Slow Motion Meeting

Levy stomped through the grand hallways of the royal mansion. Why on Edolas she ever agreed into taking this mission, she wondered to herself. Then again, she was trapped into taking the mission thanks to Mirajane; sweet, gentle, Mirajane who always works as the guild's barmaid, but was terrifying when she becomes angry. But dear fuck, Levy fell right into the trap thanks to the woman's sweet (threatening) words and now she dons a frilly, lacy white Lolita dress, her arms covered with white lace gloves.

Complete with a matching frilly, lacy parasol.

"Why me? Why the fuck is it me?" She muttered angrily to herself. She tried to put up with the outfit, she really did, but this was just too sickeningly sweet for her tastes. Even her shoes were white. Everything was white except for her hair, which must have attracted many people within the mansion, since she was effectively lost in this complicated and unnecessarily vast house.

The mission required her to become King Jellal's partner for the day, since he was holding a little party to celebrate who knows what and she didn't even care what. The mission also required her to collect information about the people and the kind of news she could get from eavesdropping into their conversations; they were two separate missions asked for by two different people in the same event.

When she finally made it outside to the gardens, she stifled a gasp. The garden is huge, and so is the party. Little party, my ass, she thought. Is this even called a garden anymore? She thought to herself, when King Jellal appeared, dressed in a white suit. "Ah, my Lady. I'm glad you've made it. I would have been troubled if you didn't." He said, and it looked as if he was relieved.

"What, you really need a woman to cling to your arms and prove that you're an eligible King?" She asked nonchalantly, earning a cringe from him.

He gave a small laugh. "You don't give much of a care, do you?" He asked, though he didn't mind. He wasn't used to being treated as a royal, and he didn't intend to indulge in it. In fact, he wished he was part of the army and not a King, because of a certain scarlet haired woman, but he knew his place and the responsibility he was given. Love would come later and Levy is just an escort. "That's quite fine, really." He continued. "But for me, I have to keep up appearances. It would be much appreciated if you could play along…please?" He asked, holding out his hand for her.

"Yeah, yeah." She answered irritatedly. "Just don't make me do this again." She added as she placed her hand in his as they made their way down to where the crowds were.

"But you have a very unique taste in fashion, I see." He said softly, only for her to hear. She flushed. It was not her who picked these clothes, it was Mirajane! It was that blasted barmaid who she couldn't go against—who nobody could go against! She bit back a snarl as she smiled up at him. "Not that it is bad in any way." He added quickly.

While Jellal went to mingle with the people, Levy opened her parasol and stood there, sipping on champagne and looking quite…innocent. She smiled politely at the people who passed by her, and occasionally she helped herself to some tidbits that were being served in the trays that were being held by the waiters walking about the area. At the moment she had a little cookie in her hand, held daintily by her fingers. Hey, she knew a bit about etiquette and shit. She popped the cookie into her mouth and held back from spitting it out. It was incredibly sweet. "What the fuck?" She ended up whispering sharply when a man with golden brown hair approached her with a smile. She gulped the cookie and smiled back politely, giving a little curtsy.

The man bowed in response, the smile kept on his face. "What a pleasant surprise to see such a beautiful lady at this party. May I ask whether we have met before?" He asked jovially.

No you may fucking not, she thought agitatedly when she gave a small giggle. "My, I'm flattered," She said in a sweet voice. At least she could pull it off. "You're already asking me the question, are you not?" She gave another soft giggle. "But unfortunately, we have never met before, sir."

"What is unfortunate? This is fortune smiling down upon me to be meeting you today." The man said with a laugh.

What a flirt, she thought drily. "Oh my, I suppose so." She smiled, unwilling to keep the conversation going. "But you see, I came here with—"

"Oh, I see you've met Lady Levy, Sir Woods." She was interrupted by King Jellal, and she noticed the man named Woods cringing slightly. Hah, wooing the King's escort is not a good sight, huh? Serves you right, damn flirt, she thought haughtily. Woods started to make up some idle chatter with the King and then he excused himself. "He's such a charming man," Levy said to Jellal with mock kindness, and it was obvious to the blue haired man.

