Here is a crappy New Girl one-shot (May continue it if I have any good ideas of what to have happen afterwards). I hope you enjoy.

BTW I do not own New Girl, and I don't own any of the characters that come from the series. I basically don't own anything New Girl except for this story.

Jess awoke, blinking her eyes sleepily. She glanced around, trying to find her clock, so she could check what time it was. Oddly, she couldn't see anything- it was pitch dark except for a pale light emitting from the window.

For a few moments, she was alarmed, trying to figure out where she was, but when she looked behind her and saw the pale light coming from the window near the table, she figured out where she was.

Sleeping on the couch in the TV room.

The world was completely silent, and the only noise was the faint sound of cars outside, as well as Jess's own breathing and heartbeat, as well as the sound of...

The noise of somebody else breathing.

At that moment, she also felt something lightly touch her side.

Jumping, she accidentally fell off the couch, just barely managing to break her fall to stop herself from making a loud THUD which would probably wake the guy sleeping quietly next to her.

It took her a while to remember what had happened before she had fallen asleep.

Although she had managed to hold her tears for an entire day after what had happened with Paul at Schmidt's holiday office party, once night came, she had a breakdown, and ended up sitting in front of the TV on the couch with Nick, who spent about three hours comforting her and listening to her sob and talk about it.

After that, as it seems, she most have drifted off, and Nick must've also drifted off. She couldn't remember who fell asleep first, her or Nick. Putting a little bit of thinking power into it, she soon discerned that it was her that had fallen asleep first, and then at some point after that, he must have fallen asleep too.

In any case, she climbed back onto the couch as silently as possible, and then looked at Nick's face, recalling what Cece had told her that one time she had stayed over. He's way into you, she had said, with her signature All knowing tone and face to match.

Although at that time, Jess had insisted she didn't like him back, she realized her feelings had changed since then, and now.. Well...

She looked away from Nick, her face growing hot.

Jess really had no idea what she felt for Nick anymore. It was all in a jumble, like that weird yet pretty blob of a clay craft with toothpicks, paper clips and other odd things sticking out of it that a student had gifted to her. She still had that sitting on her desk at school. One of these days she needed to bring it home and show the guys.

Laying further back on the couch, she thought about everything that had happened with Nick since she'd first come here.

That one time she had to pretend to be his girlfriend when they went to that wedding.

And then there was the time she accidentally walked in on him dancing naked (Eep!) to Jamaican music.

There was also that time she went to the drugstore with him, and then ended up running out of the car with toilet paper (She did actually use toilet paper).

And then there was also that other time.. Jess shut her eyes and continued to reflect upon all the good (and sorta bad) times with Nick.

She still couldn't tell if she loved him or not. She slapped herself in the face and then mentally told her brain to work.

Anyway, she looked back at Nick's face, and couldn't help but just want to get a bit closer. She carefully crawled across the couch, trying her best not to accidentally nudge Nick and wake him up. That would be bad, and he would for sure freak out at her getting too close to him.

Jess continued to crawl until she was up near Nick's upper half, and then she stretched out her hand, touching his nose. Okay, that wasn't what she wanted to touch. If he woke up right now..

She didn't want to imagine how she could explain to Nick why her hand was on his nose. Jess had never been a good liar.

She moved her hand right over to his jawbone, and she ran her hand down it. Her heart was pounding, and she mentally scolded it teacher style for pounding so loudly.

Removing her hand slightly, she hesitated for a few moments, listening to the sound of her own heartbeat and Nick's breathing. Any moment now, she expected to hear Nick's voice ask her what the bleep she was doing.

Jess brushed a finger across his lips, taking in the warmness and softness of them. Blushing, she retreated her hand.

Although that was all she planned on doing, she found herself still staring at his lips. It wouldn't hurt if she just gave him a little kiss, would it? It wasn't like he'd notice. At least she hoped. From what she knew, he was a sorta deepish sleeper, so he probably wouldn't wake up, and so he would never know unless he had psychic powers or something.

Taking a small deep breath, she slowly lowered her head, and then allowed her lips to meet Nick's. There was no way Jess could describe how they felt. It wasn't too long or too short of a kiss, only about 15 seconds of pure bliss.

