Title: School Boy Error - Chapter 2/?

Pairing: Chandler/Kent

Author: Claddagh

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Written for the kink meme prompt of 'Chandler/Kent, AU, student/teacher.' Is a multi chaptered fic.

Disclaimer: Not mine

There was a sigh of blessed relief from everyone as the lesson came to a close and all of the students began to pack their belongings away, everyone except Emerson, that is. He was the only one who didn't seem to be rushing out of the classroom to get to lunch. Sam had already packed away and was waiting by the door, staring longingly after Jenny. It was pathetic really, his 3 year crush on a girl who was obviously not interested.

"Alright fag? Staying behind to give the substitute a tour?"

Kent tensed as Fitz and his mate barged past him, slamming their shoulders together in the process. He watched with a scowl as the two left the classroom, laughing at their own lame joke. There had always been friction between Kent and Fitz, their personalities clashed terribly; Kent was quiet, studious and kind, whereas Fitz was loud, obnoxious and generally a pain the arse for students and teachers alike. They had never come to blows, but that didn't stop the name calling, though Kent had learned to ignore it.

Just as the young man had slipped his text book into his bag and closed the zip he heard his name being called from the front of the classroom.

"Emerson?" He looked up, to see Chandler standing behind his desk, restlessly tapping the pen in his right hand against the palm of his left.


The lecturer glanced at Sam "Can I speak to you please?"

"Ok." He nodded, then quickly waved Sam away, telling him that he'd meet him in the canteen. The other boy left without complaint, leaving Kent alone with Chandler. The young man shouldered his bag, then walked up to the front desk, stopping directly in front of the taller man, looking up expectantly. It was a few seconds before he spoke.

"You were the only student who made the effort today, it stopped a long lesson from feeling even longer. I appreciated that." Chandler admitted. "But…" he hesitated, reluctant to continue. "I noticed you had a bit of trouble with another student there."

The 18 year old frowned.

"Fitz? Oh no sir, he's an idiot, he's awful to everyone he meets, not just me." Kent shrugged, before giving a small lopsided smile.

Chandler nodded, before returning the smile, albeit tentatively. "Oh. Nevertheless, if you have any problems, don't hesitate to come to me."

Kent smiled, glad that he had helped the lecturer get through his first lesson.

"Ok, Sir. Thank you."

"Now…Um…" Chandler looked slightly uncomfortable. "I don't know the college very well. Would you mind showing me where the canteen is Emerson?"

Kent chuckled slightly, before nodding. "Of course Sir."

"So, did you blow him yet?"

Kent promptly choked on his plate of chips. His eyes watered and his cheeks flushed, which wasn't helped by the hard thump on his back from Sam. When his airways were clear enough to vocalise he turned to his friend with a look of pure shock on his face.


Sam gave Kent a look as if to say 'you heard me'.

"Did you suck him off yet?"

Kent gave a disbelieving laugh.

"What the hell are you talking about?" the young man returned to his lunch, stabbing his chip into the blob of tomato sauce a little too violently for his act of indifference to be completely true.

"Oh, come on. I've known you for years Em. You were giving him the eyes the second he walked into the bloody room. You little 'oh pick me teacher' act, was so obvious." The other teen deadpanned, not even bothered in the slightest by the conversation like most straight teen boys would be.

Emerson frowned at his plate, he couldn't deny that there was some truth in Sam's words, even though he wanted to. He didn't know why he liked Mr. Chandler, he just did. He was drawn to him, the way he aligned his belongings on the desk, the flawless cut of his suit, the bright blue of his eyes. He was intriguing, Kent wanted to know more about him, what lay behind the façade he obviously placed between him and everyone he came into contact with.

No. He wouldn't let himself wonder, it couldn't lead to anything good. Chandler was his lecturer, and he his student, nothing could happen, it was…well…it wasn't illegal, he was of an age to consent, but it was still wrong. He wouldn't do anything. He would just get on with his work with his head down.

Just as this thought entered his mind, he caught sight of Chandler across the canteen, talking with Mr Anderson, the boys Law lecturer.

The next few weeks were going to be a bitch.

"He was the only student that didn't spend the lesson listening to music, staring into space of talking. I already regret doing this as a favour to David."

Chandler sat down opposite Mr Anderson, an old family friend who happened to also teach at the college. He was just happy to have found a familiar face. The older man let out a deep chuckle at his story and began to eat his lunch. Chandler glanced down at it and wrinkled his nose, glad that he'd brought his own salad and wrap to eat.

"Joe, it may seem like an awful first lecture to you, but just remember you are coming from a top university to a government funded college. I'd just be glad that no voices were raised and your mental state remained mostly intact." Anderson replied nonchalantly, a barely restrained shrug almost making its appearance.

"But you were lucky you got that class. Emerson is a good student, he's always been very attentive and hardworking in my lessons, I've also heard from Ray that he's just the same in his Geography classes. He's just a little bit too quiet, never really gets the attention that he should. Especially with…difficult students like Fitz also in his class."

Chandler's eyebrows shot up. "well, he got some attention today, he was the only one actively participating in my lecture. It felt more like a one to one session." The lecturer pulled his lunch out of his briefcase, still slightly disappointed that his first lecture hadn't been more of a success, the only positive being the young man that was sitting 3 tables down with his friend, a fact which hadn't escaped Joe's attention.