A/N: Okay, I'm sure at this moment you all would rather go on to read the chapter than hear about my lame excuses for being so late.

So here you go…

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

. . .

The Treasure In The Library

Sucking in a shaky breath through clenched teeth, Hermione hurried down a corridor with tears pooling in her amber eyes. She was cradling her hands and they appeared to be covered with painful sores. Since it was breakfast, the hallways were mostly empty as Hermione headed for the hospital wing.

It was all very frustrating for Hermione. Since the events of the second task, Hermione had been putting up with the constant teasing for being the thing what Viktor would miss the most. It didn't hurt Hermione as much as it seemed to annoy her. For the most part, she dealt with the mockery in a dignified manner. There were instances that Hermione received criticism for not being pretty or good enough for Viktor by his vicious fan girls.

"They're just jealous," Ginny would tell Hermione whenever they would talk about it.

Viktor was hardly ever around when girls were nasty to Hermione but on the few occasions that he was, Viktor would make a point to pull Hermione closer to him and glare at anyone who snickered.

It was because of that kind of act of affection from Viktor that Hermione made sure to not let the bullying get the best of her. So when Pansy Parkinson tried humiliating Hermione during Potions with a cruel article by Rita Skeeter in Witch Weekly that portrayed her as someone playing with both Viktor and Harry's affections, Hermione merely smiled sarcastically.

However, in this instance, Hermione was actually physically hurt by one of the readers of Witch Weekly. At breakfast, instead of Hermione's subscription of the Prophet arriving, she received multiple envelopes of hate mail. After opening the last envelope, a yellowish-green liquid gushed over her hands, which erupted into large yellow boils.

So instead of going Herbology, Hermione dashed out of the Great Hall to get her hands healed.

Hermione rounded the corner of a corridor and then immediately screeched stop.

Viktor was walking in her direction, speaking to a classmate in what sounded like Bulgarian. His attention quickly shifted when Hermione appeared and he called out to her, concerned by her obvious distress.

Too embarrassed, Hermione shook her head, turned on her heels and eluded Viktor by running off in the opposite direction. It wasn't long until Hermione head the sounds of rapid footsteps trailing behind her.


Hermione glanced over her shoulder and then slowed down since there was no possible way she'd be able to outrun Viktor. She had been hoping he wouldn't have followed her to escape explaining what had happened to her hands.

Hastily, Hermione wiped her eyes with the sleeves of her robes and tried to straighten up.

Viktor approached Hermione, evidently worried. There were lines formed in between his eyebrows. "Vhat's wrong? Did something happen—?" He broke off short, his observant gaze lingering on Hermione's hands. "Vhat happened to your hands?"

"N-nothing—! Nothing really. I—I'm just going to see Madam Pomfrey to—"

Hermione fell silent at Viktor's surly expression.

"Please, do not lie to me," gruffed Viktor, reaching over to touch Hermione's wrist. His long fingers skimmed over her injuries gently and Hermione winced in pain caused by the sores. "Ven did this happen?"

"Just now," answered Hermione. "Someone sent me an envelope filled with undiluted bubotuber pus."


Hermione faltered for a moment. "There was an article about me by Rita Skeeter that upset her readers."

"The von in that vitch magazine?"

"Yes," said Hermione, bowing her head to hide her face. She couldn't look at Viktor if he read that piece of writing.

"Vell, that voman vill do anything for a story, including making von up."

Relieved, Hermione peeked up at Viktor from her lashes.

"Come," said Viktor. "I'll take you to the hospital ving."

During more normal circumstances, Hermione would have protested but with the third task approaching, Viktor was once again busy preparing and she craved his company. "Okay."

"I vould take your hand but it seems that vouldn't be a good idea."

Hermione smiled slightly. "It's the thought that counts."

When they arrived to the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey quickly fretted over Hermione. "I'm sorry dear; it'll be a while before they're fully healed," she said, smearing some ointment for the tenderness on Hermione's hands. "For now they'll be swollen and stiff but I'll wrap them up."

Viktor sat in a chair beside Hermione, watching silently the entire time. His jaw was set and he seemed grumpier each time Hermione would whimper or tear up from the pain.

Once Madame Pomfrey finished, Hermione thanked her and then went out into the hallway with Viktor.

"I should get to class," said Hermione quietly.

