Alright, so I've been pretty obsessed with Homestuck for a bit now, and havent written anything in forever. So for now here is a Homestuck and Souleater crossover. EridanxSollux

Based on a roleplay that I had on facebook with 'John UnbalancedWinds Egbert'

Because Im tired this will have to be in chapters.

Sollux didn't like this town, this weird city of weapons and meister's. He understood that the world probably needed these people to protect it from all of the idiotic things that the humans had done, but he didnt want to be part of that world. He knew that he was born a weapon type, but he never wanted to be used as one. He didnt understand how he could be used as one anyway, he was as blind as a bat. During a pretty bad scrap when he was thirteen he had ended up loosing his sight when he tried to use one of those incredibly stupid 'Special Attacks' his other friends had talked about.

His friend Karkat had dragged him to the school. There were plenty of other schools around the world that had much less of a reputation as "Death Weapon Meister Academy" that he would have gladly gone to, but no. Karkat just had to drag him along so that he wouldn't be alone at this place. If the stupid guy didn't want to be alone at his new school then why did he bring Sol here and then leave him on the front steps.

"I'll punch his damn lights out.." Sollux grumbled, still happy to be free of his lisp. It had been four blissful years that he could finally say 'She sell sea shells down by the sea shore' without everyone around him braking out into giggles.

He found the railing on the stairs and carefully walked up them and into the front doors of the school, almost being washed along and drowned like a plastic bag in a river of people. He couldn't see any of them and there were to many to make out where they were by noise. He was pushed to one side and then the other until he managed to squirm his way through them to a wall.

He swore again, something he hadn't really done regularly since he was young and felt his way along the wall until he found a rather thick windowsill that he quickly hopped up onto to escape the hoards of very snobbish sounding people. He sat there for a long time until he heard voices to the side.

"I know right? Its like so cool!" There were a couple girls talking amongst themselves, happily gossiping about people they didnt know. A boy walked over a few moments later, the only reason he probably had that one purple strand in the middle of his forehead surrounded by the rest of his black hair was to match his purple shoes and undershirt. He said hello to the girls and was greeted with a few snorts, flips of the hair, and more giggles as they walked away.

The boy frowned, he had only been trying to make some friends, he had only one who had, like Sollux, ditched him the second they had gotten here. He turned away from the crowd of people are proceeded to bang his head against the lockers that the girls had been standing in front of.

"You know your going to get bruises like that." Sollux grinned a bit, not looking at the boy but staring at the wall opposite him, it was a habit of his.

"What do you care." The hipster kid looked up at him, a smug sense of superiority plastered on his face. He blinked when he saw that the other wasn't looking at him and glance in the direction he was starting, finding nothing there. It took him a moment and a second glance at Sol's all but blacked out eyes for it to register in his mind that he was blind.

" There are far too many haters in this place. Every one seems to be stuck up. " As if he was one to talk. He was stuck up himself. "So water you, blind or somefin?" It was kind of an obvious question, but Sollux guessed that hipsters were the kind of people who asked them, but he was ok with it.

He grinned a bit and swung his legs back and forth from the window. "Yep. Blind as a bat." He hopped down from the window, moving a bit to stand in front of the boy, well, hopefully in front of him and not in front of a wall. He had made that mistake before. "This is a pretty high class school, its only natural that the people here will be snobby and stuck up. Your best bet is to ignore the ones that are look for the poorer families. Because you know those kids aren't only going to be your friend for you money." After a moment of silence he stuck his hand out to see if he was still there, almost pushing him back.

"The hell are you doin?" He freaked out a bit and stepped back.

"Making sure I wasn't talking to a wall." Sollux pulled his hand back a bit and stuck it out properly to shake his hand. "Im Sollux Captor."

It took the other another moment, he seemed almost disgusted to have someone offer there hand, like he was far to superior to shake their hand. Eventually he did though, Sollux though he had a good grip. "Eridan Ampora. "