
Unexpected Parenthood

by Shunrei Ryuzaki

Disclaimer applies.

Chapter 1: Erza Scarlet is my mom


Okay, she didn't understand what had actually happened. She couldn't understand how she ended up having a child in an instant. If someone had told her earlier that she was going to be a mother so soon, she would have summoned her blades to pierce the body of that person sending him into his sudden death. But the hell! She is now a mother! A mother for heaven's sake! The Great Titania of the Fairy Tail Guild is now a mother? Unbelievable. No, don't think that she's pregnant, carrying someone's child because she's not. It never occured to her that she had wish to experience motherhood so soon, so she was really shocked when she went back to Magnolia with the Team Natsu only to find a young red haired boy claiming that he is the child of the Great Erza Scarlet. All of the members of the Fairy Tail Guild were in total shock and surprise. Some jaws were dropped, some stared in disbelief. But Lucy and Mirajane found the boy too cute and irresistable to think who he really was.

The young boy who seems around seven or eight year of age, has the same bloody red hair color she has, piercing and seductive dark green eyes and has that smirk and grin in his face that reminds him of that blue haired wizard that she misses a lot. Oh, goodness! He looks like a little Jellal Fernandes when he smiles like that.

He says his name is Raikou and he is certain and sure that Erza Scarlet is the name of his mother. It doesn't help that he answered Cana's question about the identity of his father.

"My father?" the little Raikou blinked and Lucy couldn't help it, she locked him in a bear hug because of his cuteness.

"Nee-chan... I can't breathe..." the boy tried to get his words out, trying to free himself from the deadly hug.

"Lucy! You'll kill the boy!" Erza exclaimed making Lucy loosened her embrace and let go the boy. Raikou quickly ran towards Erza and placed himself in her lap much to her surprise.

"Hey, Raikou. Who is your father again?" Marakov asked the question again.

"My mom calls him Jellal."

OH SHIIIIITTTT. What the hell. Erza absent mindedly hit her forehead with her palm and frowned.

Mirajane laughed and patted Erza's shoulder.

"Are you sure that you hadn't have a lovey dovey with Jellal before?"

Erza's face flushed red and shook her head.

"Of course not! That's impossible!" she exclaimed.

Natsu put his hand in his chin, imagining Erza in her scariest mode and Jellal laughing like a mad man.

'Erza Scarlet + Jellal Fernandes= ?' he silently murmured but it was enough for Gray to hear.

Imagining the product of the two of the scariest mages they knew in their whole life sent unwanted shivers down their spines.

'MONSTER!' both of the fire dragon slayer and Ice Mage thought in unison.

Juvia clinged to Gray's arm blushing hard and said, "Gray-sama, Juvia wants to have a child too.", which shocked the Ice Mage.

Erza sighed in defeat. Even if she denied that she isn't the mother of the child, it's no use. She watched in disbelief as the whole Fairy Tail Guild welcomed Raikou and had made fun with him. He seemed to be very close to Natsu and Happy and frequently joined competition against Gray and Natsu. She watched him intently as he plays with Natsu and Happy while she silently sipped her tea beside Lucy and Juvia.

"But really,Erza. The boy resembles Jellal a lot. Do you think he comes from different dimension or world where you are married to Jellal?" Lucy asked out of the blue.

Perhaps, that was a possible explanation. She couldn't think of any reason why would Raikou claim that she is his mother. And to think that the boy's father is Jellal Fernandes? HELL. Was that a kind of joke?

The feeling that she had for Jellal was quite complex and she didn't want to admit that somehow he had a special spot in her heart. It was only him that could shatter her defensive walls and make her weak in his presence. Even though she really wanted to be with him, for better and for worst, to protect him from self devastation, she can't be with him anymore. Seeing each other only pained and at the same time have a bittersweet pleasure to each other. The last time she saw him, she fought the urge to pull him in a tight embrace and tell him how much she needed him in her life.

Raikou's sad face woke Erza from her reveries. He brought down his spoon and looked out the window seeing the darkening sky.

"What's wrong, Rai-kun?" Happy asked as he chewed a huge chunk of food from Natsu's plate.

Raikou grimaced and lowered his head making Erza a bit worried.

"Rai." Erza called.

"Okaa-sama!" Raikou looked up to her and clenched his fists in his lap. "Yue is missing! I forgot to tell you earlier. I'm sorry, Okaa-sama! It's my fault that she's missing!"

Erza blinked. Who is Yue? And why was her son... (he told her he is her son right?) looking so dejected.

"Who is.., *munch* this *munch* Yue?" Natsu asked with his mouth filled with food.

"My twin sister..." Raikou replied with a sad tone. "I know she could take care of herself but I'm so worried because she's sick."

"Well, we should help Erza to find her missing daughter!" Marakov exclaimed standing on a vacant table, extending his right arm above as if commanding the other mages of the guild, with sparkling stars around him.

"Hey, what's the name of the girl so we can ask people if they've seen her." Gray asked.

"Yue... Yue Fernandes."

DAMN! Are they really the children of that Jellal Fernandes that she knows? Erza didn't like to think about it. She and Jellal. She and Jellal having a child., -no- twins. Heck, She felt that there's a danger that she will lose her sanity at any moment soon.

Erza Scarlet scowled as she picked up Rai from her seat and left the other guild members wondering if she was okay or not.

"Okaa-sama, where are we going?" Raikou asked with a childish inquiring eyes. Damn. She didn't want to think about it. There is no denying that he reminds her of Jellal.

"Sleep. Children should sleep early so they could grow faster." Erza replied, narrowing her brown eyes, her gorgeous red hair cascading elegantly on her back as she adjusted the child's position in her arms before heading towards her room.

She just wanted a good sleep. It if was just a dream, she wished she'd wake up from it soon.


A/n: Yay! My first story for my new OTP on Fairy Tail. I know it's a bit too short, but anyway I'm just starting so bear with it. Plus! Plus! Please do read my other FT stories. I'll update this story very soon if I received good reviews or feedbacks.

Ja ne!

~Shunrei Ryuzaki