Viktor stared at Hermione, his eyes dark. Then very gingerly, he brought her hands to his lips. "I hope you feel better. I do not like seeing you like this."

Lost for words and pink in the face, Hermione gave a jerky nod.

"I vill see you later then." Viktor leaned over and gave Hermione a swift kiss and Hermione felt his crooked smile as he did so.

Although her hands still made Hermione feel miserable, it was much more bearable as she walked to Herbology.

. . .

Large amount of hate mail continued to arrive for Hermione. Taking Hagrid's advice, Hermione refused to read them and tossed them straight to the trash. Unfortunately, there were a number of Howlers sent to her and soon the entire school was aware of the Harry-Hermione-Krum love triangle. It was to point that Mrs. Weasley had sent Hermione a pint-sized chocolate egg for the Easter holidays instead of the large kind Harry and Ron received.

What was irritating Hermione the most was figuring out how Rita Skeeter had overheard her conversation with Viktor. She had asked advice from Professor Moody and researched but came up with nothing.

"Drop it, Hermione," said Ron at breakfast. "It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does!" hissed Hermione, stabbing angrily at her omelet. "I want to know how that awful woman is getting all this information when she's been banned from Hogwarts."

"Suit yourself," grumbled Ron. "But don't bother asking me or Harry for help—"

"I won't," snapped Hermione, getting to her feet. Harry was giving his pancake platter a lot more attention that it deserved. "But don't you two bother asking me to help with your homework."

Ron looked horrified. "Wait—"

Grabbing her bag, Hermione rolled her eyes and went straight to Arithmancy. She ignored the constant glowers and whispers she received as she went, focusing on getting to class. Keeping her face neutral, Hermione passed a group of girls from the Beauxbatons school who made a point to snicker and send her nasty looks.

In class, Hermione had difficulty focusing on her notes since her concentration was constantly wandering away. She'd be lying if she said she didn't miss Viktor but she didn't want to be a bother when he had to plan for the third task. Likewise, Hermione had taken the liberty to train Harry as well, teaching him new defensive and powerful spells.

Sighing, Hermione tinkered with fine diamond bracelet hanging around her wrist. Simply looking at the gift brought a smile to Hermione's face. It meant so much to her and Hermione made sure to take good care of it. Every time Hermione was dazzled by the bracelet's sparkle, it reminded her of Viktor and their special night at the Yule Ball together.

It was a strange experience for Hermione to feel giddy over a boy but she didn't mind as much as she did before. Explaining how she felt for Viktor was extremely complicated for Hermione and that itself was a rarity.

Throughout the rest of Hermione's classes, she spent her time thinking of Viktor. She was trying to come up with some way to see him but faltered, she didn't believe she would actually go through with any of her ideas; she simply wasn't that bold or brazen.

When lunch time arrived, Hermione peeked into the Great Hall trying to spot Viktor at the Slytherine's table. He wasn't there so Hermione felt a rush and dashed quickly to the library with her fingers crossed.

Regrettably, the desk Hermione and Viktor shared was empty as well. Slightly crestfallen, Hermione made a move towards the door when she heard a rustle on the other side of a bookcase.

"Looking for me?"

Hermione jolted but then grinned happily. Peering through an empty space in the shelves was Viktor, a lopsided smirk growing on his face.

"I was wondering where you went," admitted Hermione, unable to stop herself from staring. "But if you're busy, I can go—"

"Don't do that." Viktor walked around the aisle and reached Hermione, his large hand cupping her cheek. "I vas hoping to see you too."

Viktor's lips found Hermione's in a very chaste but strong kiss. Hermione noted how natural it felt, as though it were routine, like they had done it every day of their lives.

"How are your hands?" asked Viktor as he pulled away.

"Better," said Hermione, her blood racing.

Viktor's mouth formed a tight line as he languidly examined Hermione's hands for himself. They were still wrapped with bandages but they did appear to be considerably better.

"I vant to know who did this to you," groused Viktor.

Audibly, Hermione swallowed. "It's fine, Viktor, really. I just want to forget about it."

Viktor didn't seem pleased but pressed no further. He loomed over Hermione, forcing her to back into the shelves and then he trapped her by placing his arms on either side of her head.

Hermione's breath hitched, overwhelmed by how close Viktor suddenly was. He leaned forward to speak into her ear—

"Now, there won't be any of that in this library!"

