AN: I actually wrote this months ago. Like, literally. Wrote it. In a notebook. xD Anyway, long story short, a friend of mine challanged me to write some story involving the line "leather pants are evil and need to be destroyed". I immediatly pictured Kirk. However, she said it was too cliche and I should use Spock. So I did. Enjoy~!

It took several moments for Jim's brain to catch up. What he was seeing just didn't seem possible. But it had to have been. Because he was seeing it. The proof was right there. Unless this was some drug induced hallucination. Okay, maybe not necessarily drug induced. Either way, this image before him was rather nice. If the restrictive feeling his pants was any indication.


Jim's eyes immediately flicked up, meeting Spock's. The Vulcan had a brow quirked. Jim opened his mouth to respond; nothing came out. He cleared his throat and tried again.

"Spock…what are you doing?"

"I have been waiting for you to return to your quarters."

Jim was silent for a moment. "Why?"

"Because anywhere else would be illogical."

"No, what I mean is…why are you wearing leather pants?"

"Ah. I was under the impression you would appreciate it. Have I come to the incorrect conclusion?"

Jim was quiet again as he looked Spock over. Really the only thing different were the pants. The black undershirt and boots were the same. It was just Spock was wearing tight ass leather pants.

Jim grinned. "No, I like it very much," he said, wonderful ideas coming to mind.. Said thoughts increased in rating as Spock closed the distance between them, a smirk tugging at his lips.

"Good." And then he just kept on walking past his captain, not even looking back.

Jim blinked and, realizing what had just happened, growled and turned, hanging out of the doorway to glare at Spock's retreating back. "Cock tease!" He eeped, hearing Spock's low laugh.


McCoy blinked as Kirk trudged into his office, looking dejected. The good doctor laced his fingers behind his head, leaning back.

"So," he asked his best friend, "which woman rejected James T. Kirk?"

Kirk continued his pouting as he slumped in a chair. "Leather pants are evil and should be destroyed."

McCoy stared at him. "Wow. I didn't think Spock would do it."

Kirk blinked, eyes flicking to his in surprise. "What?"

It was McCoy's turn to grin. "Who d'ya think told him about the pants in the first place?"

Kirk stared at him, and then his eyes narrowed. "You're evil, too."

McCoy smirked. "Just a little."