Author's Notes:

The finale is here!

Loved every minute of writing this.

Hope you all enjoy!

Reminders: Thoughts are in Italics, Brackets indicate setting

Disclaimer in Ch. 1

[Heartland Docks]

"...and that's how I beat Professor Crowler and passed the entrance exam to Duel Academy!" proudly finished Jaden.

"So it wasn't a normal exam deck?" asked Kotori.

"Nope, Crowler used his own prized Ancient Gear Golem against me and it was So Awesome!" added Jaden.

Everyone laughed Jaden's answer. The group stood at the top of the stairs that Jaden and Yusei had climbed that morning. While they overlooked the dock, Yusei was thinking about the repairs and the fact that there were only a couple hours left until sunset.

Jaden and Yusei walked ahead of the two Heartland residents. They were the first to come across Yusei's bike.

It was exactly how they left it except for the addition of one object. A big, fat, and brown-striped cat was sleeping on the seat of the runner. At the sound of their approach the cat gave a long stretch and a yawn.

Yusei pointed at the cat, "Hey Jaden isn't that yours?" He briefly remembered that the cat had been a spectator during the duel with Paradox.

"Pharaoh!" yelled Jaden. "So this is where you were! I was a little worried there when you weren't in my pack at the parts shop!" Jaden bent down and picked the cat up from the seat.

The cat yawned in Jaden's face but this time a small glowing sphere emerged. It circled Jaden's head once and then turned and zipped toward Yuma and Kotori.

"What's this?" Yuma asked nervously. He watched as the small light started at his feat and spiraled its way up to his hair. Once there, it began to weave between his front two spikes. Annoyed, Yuma tried to catch the orb but never managed to touch it.

Kotori laughed at Yuma's reaction but this caused the sphere to lock on her. It performed the same exam routine, ending at the bun in Kotori's hair.

Suddenly, Pharaoh jumped from Jaden's arms and sailed toward Kotori. She caught the fat cat easily but noted that the cat's real target was the sphere floating near her.

The cat gave a swat at its prey but missed.

Everyone watched as the small sphere flew out of reach. It stopped and hovered right next to Yubel and Astral. The light emanating from the sphere increased. Then, it suddenly changed from a small glowing orb into a transparent humanoid figure.

"Bad Pharaoh!" said the new spirit, addressing the cat.

The cat meowed from Kotori's arms in an uninterested tone.

The new arrival surveyed his surroundings. "This doesn't appear to be Jaden's time," he said with a confused tone. He then took notice of Astral and Yubel. "And I don't think I've seen you before," he said, pointing at Astral.

Astral didn't know what to say to the man but Jaden helped him out from below.

"Professor Banner!" Jaden called. "We had to make a little pit stop on the way back. This is the city of Heartland and that's Astral." Jaden then pointed toward Yuma and Kotori. "These guys live here and helped us pass some time."

Professor Banner floated closer to the group. "Nice to meet you all. I'm Jaden's former professor, Lyman Banner. Sorry for scaring you earlier, I'm afraid my current form would take a long time to explain." He turned to his traveling student, "Now tell me Jaden, what has conspired here."

"That's another thing that would take long time to explain! Well Yusei and I... ummmm... Yusei?" Jaden cut off. Yusei had stealthily disappeared from the group.

"He's over there," said Kotori. She pointed at the mechanic who was busy working on his runner.

Yusei gave a wave from the side of the runner, indicating he heard them. He then went back to the repairs.

"Of course he is!" commented Jaden, shaking his head. Everyone laughed.

[Heartland Docks- about an hour or so later. Sun is slowly setting]

Jaden, Yuma and Kotori sat on the grassy incline and watched the antics in front of them.

Pharaoh decided that Professor Banner had remained outside of him for long enough. The cat now chased the teacher's sphere form around the immediate area. So far, his former owner's soul just narrowly evaded him. The predator and prey chase led over crates, around pillars, and near the three relaxing youths.

Yubel floated behind Jaden, taking pleasure from the placid surroundings.

