As the game was loading, Santana took the chance to go through the basics. "Okay, Britt. I'm going to try and help you out the best I can." Brittany nodded and looked down at the controller in her hands. Santana let her fingers brush over the outline of her girlfriend's hands. "Here, let me show you." She moved her fingers along the buttons as she went through them all.

"Say you're a survivor, you have your basic attacks here, melee shove on LT, as you reload and fire on RT. Crouch here. Weapon selection is Y, reload on B." Brittany held up her index finger, silencing Santana. "Can't we just do colors instead of letters?" The brunette looked over at the taller girl smiling back at her. "San, baby, what is it?" But Santana simply shook her head. "Nothing B." Her hand moved hastily to the green button at the bottom. "You jump with A. The touchpad is your inventory and that's basically all you need to know." She then proceeded to give the same explanation for the special infected.

'It's just a game.' Santana had to keep reminding herself.

"So, we're playing Scavenge first. Scavenge is 4 against 4. The survivors will team up to find fuel and the other 4 play as infected. It's basically Versus, but you have to think quicker, considering there's a countdown." Brittany wrinkled her nose. "Countdown to what?" Santana was beginning to think that the whole thing was a bad idea. "Countdown to game over. You'll get the hang of it, B. Good luck." She said with a wink.

The game starts and everyone takes their time in the safe room, grabbing a weapon and testing it out, setting up a game plan. Mike on the other hand, runs right out. He passes the bathrooms, knowing there will only be pills and with some luck, possibly some boomer vile. Nothing he couldn't go without.

"Look San, I'm a smoker." She looked lovingly at her girlfriend, who was currently bouncing up and down like a kid in a candy store. Even though Santana was in it to win it, she couldn't help but to laugh at the blonde. "Okay, B. The whole point of this game, is to not let the other team know what you are."

Santana watched her struggle with the controller. "San, how do I smoke again?" Santana sighed deeply as she tried her hardest to keep her team moving. She'd get a couple of headshots in, while Puck would blow 50 rounds on no more than a handful of zombies and still get downed.
"Just. Ugh. B, I don't know. Experiment, press the buttons, but not all at once. I don't need to have to buy a new controller, I've had to replace three already, because you broke the joystick on all of them and the touchpad was unresponsive." Brittany pouted. "I said I was sorry."

Santana leaned over and kissed the top of her nose. "I know B, I know." Brittany smiled. "What?" Santana loved her smile, all three of them. There's the sweet smile, the one that melts hearts, the one you can't possibly say no to. The twinkle smile, where her eyes sparkle with excitement and no words need to be said. Her final smile was Santana's favorite, because it was the most genuine, the most beautiful, the most breathtaking one of them all. It's the smile Brittany would wear when she would look at her, and her only. "Nothing. Just. I love the way your eyes shine when I say your name." She managed to finally tear her eyes away from the blonde's when she felt the controller violently vibrate in her hands. "Oh shit!" she exclaimed. "Did I do it right, San? I did, didn't I?" the dark haired girl watched as her ever so loving girlfriend had her character dangling by the neck "Okay so, how do I let go?"

They made it to the elevator with minor cuts and bruises. "WHY IS THE GLASS BULLET PROOF? WE'RE IN A FUCKING MALL! IT'S NOT LIKE ITS JAIL!" Mike yelled as he kept shooting his rounds into the elevator glass, in hopes of spotting a special infected, lurking about. "Mike I swear, if you're out of ammo when those doors open and there's either a charger, jockey, boomer, hunter or smoker out there, guess what? The no team killing rule? Yeah, it will no longer apply. Got it?"

Quinn Fabray looked like your typical 90210 blonde beauty. She was one of those kind of people who wanted everything and then some. Everybody had told her 'no' her entire life. But 'no' had never stopped her,'no' wasn't a part of her vocabulary.
She was good at a lot of things in life, but there was one thing, she was exceptional at and that was gaming.
She had mastered them all.
Growing up, Quinn had been the complete opposite of her older sister Frannie, to her mother's dismay. Her father never paid too enough attention to ever get to know of her likes and dislikes.

Most of the guys were pretty pro, but what they seemed to always forget was that Quinn managed to rank the highest in every game she ever laid her hands on. Take Black Ops for instance, she had unlocked Prestige Mode in merely two days. That's 1202800 experience points. So L4D2 was no match.

When she was 10, her uncle let her inherit his Atari and at first she didn't quite understand the meaning of hitting a ping pong ball back and forth, but as soon as she got the hang of it, you couldn't even tear her away from it, even if the house had been on fire.

"Stop beating the tank with a baseball bat, you achievement whore!"
Finn sighed. "It's the only one I need." Quinn said as she continued circling the tank and dodging his blows, whilst the others were continuing running around collecting gas tanks to fill up the car.

Finn had never really been much for video games. He started playing them out of boredom one day. He had some saved up money from Christmas and went to the store to get an Xbox, not a 360, but the actual original white boxed thing.
He claimed Halo was his drug, but he'd usually get vaporized pretty early on. He couldn't steer the warthog and used to flip it over after having driven off of cliffs. Not exactly the most elaborate suicide and on top of that, his favorite weapon was the plasma pistol.
Based on those three things alone, he had quietly accepted his fate as a n00b.

"I can't believe you killed me." Santana shook her head and sighed. "Does this mean I win?" She saw the sparkle in Brittany's eyes. If she could, Santana would grant her every wish, she would give her the world, along with all of its imperfections. "No, B. It's not over yet."
"Well then, game on." What they didn't think about was that there was a possibility that the competition between the two, could lead to an outcome that would be more beneficial to both players.