DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything here. J.K. Rowling owns all the characters. I just own the plot and that's all.

A/N: Hello Guys! I'm editing this story. Adding lines and deleting some too. But don't worry! It's still the same! =))

Things to Remember in this Story:

a.) Voldemort is gone, killed by Harry Potter in his 6th year.

b.) Lucius Malfoy is dead, killed by Voldemort because of a failed mission.

c.) Dumbledore is still alive. (I don't know how to explain, just pretend that he's still alive okay?)

House Unity

First Chapter

"Good Morning Ron and Harry!" Hermione said as she smiled at her two bestfriends who where waiting for her outside the Fat Lady's Portrait.

"Hey Hermione." Harry said as he yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Hey Mione." Ron replied, looking and sounding more tired than Harry.

"Looks like you've done your Transfiguration homework then? You both look worse than a Riddikuled Snape and that's saying something" Hermione remarked, chuckling while they started walking towards the Great Hall for breakfast.

"We didn't even have a blink of sleep!" Ron complained as he glared at the laughing Hermione.

"Did you know how hard it was? To do the homework without notes?" Harry questioned Hermione while he also glared her.

"Well, that's the what you get for sleeping and not taking notes from Transfiguration yesterday!" Came Hermione's reply as she rolled her eyes at the two boys.

"Keep quiet you two! Every word I hear is like having a drum banged right into my ears!" Ron said as he covered his ears with his hands with a groan.

"Come on! Stop asking like babies! What matters most is that you finished your homework. Now, let's go to the Great Hall already. I'm hungry!" Hermione said as they neared the doors to the Great Hall. But before they could open it, they heard snickers and chuckles from behind them

"What the hell are you snickering about? Bloody Slytherins" Harry muttered angrily as he faced the smirking Slytherins.

"What's not to laugh about? You and Weasel here look like the living dead!" Draco Malfoy drawled, his smirk in place while Pansy and Blaise, who were behind him, chuckled."Granger here of course, still looks the same as always."

"Sod off Malfoy, we are not in the mood for your bloody games" Hermione replied through clenched teeth.

"Oh! Ms. Goody-two-shoes is cursing. Never thought I'd live to see this day." Pansy said as she smirked at Hermione.

"Shut up now or I won't make you live the rest of the day." Came Hermione's reply.

"Why you - " Pansy started as her face turned red in rage.

"Leave her alone Pugkinson." Ron growled, the tiredness that was on his face a while ago, gone.

"Standing up for your girlfriend Weasley?" Blaise teased with a smirk.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Ron shouted as he clenched his fists.

"Really Weasley? We all see the looks you've been giving her almost everyday." Draco drawled with a smirk. Hermione, who was now full of it all, pointed her wand at Malfoy.

"Shut your bloody mouth Malfoy." Hermione growled. "We said that we're not in the mood for your mindless and stupid teasing. So if you may, leave us alone so we can eat our breakfast. But of course, if you and your lot here won't, I will not think twice about hexing you right here and now. "

"You wouldn't do that. You don't have the guts." Blaise started as they all reached for their wands and pointed it to one another. Harry pointing his to Pansy while Ron to Blaise.

"What makes you sure that Hermione wouldn't hex you?" Harry replied anger and annoyance visible through his eyes.

"How much do you even know about her?" Ron added. At this point, a crowd was forming around them. All eager to see what happens next.

"I'll have you all hexed even before you even utter the first syllable of yours. I probably know more than all of you combined, after all, I am a bookworm." Hermione said in a menacing voice as she smirked a smirk that would make a Slytherin proud. With this comment the 3 Slytherins flinched at the sound of her voice. Then after that, hell broke loose and the two opposing houses were sending hexes to each other.

"Stop this, this instant!" Professor McGonagall voice boomed through the hallways as she broke through the crowd. "Lower you wands and come to the Headmaster's office now!" The two houses obeyed immediately, knowing fully well what the Professor is capable in doing when things get out of hands. So they followed Professor Mcgonagall while silently sending daggers to eachother with their eyes.

"How did that all happened! You are all 7th Years for Merlin's sake! I expect all of you to control your anger and act more mature and be good models for the youger ones!" Mcgonagall said as the 6 were standing in Dumbledore's office.

"I expected more of you! Especially Ms. Granger and Mr. Malfoy, you are the Heads of this school! I was -" McGonagall ranted on and on but was cut-off by the sound of Dumbledore's voice.

"Minerva, I think that's enough. Thank you for escorting them here, you can go now. I'll talk to them." Professor Dumbledore said as he sat in his chairs facing the six 7th years. With a final nod towards Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall left muttering incoherent words under her breath.

"Well Students, it seems like what you did this morning in breakfast was quite unaccptable so therefore, I must to punish you." Professor Dumbledore said as he swallowed a Lemon Drop. A muggle candy which the Headmaster had a liking for.

"What kind of punishment Professor?" Hermione asked quietly as she looked at the Professor whose eyes twinkled at the question.

"Since the war is over and the House Unity of the houses is still not improving, I require that you will be the role models for starting the unity between the houses that are most in rivalry with each other. You will all be excused from all your classes this day. You will be locked up in a classroom for the rest of the day until you get along with eachother." Professor Dumbledore said, the twinkle in his eyes still present.

"WHAT?" They all shouted in chorus

"That's outrageous!" Harry muttered.

"There is no chance we'll get along with these bloody Gryffindors!" Pansy replied with a face of complete disgust.

"Language Ms. Parkinson. You are all required to. If you won't agree to this I'll have all of you serve detention with Flinch for the rest of this school year." Professor Dumbledore replied. With this, they all shivered to the scene where they will serve detention with Flinch for not even a month or two, but for the rest of their final year. With a final decision and a bicker, they all agreed to him.

"If that's the case go now and I'll send you a letter for further information." Professor Dumbledore relied with a nod. They then started to go out while Professor Dumbledore watched them go with a smile playing in his lips.

"This ought to be good." Professor Dumbledore remarked as soon as the students exited the his office. Swallowing a Lemon Drop in the process.

A/N: Don't forget to review okay? =))