Because it was a little unfinished, and this idea was just niggling at the back of my mind. Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I, in no way, shape, or form, own BBC's Merlin and take no credit for the show's plot and characters.

It was almost surreal – walking along the corridors with Merlin in his customary position, a half-step behind and one step to the right – and Arthur almost forgot for a moment that he had just discovered Merlin was in fact Emrys.

Merlin was Emrys.

Merlin had always been Emrys.

He could scarcely wrap his mind around it.

And that's why he was leading Merlin to his quarters – to have a serious discussion about, about his secrets. And, also, the list of topics a manservant should discuss with his King – including, but not limited to, legendary powers of magic and perhaps a hint of immortality. Yes, Arthur had been reading every legend possible about him – he knew of all the supposed powers and qualities attributed to the mighty Emrys.

Though, he doubted Merlin spent much time, or any really, as a bird or deer or tree or whatever – he was too twitchy for such things. And would probably be hunted to death instantly if he attempted shifting into some creature.

He strode through the door of his chambers, sending a quick glance at each of the guards posted outside the door. He hadn't called for anyone and wondered which member of the council was worried after him today.

It was habit that he immediately approached the table and stood by it, barely turning his head to see if Merlin had followed. The other man was standing in the doorway, mouth open slightly and eyes fixed on the ground.

"Don't just stand there, Merlin. You'll let a draft in," Arthur declared, tone almost slipping into the casual one he had, in recent years, always used with Merlin.

Merlin took a slow step forward, then another, and he was suddenly rushing toward Arthur. His quick pace brought him to Arthur's side in a heartbeat and Arthur merely stared at him, curious what had come over the man.

"I am so sorry," Merlin suddenly declared. Arthur watched as one of the guards pulled the door shut and then shifted his gaze back to Merlin's downturned face. "This was never how I wanted you to find out and I didn't even know what was going to happen and I-I've never, never considered harming you or –!"

Arthur cut him off before Merlin could make a fool of himself – he was starting to worry the, well, the sorcerer or warlock or whatever would throw himself on his knees and clutch at Arthur's legs while begging for mercy. "Stop."

The mere thought of seeing Merlin do such a thing sent a sour taste to his tongue.

"Merlin, I'm not…angry."

"You're not?" Merlin's eyes were wide as he lifted his head, his words squeaking from his, surely, tight throat.

"Not yet, at least," Arthur added quickly. "More shocked and feeling rather foolish for never realizing."

Merlin's hand shot up and towards his arm as the other replied, "I can't believe you aren't angry. After…after what happened with your…"

Twisting slightly so his arm was out of reach, Arthur shook his head. "Yes, I was angry after what happened with my father. But, surely you haven't forgotten what I told that cursed boy at the well in the forest – I will not harm any of his people." He tilted his head slightly until Merlin's eyes met his once more, "My anger towards those with magic has faded, Merlin."

Merlin looked as if he would faint, face paling and knees bending slightly. Arthur guided him back onto the bench alongside the fire and took his own customary seat. He waited, for several long moments, as Merlin pressed his hands against his face and breathed deep, ragged breaths.

"Seems you're more shocked by this than I am," Arthur commented, allowing more of his teasing tone to slip through.

"Thought you'd kill me, banish me…At least yell at me." Merlin's words were muffled slightly by his palms and Arthur nearly rolled his eyes.

Leaning back in his chair, he replied, "Don't be so dramatic."

"I mean, not only was it the magic thing, but the Great Dragon and, oh, Nimueh and Morgana. You're taking it so well," Merlin mused into his hands, eyes peeking through gaps in his fingers.

Arthur sat up straight so quickly his neck cracked, "What?"

"I said, uh," the other man fumbled for words, "You're taking all this so well?"

"The Great Dragon?" Arthur roared, raising from his seat, "Morgana?"

Merlin shrunk back slightly and ducked his head again, "I meant to tell you, but it was just so hard and things kept happening that made you turn from magic more and more and –"

His hand rose in the air without him even thinking about it. Arthur glanced at it, wondering if he was going to hit Merlin unconsciously in his rage. Merlin stared up at him open-mouthed and Arthur suddenly hoped against such a thing.

Before his hand could fall, however, there was a roaring shout from the courtyard. Arthur spun quickly and stalked towards the window. The entire mass of druids was facing his chambers – heads upturned and eyes fixed on Arthur in the window.

There was a clatter behind him – he wondered briefly if Merlin was making an escape, but, no, it was from further back – and he turned to see the door open and one of the younger couriers gasping in the doorway. "Sire, the druids –" he forced out between breaths.

Arthur was suddenly reminded of a few short days before, when he had received word of the procession and had become so anxious for Merlin's return. A short glance towards the table confirmed Merlin still sitting, head bowed again, and Arthur nodded at the courier. "What's the problem?"

"They won't leave the courtyard, sire. We informed them of their quarters in the castle, but…"

Merlin stood up slowly and approached Arthur by the window. He was turned slightly away, as if he was frightened to face Arthur, and passed him to open the latch. Arthur turned and took a step closer – close enough to see his breath stir the hairs at the nape of Merlin's neck.

The other man leaned out the window and shouted down at the courtyard, "You will all retire to the quarters that have been prepared for you. I ask you to behave courteously towards the men of Camelot."

