Author's Note:I had this idea when I was at work one day and I HAD to write it. I hope you guys enjoy it!

Summary:How do you go from being best friends as children to master and servant? Well Elizaveta doesn't really have the easy life as she lives in a palace with Roderich Edelstein. A childhood promise can't be kept when it involves a marriage!

The sun barely rose and Elizaveta was already sitting up in bed. She didn't want to go to work that day. Even if she had the flu, she would be forced to go without medicine. She threw her legs over the edge of the bed and put on her boots to start walking around. She pulled out a small cupboard and opened the doors to grab her maid's dress. The skirt was orange and to the knees, revealing her army boots. A black, short sleeved shirt that went with it has flattered it on numerous occasions. So she settled on this one. She only had two dresses and a single, white apron that she added to her outfit. The clock on the wall read thirty minutes after five and she knew she had to make breakfast and wake the master of the house.

Elizaveta was only seventeen years old and already had a job, and not a suitable one. She placed a small piece of fabric over her head to keep her hair back and ran out of her room to get started with breakfast. She has prepared the night prior some sausages, eggs, and croissants. It took her an hour at most to cook them and the fresh steam was making her delirious in hunger. She whiped off the fresh china and organized the food onto it gently. Since her master was very picky on what he drinks in the morning, she prepared three different varieties of juice and black coffee with some milk on the side. She placed them on a gold tray and rushed out of the kitchen to wake her master.

Arriving at the door, she pushed the door open with her backside and placed the tray onto the nightstand. "My lord? You have to wake up now!" Elizaveta spoke, giving him a quick nudge. She was met with amethyst eyes as he sat up slowly.

"Please... This room could use some light," he replied. She understood and went to open the curtains of the enchanted bedroom. The sun was bright even though it was just grazing the mountainous view that seperated her original home from where her new home was.

She dug her nails into her palm at being turned into a maid by her former best friend. "Will there be anything else, sir?" she asked, her palm throbbing from her nails.

"Yes. Unclench your fists!" He spoke. "There is no reason to be infuriated this early in the morning. Nor do you have a reason to be." She dug her nails deeper into her skin before releasing, showing off the crescent moon shaped marks. "You may be excused." He added, sipping at his coffee. She turned around and walked off, stamping her feet into the floor.

After shutting the door behind her, she muttered the words "I hate him" before walking off.

"Lizzy!" a small voice called out. She looked down the hall to see her small friend, Feliciano running towards her. "Can we play today?"

"Sajnálom, Feliciano. I have to work today." Elizaveta spoke as she wiped a tear from her emerald, green eyes. She walked off to polish the floors. As she was preparing the water mixture, a single bell rang twice. She turned to see the bedroom bell still ringing. "Why the hell is he calling me now!" It was less of a question and more of a rant. She turned the water off and rushed to get to him. She kneeled after she walked through the door. "Yes, Mr Roderich. What is it now?"

"Elizaveta, when you greet me, I expect a sir! Is that understood?" He spoke.

"Yes, sir! Now sir, what can I do for you?" She was grinding her teeth behind her lips as her frustration was quickly reaching a breaking point.

"I am finished with breakfast. You can take it already!" He began to string his violin and place it to his chin.

"Yes, sir! Roderich... If you don't mind my asking, do you miss how we were before?" she asked.

"What nonsense are you talking about now?"

"Grr... Forget it!" Elizaveta forcefully grabbed the tray and accidentally let it go, all the china colliding with the floor, the cups and plates breaking in the process. Roderich quickly turned his head to see her hands shaking. He walked past her to reach on top of his nightstand. He grabbed a black wooden stick and let the rest fall to where they may as he revealed a whip. "Roderich... Roderich, don't! It was an accident!"

"This wouldn't have happened if you weren't angry in the first place. Hold onto the bed posts and try not to scream too loudly!" He unbuttoned the back of her dress, revealing soft, white flesh, unmarked. He stood behind her, about a single foot and struck her once. She grunted at the feel of the whip crack against her skin. Other things have hurt her before this time so it didn't really hurt until he hit the same spot for the third time. And when it did happen, she cried out loud.

"Ow! Roderich!" She screamed. He placed a hand over her mouth.

"Shh... Some people are still sleeping!" He replied before continuing. She was not just holding onto the bed posts, but in pure pain and agony, gripping it as tears flowed down her cheeks. He hit her with it numerous of times before she began to slouch, in broken sobs.

"Roderich... Please..." She attempted to speak. She fell to her knees, unable to stand. He cracked her once more before dropping the whip.

He was breathing heavy as he eyed the young girl who he hurt so brutally. He walked over to a rope and pulled it, letting the other maids know he needs assistance in his bedroom. Roderich placed the whip back onto his nightstand when the maids walked in.

"Yes my lord?" they asked in sync. One turned to look at the lump of flesh on the floor, bleeding and gasped at the sight of her friend.

"Oh my god, Elizaveta?" one asked.

"She has broken the expensive china by dropping them to the floor. Please get her out of my sight," he spoke. They wrapped their arms around the areas where her back was not struck and towed her out. After they shut the door behind her, Roderich hit the wall in frustration as a tear fell from his eyes.

Elizaveta was placed on her bed, laying face down as they tended to her wounds. "Lizzy, why did you do that?" One asked.

"It was... an accident..." Elizaveta spoke in a whisper.

"Yes but you still pick a fight with him occasionally! Why do you do this?"

"He broke our childhood promise..."

"What promise is that?"

She simply sighed and went into a flashback. A ball bounced down the path towards a little boy with brown hair and a single strand standing up. He had a white long sleeved shirt with a purple vest over it and white pants. A tan cape hid a portion of his outfit and he bent over to pick it up. He looked around to try and find who it belonged to. When he didn't see anything, he began to walk away with it.

"Hey! That's mine!" a small voice called. The small boy saw a little girl running to him in a small dress. "Thank you for catching it!"

The small girl smiled at him which sent chills up his spine. "I'm Roderich!" he spoke as he handed it to her.

"Elizaveta! But you can call me Lizzy!"

"Would you like to play sometime?"

"Sure! Let's play!" They spent the entire day together, tossing the ball back and forth, taking naps, and just enjoying each other's company. "Roddy, this was so much fun! I'm afraid that I have to go home now! Will we see each other again?"

"Of course we will! Elizaveta, when you're an adult, I will marry you!"

"Marry?" she replied. She didn't know what it was but it brought a small blush to her cheeks.

"Elizaveta! You have to come home!" a voice called out to her.

"I'll see you soon!" Elizaveta ran off and she has been living up to that promise ever since. She turns eighteen in five months and she knew her chances wouldn't happen.