Jellal gave a chuckle. "He's known to do that," He said. "But he's a good man, and fights well in the army too." He felt a little envious. Woods probably was able to exchange a few words with Knightwalker whenever he was able to. But not Jellal; often times they merely pass by each other. She doesn't even look at him, while he always, always looks at her.

Levy noticed the frown on his face as she raised an eyebrow at him. "Hey, King. What's bugging you?" She asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"N-No, it's nothing. You must be tired. It's alright to leave now, unless you'd like to stay. Thank you for accompanying me, although you must have been bored." He said with an apologetic smile.

She shrugged. "Thank the Lord it wasn't any longer, eh?" She said, the two of them walking back to where she came from. "And the payment?" She asked.

"Ah, yes. I can't leave as of yet, but if you can find your way to the King's lounge—it's not too far from here, and you can always ask for directions—you'll find your payment in a white envelope on the table to your left." He said with a smile. And then a scarlet haired woman dressed in a slim black dress walked past the two, and he turned to stare at her in awe.

Levy snickered. "Alrighty, King-o. Looks like you've caught your eyes on a fiery lady," She said, earning a bright red blush on his cheeks. "Oh, woe is me." She faked a voice of disappointment and snickered. "Good luck." And she left, heading towards the King's lounge.

It did not take longer than five minutes until she sighed exasperatedly and realized that once again, she is lost. And she was walking in a place that had no one in her sight. Everyone was probably busy with the party than being in the mansion to provide any help. She walked quickly at first, or at least as quickly as she was able to in the shoes she was wearing, and eventually was stomping her way in the mansion once again. It was then that the door opened, and she met the same man who ran away earlier once he realized she was King Jellal's escort. Sir Woods smiled, a smile that bordered a lecherous one, and she held back from grimacing. "A pleasant surprise to see you once again, my Lady." He said.

For fuck's sake, can the day get any worse, she thought drily. She wanted to slam her fist against his cheek. Soldier or not, she wasn't afraid. And she wouldn't be afraid of her image being spoiled in his eyes, but he could help her with navigation in the mansion. "Sir Woods, indeed it is. I am actually quite troubled finding my way around the mansion, and if you would be kind enough to help me, I would appreciate it very much." She said with a small smile plastered to her face.

He seemed to be happier hearing those words. "Why of course, my Lady. Where are you headed to?" He asked.

And so she asked him to lead her to the King's lounge, which to his amusement and Levy's agitation, was just two doors away from where they were. He knew very well he wasn't allowed to enter any room that belonged privately to the King, and he waited outside. Levy didn't give a damn, and walked in without warning. She looked to her left and saw the white envelope on the table. She grabbed it and placed it in her matching handbag. She walked out and then gave Woods another smile. "Will you bring me to the main entrance, please? I have to make my leave." She said.

"Of course, my Lady, but surely this generous act of mine will not be unrewarded?" He asked arrogantly, pissing her off further.

"Well, let me think about it while we head there, Sir Woods." She said, and he didn't seem to push it. In a few minutes they reached the entrance, and she remembered that she didn't have any ode of transport to get back to the guild. Well, not that the guild was really that far. She could just walk. "Well then, Sir Woods…" She faltered when she looked at his expectant face. Oh right, she thought, his damn reward. "I'm terribly sorry, I have to rush back home." She said quickly. "Then, till next time." She noticed his crestfallen face, not that she cared. She walked out, out of the mansion doors and then out of the gates.

She kept walking down the pavement, knowing that straight ahead would be the guild. She wanted to tear off this dress; it was too damn hot wearing this. And then she'd have a nice cool drink and head home for a nap. Yes, nothing would beat that. She walked hastily when she heard footsteps that were hastily coming closer to her from behind. "My Lady, I can't just let you go like this." She heard Woods say. She rolled her eyes, and then realized that she had been unconsciously holding her parasol up as if she really was a lady. But that was the least of her problems. "Please, let me take you back home at least." He offered.