Arthur was surprised to see the druids instantly disperse, faster than his own men would when given an order. Merlin turned and flinched when he noticed how close together they were. Arthur could see his pulse flickering in his throat as the man shrugged and sheepishly mentioned, "They tend to only listen to me."

A step back and a quick nod was all the reply Arthur gave him. He was thinking, though, of how he had seen hints of this, of Merlin growing into a respected figure to the various people of Camelot. He was almost pleased Merlin had finally been acknowledged by someone other than Arthur – he had been naming Merlin's advice as something close to wisdom for years.

He could almost imagine a future in which Merlin would be by his side in council meetings – no longer to poke him when he was dozing off, but to offer his own advice and opinion. A warmth spread through his chest at the thought.

Merlin moved back to the table and Arthur dismissed the courier with a nod and a waving motion towards the door. The young man pulled the door shut after himself and Arthur waited a moment before turning back to Merlin. "Explain. Everything. Now."

And he allowed him to speak.

After nearly an hour's worth of tale – it had been years, after all, that Merlin had been secreting around behind Arthur's back – Arthur narrowed his eyes at Merlin and spoke for the first time. "You expect me to believe this? That, with all your power and all those opportunities to side with powerful sorcerers and witches, you have never considered taking Camelot for yourself?"

Merlin looked up at him with such sincerity in his eyes Arthur almost regretted asking the question. "Arthur, I have never wanted Camelot. I've never wanted anything but to serve you. To protect you. To aid you in your destiny – to unite the land of Albion and bring about the greatest kingdom ever known."

Arthur swallowed and gripped the hilt of his sword tightly – the sword Merlin had asked the Great Dragon to make for him, to save his life, "That's a lot you're asking of me."

Lips curving in a smile, Merlin replied, "I think you're up for the job."


"Arthur, I know you are." Merlin rose from the bench and circled the table, coming up to Arthur's side. "And, I'll be there by your side, helping you, if you'll let me."

He closed his eyes for a long moment, simply running the words through his head again and again, before drawing the sword from its sheath. He heard a quick breath from Merlin, but the other was still before him. "You'll make no move to defend yourself?" Arthur asked, voice quiet in the silent room.

Merlin did not reply and the moment stretched out until Arthur nearly opened his eyes again. Before he could do so, Merlin's voice broke the silence. "I will never raise my hand against you, even if you raise yours first. A half cannot hate that which makes it whole, and you, Arthur Pendragon, make me whole."

Arthur sucked in a breath and opened his eyes. Merlin's gaze met his and he noted the glint of the blade along the line of Merlin's throat. "Bit girly sounding, that," he commented, voice slightly hoarse.

Merlin smirked at him and leaned in slightly, almost as if he knew Arthur would pull the sword back so his skin would be unmarked, "Apparently there are all sorts of prophecies like that about us."

Arthur couldn't help but smile back at him, a laugh nearly breaking free from his chest. He lowered the blade until it rested horizontally before his chest and jerked his chin towards the floor before him.

Eyes darting down and back up, Merlin tilted his head at Arthur and then scoffed, "No."

"Mer-lin," Arthur warned, voice rumbling from his chest.

The other man sighed and dropped to his knees, "This is ridiculous, I'll have you know. There aren't even any witnesses."

"This is for me. And for you," Arthur replied, moving the blade to rest in the space between them.

Merlin raised his hands and let the sword's weight sit on his palms. "Well, what are you expecting? More poetry?"

"Give it a go," Arthur replied, feeling the tension trickle from his shoulders. "I'll let you know when it's enough. I'm expecting some good groveling, Merlin."

There was a flash of a smile on his lips as Merlin began to speak, eyes set on Arthur's and hands steady. "Arthur Pendragon, True King of Camelot, I most solemnly promise to you my utmost devotion and loyalty, all the days of my life."

"Good, Merlin, for a start," he commented.

"For all my days, I will be at your side, protecting you, guiding you, watching you become the greatest king of all time." His eyes began to glow golden and Arthur almost flinched away. But, this was Merlin, and Arthur knew – he had always known, no, he should have always known – that Merlin would never do him harm. "Never shall my magic be used against you. I pledge my entire being to your service, to aid you in all things until the day I die."

Arthur's eyelids lowered until they were nearly shut. All he could see was the shining surface of the blade, where his eyes and Merlin's eyes were both reflected. There was a trembling in his chest, as if he were stretching his arms after a long session with the knights, and he felt as if a flush was breaking out all along his body.

Merlin's voice was becoming more and more soft, and deeper and deeper as he spoke. "My life shall be bound to yours for all the years to come, from now until the end of your age. I place my life, my magic, in your hands, as you have placed your life in mine unwittingly all these years." There was a buzzing in his fingers, in his hands, up his arms. His heart was racing slightly in his chest and he could hear the beat loudly in his ears.

There was a tremor of warmth on his right hand and he shifted his gaze to focus on Merlin's lips, pressed lightly against his hand. "I so swear," Merlin finished, pulling his lips and hands away.

Arthur released a long, deep breath and shifted his shoulders slightly. Sheathing the sword, he cleared his throat and gave Merlin a nod. "That'll do."

He brushed a hand across his eyes, feeling a wetness there, and returned the broad smile Merlin was beaming up at him. "That'll do," he repeated, softly, happily.

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