Disclaimer: Glee is owned by FOX and Ryan Murphy

I wanted to do a protective brotherly Finn and oblivious that he's really sexy Kurt, because it kinda appeals to me.


Finn's POV

The morning was going great. The sun was shining birds were chirping outside my window, and Kurt was shouting at me to get up because if I don't get up yet he won't wait for me and I had to walk or catch the bus to school. Everything was so typical, nothing could ruin the good day that I was having…. But then I saw it…I mean them and their eyes.

Kurt and I were walking down the hallways with him nagging me that I shouldn't stay up all night to play games when it was a school night and that I should take studying seriously because we were already seniors. I just nodded at the appropriate time so that he won't get mad because seriously he's scarier than Rachel when mad.

But he probably noticed that I wasn't paying that much attention to what he was saying so he just gave a big sigh and hurried over to his locker, I was just about to pass through to find Rachel when I saw the guy opposite his locker and the way he was looking at Kurt.

It wasn't the typical look that guys usually gave to Kurt which involves disgust because I would've decked this guy if he was looking at Kurt like that. No, it was an interested kind of look, a look that starts from the head slowly down the body then up again to the face then down again to the legs, an appreciative kind of look, a look that says I'm interested. In short the guy was checking Kurt out. I felt my eyes widen and I looked at Kurt who was getting things from his locker quite oblivious of the stare that he was getting. Can't he see that there was a guy who was checking him out.

The answer would probably be no. But now my big brother senses were tingling because hey, nobody is allowed to look at Kurt like that he's my lil' bro. Okay so maybe Blaine is allowed to look because it's a privilege for being the boyfriend so that's alright with me. But this guy doesn't get to have that privilege.

I was just about to go over to that guy when my eyes darted to two jocks leaning by the wall and they were looking at Kurt as well, not really looking but more on full out staring at Kurt's ass. Why oh why does his pants need to be so freaking tight. Then there was another guy who brushed past Kurt's back, I mean what the hell? The hallway wasn't that crowded why did he have to walk so close to Kurt.

I saw that Kurt noticed this and turned towards the guy who was now looking at him and smiling widely showing off perfect rows of teeth.

"Hey Finnocence what are you doing standing around in the middle of the hallway for, makes you look like a column." Puck said as he clapped me on the back. He followed my line of sight. "Oh, so you finally noticed."

I looked at him confused as I saw Kurt shut his locker and walk off, those guys eyes still following him. "What do you mean?"

"The way guys are checking your bro out." Puck said simply. "Come on we're gonna be late."

But I didn't move from where I was standing. Puck said guys….not those guys….guys in general. "When did this start to happen?"

Puck shrugged. "I don't know late last school year I guess. I mean I noticed it but I didn't tell you since they weren't touching him or making inappropriate comments or anything."

"Since last year? Why did this happen?" I asked still not being able to comprehend that guys were checking out my brother.

"Because he matured quite nicely." Puck said dismissively.


"He's hot Finn, your step-brother had become really hot." He explained to me.

I probably had a shocked look on my face because he was patting my back comfortingly. "I know it's hard being the older brother. Man if Sarah will get the looks that Kurt are getting I would probably maim those guys….probably better to blind them"

I shook my head to clear it.

The only thing connecting in my head was:

Me=older brother, Kurt=younger brother who's attracting a lot of guys

Which means I have to protect him and his virtue and honor. Man I've been spending too much time with Rachel.


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