Gilbert often laughed when his brother told him that he slayed vampires and Ludwig would always respond with the same thing "There is more danger than you know. They are all around you. It's impossible for a normal person like you to see what they really are until they sink their fangs into your veins and drink you hot blood.". Gilbert's response was always the same "Maybe if you told me what they looked like I could avoid them".

Ludwig always gave him the same vague response "They are pale, extremely good looking, with very bright hypnotic eyes in strange colors". Gilbert would always laugh the same way "You know you just described me, right?" He never really expected to meet one of these mythical creatures his little brother spent his time hunting. Gilbert spent the majority of his time partying, drinking, smoking, and generally ignoring all the rules of society. Clubs were his forte; he and his two best friends usually spent their Saturday nights in clubs.

Ivan kneeled next to the body that was slowly turning to dust. If it was possible, he would have cried. He had no real love for his sister, especially with her obsessive desire to marry him, but she had been his blood and part of his covenant. It had been his duty to protect her to keep her safe, and he had failed her. He knew exactly who was to blame for this, he recognized the mark. Ludwig Beilschmidt always killed the same way, it was always clean. This upstart who called himself a slayer had gone too far this time. He had struck so close to Ivan, and he needed to pay.

Ivan stroked the long soft blonde hair as it turned to dust. He pulled out the blue ribbon and put it in his pocket as a keepsake. He was going to make Ludwig hurt like he hurt and there was only one way to do it. He knew that Ludwig had a brother. It seemed a fair trade, a brother for a sister. He stood up, rage and grief bubbling in his cold blood. His throat hurt, but only the blood of one person was going to satisfy him. He walked down the dark alley at the back of which his sister had been killed. He followed the sound of obnoxiously loud music. Humans abused the sounds of the night; Ivan could hear the footsteps of mice. For him music was ruining the sounds that were naturally in the night. He usually hunted in clubs because of the ease, but the music was the worst part. His instinct told him this was the place he was going to find the prey he wanted. There was always a lingering scent on the stakes that Ludwig used, and Ivan knew his brother would have a similar scent.

He gave the bouncer a glance and the bouncer waved him through the door. He was a regular at the club, and the bouncer was also one of his. He found it much easier to come and go with his meals when the bouncer was one of his. He could smell hundreds of different human scents in the club. His heightened senses could identify all the humans and exactly what they were drinking. He caught the scent at once; it was only slightly different than Ludwig's. He locked on to the scent and followed it until his eyes found the albino boy dancing in the middle of the crowded dance floor. He felt the triumphant smirk spread across his face.

Gilbert moved easily to the music, it flowed through him and he moved naturally. Antonio was on one side of him, Francis had long since disappeared into the crowd after some hot young thing. The music changed and a totally different sound filled his head "Come to me". The voice was smooth and cold, but very seductive. He couldn't resist the calling; his feet began to move in an almost dream-like state. The world seemed to blur around him, the only thing that was in focus was a handsome man near the entrance. His violet eyes were fixed on Gilbert's red ones.

He moved through the crowd effortlessly, he vaguely heard Antonio asking him where he was going. He remembered what he said in response even less. The same cold seductive voice rang through his head "That's right, come to me." It only took a few minutes for him to reach the man. The man's violet eyes held Gilbert's gaze, the hypnotizing voice spoke again in his head "Good, my pet. Very Good". The man was silent, but he reached out and touched Gilbert's face. Gilbert's heart began to race at once, he knew he was blushing. For the first time the man spoke and his voice matched the one in Gilbert's head "A beautiful specimen, better than I expected for the brother of a slayer. You will do very well indeed".

The voice spoke again "Call me Ivan, my pet. You are mine now". Ivan softly turned Gilbert's head from side to side, examining him from every angle. Gilbert didn't resist, he had no will to. Ivan's cold gaze had him speechless and paralyzed, Ivan spoke again "You really are perfect; I can't wait to taste you". He ran his thumb over Gilbert's lips, making a soft sound in the back of his throat "Mmmm". Gilbert's mind was completely blank except for Ivan's voice. Ivan wrapped his arm firmly around Gilbert's waist and began to lead Gilbert to the exit. Gilbert easily fell in step with Ivan.

He found himself in the back of a car with luxurious black leather seats. Ivan pulled Gilbert into his lap as the car started. Gilbert didn't register the fact that someone else must have been someone driving the car. Ivan's hands went under Gilbert's leather jacket, feeling the muscles through the thin shirt. The leather jacket fell off his shoulders, he didn't even notice. His skin was on fire with Ivan's touch. Ivan's hands explored every part of Gilbert's back and torso, then slowly they moved lower. Gilbert moaned slightly as Ivan's fingers dug into his butt. He couldn't pull his gaze away from Ivan.

