Chapter 4

The first week of looking after Teddy was harder than Hermione thought. Teddy had stopped crying out for Remus when he left on the fourth day and he started to become more comfortable with her.

Hermione spent the first week staying in at Grimmauld playing with Teddy and getting a routine. He would have a morning nap around eleven and then they would have lunch at one. They would spend the afternoon if the weather was good out in the garden or playing in the living room.

Hermione although she found it hard loved looking after Teddy; she loved the little unexpected cuddles and kisses. She loved when he reached out for her and when he looked at her with those beautiful eyes. She loved lying on the sofa with Teddy asleep laid on her.

Remus' job was going very well and Hermione could tell he loved it. He often came home with books and asked Hermione for help which she loved. She did miss research and working on projects but at the moment she was content on looking after Teddy.

Today, Monday, Hermione and Teddy waved goodbye to Remus at the front door. Once Remus was gone, Hermione got herself dressed into skinny grey jeans, a white long sleeve top and a dark plum cardigan and then she dressed Teddy in baby jeans, a blue top with a cartoon character on the front and then bundled him in his warm jacket.

Once they were dressed and had the baby bag packed, Hermione placed Teddy in his stroller and apperated them to Diagon Alley.

Hermione pushed the stroller though the heavy crowds and finally managed to get to the Weasley's joke shop where she was meeting Ginny.

'Finally!' Ginny said as she saw Hermione enter.

'I'm sorry. We got a bit caught up.' Hermione said as she sighed and rearranged the baby bag over her shoulder. 'You don't understand how much time it takes to get out the house.'

'You sound like a mother already Hermione.' Ginny said laughing. 'Hello Teddy.' She said to the boy as she kissed him which he didn't like.

'Teddy is due his sleep in a minute so I'm thinking we could do a bit of shopping while he sleeps and then when he wakes have lunch?' She asked.

'Of course.' Ginny said as she grabbed her bag. 'Bye George!' She shouted as they walked out the shop.

Hermione and Ginny walked through Diagon Alley before they got to the Clothes shop which happened to be their favourite. It had only opened a few months ago but already they had both nearly brought the whole shop. They walked into the shop and started looking around.

Hermione check on Teddy and found he was sleeping peacefully which meant Hermione could concentrate on shopping. Ginny had already got a handful of clothes to try on and was rushing all over the shop.

Two hours later, Hermione and Ginny left the shop with the arms full with bags. They made their way to a small cafe and ordered some lunch. Teddy was now wide awake and ready for some food. He was becoming whingy and he was hungry.

Hermione went up the counter and went to order food for everyone. While Hermione was up ordering she felt someone touch her shoulder and called her name.

'Hermione!' the voice said.

Hermione turned around and saw Oliver Wood. 'Oliver! Hi. How are you?' She asked.

'I'm good. How are you?' He asked.

'I'm good thanks.' She said smiling. 'What are you doing here?'

'Picking up lunch for the office.' Oliver said. 'What about you?'

'I'm here with Ginny and Teddy, Remus' son.' Hermione said. 'I'm his nanny.'

'Oh right.' Oliver said smiling. 'So you're not working at the moment?'

'No not at the moment. I wanted a break.' She said smiling. 'What are you doing now?'

'I work at the ministry and I sort out the Quidditch World Cup, I just got a promotion actually.' He said.

'Oh Well done!' She said smiling.

'Well I have to go back to work but do you fancy going to dinner one night this week?' He asked.

'Sure.' She replied smiling. 'How about Thursday?'

'Perfect.' Oliver said. 'I'll owl you later then.'

'Okay.' She said smiling.

Hermione walked back to the table and Ginny was smiling with glee.

'You have a date! I heard it all!' She squealed.

'It's not a date really. Is it?' Hermione asked.

'It's a date.' Ginny said smiling.

Hermione and Teddy arrived home at four o'clock. Hermione unloaded the buggy and put her bags in her room and then started to prepare for dinner.

Remus arrived home at just after five o'clock. The three of them sat down for dinner and spoke about their days. After dinner, Hermione curled up on the sofa reading a new book she had brought while Remus put Teddy to bed.

While Hermione was reading she heard a knock at the window. She put down her book and went to the window to find an owl.

'Got a letter?' Remus said as he entered the room.

'Yep.' She said as she took it from the owl and shooed it away.

'Who from?' He asked as he sat down.

'Oliver Wood. I'm going to dinner one night this week.' She said.

'Oh right.' He said.

Remus grabbed his book and turned his attention to reading. He tried to feel jealous but he was. He was angry. He didn't like that she would be with someone else.

'That's alright isn't it?' she asked.

'Of course.' He replied lying through his teeth.

Authors Notes:

An update for you. I apologise for the delay. x