a/n: Sorry that this chapter is so small. I had to split it in to two, too much happened it such a small space. I love reviews! :}

Rachel was storming through the hallways of McKinley. "KURT!" she kept repeating. She finally got to the double doors and pushed them open to find herself in the parking lot. Kurt's car was gone. She saw Blaine on the bench, still with his head in his hands. "Blaine?" she said softly.

He looked up slowly, his eyes were bright red. He'd been crying so much. He loved Kurt too much to let him go so easily. "It's K-Kurt."

"What about him? Where's he gone?" she sat down next to him and rested her hand on his back.

"I don't know. He's not answering his phone. I'm worried sick. I.. I love him."

"Blaine. Don't worry. He'll be fine."

"I seriously doubt that. If I lost him, I-I really don't know what I'd do.."

Minutes later, Rachel's phone buzzed with a text message from Burt. Her eyes opened wide. "Blaine. Come with me." She walked to find her car.

"Rachel, please, what's going on? Who was that text off? Where are we going? Is Kurt okay?" he demanded to know as he followed Rachel.

She finally found her car and unlocked it. "Blaine, just get in. I'll explain on the way there."

Minutes later, they were driving to the hospital. "Omg, hurry up. I need to be with Kurt, now! I need to see him. I don't care if they won't let me see him. I need him." He cried.

"I don't care, why are you here? You did this!" Blaine shouted at Sebastian.

"You think I did this? All I did was text Kurt that you'll be mine by the end of this year-" Blaine laughed. "Then he drove past me, got out and started shouting at me.."

"Wait, what?" asked Rachel. "Why was he shouting at you? Well one obviously reason is that he thinks that you are going to ruin his relationship with Blaine. Which I think you are as you text him that he was going to be yours soon.."

"Yeah, he was shouting at me that I would never ruin his relationship with you and stuff, then out of the blue, he punched me in the face, so naturally, I punched him back, I must have hit him pretty hard, because then he was laying on the ground, unconscious."

"Seriously, wait until Burt gets his hands on you. We're not even going to stop him." shouted Blaine.