"No, really, I'm fine—ow!" She yelped when he grabbed onto her arm tightly. "What the fuck?" She said loudly this time, catching him by surprise. "Don't you understand words? Get your fucking hands off me!" She yelled angrily. In surprise, he let her go, his eyes wide and blinking.

"My Lady?" He said, wondering if what she just said was just his imagination.

"Fuck your lady." She turned around when he grabbed her shoulders and turned her back to face him.

"Good sir, you might not want to cause any trouble to such a sweet-looking lady," They heard a man say from behind Levy. "Or else I could report you to the authorities for harassment." The man added. Woods gritted his teeth in annoyance and removed his hands from Levy's shoulders, walking back to the mansion. "Are you alright, Miss?" Levy heard the man behind her ask.

"Huh?" She turned around with an obvious irritated expression on her face. The person she looked at was no stranger. It was Gajeel, the informant for Fairy Tail. He cringed when he realized who it was, and he chuckled. "I didn't ask for your fucking help, Informant. I was fine on my own." She spat as she stomped past him.

He held back a grin but was not frightened by her feisty attitude. He was probably intrigued by her more than anything. "Please, don't say that. I would have helped even if you didn't need it." He said, and she growled. Perhaps that was the wrong thing to say, he thought amusedly. "It would be nice if you called me by name, and not 'Informant'." He added.

"What is it with you men and fucking chivalry?" She snapped, facing him. "You're probably following me because you want to be oh-so-nice when seeing a 'damsel in distress', ain't you? All of you are just the same, acting heroic and shit in front of women to woo her. Disgusting." She said, much to his amusement.

He did not hide his amused expression as she stomped in her white dress. "I'm very aware that you are capable of handling things by yourself, Levy. Even so, whether it is a strong woman such as yourself or a vulnerable woman makes no difference when I want to help." Gajeel explained. "But I apologize if I've upset you in any way."

They were nearing the guild and Levy did not say a word after that. Despite their conversation, Gajeel followed her all the way to the guild. They both entered and Mirajane beamed a smile at the sight. "Oh, you're both here!" She said, looking pleased at Levy's outfit. "Oh Levy, you should wear dresses more often, you look beautiful."

"Bitch, please." Levy said, going to the back of the guild to the room where she left her usual attire. She stripped out of the dress and wore her more comfortable and better clothing, a sigh of relief being made from feeling liberated. She grabbed the small note that was stuffed into the handbag she once carried on her arm as well as the payment she received from the King. She reappeared at the bar, seeing that Gajeel was sitting on one of the chairs and making polite conversation to Mirajane.

"Oh, Levy. Did you get the information I asked you to get?" Mirajane asked as she wiped the rim of a beer mug.

Levy showed her the little piece of paper in her hand. "Right here. Don't make me do that again, it's a pain in the ass." She said, when Gajeel walked towards her.

"My apologies, it's just that I couldn't get into the party because I had another thing to attend to, you see." He said with a chuckle as he held out his hand for the paper.

Levy raised an eyebrow, and from what he said, she realized that it was Gajeel who gave the mission for someone to take, and he was the one who wanted the information. She handed the piece of paper to him. "Thank you for the hard work." He said gratefully as he passed her an envelope.

She peered inside and counted the amount. "This is a rather hefty amount for this job." She said.

"For you, I doubt it." He said as he tipped his hat at Mirajane and walked out of the guild.

"Oh my, Levy. You're blushing!" Mirajane squealed, only for Levy to curse at the barmaid, and stomped back home while she muttered about how he was such a flirt.


I couldn't help but start on this. I wanted to wait until one of my previous two stories finished, but I just started writing on this chapter and I couldn't stop. Before I knew it, I'm done with the chapter. So this is an Edolas fic, and you know, roles are more or less switched. I also have to give credit to pikinanouart for her wonderful Edolas Levy and Gajeel story! If you have not read it, please do so!

Also, it may seem as though Levy is the kind of woman who hates men (I don't know if anyone felt this way) but just saying, she's not really like that.

So once again, I look forward to the reviews! Thank you!