The car stopped and Ivan's voice spoke in Gilbert's mind again "Go inside, there is nothing to fear". Gilbert followed the order; he opened the door of the car and walked out. Ivan followed behind him. He could feel Ivan's eyes on his back. Unconscious of his actions, he let his hips sway a little more. He walked into the door of the large house; inside it was dimly lit by candles. Gilbert pulled off his shirt, exposing his pale chest. The room was empty apart from a very large bed in the middle. Somehow Gilbert knew what he was supposed to do. He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned back so he was resting on his elbows. He threw his head back and half closed his eyes.

Ivan walked up to him slowly, his eyes hungrily taking in every inch of Gilbert's body "You are a fine specimen indeed". Ivan ran his hand down the side of Gilbert's face, down his neck and over his chest. One arm wrapped around Gilbert's bare waist. He leaned closer and licked Gilbert's exposed neck "Mmmm". Gilbert moaned and if he had been able to think, he would have known how much of a whore he sounded like. He arched his back even more, pushing himself against Ivan. Ivan growled and pulled Gilbert into a fierce kiss. Gilbert submitted at once, he let Ivan's tongue explore his moaned and his voice spoke again "I want you. It's time to end this game, my pet". Ivan's mouth moved to Gilbert's neck. He slowly ran his tongue over the soft skin before he bit.

The pain seared through Gilbert and burned away the spell. All at once he knew what was happening, it was what Ludwig had always warned him would happen. He looked down at the red stream flowing down his pale chest. Part of his mind registered that it was his life's blood draining out of him. He began to feel weak, and he finally spoke "I never thought I would die like this". Ivan released Gilbert's neck and spoke into his ear "Aren't you afraid? Are you going to scream, beg for mercy?"

Ivan expected Gilbert to become hysterical and cry and plead like they all did. But he didn't, Gilbert smiled weakly "No, I don't think it would help. I'm not scared". Ivan didn't understand what was wrong, did this boy not understand? He wanted to see this beautiful creature scared, he wanted to hear that voice begging him. He grabbed Gilbert around the neck, not hard enough to hurt him "I don't think you understand what is going to happen. I'm going to drain your blood and leave your body for your brother to find. Aren't you scared?"

Gilbert's hand dug into the back of his neck, he spoke "Would you be happier if I was. Would you enjoy it?" He pushed himself up and kissed Ivan on the lips. If Ivan had been confused, it was nothing compared to how he felt now. No one had ever reacted this way. He loved the feeling of Gilbert's touch; he almost didn't want it to end. He had to kill Gilbert; there was no other way to get his revenge.

Then it came to him in a flash of inspiration, he could do something worse. He could make Ludwig hate himself more than just the death of his brother would. He pushed Gilbert into the bed "You are a strange human. That only makes me want you more. Let me take you into my night". He bit into his own wrist, drawing his own blood into his mouth. He leaned over Gilbert and kissed him hard, allowing the blood to flow into Gilbert's mouth. Gilbert gasped, but accepted the blood willingly.

The blood tasted far better than Gilbert had expected it to, he pushed his tongue into Ivan's mouth trying to get more of the taste. A cold air seized him and he shuddered. He felt cold all over and through him, it went straight through him. His lungs felt like they were frozen, every breath he took felt harder and harder. It almost hurt, but somehow he felt numb. He tried to speak, tried to protest but his lips were too numb.

Ivan held him down as he thrashed and spoke in his ear "Don't worry, my pet. The pain will be gone soon, and then you will be stronger than you know. It's only mortal death". Gilbert heard his heart in his own ears, it was terrifyingly slow. It got slower and slower every second. He tried to push himself up, but Ivan pinned him to the bed. He drew one more gasping breathe then he couldn't breathe anymore. He fixed his eyes on Ivan and watched as the edges of his vision turned black.

Ivan let go of Gilbert when he stopped moving, he kept his eyes fixed on Gilbert's face. He was actually scared; he knew that there was only a chance the blood would take to the host. If it didn't, Gilbert would remain dead. But if the blood did take, then he would have Gilbert with him for an eternity. He had tried this before; so many boys had died because of him. There had to be a connection between the dead and the vampire for it to take.