Squeaking, Hermione pushed Viktor away frantically. Madam Pince, the librarian, had popped out of the corner of the bookshelves looking irate and annoyed.

"This is no place for that type of behavior," she screeched, her eyes narrowing. "I have a right mind to report you two—!"

"Ve vere just leaving," grumbled Viktor, grabbing Hermione by the arm and hastily leading out before Madam Pince could do anything else.

Out in the corridor, Viktor made sure to guide Hermione as far away as possible. Once they were a good distance from Madam Pince, Viktor began chuckling.

Hermione started laughing as well. "I can't believe that just happened," she said between laughter. "I'll never be able to go in there again!"

"Then ve'll haff to find a new place," said Viktor, taking Hermione's hand.

Together they drifted into one of the castle's lonely hallways that overlooked the grounds. Towing Hermione, Viktor settled on a nearby staircase and then gently had her sit on his lap. When Hermione protested, her held her firmly in place.

"I vant you close," explained Viktor, his eyes darker than usual.

Incapable of marshaling her thoughts, Hermione kept still as Viktor watched her closely. His long fingers slipped down to her lower back, idly tracing circles there.

"Vhy are you so tense?" asked Viktor hoarsely.

Mouth dry, Hermione determinedly kept her gaze lowered. "I . . . I. . ."

"Vould you like me stop?"

"N-No," stammered Hermione, fidgeting. "It's just. . ."

Using his free hand, Viktor tilted Hermione's chin to face him. Hermione blushed and then grew redder when Viktor pressed her to his chest. There was something in the way Viktor enveloped Hermione in a warm embrace that tugged at her heart.

Viktor buried himself in the soft crook of Hermione's neck. "Just?" he murmured, nuzzling the exposed skin.

Hermione rubbed her lips against each other. She had no idea how to tell Viktor that he made her incredibly nervous. It was hard enough that he was a famous international Quidditch player but he was also much older than her and was more experienced when it came to girls.

Compared to Viktor, Hermione felt downright silly.

"I—you—" Hermione took a deep breath. "I get scared."

Viktor paused, perplexed. "Of vat?"

"Of disappointing you," mumbled Hermione.

Raising his head, Viktor looked at Hermione straight in the eye. "Vhy do you say that?"

"B-Because, you can have any girl," said Hermione, the words tumbling out. "Girls who are much prettier than me and—"

"Hermy-own-ninny, I vant you."

Dazed, Hermione blinked.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Viktor claimed Hermione's slightly parted lips. Unlike her, Viktor was not great with words but he made things perfectly clear with his actions. Hermione was able to understand Viktor's feelings for her as he made a point to thoroughly explore her mouth.

Soon, Hermione was overwhelmed by Viktor whose kisses became more demanding and feverish. The hand on Hermione's back slipped underneath her blouse, roaming up and down her sensitive spine.

Growing light-headed, Hermione barely managed to catch an unsteady breath. She clutched the front of Viktor's shirt to keep herself upright. It felt as though Hermione had exposed a part of herself but she was comforted that Viktor still accepted her. The sensations he created within her were surreal and wonderful and most importantly, reassuring.

Viktor returned to Hermione's neck, leaving a trail of kisses and occasionally nipping at the smooth skin. Becoming a bit bolder, Hermione tilted her head back to give Viktor more access. He worked his way down, lingering at her collarbone where he grazed the spot with his teeth.

Hermione let out an involuntary gasp.

Viktor moved back upward to kiss Hermione behind the ear and then her mouth. Arms looping around his neck, Hermione responded ardently, twisting her fingers with his hair. Viktor tasted like peppermint and Hermione found it strangely addicting as he deepened the kiss.

Somehow, Hermione was no longer worried or terrified of falling; she knew Viktor would catch her no matter what.

. . .

A/N: Welp, there you go. I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter even though it was mainly fluff. But hey, who doesn't like a sprinkle of fluff in their day? c:

Anyways, I just thought you should all know that the theme and rating of this story will eventually go up since we're getting much closer to all the physical stuff. Hehehe…. . You guys got a little taste of it towards the end but be warned, it'll get more intense as the story progresses.

Also, we're nearing the third task and the end of the school year which means summer is approaching! That'll be fun to write.

As always, thank you oh so much to the reviewers. They meant a lot to me ^.^ I'm happy to know the readers approve of my writing. Please continue to leave your own feedback!

The next chapter should be up soon. Thanks.