Hey! So part of me wrote this because I love the show so much and I love Cat, but a larger part of me wrote this because I was frustrated with the amount of fanfictions I read that have continuity errors or things that just can't happen in real life. That being said I'd love to hear feed back on this. Let me know if there's anything I've done wrong or just any comments you may have about it. Thanks! I hope you like it!
It was 12:30 on a Friday afternoon. The students of Hollywood Arts High School were enjoying their lunches and practicing their lines, dances, and instruments. Tori Vega noticed her older sister, Trina, sitting with a group of students that she was almost certain did not even like Trina. Rolling her eyes she walked towards the table where her friends Andre Harris, Cat Valentine, Robbie Shapiro, Jade West, and Beck Oliver sat.
"Did anyone actually read for Sikowitz's class?" Tori asked as she sat down.
"No" everyone replied almost in unison, except for Cat who was giggling at her cell phone.
"What's so funny over there, Cat?" Tori questioned.
"Oh, nothing, it's just my friend Billy. He wants me to go to a party tonight" Cat answered excitedly.
"Are you going?" Robbie wondered out loud.
"I don't know yet" Cat replied.
"Wait. Billy, as in that college freshman you met at the beach?" Jade asked concerned. She knew how naive and innocent, almost childlike, Cat could be and she was always afraid that someday an older boy might try to take advantage of adorable little Cat. The idea of Cat going to this party really made Jade worry.
"Mhm" Cat answered with a huge smile on her face.
"You can't go to a college party. There's probably going to be drinking. You don't want to get mixed up in that kind of stuff. You're only 16" Beck told Cat. He and Jade have been going out for two years so he knew how his girlfriend worried about her friend. He was just trying to say anything to convince Cat to stay home tonight.
Out of nowhere Trina appeared besides the table with a look of interest on her face.
"College party? What? When? Where? I'm there!" As Trina spoke everyone looked annoyed. Not too many people could actually tolerate Trina's self-centered attitude, but Tori knew there could be so much more to her sister when Trina wanted there to be.
"No where, Trina. We're just…..rehearsing for a scene" Tori lied, hoping her sister would leave.
"Oh fooy!" Trina looked disappointed as she scampered away from the table.
"Anywaaaays," Andre continued, rolling his eyes. "I really don't think you should go tonight, Little Red."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Cat snapped at him. She's really a touchy person, so the gang usually tries to watch what they say to her, as to not hurt her feelings.
"Nothing, nothing!" Andre told her. "Just that you can be…..and college guys are so…..and they only want…..oh I don't know!" Andre gave up trying to explain himself.
"You guys can't tell me what to do! I want to go to this party so I'm going!" Cat exclaimed as she stood up and walked away, not even finishing her lunch.
Everyone just sat there looking at each other. They all knew they were thinking the same thing. Nothing good could come out of Cat going to a college party.
Later that night, Cat waited anxiously in her room for Billy to call her and tell her that he was there to pick her up. She had done her hair and makeup extra special and was wearing a brand new dress with a really cute pair of heels. In a moment of anxiety, she wondered if her friends were right. Maybe going to this party wasn't a good idea. Maybe she should have listened to them at the lunch table. But her thoughts were cut short when her cell phone started vibrating.
"Hello?" she asked, laughing to herself because the caller ID had already told her that it was Billy calling.
"Hey Cat, I'm outside. Let's go" Billy responded.
"Okay" Cat said as she hung up her phone and walked towards her door. As she opened the front door she saw Billy's car parked in the street. Suddenly her excitement came rushing back as she walked over and giddily slid into the passenger seat of his car.