He stood up and walked around the room. A strange annoying beeping came from one of the pockets of Gilbert's jeans. Ivan pulled out a cell phone, which clearly showed that Ludwig was calling. Ivan smiled; this could not have gone any better. He flipped the phone open "Hello slayer". He could hear the gasp from the other side of the call, the terror in Ludwig's voice was delicious "Ivan, where is my brother?" Ivan's smirk widened, he was enjoying this "How did it feel when you drove a stake through Natalia's heart?" Ludwig remained silent; Ivan could hear Ludwig's fear.

He continued to taunt him "It felt good, didn't it? Well do you want to know how it felt when I drank from your brother's neck? It felt good, amazing in fact". Ludwig sputtered "You….killed my brother…." Ivan turned to look at the body on the bed, which still wasn't moving. Then Gilbert drew in a deep breathe. If Ivan's heart was able to, it would have started beating very fast. All these years of trying to create a perfect mate, and he finally had. He spoke into the phone "I can assure you, his heart no longer beats".

The sobs that came through the phone were his ecstasy. His voice gained strength "Does it cut like cold steel? Now you know my pain when I discovered what you did to my sister". Ivan ended the phone call before Ludwig said anything else.

Gilbert opened his eyes to a bright new world. Everything was so much more colorful than he remembered it being and he could see every detail. The sounds were amazing; he could hear little creaks with every step Ivan took. Gilbert could also smell everything, Ivan had an intoxicating scent. Ivan turned to Gilbert and closed a phone that Gilbert recognized as his own. Gilbert felt a shiver down his spine as Ivan's eyes met his. Ivan had some sort of magnetic aura that drew Gilbert too him. But the first thing he really felt was the pain that burned in his throat and water didn't sound appealing. He found his voice "I'm thirsty".

Ivan smirked "I'm sure you are, my pet. Let me get you something warm and soft". He rang a bell hanging on the wall, and almost at once a couple of men appeared dragging a thin girl between them. Gilbert was rather unimpressed, and then he caught her scent. It was like smelling especially fine alcohol. The pain in the back of his throat burned again. An animalistic growl rumbled from his throat. The blindfolded girl whimpered feebly as the two men dropped her on the carpet.

Gilbert walked smoothly up to her, taking in her scent. He couldn't hold back any longer, he moved quickly and sunk his teeth into her throat. The rush of blood was better than anything he had ever tasted. He could hear the girl's feeble heart beating in his ears. He was caught up in the ecstasy of it; he didn't stop until Ivan pulled him back. Ivan took the body from his arms "Be careful, my love. If you drink from the dead, then they will pull you down into death with them". Gilbert licked his lips, trying to hold onto the taste of the blood.

Then he turned to look at Ivan, who was kneeling next to him. He was seeing Ivan like he had never seen him before. The brightness of his violet eyes and the perfection of his features. He wrapped his arms around Ivan "You killed me". Ivan laughed and put his hands on either side of Gilbert's face "I did, and then I gave you my immortal kiss. Do you feel it, my pet? Do you feel the power?" Gilbert laughed "I can feel it! My body is so strong. I feel like I could take the world!" Ivan gently pushed Gilbert down so that he was lying on the floor. He growled slightly as he kissed Gilbert "We will take the world. Do you want some more? That one was skinny".

Gilbert smirked and kissed Ivan again "I do, that was not enough. I want more, so much more". Ivan released him with a slight giggle "You are so greedy. I like it. Don't you care for your brother's precious morals?" Gilbert laughed and stood up "I have already destroyed so many of my brother's little morals here and there. I am a sinner already. Why should I be concerned about a few more sins?" Ivan laughed as he rang the bell again "My little sinner, you are exactly what I always wanted".

The two men came back again, this time the blindfolded person between them was another girl, but she was voluptuous and beautiful. Ivan took her from the two men with a seductive smile on his face. He gracefully sunk his teeth into her jugular, at the same time he beckoned to Gilbert. Gilbert walked over to him and sunk his fangs into the other side of the girl's neck. She was dead within minutes, and they let the body fall to the floor. Ivan kissed him again "Come now, my pet, this night belongs to us"

A/N: I feel like this is a tiny bit like the other Russia/Prussia fanfics I have done, but I have been dying to do a vampire AU with this couple. I suppose this is what a three day marathon of Buffy the Vampire Slayer does to my brain. I have borrowed ideas from a few different sources, so this shouldn't sound too close to anything. I originally intended this to be a oneshot, but I'm not sure if I am going to expand this into a whole story. Maybe I will if I get lots of nice reviews ^-^