Quickly ending the kiss before Nick woke up, she simply took in deep breaths of air, trying to calm her heart which was pounding about a gazillion miles an hour. She was about to crawl back to her spot on the sofa, when a voice stopped her.


Nick had actually awoken just a little before Jess. He probably would have fallen back asleep had it not been for the stupid TV, which they had forgotten to turn off, thanks to Jess's breakdown.

After having turned the TV off, Nick was about to drift off to dreamworld when he heard the noise of someone moving.

At that point, he had figured it was just Jess moving in her sleep or something, nothing big. He didn't think she was awake.

But then he suddenly heard Jess moving towards him on the couch, and he knew it was her because he could smell her perfume, which by the way smelled pretty darn good. What happened next surprised him: She leaned over him (This, he could tell because he could feel her hair tickling his face), and then she (disappointingly) touched his nose.

Really? His nose?

If she was gonna touch his face, did he have to touch his nose, of all the things? It wasn't romantic at all.

Dammit, Jess, thanks for leading me on, when I finally think you love me back...

Well, he supposed it was better than her accidentally poking his eye. He hoped the only reason she was touching his nose was because she couldn't see any other part of his face, since it was dark after all.

Luckily, it seemed that was the case, because next, he felt her hand touch his jawbone. That touch made him melt into a puddle.

Although he had a strong urge to stop pretending to be asleep and to reach up and kiss her, he avoided doing so, in fear she might stop doing what she was doing.

Heart racing, he waited to see what she did next.

He felt her finger brush his lips. He was really glad it was dark, because otherwise Jess would've seen him blushing his face off.

He barely had time to recover from that when he felt her lips on his.

Oh. My. God.

He couldn't think at all during the kiss, just completely absorbed by it.

This had to be a dream. There was no way she was actually doing this.

It ended all too soon, and he felt disappointed when she ended the kiss.

After about what felt like an hour worth of silence, he finally decided to break the silence.

Oh god. Nick was awake. Jess froze on the spot, her muscles not working the way her brain was commanding them to.

She simply remained over him, her knees and lower legs beginning to hurt from being stuck in such an uncomfortable position.

"Hey, Jes-"

"Oh, hi Nick." She quickly tried to retreat back to where she had been on the couch, but she felt him grab her arm.

"Why did you just-"

"I didn't do anything to you while you were sleeping. The only reason I was on top of you was because I.." She quickly spat out the first thing that came off of her head. "Had to pop a zit on your face."

Although it was dark, Jess could tell Nick was face palming. "Jess. I haven't had any zits in a long time."

"Well, there was one there, on your nose, and another by your mouth, and I love popping zits, because it's so much fun, and..." Jess continued to ramble on, trying to cover up everything. Because Nick let go of her arm, she crawled back to her corner of the couch.

Nick rolled his eyes, although he was actually rather amused by Jess's quirkiness. He couldn't help himself, so he crawled over, and then pressed his lips to Jess's, stopping her ramble about popping zits.

This kiss was much longer, and after what felt like an hour, they pulled apart, Nick taking her in his arms.

Although Nick had this incredible urge to have sex with Jess, he restrained himself, not sure if she wanted to, plus the fact that Winston and Schmidt were sleeping nearby. The last thing Nick wanted was to be caught by Schmidt and Winston having sex with Jess. So instead, he just held her, which was of course, fine by him.

The next morning, Schmidt was awoken by Winston, who opened his door and woke him up from a great dream.

"Did you really have to just wake me up? I was having this dream when Cece let me touch her amazing cle-"

"Man, you need to come look at this."There was a faint smile on Winston's face as he said this, and although Schmidt wanted to go back to sleep in an attempt to experience that wonderful dream with Cece again, he got up and followed Winston to the main room. It took Schmidt awhile to realize what Winston wanted him to see, and when he saw, he was disappointed.

"What the? Nick, Jess, why are you two wearing clothes?"

Nick awoke, rubbing his eyes, and then saw Winston smiling at him, and Schmidt ranting about wasted opportunities for sex.

Oh crap.