Full Summery-

Basically, Miley is a superstar living in LA but she isn't exactly happy with it. Demi is her Private Assistant and Joe is her manager/producer. Anyway, Miley misses Crowley Corners (which, by the way, is still a small town just not full of Miley's reletives) and Selena, her best friend. But going back means meeting people of her past. Enjoy!

Disclaimer- I do not own anything but the plot. This story is Niley.

Chapter 1-Home

"And at last, all the pictures have been burned

All the past, is just a lesson that we've learned

I won't forget, please don't forget, us

Somewhere we went wrong

Our love is like a song, but you won't sing along,

You've forgotten

About us

Don't forget"

"Miley! Babe!" Joe's voice came over the speaker. She looked through the glass window of the studio. He sat, smiling, at the control panel. "Darling! That was marvelous! Absolutely Marvelous!" As always, you've blown me away! This is gonna be your best album!"

"Thanks Joe" she replied with a fake smile.

"I believe you are done for the day. I'll send this right out and we'll have it on the radio by tomorrow morning!" Joe continued. Her plastic smile faded just a little, but not enough to notice. She grabbed her cardigan and her purse.

As she walked through the studio door into the control room, Demi, her private assistant, was by her sided with a Caramel Macchiato. Joe stood up from the control panel and opened his arms for a hug. She smiled slightly and allowed him to embrace her in a hug. "Thanks" she whispered.

"You welcome" Demi mouthed as she handed the hot cup to her. She then handed a bottle of water to Joe. He smiled at her and took it.

"Thanks Dems" he smirked. She blushed slightly and looked down at her toes, which were not hidden by her black heeled flip flops. "Alright, I better go" he moved towards the door. "I've gotta get this on the radio!" he held up a little plastic case that concealed Miley's new single.

"Bye Joe" Miley waved.

"Bye Joe" Demi sighed.

As soon as Joe was out of sight, Miley sighed and slipped on her cardigan. Her smile faded completely. She sipped on her drink and began to follow Joe's path. Demi trailed behind her.

They made their way out side of the studio and through the jungle of paparazzi, and Mile's driver was waiting for them with the car. Demi slid in after her. Miley stared out the window as the car started to gain speed.

"Are you okay, Miles?" Demi asked sweetly.

Miley looked at her. "I'm the same as always." That was her answer every time someone inquired about her well being. She didn't lie and say "oh, fine", and she didn't give details in a complaining fit. She wasn't the girl she used to be, but she still always told the truth. So instead of being questioned about it, she simply repeated her rehearsed answer.

Demi immediately took out her blackberry (a gift from Miley) and dialed a number. She held the phone to her ear. "Hello? Pablo? Yes, I'm afraid we have to cancel the photo shoot. I'm terribly sorry, but you see, Miley's aunt just died and we have to catch the next flight to Houston. Alright, I'll give her your condolences. Okay, bye."

"I don't have an aunt" Miley pointed out.

"What they don't know can't hurt them" Demi answered in a hushed voice as she made another phone call.

"Demi Torres!" Miley's eyes widened. "What are you up to?"

"Nothing much" Demi answered. "I'm just canceling all your appointments for the week."

"Why?" Miley asked.

"Because I'm also buying you a plane ticket to anywhere you want to go" Demi replied. "Um, hello?" she answered the phone. "Yes, this is Ms. Stewart's PA, Demi Torres, I was just wanted to tell you that we can't make this hair appointment today."

Miley shook her head and looked out the window, tuning out Demi and whoever she was on the phone with.

Miley sighed as she and Demi walked through the door of her apartment. Demi was still on her phone with some big magazine that Miley had promised an interview with. Miley set her things down on her couch and went to her bedroom. She let herself fall onto her bed.

Demi came in, with her phone to her ear. "Mi? Where do you want to go? I'm about to book your flight!"

"I don't know?" Miley replied.

"Better decide quickly!" Demi called, continuing down the hallway.

Miley sighed, pondering where she wanted to go. She had pretty much been everywhere on tour. She turned on her side so that she was facing her night stand. She looked at the picture of her and her best friend, Selena. They had arms around each other and were wearing the biggest smiles. A tear escaped Miley's eyes, but a light bulb went off in her head.

"Demi? I know where I want to go!" Miley yelled.

Miley threw her suitcases on the bed. She looked at her overstocked closet of glamorous dresses, then back to her suitcases. Selena would kill for those dresses. She may have been the best western rider in Crowley Corners, but she was the girliest girl Miley knew, next to Demi.

She missed Selena so much. They hadn't talked in a while, but Selena had been there for her in the toughest times. And when Miley left for Los Angeles, Selena had said that a part of the ranch would always be hers. Hopefully that offer hadn't changed.

Demi came rushing in. "Hey, so it took me forever, but I finally got in touch with Joe. I cancelled all your studio hours for the next three months. He wasn't happy, but agreed, only if you would shoot a music video while you were there. "

"Okay" Miley smiled. "Wait, three months?"

"I'm giving you the summer off" Demi smiled

"I love you!" Miley gave her a hug.

"Anything to make you smile" Demi replied. Miley released her from the hug. "Now, if you need anything, I'm on speed dial. I've given everybody a different story, so if the paps try to find you, they'll be on a wild goose chase. I'll call you if something important pops up."

"Thanks" Miley smiled.

"Miley?" Demi's tone changed.


"Try to have a good time this summer" Demi replied.

Miley smiled a genuine smile. "I will, but only if you do some serious flirting with Joe."

Demi laughed. "Alright."

"When does my flight leave?" Miley asked.

"Oh, eight in the morning tomorrow" Demi informed. "So get packed and get some sleep!"

Hey! It's . I used to be PuRpLe SoCk MoNkEy but decided I needed a change. I have big plans for this story. I didn't want to start it yet, but I'm on break, and I'm home sick so I thought, what the heck? I hope you liked it. Anyway, Nick should be in the next chapter along with more of your favorite celeberties. Thanks for reading and please review!

For those of you reading With A Little Faith, thanks:D

Don't forget to review, alert, favorite, whatever!


Xx. Automatic