Astral took interest in Yusei's repair job. He examined the duel runner as Yusei worked on the suspension. The most interesting thing he found on the runner was the dueling equipment. Unfortunately, Astral found that Yusei was unable to hear any of his questions pertaining to the runner.

Finally, the runner's owner stood back to admire his work. "That should do it," he told himself. He grabbed his coat and customary red helmet from the runner's seat and then started to rev the engine.

Astral and the others nearby jumped at the sudden noise.

Banner's sphere halted for a moment and addressed the successful mechanic, "Now that sounds promisin-" The professor's congratulations were cut short by his cat's intervention. Unfortunately, he had been swallowed again.

The cat gave a pleased meow and walked over to Jaden. He continued past the boy and plopped himself inside the red traveling pack.

"Well I guess that means everything's ready!" said Jaden, putting on the pack.

"Heads up Jaden!" yelled Yusei

Luckily, Jaden looked up just in time to catch the spare cycling helmet. He then stared back toward his time traveling companion. The former was no longer looking in Jaden's direction but at the sunset off the water. Jaden walked up to join Yusei.

The two took some time to concentrate on the painted sky ahead. Only after a while did they notice that a third figure joined their line up. Yuma stood next to them, staring with the same intensity as the other two.

Yusei turned to Jaden and Yuma. "It's been an honor to meet you Yuma, and to see your city."

"That's what I should be saying! It was amazing to meet the two of you!" replied Yuma.

"This has been a blast. Definitely have to do it again sometime. Don't you all think so?" asked Jaden. As he did, he put his arm out in front of him.

Yusei recognized the gesture and put his hand on top of Jaden's. "I completely agree!" he announced.

Yuma set his hand on top of the other two. "I Can't Wait!"

"And neither can I," said a voice suddenly from Yuma's right. Astral's hand came down and hovered right above the other three. Yuma and Jaden started to laugh. Yusei joined in but was unsure of what caused the outburst. For brief moment the mark of the crimson dragon glowed on Yusei's arm.

What the...? thought Yusei. He looked at the mark and then back down to the pile of hands. This time, a blue spiritual looking hand sat on top of the pile. As the other two duelists laughed Yusei observed the hand's owner and then looked over at Yuma. The pendant around the boy's neck was glowing softly. Another connection huh, thought Yusei.

Yuma, Astral, and Kotori retreated to the side as Yusei started his runner. Jaden sat behind Yusei on the cycle. The two travelers started at the far end of the dock, aiming for the sunset. What started as a simple speeding cycle turned into a supernatural fiery red dragon, shocking the three spectators. It flew past them, finally opening a rift at the end of the dock.

The runner and its passengers disappeared through the glowing portal, leaving the dock in a steady silence.

Yuma felt the D-Gazer in his pocket vibrate. When he finally located it and took it out, a voice startled the threesome.

"YUMA! Do you know what time it is? And what did you find at the docks?" Akari yelled from the device.

Yuma looked down at his sister's transmission and began to quickly apologize, "Sorry Sis. No scoop here. I'll be back at the house in a bit." With that, he hung up and looked back at the sunset. Finally, he looked at Kotori and Astral. "Let's go."

The two nodded in agreement and all three turned toward the stairs. When they were about to start climbing Yuma felt his D-Gazer vibrate again. He took it out, expecting to see his sister's ID number on the screen. However, the number was one he had never seen before.

"Hello, who is this?" answered Yuma tentatively.

"HEY!" yelled the caller. "I don't think it's been long enough for you to forget me!"

When Yuma looked at the caller's picture he recognized the thick brown hair and red jacket immediately.

"I guess you can call this a handy souvenir!" added the caller.

With that, the entire group's shock turned into delight.

Astral floated a little ways away. "Observation Number 30: The past and future remain connected, sharing each other's strengths and hopes.

Author's Final Words:

Sorry Yusei had to find out about Astral so late, but out of all the characters (who have met Astral so far) I believe Yusei was the one who had the coolest reaction- acknowledging Astral silently and without hesitation.

Thanks for sticking with me through this and for all the support.

I hope you enjoyed this crossover.


PS: There's a sequel!