Doctor chastised but motioned for the waiter to add another chair to the table.

Jack fell into and looked back and forth between River and the Doctor. "Wife? I need a minute to get past my devastation. This is negotiable?"

"Jack!" River slapped his arm.

"Right," he shook his head. "We'll see. So anyway, Doctor. Long time no see."